Journey to the Heavens with a Punch

Chapter 47 S-Class Collection

Chapter 47 S-Class Collection

The three people who escaped from Elder Centipede suddenly found a stream of light flashing across the sky in front of them.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of everyone.

"Boom boom boom..."

It wasn't until a few seconds after the streamer stopped in front of the three of them that they felt the waves and sound barrier that followed.

Terrible power.

Not only the three of them, but even Elder Centipede stopped their pursuit.

"Ah... Genos, I told you not to be brave, or you will have to ask your master or uncle to save you in the end."

Whether it was Genos or Banggu, they were all relieved to hear this voice in the light.

With him here, everything will be fine!

Although Bangpu didn't quite understand, seeing his brother Banggu's reaction made him feel a lot easier.

Chen Ye walked down with a smile, reached out and found three steaming duck eggs out of nowhere.

"Come, come, you three are all hungry, let's eat a salted duck egg first."

The appearance of these three duck eggs at such a tense moment is undoubtedly extremely disobedient, and the thinking of everyone and the elder centipede has entered a state of shutdown.

What the hell is a duck egg...

After distributing the duck eggs to the three stunned people, Chen Ye turned his head slightly and saw the dozen or so heroes tied together so that they could be dragged on the ground.

The corners of Chen Ye's mouth twitched a bit: "At first I thought you were miserable, but after seeing are alright. At least you won't rub your face against the ground hard."

Janos took the duck egg but didn't peel it off and eat it, but raised his head and said, "Master... that weirdo..."

"Two more looking for death??!"

Although the elder centipede is very powerful, it seems that it sacrificed something called "intelligence quotient" in the process of evolution.

Even after seeing the grand appearance of Chen Ye and Saitama, it was still unmoved, and rushed over with a grim smile.


Chen Ye interrupted its movement with his hand: "I have something to say."

Although he didn't know why he stopped, Elder Centipede suddenly wanted to hear this tiny guy finish.

"I'll give you a chance. You can choose one of me and my bald brother. As long as you can catch a punch from the person you choose."

Chen Ye said calmly, if he didn't listen carefully, he might even think he was reciting a poem.


Although Elder Centipede's IQ and common sense did not reach the level of ordinary people defined by Chen Ye, he could still hear the meaning of Chen Ye's words.

If it could speak the words of a difficult person now, the first thing it would do would be to scold Chen Ye severely.

Are you pretending to be an addict!

Facing the elder centipede rushing towards him, Chen Ye turned back unhurriedly and said, "Brother bald, is it you or me...?? Brother bald? Are you okay?"

Saitama seemed to be still immersed in the thrill of flying, he didn't even hear what Genos asked him just now, just bowed his head in silence.

"Then it seems I have to take action." Chen Ye said helplessly.

Elder Centipede screamed, and the giant head nearly [-] meters wide rushed over unstoppably, and then encountered a...finger.

"One finger, decide the universe."


Genos and Banggu closed their eyes and said silently in their hearts: "Elder Centipede, let's go."

As soon as Chen Ye pointed out, Elder Centipede's head exploded in an instant, turning into powder and ashes.

Afterwards, the remaining several kilometers of its body also slowly dissipated into fly ash.


At this extremely handsome moment, an inappropriate voice came from behind.

When everyone looked back, it turned out that Saitama was throwing up behind a tree trunk.


Chen Ye's leisurely temperament, which he had put on under his hands, instantly collapsed in this environment, so he had to stop his hands and turn around and sigh, "You must be, right?"

"No." Saitama frowned, lowered his head and said, "You flew too fast, a bug got into my nostril just now, and it hasn't come out yet!!!"



"It's really unbelievable! Such a huge and hard monster was destroyed to pieces under one blow..."

The council members at the headquarters of the association wiped the cold sweat from their brows: "Fortunately, the Blade of Night belongs to our side... This way the winning rate has also been greatly improved."

"That's not necessarily the case." A ten-year-old boy sitting next to him replied, "His identity is mysterious, and no other information about him can be found. It is ill-advised to assume that he will definitely join this activity to rescue the son of a high-ranking official. Let alone Say, what if he belongs to the weirdo?"

The congressman who spoke out before was startled: "Then... that child emperor, what should we do? You analyzed and eliminated the devil's transformation man and the silver fangs... If we continue like this, our fighting power will definitely not be enough!"

Tong Di was silent for a few seconds, bit the lollipop in his mouth for the last time, took out his laptop and put it on his lap to type and record: "Let's wait for Mr. King to come soon."


