Journey to the Heavens with a Punch

Chapter 69 Negotiation Results

Chapter 69 Negotiation Results
[I thought people never asked for a hero's name after it appeared. ]
[My surname is Zheng, my name is Galio, and the name is Galio. ]
How ironic.

Many people in the Heroes Association thought so.

In front of the headquarters of the world-recognized largest hero organization, a large number of unknown armed robots appeared and fought with the people who came to ask for an explanation.

However, the members of the Heroes Association did not show up from the beginning to the end, and the situation was always controlled by an unknown middle-aged female voice.

What is the situation?
What is even more unexpected is that these inexplicable robots were defeated by the opponent's mere combat power. The personnel guarding the gate of the Heroes' Association sacrificed a lot of lives like a cult and wanted to destroy the opponent's power, but were defeated by the opponent's power. A stone statue is easily shattered.

Moreover, after the stone statue named "Justice Galio" fell to the ground, it actually claimed to be a hero?

It's so ridiculous that the name and prestige of the Heroes' Association have been wiped out.

After this defeat, no matter how the problem is resolved, the Heroes Association's depression and depression is a foregone conclusion.

Is it really possible to stay in a place where you can keep silent at critical moments and let the seemingly evil party stand up for you?

Many professional heroes have already begun to think about their future.

"Now, can we have a good talk? I am a civilized person and I don't like to fight and kill."

Chen Ye said with a smile.

In the meeting room, everyone suddenly found that the chief projection had been turned off. After looking at each other, the second investor took the initiative to pick up the microphone and said, "The Hero willing to negotiate with you..."


Chen Ye led everyone off the spaceship, landed on the ground, and saw Xiqi coming towards him.

"Unexpectedly, you still made your choice..." Chen Ye sighed, he really didn't understand Xiqi's choice.

"Sigh... don't mention this kind of thing again, I'm just an ordinary Xiqi." Xiqi shook his head, and was about to welcome Chen Ye and others into Steel City.

"Places like conference rooms are too boring. Let's go upstairs and negotiate in a familiar place like the roof?" Chen Ye said, and directly took everyone to the top of the Iron City.

Under Xiqi's surprised eyes, he took out a huge conference table and many chairs from his portable space and put them on the ground.

After everyone sat down, the remaining officers of the Hero Association and S-level professional heroes also arrived.

"The world is unpredictable. Last time, who would have thought that the next time so many people gather together, it will be like this..."

Xiqi glanced at Banggu, Longjuan, King and others beside Chen Ye, and sighed.

He carefully observed the people behind Chen Ye, and found a dazed metal bat holding a piece of watermelon in his hand, and sighed in an expected tone: "Metal bat... sure enough..."

Metal Bat: ? ? ?
Would you believe me if I said I hadn't thought about quitting and just followed the crowd all the way here? !
The metal bat hesitated to speak, and finally took a peek at Chen Ye before giving up the plan to speak.

This guy should be very rich to drive this kind of warship to go out. It is not impossible to join by himself.

"What are those machines?" Before the meeting started, Xiqi still asked curiously something he thought he would not respond to.

But unexpectedly, Chen Ye interrupted him: "Hand over Zezinger first."

"???" The members of the Hero Association and the S-class heroes present stared wide-eyed, but no one spoke.


Chen Ye was also surprised. Since he wasn't here, where was Zezinger?
Turning on clairvoyance to scan with all his strength, Chen Ye saw his figure, who was actually in...

Flowing Rock Broken Fist Dojo!
At this time, Zezinger was sitting in the dojo, motionless.

A few drops of cold sweat dripped from his head.

Although he was late for more than half an hour due to the traffic jam, why was there no one when he came here?
There is a smell of food in the air here. It is obvious that someone has eaten here, but what about those people?
Is it?

The more Zezinger thought about it, the brighter his eyes became. Could it be that Master Night Blade thought that he was not strong enough to join this organization, but gave him a chance to test his endurance? !
Then, even if you are hungry, you have to wait here!Wait until Lord Blade of the Night recognizes me!

Thinking of this, Zezinger's body sat up straighter.


Chen Ye was speechless. After a long time, it turned out to be an oolong.

"It's okay, I know where he is." Chen Ye immediately waved his hands to cover up his embarrassment, "I'm just joking with everyone, I haven't seen you for so long, how can I not liven up the atmosphere?"

Everyone in the Association of Heroes: ? ? ?
Do you know that your joke is scaring us to death!
"Okay, okay, back to the topic." Chen Ye continued to interrupt.

"Well... please tell me what you want..."

Chen Ye interrupted Xiqi again.

"Are you asking those guys just now? Except Galio is a creature born from the magic stone, the rest are all Hex technology!"

Xiqi: "...So that's the case, then we..."

