star wife loves me

Chapter 338 Here Comes a Band!

Chapter 338 Here Comes a Band!
Chapter 360 Here Comes a Band!
Xia Yuling was dumbfounded.

She never expected that Jiang Yu would dare to beat her at this moment!
These people were obviously frightened, and she had clearly noticed the shock and fear in Jiang Yu's eyes just now, so she thought she was sure of Jiang Yu.

But who would have thought that Jiang Yu slapped her directly, without giving her a chance to react at all, and the slap was firmly imprinted on her face.


After being stunned for a moment, Xia Yuling finally came to his senses, let out a scream, and his face instantly became angry and ferocious. At the same time, he took a step back, turned his head and yelled at the fat man like a tower, "Hit her! Kill her!" !"

She came to ask for trouble, but was beaten by Jiang Yu in full view, and lost face to her grandma's house!

Xia Yuling wanted to fight back and beat Jiang Yu to death!She was going to take off Jiang Yu's clothes and throw Jiang Yu into the street!

The fat man standing behind her didn't react so quickly, so when Jiang Yu made a move, he didn't have time to make a move. Hearing Xia Yuling's order, he rushed towards Jiang Yu with a low growl. He stepped in front of Jiang Yu with one step, Stretched out two fat arms to catch Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu's complexion changed, but his feet didn't move. Instead, he shot towards the fat man's arm.

She can't retreat, if she retreats, she will lose in terms of momentum, and more importantly, she believes that she will not be hurt.

Sure enough, just when the fat man's hands were about to collide with Jiang Yu's, a figure suddenly came in from an oblique direction!
Everyone didn't even see it clearly, they saw this figure collide with the fat man, and then the fat man's body trembled suddenly, and the next moment, he fell off the ground with both feet!

boom -


He hit the pillar that Su Ze hit with the beer bottle cap before, and after a loud noise, the pillar was directly broken by him!
"Ouch, oops..."

He screamed in pain, but he was not unable to get up like the bar manager. The impact did not hurt his muscles and bones. He struggled to get up, and looked at the person who knocked him into the air in surprise.

This person was naturally Su Ze. At this time, he was looking at Xia Yuling with a straight face. Although he kept his mouth shut, the powerful aura emanating from him was many times stronger than Xia Yuling's arrogance.

If Xia Yuling is a turbulent river, then Su Ze is a vast ocean. Dark clouds gather over the ocean, and the surface of the sea undulates faintly, ready to set off turbulent waves at any time.


Xia Yuling was overwhelmed by this momentum and backed away in panic, staggered a few steps and almost fell to the ground, but fortunately was supported by his partner behind him before he stopped.

However, the person who supported her was also trembling in his legs.


There was another muffled roar, and after the fat man got up, he clenched his hands into fists, gritted his teeth and rushed towards Su Ze again.

Seeing this, Xia Yuling came to his senses and screamed again: "Hit him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him and I'll cure your mother!"

Hearing Xia Yuling's words, the fat man was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes suddenly became fierce. If he was just a thug before, he has already transformed into a ferocious beast at this moment, stepping on heavy steps, trying to kill Su Ze was smashed to pieces.

"Small kid!" Su Ze snorted coldly, and went straight to meet him.

He didn't throw a punch, he used his palm, and it seemed that he just pushed forward lightly, colliding with the fat man's menacing fists.

But the next moment, everyone heard the fat man groaning, and the legs that were rushing forward stopped there, unable to move forward!

"How old are you, do you want to learn how to fight like others?" Su Ze said in a low voice, grabbed the fat man's arm and lifted it up, and when his chest opened, he kicked him up.


The three-hundred-jin fat man fell off the ground again!

This time, Su Ze chased after the fat man directly, and when the fat man fell to the ground, he grabbed one of his arms and twisted his arms, only to hear a click, and the fat man's shoulder joint was directly removed by Su Ze, and he was dislocated!
Amidst the fat man's roar of pain, Su Ze followed suit and removed his other arm.

In a blink of an eye, the fat man's two arms were useless, and he could only lie on the ground and roar.

His expression was ferocious, and he exhausted all his strength, but without the support of his arms, this fat body became his hindrance, making him unable to stand up at all!
"Lie down honestly!" Su Ze clapped his hands, and instead of hitting him, he turned around and walked towards Xia Yuling and the others.

When he took a step, Xia Yuling and the others took a step back.

Take another step, and the opponent takes another step back.

They were arrogant before, but now there was nothing but panic on their faces.

what's the situation?
They have seen the strength of that fat man before, he is as strong as a cow, and the bar manager who weighed more than 100 catties was easily thrown out. In the weightlifting arena, I am afraid that such a person will not be far behind those professional weightlifters Bar?

But it was such a strong man in the iron tower who was unstoppable in everyone's eyes, and he was easily knocked down like this?

Looking at the fat man lying on the ground struggling and roaring, and looking at Su Ze who was not blushing and not panting, Xia Yuling and the others only had fear in their hearts!
Especially Xia Yuling, she couldn't imagine what it would be like if the kick that could knock the fat man down fell on her.

I'm afraid it will fly directly from this bar to the main road?

Who is this person?

"This... this... Su... Su Ze?"

Someone around Xia Yuling let out a low cry of surprise, and soon many people recognized Su Ze.

"Su Ze?" Xia Yuling was also stunned. She knew Su Ze, had heard Su Ze's songs, and knew that Su Ze was a singer.

That being the case, why did he appear at this party?Could it be the singers Duan Qiqi and Jiang Yu invited to cheer for them?
This is possible, but the question is, why does a little singer have such terrifying fighting power?
Is that human being?
"You don't come over—"

Xia Yuling was surprised and frightened, seeing Su Ze getting closer and closer, couldn't help but speak.

At this moment, there was a roar of an engine from outside the door, as if a car had stopped at the entrance of the bar.

Su Ze, Jiang Yu and the others looked towards the door of the bar, while Xia Yuling had a look of embarrassment on his face.

Soon, several well-dressed men in black jackets walked in, and one of them carried an electric guitar on his shoulder.

As soon as a few people stepped into the door, they looked at Xia Yuling first, and the man in the lead laughed and said, "Miss Xia, is the matter settled? Just in time, the brothers are here, and I will sing a few songs for Xia Yuling later." Miss and your friends to help!"

(End of this chapter)

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