Journey to the Heavens with a Punch

Chapter 55 What do I look like?

Chapter 55 What do I look like? (The whole family of the Festival Club explodes)

PS: The whole family of the Festival Club died suddenly. I dare not watch the second season of One Punch. I am really autistic. I owe the whole process and I can’t understand the edges and corners of the face. 4)


"Don't blame the past? What did I do?"

Reiko Ina raised her eyebrows and said sharply: "Am I at fault? Besides, my weirdos have made mistakes before, and it's not their turn to take care of me! I have my own punishment!"

"I will do what I should do, and please tell them that I don't agree."

Zezinger also felt disgusted by this behavior, but he could only pick up the phone in embarrassment.

"This little girl really doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, doesn't she want to survive in this society?! Zezinger, turn on the external speaker!" The voice on the other end was full of anger.

"That... the high-level executives want to talk to you." He looked at the girl.

"No, it's not necessary." Reiko Ina shook her head, ready to leave here.

"You little girl, do you really think you're as good as hitting a few weirdos?" A greasy middle-aged man's voice came from the phone.

"Do you really think you can do whatever you want? Do you want to be reduced to talking with weirdos and not survive in this society?! Let me tell you, if you don't join the association today, then the whole world will know that you are an accomplice of weirdos after tomorrow." This matter! No matter how strong you are, you must succumb to capital!"

"Can this kind of horrible weirdo be left in the society under your personal control? Impossible! Even if you are an S hero! Heroes are not qualified to make such a request!"

Hearing this, both the heroes and the dragon-level monster cadres frowned.

For the heroes, they have been trying their best to avoid becoming lackeys of capital and money, trying not to do things against their will, and the Heroes Association does only play a dispatching role in most cases, but the mouth-eating Short-handed and soft-handed, heroes are always subordinates of the Heroes Association, and they will usually do some meaningless things due to favors and situations, so although it is difficult to refute this sentence, I always feel a little uncomfortable.

For example, Metal Knight Beaufoy was secretly identified as a "dangerous thing" by the senior management of the association because of his private possession of a large number of high-tech munitions, thinking that he was a guy who could become a dragon-level monster at any time.

"Heroes should obey the order and protect the society." Sweetheart Mask ignored the eyes of the people around her, left behind a sentence.

The scene became a little chaotic.

Leaving aside the heroes, the three eccentrics subdued by Reiko Ina were born out of disobedience to restraint, discipline and legal ethics. After hearing such words, they clamored to kill this guy for their master.

But the other end of the phone became more and more excited, and even laughed: "Look, I have caught you, your weirdo subordinates openly said that they want to kill the top leaders of the Heroes Association, this is not anti-humanity, what is it? "

Reiko Ina was a little annoyed and said, "Do you really think you represent the association, and even the world!?"

"Hahaha, you are so naive and cute. If you figure it out and talk to me alone at the headquarters of the association, the problem can still be solved. It's easy to discuss."

"Whether it's your method of summoning monsters or you, I want to see it."

The man didn't answer, but at the end of the sentence, the filth and darkness in the words were fully revealed.

The heroes were shocked. Although they were bound by the association, they had never seen such a person.

Is this guy a rich nouveau riche who has just become a high-ranking member of the association, or a fool who treats Reiko Ina as a low-level hero?Really not afraid of death!
What the hell!
The S-class heroes who have gone through the situation just now still remember the strength of Reiko Ina in their hearts.

This is not the ordinary person that idiot thinks... There is a world of difference between the S-class heroes that the higher-ups of the association think are invincible and her!
Ina Reiko's dragon-level weirdo subordinates were even more stunned.

Is this what people said!
No, even weirdos aren't that disgusting!

Are we the real evil, or these human beings are the real evil!

These dragon-level monsters fell into deep thought.They began to wonder if they were really weirdos after all.

"Hehe, my way of dealing with a little girl like you is... the other S-rank heroes are listening, right? I'm going to tell you the truth, you are actually the follower of the person who has the real power in this world! Don't I thought I could do whatever I wanted with some power!" The voice on the phone became more and more arrogant.

Zezinger also showed indignation on his face. Although he is an officer of the association, he has been secretly training himself, hoping to become a hero!
Now being said like this, how can you be happy?

