star wife loves me

Chapter 369 Fan fainted, personally rescued!

Chapter 369 Fan fainted, personally rescued!

Chapter [-] Fans fainted, rescued with their own hands!


Seeing the pale girl suddenly close her eyes, and her body was about to fall down, Su Ze was taken aback for a moment, then quickly pressed down on the signing table with one hand, turned over and jumped over the table, and when the girl fell Hug it before the ground!

At this time, the girl had passed out and fell softly into Su Ze's arms.

"Xiao Mei!"


"Sister Meizi!"

There was a sound of exclamation, and other people also reacted. The fans of the post bar fan group behind the girl quickly surrounded them, and one of the girls rushed up with a panicked expression: "Could it be Xiaomei's heart attack?" ?”

"heart disease?"

Su Ze was startled, turned around and shouted to Zhang Jiaxin: "Call 120!"

"Oh good!" Zhang Jiaxin recovered from the shock, took out her mobile phone and frantically dialed the emergency number, Xiaolong also hurriedly directed the staff to get busy, and Su Ze put her finger under Xiaomei's nose to test it out .

Not breathing anymore!
Su Ze's face tightened, and he grabbed the girl's wrist and put his fingers on the girl's pulse, and the heartbeat stopped!
Respiratory and cardiac arrest!It was indeed a symptom of a heart attack!

No way, I can't wait for the ambulance to come, so I must rescue him quickly!
"Is there a doctor, is there a doctor?" Su Ze shouted.

Everyone is worried, but you look at me, I look at you, there are nearly a hundred people present, and there is not even a doctor or a medical student!
"We can't delay any longer..." At this time, Xiaomei had stopped breathing for almost half a minute.

Su Ze remembered that during his freshman military training, a classmate with heart disease did not apply for military training exemption, and participated in the military training without the knowledge of the teachers and instructors. As a result, he suddenly had a heart attack during the military training, and his breathing and heartbeat stopped. The doctor at the military training site rescued him temporarily and saved the precious life of that classmate.

Affected by this, Su Ze had read some books on first aid. He remembered that the book once said that the life of a patient with respiratory and cardiac arrest is in the most critical state. At this moment, the brain needs a lot of oxygen, breathing and heartbeat After stopping, the brain will soon be starved of oxygen, and half of the brain cells will be damaged within 4 minutes!
If the patient can get effective first aid measures within 4 minutes of the sudden onset of the disease, the recovery rate is 50%, and these 4 minutes are called the "golden 4 minutes" for saving lives.If cardiopulmonary resuscitation is performed for more than 5 minutes, only 1/7 of the people may be saved. For every minute of delay, the success rate of cardiopulmonary resuscitation will drop by 10% to 10%. If it exceeds [-] minutes, there is little hope of recovery!
Nowadays, it is obviously too late to wait for the ambulance to arrive before doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Su Ze gritted his teeth, and now he can only try it himself!

"Let's go, let her lie down, I'm going to give her CPR!" Su Ze shouted.

Everyone hurriedly made a circle, Su Ze laid Xiaomei down on the ground, then knelt on Xiaomei's side, pressed her forehead down with one hand, and lifted her chin up with the other hand , Because unconscious people often have airway blockage due to tongue falling back, so pay special attention to this when doing artificial respiration.

Then, amid the stunned expressions of many fans, Su Ze leaned down without hesitation, pinched Xiaomei's nose, took a big breath, held it, and began artificial respiration on Xiaomei.

"Has it been photographed? Has it been photographed?"

The reporter from the Blue Island Evening News looked at Su Ze in surprise, and at the same time patted the video camera brother beside him, who nodded, "I've been filming it all the time!"

As media reporters, they naturally knew clearly that this was good news!

Not only them, but reporters from several other media have also reacted, taking pictures, taking pictures, and taking pictures!

Yu Zhongrui hurriedly came down from the upstairs. First, he saw Su Ze who was giving Xiaomei artificial respiration. He was slightly surprised. Then he looked at the media reporters next to him. Seeing that they were all filming, he subconsciously wanted to stop him, but he thought After a moment, he didn't move.

After a few artificial respirations, Su Ze felt Xiaomei's pulse, and found that there was still no heartbeat, so he got up quickly, folded his hands, crossed his fingers, and started chest compressions for Xiaomei.

After pressing for a while, Su Ze quickly started artificial respiration again. He had read first aid books, but to be honest, he couldn't remember clearly now, and it was one thing to read a book, but another to actually do it. Su Ze is neither a doctor nor a nurse, and naturally has no relevant experience.At this time, he can only try his best to save Xiaomei, and at the same time pray that the ambulance will come soon!
Su Ze knelt there, sweating profusely. He was not tired, but anxious!

Two or three minutes passed, and Xiaomei still didn't respond at all!

