star wife loves me

Chapter 325 Creating a Music Studio!

Chapter 325 Creating a Music Studio!
Chapter 340 Create a music studio!
After singing three songs, Li Youyou stood there quietly, looking at Su Ze anxiously.

She didn't know what Su Ze meant, did she just want to hear her sing his song?

So in Su Ze's opinion, how did she sing?
Maybe you think she sings very ordinary...

Li Youyou was thinking wildly, and suddenly Su Ze, who had been silent all the time, said, "Can I sing a new song while reading the music score?"

"Ah?" Li Youyou was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses, and quickly replied: "Yes, yes... But... for new songs, I can't sing well, and I'm not proficient."

"It's okay, as long as you can understand the score." Su Ze nodded, turned on the computer, opened a document, turned the computer screen to Li Youyou, and said, "Try to sing this song."

When he was usually bored, Su Ze would write out the songs in his memory one after another and save them in the computer. He was opening one of the songs at this time.

"Oh..." Li Youyou didn't understand what Su Ze wanted to do, but from Su Ze's point of view, this is a new song.

Su Ze's new song?Li Youyou was a little excited. You know, many people who like music know that Su Ze's creative ability is very strong, but since "Dream New Song", he has not created many songs, and it is said that there are many first- and second-tier songs. Many singers went to Su Ze to ask for a song, but they were all declined. Except for Liu Yan, no other singer has ever received a song specially composed for him by Su Ze.

And now, Su Ze wants her to sing the new song he wrote?
Although it was not written for her, being able to sing it in front of others is also a great honor for her, a fan of Su Ze.

At this moment, Li Youyou had already left all the sadness and sorrow behind, she looked at the score on the computer seriously, and sang softly.

"Summer night, paper umbrella,"

"White sails,"

"Glittering on the lake,"

"The warm wind blows across the shore."

"This is what I can,"

"The scenery that comes to mind,"

"There is still some hope,"

"It's as romantic as it was then."

Li Youyou sang a little crumpled. After all, it was the first time she saw the score, and it was impossible for her to sing smoothly, but even so, she still sang the beautiful mood in this song.

"Winter Hills,"

"And hardy orchids,"

"The fisherman by the river returns,"

"Egret leaves the beach."

"It's me very much,"

"The Scenery of Missing,"

"Stay on the balcony and watch,"

"Half of the day is over."

The melody of this song is very simple, and it happens to be the type that Li Youyou likes and is good at, so she sings and sings more and more smoothly.She looked at the computer screen seriously, unconsciously immersed in it.

"It's just a habit at that time to say goodbye,"

"Everything is flat and unremarkable,"


"Actually, I didn't expect much,"

"After all, life is seldom complete."

She likes this song very much, not only because the song is well written, with beautiful lyrics and melody, but more importantly, this song is very suitable for her to sing, as if it was tailor-made for her. She didn't need to think about any methods or techniques at all. She only needed to sing according to her own mind and with the most natural voice, and she could sing this song comfortably and beautifully.

"At the end of spring, in the evening,"

"The clouds are fading away,"

"The swallows return under the eaves,"

"Human face blossoms,"

"The scene I remember,"

"Seeing that spring is coming again,"

"But the mood is waning."

She sang softly, Su Ze sat there and listened quietly, the more she listened, the more satisfied she became.

Very good voice.

Good talent and know how to work hard.

It is a good seedling.

Su Ze had a preliminary judgment on Li Youyou in his heart. Such a girl is definitely suitable for the road of music. It would be a pity if she gave up her music dream because she met a bastard like Ou Yunsheng.

An idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

This idea is related to his thinking after being educated by Luo Jiasheng some time ago. With these things in his mind, if he wants to show them purely by himself, he will not be busy at all.

If he were a singer, how many songs could he sing in his lifetime?What's more, many songs are good songs, but they may not be suitable for him to sing.

If he were an actor, how many TV dramas and movies would he be able to play in his lifetime, not to mention many roles that he could not control, such as Xu Sanduo in "Soldier Assault".

If he plays the musical instrument himself, how many musical instruments can he learn in his lifetime?It is always impossible to learn and play so many musical instruments in memory.

So his best choice is to stay behind the scenes and hand over most of the works to others.

Of course, this is not to say that he himself will stop singing and acting on stage, but that his power alone is limited after all, and he can only show those good works through others.

So... by what means?
selling songs?Sell ​​scripts?Sell ​​ideas?Of course you can, but if you sell all of them for money, Su Ze will feel unwilling, and always feels that he is taking advantage of those TV stations and entertainment companies.

So he had an idea-create his own team, develop slowly, and then form a studio to train his own newcomers.

Before he was hesitating, if he wanted to form the first team, should he start with music or film and television.

Now that he met Li Youyou, he made a decision in his heart—since he made his debut by singing, and his biggest advantage so far is also in music, then his career might as well start from a music studio.

Li Youyou was his first target.

A few minutes later, after Li Youyou sang the song, she looked at Su Ze with some apprehension but also some anticipation, wanting to hear what Su Ze would say and what kind of evaluation she had on her singing just now.

"Do you like this song?" Su Ze asked.

"Yeah! I like it! I like it very much!" Li Youyou nodded again and again, she liked this song so much.

"This song can be given to you."

Su Ze's next words surprised Li Youyou: "Also, I invite you to join my music studio and become the first singer in the studio."

"Ah?" Li Youyou was stunned, she didn't expect Su Ze to say such a thing at all.

Give her a song?And invite her to join his music studio?
what's the situation?
For a moment, Li Youyou felt that his mind couldn't turn around, so he stood there in a daze.

And Su Ze scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "But there is one thing I need to say first, the idea of ​​building a music studio is just what I just came up with... Cough cough, so the current studio is only us Two people, not even an assistant... But don't worry, if you join in, I will find a way to get you resources, and I will recruit people one after another to become a complete studio."

(End of this chapter)

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