However, judging from what he has seen during his work in the association for several years, certain capitalists and upper classes are indeed not afraid of those S-class heroes.

Money is power, like mechanical transformation biochemical research, no matter how powerful a person is, it can't compare to the combined force of a group and money.

In the final analysis, what S-level heroes are above is just above the common sense of ordinary people, and it is not impossible for those guys to reach or even exceed.

But... this girl's strength is not what those S-class heroes can...

Zezinger had some thoughts in his mind.

Banggu sighed, and was about to go forward to answer the phone: "Fatty, rotten...I won't talk about other people, but she is that sister, I'm afraid she can't tolerate such bullying..."

After King heard this, he couldn't help his urge to kill.

This is not the case just now!Now he has to be on Reiko Ina's side!
"Oh... what did you just say? The signal here is not good, so I didn't hear you clearly." A hand reached out from behind Zezinger and snatched the phone, and asked into the microphone.

"Who are you? Forget it, whoever you are, don't you understand? A hero is just a running dog we don't want to spend our energy on policing the untouchables! Tell that person to listen! Tomorrow night It's her deadline!"

The voice on the other end roared.

"What's your name?"

The person on the phone laughed: "What? Are you still going to kill me? You have to know that my protection is..."

"Needless to say, I saw you."

Chen Ye said indifferently, and lightly crushed the phone by the way.

"Ye... Master Blade of Night..."

Zezinger first saw Fuxue on the side, then turned around and found that the hand holding the phone was from Chen Ye, and his legs began to tremble suddenly.

It was because of him that he remembered that Reiko Ina seemed to be Chen Ye's younger sister.

Reiko Ina was already so strong, so what about Chen Ye, who never made a full-strength attack? !

What's even more terrifying!The senior executive of the association just now seemed to have expressed his evil to Reiko Ina nakedly...

"Master Night's Blade... Calm down... Calm down! This guy is saying this because he doesn't know Miss Ina's identity... Don't be impulsive!"

He didn't care about the aerospace metal phone that had been crushed into powder, and hurried to Chen Ye to say something.

Chen Ye didn't answer him, but glanced at the weird people that Reiko Ina had just recovered.

Ugly President, Black Sperm, and Pochi the Dalmatians.

Chen Ye's gaze made the three weirdos feel great fear.

Under the gaze, their hearts trembled violently, as if they were about to stop beating.

This terrifying existence definitely surpassed the Big Snake King just now!No, beyond that god!
"The strength of these guys is barely okay. Monster cards can't be subordinates on weekdays. It's not bad to accept these guys as odd jobs..."

As Chen Ye spoke, he suddenly became serious, and shouted in the terrified eyes of the three weirdos: "But, they are so ugly!!! Pull them all out and give me a plastic surgery before coming back!"

Just as he was talking, a flame flew in the sky, and Genos flew over with Saitama.

"Saitama, you're here...then I can go about my business with peace of mind."

Chen Ye covered the faces of the three weirdos with a cloth, turned around and greeted the two of them, and then said to Chuuxue: "If you can't beat the hungry wolf, let Saitama do it. With him around, you will be safe."

"What is a hungry wolf... Yawn... I said Chen Ye... What happened here... My house was almost demolished! Why did you call me here in the middle of the night!"

Saitama yawned, a little strangely.

But when he looked up and saw Chen Ye's expression, he immediately became serious and asked, "What's going on?"

"A powerful weirdo may appear here soon. I'm afraid Fubuki's strength will be uncontrollable, so I'll let you take a look."

Saitama frowned, and then continued: "What about you? Is it enough for you to be here? I suddenly want to go to the bathroom..."

"Go back quickly."

There was an understatement on Chen Ye's face, but a smile that terrified everyone: "I...go to City A to do some errands, and I'll be right back."



The hungry wolf crawled out of the ruins.

Clenching his fists tightly, he knew that he was invincible, and today, he was going to let those guys know that it was time for the hero game to end.

The weirdos... the same.

After tonight, the Monster Association and the Hero Association will cease to exist!
In martial arts, he is confident that he can beat his master, Silver Fang Banggu!

Physically, even the perfect body of super-alloy black light is not his all-in-one enemy!
Psychic power?Sykes from the Monster Association made him adapt, and he knew the weakness of telekinesis!
He wants to expose the ugly truth about those self-proclaimed heroes.