There was no wind and the door was opened automatically, but there was no one outside.


Several congressmen in the room stood up, looking in the direction of the door in horror.

"Call me here, what's the matter?"

King's face in Chinese characters suddenly appeared outside the door, and the thumping hearts of the councilors calmed down a little.

Tong Di took out another lollipop and stuffed it into his mouth from nowhere, and said to King vaguely: "Mm...Mr. King, have you... succeeded in breaking through your strength?"

"Hmm." King said in a deep voice, "Compared to before, it's a big improvement..."

"Then, take a look at this."

Tong Di turned the computer screen to face King.

King looked at the screen. In the video, a huge centipede monster was writhing in the forest.Then there was a sudden pause, and the centipede monster suddenly shattered from its head and shattered until its entire body disappeared.

"What is this...couldn't it be?" King wanted to analyze, but suddenly remembered those two figures.

Biting the lollipop, Tong Di said to King, "Mr. King, what do you think of the strength of this video?"

King glanced at Tongdi's expression, then turned his head to look at those councilors, understood the situation, and said in shock: "Your video is the battle video of Qi... Blade of Night?"

"Oh, Mr. King, you are both wise and brave, can you analyze this?"

Tong Di wiped his saliva and said in surprise: "Since you see it so clearly, then I'll just say it straight."

He met the eyes of the councilors, and continued: "Are you stronger than the edge of the night? Or, can you subdue him quickly?"

King sneered in his heart, the association is so ignorant...

"I don't know what the answer you want, but the reality is very cruel, I can't do it."

"I can't do it!!" Although Tong Di and the councilors had a premonition, they were still surprised, "How is it possible! You are the strongest on land! Could it be because you have a friendship with him?"

"No. If you want me to deal with him, then stop talking."

King said, deeply sighing in his heart for the corruption of the Heroes Association and the erosion of capital.

Glancing at them coldly, he walked out the door: "In a sense, the Edge of my teacher. Much better than me."

"Looking at the sentiments of the past, I advise the association to give up this stupid idea."


Seeing the king who was about to leave, the sweaty Tong Di shouted: "That's not the case, Mr. King, we are going to the headquarters of the Weird Association to rescue the high-level children. This operation is very important. Inner ghost!"

"Inner ghost? Hehe." King recalled the appearance of Saitama and Chen Ye, and said coldly, "The real strong will not use such a small trick."

"That means he is still on our side?! Great! Then we will be able to carry out rescue operations soon! Yawn..." Tong Di rubbed his dark circles. He had been searching for the location of the headquarters of the Weird Association for a day. Didn't sleep all night.


"Hmph, what did that pervert ask him to do? It's only bad things... Don't you officers believe in our strength? (д)"

The door in the other direction opened slowly, and several figures came in, and the one floating in the front was the little tornado that had just opened its mouth.

She floated onto the chair with a straight face, snorted, and said disdainfully: "That kind of guy will only be a disservice, we are enough, king, if you are afraid, go home and change your pants, don't waste your time here .”

"Ah! Don't want the tornado! That's the strongest person on land!!! Don't say any more!! You'll be killed!!"

Suddenly, a person appeared from the figure, standing between the two of them, trying to stop Xiao Longjuan's poisonous tongue.

No one but superalloy black light.

"Tch..." Seeing the behavior of the super alloy black light, the other person shook his head slightly and made a disdainful sound.

[S-level 14th flashing Flash]
He has long blond hair, and a look of displeasure in his handsome, knife-cut face.

However, he is indifferent by nature, just holding his saber [Shunshawan], standing there watching this farce, not intending to say anything.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm going to die!" Naturally, there was a flurry of jumps.

"It's ironic and humble that the person with the strongest body corresponding to me standing at the top of the speed is actually a peacemaker..." The flashing Flash finally looked at the super-alloy black light that was begging for mercy, Said with sarcasm in his words.

Standing next to Flash was a huge, fat man who had been eating. He was the pig god who was also an S-class hero.

"Stop arguing, everyone." Tong Di told everyone to sit down, "The zombie man is on his way by tram, and the sexy prisoner will be here soon. Atomic Warrior and his three disciples are downstairs..."

Counting his own combat strength, Emperor Tong felt more at ease: "Then let's start the meeting right away! With everyone here, this rescue operation is stable!"

 Regarding the update: Because the number of words is small and I just signed the contract, I will slow down first, and then it will explode!So I have the audacity to ask for votes, as well as collection and investment, all are welcome, please!
(End of this chapter)

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