star wife loves me

Chapter 371 It's extremely funny to step on thunder!

Chapter 371 It's extremely funny to step on thunder!
Chapter 210 The second is extremely funny stepping on thunder!
The situation is full of twists and turns!
From Jiang Lin stepping on a mine, to Su Ze stepping on a mine, to Jiang Lin stepping on two mines, then they each stepped on a mine, and then Jiang Lin stepped on two mines.

And now... it's each of them stepping on a mine!
"Oh, it's too bad, I died from laughing——"

"It's fun, it's so fucking funny!"

"These two are so funny, they look like two young men!"

The audience laughed loudly, and some people covered their stomachs with laughter. This sketch is so interesting!

Even in the lounge, Huang Xiaoxia and the others were fascinated by it!
Su Ze and Jiang Lin fought each other again, and the two grabbed each other's neck.

"Stop moving, we'll both die!" Jiang Lin bared her teeth and shouted.

"Okay, then let go~" Su Ze said.

Jiang Lin: "Okay, let's let go together when I count to three! 1, 2, 3..."

But just when the audience thought that they were about to let go, the two suddenly yelled at the same time, and fought each other again. Su Ze started to fight vigorously, and raised one leg towards Jiang Lin Kicked, was hugged by Jiang Lin's hand, and then Su Ze lay down in Jiang Lin's arms, stretched his head to Jiang Lin's neck and was about to bite, Jiang Lin groaned in pain.

And at this moment, wearing a straw hat, bare feet, holding sugar cane in one hand, and a big basket of river fish in the other, she came out. Looking at the two men hugging each other, she was stunned. The sugar cane that I just took a bite out of my mouth fell out, and the sugar cane in my hand also fell to the ground.

"Hahahaha—" There was a burst of laughter from the audience, and some people were wailing with malicious intent.

A person is walking on the road and suddenly sees two big men embracing each other. The former hugs the latter's leg, and the latter puts his head on the former's neck. What do ordinary people think?
Hehehe... a bit dirty!

"Someone is here..." Jiang Lin patted Su Ze lightly, "Here is someone, get up, hurry up..."

Su Ze turned around, looked at Jiang Yu who was stunned, and smiled awkwardly, "No, it's not what you imagined..."

"Hey hey..." The audience laughed like "I understand".

But Jiang Yu looked at them blankly, and asked, "Is the war over? Have diplomatic relations been established?"

"You listen to my explanation."

"No time!" Jiang Yu waved his hand, "I want to tell my mother the good news!"

However, just when she took a step in a hurry, there was a "click" from under her feet, and Jiang Yu, who was originally excited, was instantly stunned!

"Hahahaha——" Everyone in the auditorium was laughing, and even Li Li, who was sitting on the side of the stage, was laughing non-stop, clutching her stomach.The stalk of stepping on thunder was really spoiled by Su Ze and the others. They stepped on thunder again and again, and each time they had different tricks!
It's hilarious!

The audience had a lot of fun watching it, and felt it was very fresh. They had never seen such a scene, such a setting of characters, such a setting of a plot, and the form of baggage!
The two countries are at war, and a soldier and a militiaman meet in the woods. According to the thinking of movies and TV dramas, it must be a desperate struggle, but here in Su Ze, it has become an ups and downs under the influence of "landmines". Bad luck!
"You'll have time to listen to my explanation..." Su Ze said.

"No!" Jiang Yu said coldly, then put down the big basket in his arms, took out a big stone from it, put it at his feet, then picked up the big basket and ran away quickly, " Mom—the war is over—"


"Oh! This guy is actually carrying a stone!"

"quite funny!"

Huang Xiaoxia and the others laughed at the same time, they were all amused by the twists and turns of the plot.

On the stage, Jiang Lin and Su Ze looked at the stone and were silent for a while. After a while, Su Ze sighed softly, "It's a trick!"

"See! Go!" Jiang Lin said, "Find two stones!"

"Then you step on this thunder for me!" Su Ze said.

Jiang Lin looked at Su Ze, and suddenly picked up the gun on the ground, pulled a bullet from the pendant hanging around her neck, filled it into the chamber, pulled the bolt, and said seriously: "When we meet on the battlefield, no one will Know who!"

"Okay." Su Ze nodded.

Jiang Lin took a step forward and stepped on Su Ze's land mine. Su Ze ran to the side and picked up a stone. Just as he was about to put it down, he suddenly came back to his senses, "Isn't it right? I suppressed the mine, Wouldn't you kill me with one shot? You can't wait until you go to the battlefield with your temper!"

"Please don't question the credibility of an American soldier!"

"Then you can't insult the IQ of a Vietnamese soldier!"

"Will you let it go!"

"Let it go, let it go! I can't let you go!" Su Ze said, throwing a stone forward!
"Ugh—" A painful voice sounded, and not far from them, a "dead corpse" that had been lying on its stomach since the sketch suddenly lifted up slowly, rubbing its waist in pain: " Then you can't put it on my waist!"