There should be fear in this world.

Pure evil has to exist in the world, the power of hypocrisy is terrible, and the hero association that exists in the world because of the power of hypocrisy must be eliminated!
This is the creed of the hungry wolf.


He soared into the sky, and fell to the ground amid the astonished eyes of everyone.

"What's going on? Finally tore off the camouflage, no longer playing the hero game, but directly colluding with the monsters! Hahaha!"

Hungry Wolf saw the three eccentrics and the hero standing together in harmony and did not know what they were discussing, so he burst out laughing.

"Hey! Can you speak? These guys are my subordinates, and the ones who will atone for their sins in the future are no longer weirdos!"

Reiko Ina looked at the black figure that suddenly appeared, and felt a chill as soon as she opened her mouth.


The shield made a muffled sound.

Reiko Ina looked at the guy who rushed to her in an instant, and couldn't believe it.

This guy actually knocked out the [-] hp bracelet shield with a single blow!

Chuuxue snorted coldly, her long hair moved without wind, and her strong thoughts swept towards the hungry wolf.

"Psychic power? This kind of thing is useless to me!" Hungry Wolf put on a martial arts posture, protecting attacks from all directions.

Seeing that her usual mind-powered piercing attack hadn't worked, Fubuki used suppressive power to control the hungry wolf's body.

"Fix me? I know that telekinetic power cannot achieve both attack and control! Haha... um..." Hungry wolf flew out before he could laugh twice.

Fubuki's telekinetic power is very different from before, it can even be said to be a semi-finished divine mind, not telekinetic power.


Hungry Wolf was hit by a powerful force of positive thoughts, spit out a mouthful of black blood, and flew upside down a hundred meters away.

But he reacted in an instant, and under the shocked eyes of everyone, he stepped on the air fiercely and changed his direction.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect such a powerful existence... It's a pity that it's not enough!"

Landing on the ground, he wiped the corner of his mouth.

The hungry wolf's current appearance is like a human with two horns on top of its head, but its whole body is wrapped in unknown objects such as black bandages, debris, flesh and hair.

"The so-called hero is a hypocritical existence that wastes social resources! You will eventually fail..."

As the hungry wolf said, he stepped into the ground and turned around to attack the heroes.

perform evil
Facing Fubuki's countless telekinetic attacks, Hungry Wolf punched them out one by one.

He didn't use Flowing Rock Breaking Fist, Whirlwind Slashing Iron Fist, or any boxing and martial arts he had learned.

It's his own punch, a punch he created himself.

"I am a god-level weirdo who has never existed before, was born today, and dominates everything."

"My boxing technique is, Strange Harmful God Fist."

With the last punch, he predicted it, and hit back against the force of thought that Fubuki was facing directly.

This punch collided with the power of thought, and even the clouds and buildings in a radius of several miles were shattered and shaken away by the energy.

The hungry wolf actually became stronger in this short battle.

With the power of this punch, even if Fubuki set up several layers of telekinetic protection, he was repelled more than ten meters away.

"Ahem... No, I can't defeat him."

In the smoke and dust, Chuuxue choked and said, she knew that the current self was no longer the opponent of this person in front of her. This guy's adaptability and evolution speed were too terrifying!

"Huh? Don't you have any fighting strength?"

The hungry wolf came laughing wildly.


Knocking down the super-alloy black light and the sexy prisoner who attacked from below in an instant, he grabbed one of the necks with one hand, laughed and mocked.

"Too weak, too weak!"

Facing the heroes who can no longer fully control their actions and feel the fear of the unknown and powerful, his laughter is sharp and treacherous.

After defeating his former master and uncle with two punches, Hungry Wolf continued to move forward.

Without even turning his body, Hungry Wolf directly twisted his joints and punched backwards, sending King flying instantly.

A whip beat the three monsters into the ground, and there was no fighting power to stop them.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The hungry wolf laughed loudly, he finally reached the step of his dream.

He stopped, opened his arms in front of everyone, and said arrogantly: "What do I look like now?"

Although they have experienced the battle between the Orochi King and the God of Creation of Light, facing the hungry wolf who was no different from ordinary human beings but now turned into such a strange and terrifying existence, a thought arose in the hearts of the heroes.


(End of this chapter)

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