star wife loves me

Chapter 358 Xu Ling!

Chapter 358 Xu Ling!

Chapter 380 The fourth virtual bell!

The shakuhachi musical instrument is similar to the flute, but has its own characteristics. Up to now, it has been divided into two types: the ancient shakuhachi and the modern shakuhachi. The shakuhachi made by advanced technology, this kind of shakuhachi is characterized by its precise conformity to the modern temperament and rich levels of resonance and overtones. In fact, it is a very suitable choice for enthusiasts.

However, the shakuhachi held by Shunsuke Kazama is an ancient shakuhachi. It is made of natural bamboo. Eight incomparable characteristics - the sound is natural, simple, and deep, and it sounds more artistic in general.

Shunsuke Kazama put the shakuhachi on his lips, blew gently, and a melodious melody came out.

This is a good song, even Su Ze was quite surprised after listening to it for a while. Although Shunsuke Kazama has a bad temper, he still has talent.

So Yun Miaomiao became even more worried, could Su Ze defeat Shunsuke Kazama?

"Su Zejun...Come on..." Jingzi looked at Su Ze and murmured.

Only Liu Yan had a relaxed smile on her face, and deep love and confidence in her eyes - anyone could question and worry about Su Ze, but she wouldn't.

After Kazama Shunsuke finished playing a piece of music, he raised his head confidently, glanced at Su Ze contemptuously, then turned his head to look at Jingzi, and smiled confidently: "Jingzi, I named this piece 'Moonlight Beauty', I don't know if you like it or not?"

"So-so." Jingzi naturally knew it was a good piece, but she tried to remain calm and looked at Su Ze: "I'm looking forward to Su Zejun's performance!"

"Oh?" Shunsuke Kazama looked at Su Ze, and sneered, "Hey, after listening to my performance, you still have the nerve to stand here? Don't you want to go back to your country in despair?"

"Shut up your stinky mouth, or I don't mind stuffing my fist into your mouth." Su Ze glanced at him lightly.

Shunsuke Kazama didn't care about Su Ze's words, instead he laughed and said, "It seems that you are going to compete with me? It's so funny. I have never met a peer who dares to compete with me in the whole of Asia. Yes Now, what do you Huaxia will never die until you reach the Yellow River, right? Haha, it’s you who is talking about it!”

"We in Huaxia have a saying that we don't cry when we don't see the coffin. This sentence is for you." Su Ze said lightly, unwilling to take advantage of him, so he returned to the topic: "Since I want to win you, I must win you." I am convinced. So..."

He turned his head to look at the people around him, and raised his voice and asked, "Can anyone lend me a shakuhachi?"



"He wants to use shakuhachi?"

"A little ignorant, isn't it?"

"Su Zejun, think twice..."

"No way..." Yun Miaomiao's eyes widened: "Is Su Ze going to use shakuhachi to compete with Kazama Shunsuke? Don't be kidding, Kazama Shunsuke is known as the 'Shakuhachi No.1' among the younger generation, Su Ze can't beat him."

"How is it impossible?" Liu Yan squinted at Yun Miaomiao.

"This is shakuhachi!" Yun Miaomiao said anxiously, "Hurry up and persuade Su Ze to use a flute, Xiao, Guzheng or something!"

"What are you talking about?" Liu Yan curled her lips: "Although I have never heard of an instrument like shakuhachi, judging by its appearance, it is probably passed down from our China. Our ancestors just played with leftovers... "

"Oh, you don't understand. How can musical instruments be so simple? They are different if they are different. There is no simple analogy..."

"Ah, ah, ah." Liu Yan put her arm around Yun Miaomiao's waist, "My girlfriend is not afraid of his embarrassment, what are you afraid of? What's more, you think Su Ze will be the kind of person who is so stupid that he will deliberately use his weakness to others A person who competes in strengths? Hehe, if you want me to tell you, just watch and listen with peace of mind, this guy is definitely about to get slapped in the face again..."

Some people were surprised, some questioned, some ridiculed, some pondered, everyone had different reactions, but the shakuhachi was delivered quickly, and he was the president of "Tianfeng", and an old man with gray hair and slightly bald hand delivered it to Su Ze himself. He patted Su Ze on the shoulder, and encouraged him softly: "Come on, young man, you must be worthy of Ma Yuling's praise of you and our expectations!"

"Thank you!" Su Ze nodded, took the shakuhachi in his hand, and tried blowing it a few times.

Firstly, he needed to get back some of the feelings in his memory, and secondly, he wanted to try the timbre of this Shakuhachi.

This is also an ancient shakuhachi made of natural bamboo. Because of this, the timbre of each ancient shakuhachi actually has subtle differences. Ordinary people may not be able to hear it, but for experts, how to make it sound To control such subtleties is to prove his skill.

Shunsuke Kazama looked at Su Ze who was trying to play shakuhachi, and laughed again: "Look at your stupid look, can you play? Do you know how to play this?"

Su Ze didn't speak, and didn't look at him. He just looked serious, put the shakuhachi to his lips again, and started playing softly.


There is a long sound at the beginning, and a deep and ethereal feeling suddenly hits the face.

Immediately afterwards, the second long sound.

It was only during the third and fourth times that there was a slight change in the melody.

And it was just such a few short notes that made the eyes of everyone in "Tianfeng" shine - Su Ze knows how to play shakuhachi!
Shakuhachi comes from China. It has something in common with Dizi and Xiao, but it has a different style. It is inappropriate to use Shakuhachi to play flute pieces. It cannot play the crisp and agile feeling of flute. , but in the same way, his vast tranquility cannot be played by flutes.

The voices of the shakuhachi followed one after another, unknowingly, many people were attracted by this voice.

The artistic conception varies from person to person.

In a state, don't have delusions.In the boundless, pure and full.

The piece played by Su Ze is called "Xu Ling", which is one of the three famous shakuhachi pieces on the earth, or the first of them, because it is said that the other two pieces "Void" and "Fog Sea Chi" are composed of it. came.Xuling was made by the people of the Tang Dynasty. After it was introduced to Japan in the Song Dynasty, it is said that the Japanese felt that only one piece of music could not meet the needs of playing and practicing, so they wrote the last two pieces.

The biggest feature of this piece is the Zen feeling in it. The whole piece switches between simple high notes and low notes, simple, natural, without joy or sorrow.

And this kind of realm is exactly what many shakuhachi players in this world pursue and cannot achieve throughout their lives.

This sense of artistic conception is also a style that the Japanese and even all East Asians like.

For a moment, everyone was immersed in it.

(End of this chapter)

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