"My Hex technology is number one in the world!"

Dr. Genos's dogleg behavior interrupted Sic once again.

Although he didn't know what he was talking about, Xi Qi felt that if he didn't bring the topic on the right track, it would keep being interrupted like this, and the meeting might last much longer than the fight just now.

"What is your request?"

Seizing the opportunity of Dr. Genos to take a breath, he immediately asked Chen Ye.

"Ah... let me think about it... ah..."

Chen Ye leaned back on the back of the chair, slightly shaking his body and dragging out a long voice.

"I don't seem to have figured it out yet... The main reason is that those guys lost too quickly just now. I finished the fight before I felt it. It's meaningless at all."

"Ahaha...haha..." Xiqi didn't know how to answer, and laughed dryly twice in cold sweat.

Seeing Chen Ye wandering in the sky, Fuxue and Ina Reiko knew that if they didn't go up, the meeting might have to be held until late at night, so they immediately ran to Chen Ye's side and whispered for a few rounds.

"Oh oh oh... yes, I see." Chen Ye sat up straight and said.

"First of all, the Heroes Association will issue a public apology statement to the society through all channels, and introduce our emerging hero organization 'League of Legends'."

Chen Ye snapped his fingers and continued: "Furthermore, the Heroes' Association will share the appearance of weirdos and various information with the 'League of Legends' in a timely manner in the days to come, so that we can execute justice much faster."

"Third, hand over that...that man named Cloyd, who is your 14th investor. And the owner of those robots just now, the number one investor also hand over."

Chen Ye frowned: "Other words should be... temporarily..."

"and many more!"

A bald head suddenly emerged from the crowd.

It was Saitama with the bald head, and he took Chen Ye's words with a distressed expression and continued: "Fourth, the Heroes' Association hasten to settle my last month's salary...It is very immoral to delay my salary."

Everyone in the Association of Heroes: Who are you...

"Yes, settle your salary quickly." Chen Ye patted his thigh, "And don't forget the salary of the metal bat, and you don't need to collect his medical expenses, so he also fought bloody battles for you S-class hero."

Xiqi looked at the League of Legends people who were starting to make a fuss, and said helplessly while holding his forehead: "Mr. Chen Ye, I have to say a few words."

"The first one is simply setting the Heroes' Association on fire... But in the current situation, I'm afraid no one in the Association will object." Xiqi and the staff next to him recorded the first condition.

Thinking of the second condition, Xi Qi had a headache: "Although the second condition... However, judging from the current situation, there should be no problem."

But he quickly turned into a bitter face: "Even if I and the association agree with the third one, there is nothing we can do! Cloyd disappeared before you came, and now we don't know where he is. And that The number one investor usually uses a projector to communicate with us, we don’t know her family’s position at all, we have a parallel relationship with her at best, we can’t do it at all!”

Having said that, looking at Chen Ye's playful expression, Xiqi was slightly startled: "But I can give you a letter of approval on behalf of the Heroes' Association. From now on, they have nothing to do with the Heroes' Association and will be included in the Blacklist. No matter what you do to them, the Hero Association will know nothing about it."

Xiqi rubbed his temples to relieve the tension, and then said a lot of words of explanation.

Chen Ye thought for a while, and it was fine if he agreed to the first two, and the third Heroes Association really had no choice, but since he said he would not cover up again, that was enough.

"Okay, then..."

"Sack!" Saitama's face came closer, and he murmured brokenly, "Gold gin gold gin gold gin gold gin (salary)..."

"Oh oh oh, this will definitely be, it will be, I just forgot to say."

Xiqi immediately explained that he could vaguely feel the horror of this bald head, and he might be able to instantly kill his own level...

This guy seemed to be only rated as a B-level hero in the association, and I seemed to have participated in the hero naming activity for him...

That naming activity wasted a long time, just like the association's hero level division... Now it seems really ridiculous.

After confirming all the details and procedures with Chen Ye, it was already dusk.

"Clap la la... Clap la la."

"It's awesome!"

"Touch yourself, what a fool!"

"Wow, don't you cheat!?"

From the corner of his eye, Chen Ye looked at several mahjong tables next to him composed of his own heroes and S-level heroes from the Hero Association, and Chen Ye was a little speechless.

Just let the boss work, and you will deduct all wages when you go back!Do you only call 666!
Xiqi put away the recording equipment and bowed to Chen Ye: "So many things have happened, thank you for your harmonious treatment!"

"Oh... that's all." Chen Ye sighed as he looked at Xiqi's hunchbacked figure.

Everyone has his own aspirations, and since he doesn't want to, he can just forget it.

It's a pity that there is one less powerful and active hero in the world, and one more important gear of the Hero Association, Xiqi.

(End of this chapter)

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