star wife loves me

Chapter 346 The Rock Legend Begins Here !

Chapter 346 The Rock and Roll Legend Begins Here ([-])!

Chapter 370 The Rock and Roll Legend Begins Here ([-])!

Tang Laoqi sat down and said slowly, "I'm not interested in how many kinds of songs you can sing, I just want to know how many kinds of rock music you can sing."

Su Ze picked up the wine and was about to pour it for Tang Laoqi. Tang Laoqi covered the wine glass to signal that he would not drink, so Su Ze put down the bottle, "There are many kinds of rock music that I can sing, I don't know which one you want to hear kind?"

"Hey..." Tang Lao Qi laughed and nodded: "It's kind of interesting."

After a pause, he said: "After you sang "Dream Back to Tang Dynasty" and "Internationale" last year, I heard your name, and some old friends in the circle said they wanted to meet you, but then I still felt like continuing to watch it. Let's see. Then, you seem to be out of this circle in the past year. I heard that many companies want to sign you, and the conditions should be pretty good, right? Why didn't you sign?"

"I don't really like being restrained." Su Ze said with a smile: "Besides, I also want to do something other than music, so it's not convenient to sign a company."

"What did you do this year? I heard from Wang Chunlai that you sang two very good songs just now. Did you write them during this year?" Tang Laoqi asked.

"In the past year, I have done a lot of things, performing comedies, writing novels, and filming a TV series..."

Su Ze counted roughly, and then said with a smile: "As for the two songs just now, would you believe me if I said that I created them temporarily in this bar?"

"Oh?" Tang Laoqi blinked his eyes in surprise, but Wang Chunlai didn't tell him about Su Ze's temporary creation of "Blue Lotus", and his understanding of Su Ze was very limited, and he didn't know that Su Ze The brilliant deeds of creating ten songs in a row.

"So, you defeated the Black Wind Band with an improvised song?" Tang Laoqi tutted, "It's a pity that I didn't hear the two songs just now."

Compared with when he first entered the bar, his expression was more serious, and he looked at Su Ze with more expectation, "I can see that you are a smart person, so you can probably guess my reason for coming .”

Su Ze smiled: "Uncle Seven means...plan to test me?"

"That's right." Tang Laoqi nodded, and sighed softly: "Rock music has been neglected for so many years. Without a good environment as the soil, talents will also wither. I haven't seen it for so many years. A true rock and roll genius, but your boy's two songs are still a bit interesting... I just happened to meet again today, so I came to see you."

Look at what you mean is actually to look at your ability. Su Ze understood Tang Laoqi's meaning, and his expression became serious: "Then ask Uncle Seven to come up with a question."

"I originally planned to ask you what new songs you created this year, and then sing a few to listen to, but I didn't expect you to have such an ability to sound shocking."

Tang Laoqi smiled and said, "But since that's the case, I'm being polite, so I'll come up with a topic...Let me think about it."

He bowed his head and pondered, the bar was quiet, all eyes were on Tang Laoqi and Su Ze, everyone had different expressions and different thoughts.

Xia Yuling and her friends have already left in despair, but the Black Wind Band has not left. They still want to try to restore Tang Lao Qi's friendship. They are also resentful towards Su Ze and want to stay and watch Su Ze face Tang Lao Qi. What kind of performance the old seventh will perform in the assessment, I wish Su Ze would make a fool of himself.

Others are looking forward to it more.

Tang Laoqi, who had retired from the world for many years, turned himself into a grocery shopping uncle and appeared in a bar to assess the juniors in the music industry. If this happened to an entertainment reporter, he would be so excited that he would broadcast it live.


In fact, in the corner of the bar, the live broadcast of the host Dodo is still going on.

Dodo is just an ordinary contracted anchor on the shark live broadcast platform she belongs to, not as good as those big anchors with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of viewers, but she also has a group of loyal fans. Huo, the number of daily viewers is stable at around [-].

When she first entered the bar today, the number of viewers in her live broadcast room was [-]. After entering the bar, she captured Su Ze and the Black Wind Band. After learning that they were about to PK, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room began to increase. By the time the PK started, the number of viewers had risen to [-].

When the PK started and the Black Wind Band and Su Ze went on stage to sing, the director of Dodo's platform channel discovered the content of Dodo's live broadcast room, and decisively gave Dodo a small recommendation position, and made the cover of Dodo's live room It was replaced by a scene of Su Ze singing on stage.

All of a sudden, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room soared crazily, from [-] to [-], then [-], [-], until Su Ze finished singing two songs, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room rose to [-] in just a few minutes Seventy or eighty thousand.

Then, it was time for Tang Lao Qi to appear in the bar.

The executive who had been staying in the live broadcast room exclaimed and keenly judged that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity—not only an opportunity to increase Dodo's popularity, but also an excellent opportunity to improve the reputation of the entire shark live broadcast platform!
So he immediately applied to the leader, and changed the recommendation position of Duoduo's live broadcast room to the front page cover position, and changed the cover of the live broadcast room to Tang Laoqi's lens!
He sent a message to Dodo, wanting Dodo to get closer to take pictures, but Dodo didn't see the message.The supervisor thought about it, if Su Ze and Tang Laoqi found out that Duo Duo was broadcasting live, if they were too close, it might cause the other party's disgust and rejection... The corner is the corner, anyway, you can see and hear clearly!

After the internal affairs of the live broadcast platform were settled, many people from Shark Live, including the director, started to act—to promote!

Soon, such news appeared on websites such as post bars, forums, and Weibo——

"Tang Lao Qi was shocked to appear in a bar in the capital, come to Shark Live to watch!"

"Tang Laoqi examines Su Ze and intends to accept him as an apprentice? Shark Live will broadcast the whole process for you!"

"Sorry, Uncle Seven has become a grocery shopping uncle in the past, want to know how Tang Lao Qi is doing? Come to Shark Live Duo Duo live broadcast room—"

News like this caused a sensation in these post bars, forums, and Weibo.

Tang Laoqi?Su Ze?Assessment?Apprentice?Damn it, is Seventh Uncle, who has been retired for many years, coming out of the arena again?Want to take Su Ze as a disciple?Public assessment?

Tang Laoqi is a well-known rock singer of the golden generation, Su Ze is a newcomer with the highest talent and strength in the music scene, plus the rare gimmick of rock assessment...

Driven by curiosity, countless viewers and tourists flocked into Duo Duo's live broadcast room, causing the number of viewers in Duo Duo's live broadcast room to soar to 80, rushing to Shark Live No. The rate of 1 to [-] is increasing.

And at this moment, in the bar, Tang Laoqi, who had been pondering for a moment, raised his head.

(End of this chapter)

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