Journey to the Heavens with a Punch

Chapter 52 The situation is not good

Chapter 52 The situation is not good

"Sikes, that's your name, isn't it?" Tornado floated in the air, raised his head and said indifferently to Yujie in white in front of him.

"Oh, I didn't expect the famous Mr. Tornado to know the name of my scum, hahahaha." Sykes pushed his glasses and laughed.

Tornado snorted nonchalantly: "It's just that I heard from my sister that you are an evolutionary human being who thinks that the power of thought is invincible, and wants to open up a new world... I didn't expect that your strength is not bad, but it's still The weak."

"Hehe, how can it compare to you... The strength of this telekinetic power is really worthy of the name, it is a monster. However, if you add black sperm, wandering emperor and natural water, and the ugly president, you should still be able to defeat it." Right!!!" Before Sykes could finish his sentence, several figures shot out from the ruins of the underground facilities in vain, attacking the tornado fiercely.

"Miscellaneous fish, not enough to see."

Having said that, Tornado still avoided all the attacks, and used powerful telekinetic power to attack the attackers back.

"Psychic power can only be used in one place! When you focus on attacking, it is the moment when the defense is the weakest, and this is the time!" Sykes, who was hiding aside, was actually fighting with the four weirdo cadres in the tornado While together, pounce from the rear!

Tornado wanted to distract himself to resist, but was blocked by the attack of the weirdo cadre and couldn't defend, and was hit hard on the head by a memory power.

"Have you never encountered an opponent who understands the weakness of telekinetic power in such detail, hahaha! Do you think you are the only one who knows telekinetic power? Then, arrogant brat, go to hell for me!" Sykes laughed wildly, using Nianli grabbed the tornado and threw it to the ground with all his strength.


A silver-white light caught the tornado from the extremely fast landing.

"Are you all right?" Ina Reiko directed Stardust Dragon to ascend, supporting the weak Tornado.

"'s fine..."

Tornado's head was hit hard, blood oozed from all seven orifices, but he was still trying to be brave.

"Who is this again? Forget it, it doesn't matter." Sykes stretched out a pair of slender hands, "Come down for me!"

"With your impromptu team, you don't even have metal knights and blasters. Do you really think that you can win with a trembling tornado! Even if the two of them come, it's not enough to see! How do you win us! Heroes Association, only It's nothing but a conceited capital product!"

She roared, facing the pressed hands of the Stardust Dragon in the air, she sent out all her thoughts.

Unexpectedly, under this attack, Stardust Dragon only trembled, and continued to fly away.

Sykes didn't expect this kind of result, and it was too late to pursue him, so he could only watch the Stardust Dragon fly away as a streamer.


After sending the tornado outside the arena to settle down, Reiko Ina, who had just returned, found that several more heroes had joined the battlefield, which barely brought the situation back a bit.

"Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist!"

"Whirlwind Iron Fist!"

The ugly big president, a dragon-level weirdo cadre, wanted to sneak attack when King, who had recovered from meditation, relaxed his vigilance, but was stopped by Banggu and Bangpu from the side.

The two of them move together in a perfect state, the strength and the moves are combined into one, turning into a dragon!
This is the strongest combined skill of the martial arts master, brother Banggu Bangpu: Jiaoyalong Killing Fist!
The power is so strong that it far surpasses the joint attack on Elder Centipede that day! !

"Boom boom boom!" The white and cyan light waves rushed towards the battlefield full of weirdos.

Faced with such a shocking attack, even the weirdo cadre who had just crawled out of the ground could only run away under the strength to avoid the attack, not daring to face its sharp edge.

A cross-toothed dragon killing fist smashed all the monsters except the dragon-level monster!Even the dragon-level cadres are in a state of distress, with many large and small wounds on their bodies.

"Mr. Silver Fang defeated them! That's great!" The staff of the association and the onlookers couldn't help cheering for the blow.

What's even more exciting is that those S-level heroes who lost contact seemed to have regained their physical strength and spirit, using the power of this martial arts move to rush out of the shattered ruins and return to the battlefield!

Everyone was overjoyed, even though Tornado was sent to rest because of a brain injury, King was still meditating to recover his strength.

The situation is also favorable to mankind!
Now, turn the offensive!
The heroes on the field confronted the weirdo cadres, and everyone was waiting for the opening to appear.

Just when everyone thought that the human race's chances of winning were greatly increased.

Sykes suddenly flew to the dark void created in the ruins because the underground facility was pulled to the ground, and shouted loudly.

"Master Big Snake King, it's your turn to act!!"

"Master Big Snake King, it's your turn to act!!"

On the other side of the weirdo cadres, the Wandering Emperor frowned and said, "Among the heroes, the superpower who can withstand my light attack has already been defeated, and I can handle the rest of the heroes by myself, so why do you need the Big Snake King? "

"Yeah, yeah," the black sperm said with disdain, "Speaking of which, I never thought that the image of a fat man made of white fat in Sykes's daily life was just a disguise? Her body is a weak woman?"

"Ha ha……"

There was no expression on Sykes's beautiful face, only the corners of his eyes moved slightly, but on the surface he didn't pay any attention to the words of these dragon-level cadres.


A crack echoed from the hollow.

Then, more and more, densely packed like rain.

"hold head high……"

First there was a rustling sound, and then a claw wrapped around a huge snake's head stuck out of the hole!



And weirdo cadres?

