Journey to the Heavens with a Punch

Chapter 175 Joining the Game Squad

Chapter 175 Joining the Game Squad
"right here?"

Xiao Chen pointed to the alley suspiciously, he didn't believe what this guy said.

"Yes, this is the base where we rested after the Darwin game in Kawasaki City."

The leading man didn't seem to see Xiao Chen's expression, and smiled kindly: "If you can't be affected by Darwin's game, you must be very talented, and you are the proud sons of heaven! No more challenges, come to Darwin Games, this fantastic place!"

"Extraordinary items, a lot of wealth, abilities, arms and weapons, everything you want is here!"

"I performed well and won the power of the team base given by the game, so every time I go in and out, I can be protected by Weili from being discovered! We are all given powerful abilities by the game, and the ordinary world and human beings can no longer restrain us in the slightest !"

His expression was very kind, as if he was inviting a high-achieving student to work in the company, but the small movements of the three unfriendly guys behind him did not escape Xiao Chen's observation at all.

These actions to prevent Xiao Chen from refusing to join the team from revealing the identities of these people as Darwin game players displeased him, but...

He really wants to join!
The mission assigned to him by the system to investigate Tonomachi has become: [Join the Darwin game with Moyu Kazama].

"No problem." Xiao Chen pretended to relax his vigilance and nodded, "Let's join, sir, is there anything you need to pay attention to?"

"Just call me Shenying, we only use the code name here." Shenying raised his hand to point the mechanical watch in his hand at the two, and there was an inexplicable light on it.

"Oh!" He suddenly screamed, "This damn stingy game actually gave rewards! Two gamers were invited, and the whole team can get 500 points of reincarnation essence, and I gave an extra thousand!"

Xiao Chen curled his lips, this Condor is fortunate to be the captain, so he yelled at the beginning?

However, the mixed expressions of envy and jealousy of the three behind made Xiao Chen slightly moved.

Although he is not afraid of the power of Darwin's game, it is because of system protection. If it is said that the power of this game is stronger than him, I don't know where it is.

Xiao Chen is naturally unwilling to give up opportunities that are beneficial to his own strength. From the expressions of those people, it can be seen that a thousand points of essence should be a lot.

As for the specific situation... let's wait until we understand the situation here.

Xiao Chen was a little curious, there were six people on the opposite side, including four men including the captain Shenying.But when they faced the eldest lady, except for the boy who looked very ordinary at first glance, there was no fire of desire in the eyes of the others.In terms of emotions, at most it was just a little bit of surprise at the young lady's appearance.

It was the Condor who spoke again: "Brother, is this your girlfriend? You are really lucky... I believe you two can do well here. By the way, let's join the Darwin game first."

As he spoke, he clicked repeatedly on a virtual projection screen projected on the watch.

Soon, there was a flash of light in the mechanical watch, and two identical watches appeared instantly, flying to the left wrists of Xiao Chen and the eldest lady.

"This is the watch of the game. With it, we can use the functions of the watch through virtual screen projection." Shenying explained, "Please don't use your real name here, first name yourself on the main interface of the watch. Gamer ID."

Both Xiao Chen and the eldest lady are well-informed people, so they didn't respond to these things, so they randomly created two IDs.


Condor looked at Xiao Chen's words that were different from hunters in the neon language, saw the characters that could only be understood from the shape of the characters, but some words that were difficult to understand from the meaning, he lowered his head and looked at Xiao Chen from the corner of his eye.

"Ah, I took Chinese as an elective in college. The hunter who speaks neon language has been registered, so I can only use this combination of four different characters." Xiao Chen lied without blushing and heartbeat. It revealed that he is a college student who is taking Chinese as an elective.

He found that several people here seemed to have neon rightist tendencies, and it would be difficult to fish in troubled waters if they exposed their identities as Chinese people.

The eldest lady thought for a while before choosing a name, but for some reason, after inputting it, it automatically changed to the word "Ailu" on the watch.

Elle is Elle.

The eldest lady pouted, she didn't feel much about joining this kind of place.

In her opinion, isn't this a hidden force like the Kazama family?At most, it's a little more high-tech, why is it so troublesome?

If it wasn't for being with Xiao Chen, she wouldn't even bother to afford a code name.

"Ai Lu? Good name, ahhh."

Condor responded a few times casually, and raised his hand to sign a team contract with these two newcomers who had just entered the Darwin game.