"I'll go! There's still one person here!"

"Uh... isn't that a corpse..."

"I'll go, well, this buddy is really dedicated!"

Amidst the audience's laughter and discussions, Jiang Lin slammed the gun and pointed at this person, and the person slowly straightened up, knelt on the ground and raised his hands.

This actor is Jiang Lin's good friend, and his name is Wang Zhongmin. When Su Ze wrote the script and said that he needed another actor, Jiang Lin recommended Wang Zhongmin.

After Su Ze got to know Wang Zhongmin and watched Wang Zhongmin's performance, he felt that his performance was more mature and his style was quite in line with his own requirements, so he readily agreed.

The current Su Ze is no longer the fledgling newcomer who stood on this stage for the first time as a singer. Today, he is a new comedy star in the hearts of countless audiences, and he is also the rating guarantee of "Comedy Star", not to mention In addition, let's talk about the last episode, because Su Ze informed the audience in advance that he did not participate in the recording of the show. As a result, when the show was broadcast, the ratings not only did not exceed the seventh episode, but almost fell below the data of the sixth episode. , which originally ranked third in the ratings of variety shows, suddenly dropped to No.5!

This shows that a considerable part of the audience of "Comedy Star" is watching the show for Su Ze, and only for Su Ze!

As for Wang Zhongmin and his little-known little actors who live and eat in small theaters, once they get on the luxury bus of Su Ze, they can show themselves on stage, let the audience remember themselves, let the show business circle If some famous celebrities and directors remember themselves, then their future journey will be much easier!
On the stage, Jiang Lin raised her hand, "Don't shoot! Don't shoot! I'm a war correspondent, let Reza!"

"What's your name?" Jiang Lin was taken aback.

"Let the thunder explode!"

Su Ze frowned and said, "Your name is quite bad, how can you call it Let Lei Bo, you should call it... Let Lei Nuo, let Lei No move!"

Wang Zhongmin picked up his camera from the ground: "The scene you just had was the most precious scene I wanted to record when I came to the Vietnam battlefield. Don't worry about me. Go ahead. I want people all over the world to see it." !"

Su Ze was surprised: "Can the whole world see it?"


Su Ze suddenly became excited, tidied up his clothes, and saluted the camera with a non-standard military salute: "Come on, Xiao Zha, come on, record me! Hello, the world!"

Then he pointed to Jiang Lin: "This is a very good sniper from the United States, just now he was captured by an even better Vietnamese militiaman who is unarmed and heroic!"

Jiang Lin was stunned, "No, no, in front of the seem like a different person, ah, can you be more real! Who was captured by you?"

"You are not captured by me, are you? That's fine, you go! You go, you are free, you are free, you are free!"

"I..." Jiang Lin looked at the landmines under her feet, "I, I, I, I am free, I, I, I, I, I have the final say on whether I can go or not!"

Su Ze was unhappy, and stared, "Are you still competing with me?"



"What are you doing?"

Seeing that Jiang Lin dared to play tricks on herself, Su Ze was happy, "come on! come on baby!"

At this juncture, Jiang Lin slammed into Su Ze's stomach with the gun in her hand. Su Ze fell to the ground clutching his stomach in pain, and then got up again, "See, even if he treats you like this I, I will not kill him, I want him to see with his own eyes how the Vietnamese soldiers won this victory, I want him to raise a white and fat man, be thirsty, ah, pick a fruit for you to eat... ..."

As Su Ze said, he walked to the tree. Under a branch, there were two fruits, one big and one small.

"Let me pick a big one for you!" Su Ze smiled, stretched out his hand to hold the big fruit, and twisted it.


The audience immediately understood, hahaha, it's another landmine!

There are even landmines on the trees!

Su Ze was about to cry too, "Who put this one in again, who did you say hello to? This is it!"

Then he looked at Wang Zhongmin: "Are you still filming? Come and save me!"

Jiang Lin also said quickly: "No, you come and save me first, you come and save me first, let's save him together, hurry up!"

"No, no, no, no, don't worry about him!"

"Save me first!"

Looking at the two people who were arguing, Wang Zhongmin smiled wryly, "Every family has its own hard-to-learn scriptures, and I'm also in a bit of a situation!"

"What do you mean? You also stepped on a thunder?"

This made Reza also step on the thunder?The audience also looked at Wang Zhongmin curiously.

Wang Zhongmin smiled wryly, and stretched out four fingers, "Four."



"Four! This is too bad luck, haha!"

"No wonder he has been kneeling on the ground. Looking at his posture, his feelings are like two thunders under his knees, and two thunders under his feet!"

"This skit is simply too funny!"

The audience laughed together, and the old dragons in the lounge were also laughing, but at the same time they were thinking.

The three of them now have landmines, and no one can save the other. What should we do next?
(End of this chapter)

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