Do not!Sykes' title undoubtedly shows that this guy is different from those dragon-level cadres!

"This paw... is really a big guy..."

Banggu waved the fist of Liushuiyan, and said to Bangpu beside him: "Brother, this weirdo is extraordinary, be careful!"

The other heroes also looked dignified. These dragon-level cadres are indistinguishable from them, so how terrifying will this guy who looks far more terrifying than the dragon-level weirdo cadre now be?
The flashing Flash appeared from nowhere and joined the battlefield with illusory steps. Standing beside the heroes, he said in a Qi voice: "So you haven't killed even one of the weirdo cadres? It seems that I was the only one who killed two... ..."

No one responded to him, all the heroes concentrated their attention, waiting for the Big Snake King to appear, looking for flaws and suitable opportunities to make a move.


The big snake king climbed out of the hollow step by step, stepped on the broken stones and tiles, and showed its complete body to the world for the first time.


Zezinger, who was a few kilometers away, fell to the ground, terrified.

Is this really a creature?

The upright big snake king is 200 meters high, and there are countless snake heads wrapped around its body. Judging from the movement, stillness and shape, these snake heads are probably living creatures! !

Even the centipede elder didn't have such a shocking feeling compared to the Big Snake King!

What everyone didn't expect was that the Big Snake King moved his body dexterously, posing in the direction of the heroes in the posture of Flowing Water Rock Breaking Fist!
"Oh hehe... Lord Big Snake King is a genius, that [Hero Hunting] called Hungry Wolf was killed while challenging it, Lord Big Snake King also learned his martial arts along the way..."

When Banggu heard this sentence, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, followed by anger!

"Brother, this guy is not ordinary. His left hand is Flowing Rock Breaking Fist, and his right hand is Whirlwind Iron Fist."

Bangpu was different from Banggu's anger. His expression was a little nervous: "... This guy's moves seem extremely proficient. I'm afraid he has learned all the essence of hungry wolf martial arts in a short period of time."

"If it releases our combined technique with a body of this strength and size..."

Banggu stopped him: "brother, it's not the time to think so much and talk so much..."

"I see."


The flashing Flash couldn't wait any longer, and his figure disappeared instantly, appearing in front of the Big Snake King.

This huge guy couldn't see any flaws when he came up?Then I will use the speed of instant killing to open the loophole!

[Secret Technique Flash Slash]

This blow was a slash he was proud of, even the Atomic Samurai's speed of drawing a sword far beyond the speed of sound was not as fast as him.

However, before he finished cutting and retracting the knife, the snake head of the Big Snake King opened its mouth and bit at him at a speed no less than his!
What made him even more horrified was that Flash suddenly discovered that the favorite knife in his hand, Shunshawan, had turned into half of the remaining broken sword!

This shows that his slash just now not only didn't work, but also shattered his own knife!
How hard is the head of the big snake king? !

He broke out at full speed and stepped to avoid the bite of the snake head, but was thrown into the thigh by the neck of another snake head, interrupting his pace.

Flash made a decisive decision, and with the backlash of this force, his body fell in a disorderly manner, dodging the raindrops of attacks.

Flying back to the ground, he carefully put away the shattered love knife, and said sadly: "This guy's skull is harder than my blade, and the speed of the snake's head is even comparable to mine! Just now my thigh bone was hit by the snake's head. Hit, now shattered..."

"how is this possible!?"

None of the heroes expected that Flash, who was known for his speed and could be called invincible, was not only incapable of a single blow, but even suffered a disastrous defeat!

Seeing this scene, the two Banggu brothers, Sweetheart Mask, Pig God, Genos, and even Tongdi's robot attack together to attack the Big Snake King!

Ancient martial arts, super-powerful attacks, all-out lunges and bites, and even large-scale fire coverage, all these forces hit the big snake king together.

However, not only did everyone's joint attack not have any effect, but they were hit with a backhand by the Big Snake King.

By the time the attack was over, everyone had suffered serious injuries.

Sykes was watching the battle below from the sky, and laughed loudly with his chest folded: "Ahahaha, Lord Snake King is not something you guys can defeat! And you are not the only ones who can fight with numbers!"

"Dragon-level cadres, let these heroes born of lies and capital taste fear!"

Hearing Sykes' words, the faces of all the heroes were pale, and even a big snake king couldn't deal with it. What if those dragon-level weirdos who were already at odds with them were added? !
"Well, the Big Snake King has won the battle, let's continue to defeat these defeated generals."

The five dragon-level monster cadres did not give the heroes a chance to breathe, and launched an offensive at the same time.

The situation is not good again!
Although the heroes can still fight, defeat is only a matter of time!
Sykes laughed and said: "This is the future I foresee, the unstoppable fear! Weak human beings, just perish like this! You trash who call themselves heroes are invincible! Hahaha...uh..."

Her laughter stopped abruptly.

A silver-white dragon tail lashed at her waist, knocking her upside down from the air.

"Not necessarily."

Reiko Ina's face was full of arrogance, standing on Xingchen Long's back with a slight chill, she said: "Trash? Did you forget to count some people?"

She just sent the tornado to a safe place, and after watching the battle for a short while, the heroes were suddenly about to lose! ?
If it ends like this, how can she explain to her brother?

What's more, this guy dared to call the hero a waste!
Isn't this even mocking her favorite brother!
Damn this disgusting woman!

(End of this chapter)

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