The fans watching were all in complicated moods at this moment. They stared at Su Ze and Xiaomei intently, and many of them had tears in their eyes.They were not only worried about Xiaomei, but also moved by Su Ze's behavior!
Faced with such a sudden situation, I am afraid that someone else must hide aside. At most, let those staff members help save people, and I will watch on the sidelines.But what about Su Ze?Seeing that there is no doctor, I went to the hospital without saying a word!

Without any hesitation or avoidance, he just kept busy there, doing artificial respiration for a while, pressing the heart for a while, and feeling for Xiaomei's pulse from time to time, and kept saying, "Wake up, wake up quickly!" ..."

Who has seen such a star?
Even if you put aside your status as a star, how many people are there with such a warm heart?

Su Ze didn't have the heart to think about other things. At this moment, he was focused on saving Xiaomei. He absolutely couldn't let such a young and flowery life disappear in front of him like this.

After a few more heart compressions, Su Ze put his hand on Xiaomei's neck to test it out, and was pleasantly surprised to find that he had a pulse!

He quickly tested Xiaomei's breath again, and he was able to breathe!

There was the sound of an ambulance in the distance, and there was a hospital nearby, and the ambulance arrived very quickly.

"Huh—" Su Ze sat down on the ground and let out a long breath: "I've been saved!"



"That's great... woo woo woo..." The girl who knew that Xiaomei had a heart attack might be Xiaomei's good friend. She had been staring at Xiaomei nervously just now. Seeing that Xiaomei was out of danger, she finally couldn't help crying up.

Su Ze took a few breaths, then gently hugged Xiaomei, and walked outside the Xinhua Bookstore surrounded by everyone. At this time, the ambulance had just arrived, and several nurses from the hospital helped Su Ze put Xiaomei into the ambulance superior.

"Whoever is a family member, follow along!" A female nurse shouted.

"I am!" Su Ze immediately got into the ambulance, and then shouted at the crowd: "I am familiar with Xiaomei, come and follow!"

That Xiaomei's friend and a boy got into the ambulance together, and the ambulance drove them to the hospital quickly!

Looking at the ambulance going away, someone in the crowd suddenly said: "It's worth it to be Su Ze's fan in this life!"

"Yeah, although we didn't get a signed album, so what, it's our honor to have such a loving and responsible idol..."

"I hope Xiaomei is safe and sound!"

Xiaomei was sent to the hospital, Su Ze went with the ambulance, Zhang Jiaxin, Xiao Cai Wang and the others rushed over, and with them were Xiaolong and other staff members, as well as several media reporters!
In fact, when these reporters were on their way to the hospital, they unanimously posted a few photos or videos with captions on the Internet in the form of short news!

After all, in today's society, the speed of information dissemination is extremely fast. What the news media pays attention to is to ensure the timeliness of the news and strive to release the news as soon as possible!
"Su Ze Lan Island's signing meeting encountered an unexpected situation. A female fan suffered a heart attack. Her breathing and heartbeat stopped. Su Ze personally rescued her!"

"The female fan suffered cardiac arrest, and Su Ze gave artificial respiration herself!"

"Landao stop is the last stop of Su Ze's first album "Lian Lian Feng Dust" signing event, and at the end of the signing event, a fan at the scene had a heart attack, cardiac arrest, and respiratory arrest Seeing this, Su Ze personally performed heart compressions and artificial respiration for this female fan..."

The sudden news appeared on the Internet, and soon caused an uproar. The video shot by the Landao Evening News even surpassed [-] hits in less than an hour, and the number of retweets on Weibo exceeded [-]!
On the Internet, this matter quickly caused an uproar.

"I'm going! When I saw the news, I thought it was fake. Who knew that after clicking on it, I could actually see Su Ze giving artificial respiration to a female fan!"

"It's unimaginable that a celebrity kneels there and gives artificial respiration to a small fan!"

"I'm so touched. I'm Su Ze's fan. I'm proud to have such an idol!"

"To tell you the truth, I would have been stunned, let alone saving people!"

"As a nurse, I have to say that Su Ze's rescue was done in a timely manner. Although his actions and procedures were not very standardized, it was very rare for ordinary people without medical knowledge! I looked at the time carefully, It took 4 minutes from the time the girl fell into a coma to recovering her breathing! Without Su Ze's rescue, if it took another 4 minutes to save the girl after the ambulance arrived, it would be hard to say whether the girl could be saved, and even if she was saved, I'm afraid he will become a fool because of the long-term lack of oxygen in the brain!"

"I used to read the news, and I was very moved when I saw a celebrity go to the hospital to visit a sick fan, but that can't be compared with Su Ze's saving lives today!"

"I don't know if Su Ze thought about how much infamy he would bear if he couldn't save this girl..."

"I don't know if you have noticed the sweat on Su Ze's forehead. You must know that Su Ze knows martial arts and must be in good physical condition. But in just a few minutes, the sweat on his forehead must be urgent! At that time, he must have been focused on saving people, how could he have time to think so much!"

(End of this chapter)

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