Journey to the Heavens with a Punch

Chapter 76 The History of Disappearance

Chapter 76 The History of Disappearance

"No history?"

Chen Ye went around again, but still couldn't find the classified bookshelf about history.

This library does not say that it has everything, but it also has five floors, not to mention that there is a lot of traffic here, how could there be no historical classification?

When passing by the other side of the elevator entrance, Chen Ye glanced at the electronic clock hanging on the wall: [Silver Ephemeris 43. Evening of September 9th]
silver star?And the calendar is only 43 years?
So, where did the history of this world go?
Fortunately, there was a lot of people here, and Chen Ye's behavior of wandering around in the library did not attract people's attention.

After thinking about it to no avail, Chen Ye took away a stack of newspapers on the shelf next to him, and casually flipped through them.

[The Allies are drafting new regulations today, and the inner city will soon start the restriction process, only allowing inner city residents and people with special visas from other areas to enter]
[Most of the stray space energy cores have been recovered, and the second phase of the "recovery ship" plan will be launched in the near future]
What are these...

"Dong dong dong..."

Suddenly, a group of people armed to the teeth rushed up from the bottom of the stairs, causing a commotion from the surrounding people.

But it seems to be used to it. Many people didn't feel particularly frightened after seeing the situation, but turned and left the library directly.

After the team dispersed, they checked and finally set their sights on Chen Ye.

"Huh, huh, huh..." After discovering the abnormality, they raised their black muzzles from different directions at the same time, aiming at Chen Ye.

The leader seemed to be the captain of the team. Seeing that he had controlled the situation, he raised his hand and pressed the communicator button on the side of his face. There was no expression on his face wearing a helmet and glass goggles.

He seemed to have said something to the other end of the communication, and finally nodded back.


Obviously, the overall communication channel of this team is public, and he does not need to order it. Everyone has opened the insurance and is ready for battle.

The team leader raised the gun in his hand and also pressed a button: "Fire!"

"Beep beep beep beep beep!"

After receiving the order, dozens of long guns fired at the same time, covering Chen Ye's face, but the sound was a bit wrong, not like ordinary rifles.


From just now to now, Chen Ye has been in a state of bewilderment.

But facing the incoming bullets, he didn't react at all, so he raised his arm and took all the bullets with the "Introduction to Bionic Human Design" with his backhand.

"What the hell? Anesthesia bomb?"

Chen Ye lifted the book and glanced at it, and found that the front end of the bullets stuck on the book actually had tiny needles.

Seeing that Chen Ye took the anesthesia bombs one by one with only his hands and books, those people who had been hiding aside and seemed accustomed to it as a matter of course immediately got up and ran downstairs.

That team had obviously never seen such a scene before, and took a step back in surprise. Under the command of the captain, they pressed the button on the gun, switched to the [Gauss] position, and continued to aim at Chen Ye.

But they didn't open fire right away, the squad leader seemed to be talking to someone.

From his expression, it could be seen that even the superior who watched from a distance through the goggles camera lens was extremely shocked by Chen Ye's behavior of catching the bullet.

"Understood, then we can only execute..."

The captain was reporting the tactical change with the other end, but the next second, he was speechless.


Seeing that he was still communicating with someone, Chen Ye turned around and pointed a wooden block on the bookcase towards his face.

The whole team didn't see what happened, only the disappearing communicator slot on the side of the captain's face could prove that Chen Ye had indeed launched an attack just now.

The team leader felt a little belatedly, and rubbed the side of his face stiffly. He swallowed and tightened his grip on the rifle in his hand. The containment team had never seen this kind of strength!
"What's the matter? You stopped talking? Why did you attack me?" Chen Ye no longer stood still, but stepped towards the team step by step.

"answer me?"

Facing the muzzle of the gun, Chen Ye walked up to the captain with a hint of sarcasm on his face, stretched out his hand to grab the muzzle of his gun, and twisted it into a twist.

"..." Everyone seemed to be silenced, not daring to make any sound.

"Look straight at me, bastard!"

Chen Ye reached out and grabbed the captain's collar, and lifted him over his head.

He felt this terrible power, and his legs trembled a little.Facing Chen Ye's questioning, he could only use loud questions to cover up his fear.

"what the hell you are?! (What the hell are you?!)"

Chen Ye threw him out casually, knocked down several bookcases, raised his hands high, and said with a smile, "I'm just a PlanesWalker (I'm just a planeswalker.)."



"Boom! Buzz! Buzz!"

Turning around this dark street, the huge motorcycle turned sideways directly to the ground and turned into an underground project hidden under the bridge hole, which may be a subway or a sewer.

Although the fumarole was shining like a fiery snake spitting out letters, the sound of this giant motorcycle as wild as a beast was extremely soft.

"Excuse me, what is the situation?"

Chen Ye was sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle, looking dazed again.