"Hint, the host and the host's designated object are invaded by the power of the contract, and the host and the host's designated object are bound by the power of an unknown contract, and they are being lifted..."

The monster hunting system was as safe and reliable as Xiao Chen had imagined, bringing the restrictions and contracts of the two into contact.

Since then, he and Miss Kazama have become the two most special existences in this Darwin game.

Without punishment, without jurisdiction, you can still take things and enjoy supplies.

Isn't this...a strong d...a strong man!

Xiao Chen nodded secretly, aibo really did not disappoint him.

Seeing that the hostility between the two disappeared, and everyone was reconciled, Shenying introduced several old teammates behind him.

"That tall and strong guy is code-named "Truck", he can harden his body. This Yujie is "Magic Fox", and the ability is to increase the favorability of others towards her. The one wearing a mask at the back is "Dream Gun" , He can add sleep energy to the weapon. Those two? They survived the random newcomers assigned by the game system in each round, the female is named An An, and the male is named Eisley, both college students."

Condor smacked his lips: "As for me, my ability is to summon Condor for long-distance reconnaissance. The four of us are veteran players who have experienced four games. He is a strong man!"

Xiao Chen and the eldest lady were at the end of the line, when they heard this, a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes.

This group of guys...haven't heard of it, haven't seen the martial arts world and the art world?

The cry of the condor interrupted his thinking.

At this moment, the two of them followed the team into the alley, and to Xiao Chen's surprise, there was actually a large open space, and a luxurious villa was built here.

"Ahhh!" Condor pointed at the three-story luxury villa, and said to the two with great interest, "This is the reward I got in the third round! One is hidden in a luxurious street, and it will never be discovered. luxury villa base!"

"Here, we can train, live, and if there is nothing to do, we can even play until the next game starts! No one will enter and disturb here, everything comes from the mysterious power of the game..."

When everyone entered the gate of the villa, Xiao Chen felt that there was no energy fluctuation, so he couldn't help but relax his vigilance.


The sound of several wooden doors opening, as well as the sound of chaotic footsteps, made Xiao Chen immediately vigilant, ready to take out his weapon at any time.

However, what happened in the next second really shocked his eyeballs.

Four young girls ran out of the house, brought tea and snacks, and served and changed the four "old players" who were walking in the front in the luxurious living room.

These girls are all glamorous and charming, the kind of peerless beauties who can score 101 points out of [-] points.

However, such a perfect body, in the eyes of Xiao Chen, who is different from the players who only have supernatural powers, the real transcendent, has a terrifying and uncoordinated feeling.

A few words flashed through Xiao Chen's mind: Uncanny Valley Effect
Of course, apart from their outrageous figures and faces, the reason why these girls amazed Xiao Chen's eyeballs was...they were not wearing anything.

Maybe it’s wrong to say that, they still wear some decorations, such as collars, chains, or suspenders and stockings and strange bracelets, and there are also the ones with only half of the jk skirt and cat ears + high heels...


Xiao Chen felt that little hand was poking his back again, and when he looked back at the young lady's expression, he felt wronged.

These girls almost scared him to the point of goosebumps, how could he have other meanings!

With a natural score of 99, I don't want beautiful girls with the same mind as myself, but to find some women who always feel like monsters... Xiao Chen said it was impossible.

Perhaps Xiao Chen's aura and his thoughts were perceived by the eldest lady, and the jealousy behind him quickly dissipated.

The four senior players changed their clothes, and three of them sat on the large sofa as luxurious as the living room. Condor came over and guided Xiao Chen and the eldest lady to sit on the sofa on the other side.

As for the newcomers assigned to the two games, they seem to have been forgotten.

Xiao Chen's eyes changed.

How could he not see the meaning of these four senior players?
First they showed their strength, and after they came in, they asked the naked girl to give them clothes. During this period, the four of them ignored Xiao Chen at all.

This is to give yourself a blow when you first arrive?

Xiao Chen is not an impulsive person, he decided to wait for the opportunity after they finished talking.

After all, the two of them came up with the name of the game "Imperial Decided", and when Shenying wooed them, it was easy to talk about it, so naturally it was not easy to make a move.

Shenying and the remaining three looked at Xiao Chen without saying a word, with satisfied expressions on their faces.

As long as he still wants to hang out here, he must first listen to the opinions and suggestions of the old players and the rules here!
(End of this chapter)

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