"Quiet! The road here is extremely complicated, I will explain it to you slowly when I get out of this place!"

In front of Chen Ye, the person driving the motorcycle was a woman about 20 years old. Because she had only glanced at it from the side, Chen Ye was still not sure of her real face and... her gender.

However, judging from the ability to lift a hundred-pound bookcase just now and the strength to drive this motorcycle, the curvy muscles on her body are real.

The motorcycle turned left and right in this underground project, and passed through two subway tunnels that were obviously in operation, and finally rushed out of the ground, sprang out of an open cave, and returned to the road.

"You can ask questions now."

With a shake of her head, she reached out and took off her long blue hair, revealing a shoulder-length crimson short hair, mechanically speaking as if she was indifferent to this kind of thing.

"Why do you want to……"

"Because an alien fool like you who has no strength and no understanding of resistance will be deceived by them and become a test subject."


"When I rushed into the library, I saw that you had already raised your hands and surrendered."

"Uh..." Chen Ye was about to answer [I just want to put on a cool pose and give those guys a shot at Shenluo Tianzheng] when he heard the voice of the system.

"The basic analysis of the world has been completed, the prerequisites have been met, and the master has triggered the main task."

"Main task one: Decipher the world view (at least 50%)."

"Mission reward: 2000 points coupon + 10 points."

"Main task [-]: [Phase [-]] Follow Irene Naudu without revealing your own strength.

Task reward: [Second stage]"

It can be seen that the current system does not dare to mention the word task failure punishment.

Chen Ye was about to ask the girl, but stopped when he heard the system's words.

Let's chat with her slowly first, and set out the world view of this world, just to complete the task of the system by the way.

After all, who wants to talk nonsense with a big man with a gun trying to kill you if he can chat with this girl who is willing to answer?
"Um... well, let me ask one by one, where are we going now?"

Chen Ye replied following the words of the girl identified by the system as Irene Naudu.

"Travelers temporary camp."

As the girl said, she drove the motorcycle with one hand, flicked the free arm, and a black brick popped out from the sleeve, uh... the communicator came out, and Chen Ye was stunned to see it.

Without mental power scanning, Chen Ye felt that any operation he saw now was very interesting.

"Company, this is the No. [-] courier Du. There is a regular courier and a small courier being delivered. Please open the warehouse door in advance."

"Received, please ask the courier to check the courier and the courier vehicle first to prevent rats and cockroaches from being mixed in."

"Understood." Eleanor pressed a button, and a faint light burst out from the car's rearview mirror and scanned it.

"No anomalous machinery and signals exist."

Listening to Chen Ye, he felt that their code words had some meaning, but after tasting them, he found something was wrong.

"What did you just say about the temporary camp?"

Chen Ye was surprised.

Eileen Nuo seemed to be used to Chen Ye's surprise: "Traveler, the general name of the Silver Star central government for you guys and what you like to call yourself."

"Looking at your appearance, it seems that you know the meaning of time traveler, right? In addition to your face and figure, you must be from a parallel plane of [Earth], right? Yellow skin, the earth you were on before has a country ? Which country are you from? China? Japan? Korea? Or...Vietnam? India? It shouldn't look like that."

"Eh..." Chen Ye was so surprised that he didn't know what to say.

"In this world, is the traverser actually a bad street existence?"

"That's right, in this world, traversers are a kind of rotten street existence...Of course, that was ten years ago, and they are still everywhere now, but they are not on the table anymore."

"Also, what country are you from?"

"I love you." Chen Ye thought for a while, and imitated Teacher Wu Jing's tone and said something.

"Oh..." Eleanor didn't seem to get the point, raised her hand to turn off the headlights of the motorcycle, pressed a few buttons, and glanced sideways at Chen Ye.


"It's okay, no matter what country you are from, as long as you stay in our temporary camp and disguise yourself when you want to enter the city, it's safe."

"Is it not safe for traversers?" Chen Ye asked doubtfully.

"These things are too many, let's wait until we enter the camp." Eleanor suddenly mentioned the front of the car.

This motorcycle suddenly protruded several jets from the bottom and sides, spouted flames, and flew up!
"Compared to the earth, the technology of this world is much stronger. If it weren't for the endless troubles that have come to this planet, I am afraid that the Silver Star government would have cleaned up this chaotic and loose situation long ago?"

Eleanor stroked her hair, looked at the shining moon above her head and said to herself: "The attacks of those blue streamers on the third right arm of the fairy really don't stop. It's late at night, and they are still running the defense field at full capacity." ..."

Chen Ye frowned and said, "Is this moon an artificial satellite?"

"Of course, here is different from the earth, 28 hours a day, this moon was built by the Silver Star government 15 years ago for the friendship with the traversers... It's a pity."

"What a pity? Then in the middle..."


Suddenly, the motorcycle shook violently, and Eleanor slowly controlled the vehicle to land.

(End of this chapter)

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