Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 101 Sea Soul Liquid

Chapter 101 Sea Soul Liquid

"Red blood, don't push people too much!" Amer roared, obviously very afraid of the tail of the Red Blood Demon Lord.After all, when the two of them were fighting, they had to stare at his tail distractedly, and they didn't know when it would be sad to be attacked.

"Humph. You came to my red-tailed clan's forbidden area and said that I was too aggressive. I think you didn't take my red-tailed clan seriously." As he spoke, the steel fork shot out suddenly.

Although the battle between the two was exciting, Wu Tian was not in the mood to appreciate it, because Wu Tian was already close to the sea soul liquid, and the three sea soul liquids were scurrying around above the tank, but they didn't leave there. Go, and sure enough, there is a hidden defense array, trapping the sea soul liquid inside, Wu Tian carefully releases the true essence and converts it into magic essence through the magic ring.Slowly blending into the defensive formation, just then a roar sounded.

"Damn it! Why is there another one?" Saying that, the Scarlet Blood Demon Lord flew back, Wu Tian was shocked, he was found, and he wanted to hide, but there was no hurry, the steel fork that came flying came with a sharp When the aura came, Wu Tian immediately retreated, shaking his true energy, and the magic energy instantly protected his whole body and flashed outward.Retreat not far from Amer.

Alme looked at Wu Tian vigilantly, it's fine that he hasn't noticed this guy since he's been here, but the Scarlet Blood Demon Lord didn't seem to notice either, this guy's hiding technique is better than our dark night.Chi Xue stared at Wu Tian with a murderous look on his face, as if he was about to rush over at any moment.

Wu Tian secretly sighed, there was also a trigger formation on the defensive formation, NND you really have a heart, Wu Tian secretly vowed to learn the formation well after returning.

At this moment, Amer rumored that "practice, one person works together, and the last one will fight for their own skills"

Wu Tian nodded instantly without thinking, because the Scarlet Blood Demon Lord rushed over.The two quickly attacked the Scarlet Blood Demon Lord. The interior space of the cave was too small to display their individual abilities. The three of them clashed with each other and finally exploded the top of the mountain.

boom.Three figures flew into the sky in an instant.The ten figures outside were also fighting with each other. It seems that they have been fighting for a while, and there are big pits around them. It seems that their strength is not ordinary. Seeing that Di Mai and Mo Lao fought well, Di Mai was ruthless in an instant. Hitting the ground fiercely, Wu Tian knew the racial skills of the Chiwei tribe, and it seemed that the Chiwei tribe was indeed terrifying.Especially the super masters of the great demon period.

When Wu Tian and the others flew out, the ten people stared at them blankly.Apparently it didn't occur to them that they were fighting too.In an instant, the two groups of people will reconcile.

The Red Tail Tribe pay homage to the Scarlet Blood Demon Lord "Master Patriarch"

The Scarlet Blood Demon Lord nodded faintly, and looked at Wu Tian and the seven of them.

Mei Linsi flew over and stopped beside Amer and said, "Did the cousin succeed?", Amer shook his head slightly and looked at Wu Tian.

Mei Linsi looked in the direction, and immediately yelled "Thief! Shameless guy, see if I don't kill you!" Angrily, she was about to rush away, but Amer immediately stopped her, now is not the time for internal fighting , Merlins struggled hard.

Wu Tian shrugged helplessly slightly, but still sniffed his claws in front of her.

Mei Linsi was ashamed, "The thief will definitely kill you today." How many others were stunned?this is where

Amer obviously didn't know that Mei Linsi knew this guy, but now was not the time to fight, if he let Chi Xue get close to him, there was almost no possibility that he and others would be able to leave.

Oka said in an instant, "Now everyone is joining forces to deal with the Chiwei tribe. Afterwards, everyone will fight each other." Looking at Amer and Wu Tian.

The two nodded, and the Scarlet Blood Demon Lord groaned angrily, "Your Gulas clan doesn't have the ability to be presumptuous with our Red Tail clan, so you rushed towards Oka." The old opponent Caesar, after all, his tail was half eliminated by himself, and his strength was naturally greatly reduced.

But Agula rushed to Caesar's gate and hijacked him. The two were fighting just now and they are still fighting together. After all, Agula is only in the early stage.Wu Tian helplessly scolded Agula for being unkind.But Wu Tian didn't think about whether he was kind or not.

Jia La saw Wu Tian rushing over in an instant. Wu Tian just wanted to shoot the fairy sword, and Santers robbed Jia La. The two were also old rivals. They fought together and fought fiercely.Wu Tian looked at Gala helplessly, causing Gala to attack Santers angrily.

Alex fights Dimai, Mo Lao rushes towards Amer in an instant, Meilinsi is about to come over to teach Wu Tianke, but Amer robs, stares at Wu Tian fiercely, and fights up, everyone is attacking the Chiwei tribe from far away, Hit and flash.

Wu Tian suddenly found that he had no opponent.I opened my mouth and wanted to say: Who am I fighting against?But seeing the people fighting happily, Wu Tian was too embarrassed to disturb them, so he quickly flew into the cave to take away the sea soul liquid.

Everyone noticed Wu Tian's actions, but he and others were all watched by his opponents. If he left suddenly at this time, he would be greeted with a thunderbolt. The Chiwei tribe in the late stage of the big demon is still very relaxed. After all With a high level, the Red Blood Demon Monarch Moyuan vibrated, the steel fork twisted away Oka, and was about to rush to Wu Tian, ​​Oka's hair stood on end instantly, and flew towards the Red Blood Demon Monarch.

Gulas racial skills.Sword silk.It was his hair standing on end in an instant.Become like a flying sword.Shoot opponents.It was also incredibly fast.Chixue's tail flickered helplessly.

Just for a while, there was a loud noise in the cave, obviously Wu Tian had bombarded the defensive formation with all his strength, and there was no need to hide any more at this time.

Then Wu Tianfei shot out, looked at the joyful crowd and said, "You guys hold on first, I'll clean it up for you, those little ones go."

Wu Tian rushed towards the cave at the foot of the mountain as he said that, and everyone roared angrily when they heard that no matter what the team had been released.Twelve energies blasted at Wu Tian, ​​Wu Tian was shocked, don't do this.

Get back quickly, boom.The cave was shattered by the crowd, and the big rock instantly flooded the cave. Wu Tian glanced helplessly and flew back and said, "Hey, it seems that you are all great masters, so naturally I don't care about you."

Everyone secretly despised Wu Tian for his thick skin, and Mei Linsi stared at him with evil eyes.

At this moment, the two people alluded to Wu Tian, ​​Caesar, and Gala.

The two of them had very big opinions on Wu Tian, ​​so Wu Tian hurriedly retreated helplessly.Everyone knew that everything was on Wu Tian's body, so they immediately surrounded him for fear that Wu Tian would trap him away.Seeing the opportunity, the Red Blood Demon Lord shot at Oka suddenly with the steel fork, and Oka naturally kept paying attention to the Red Blood Demon Lord.

The crowd fought together again, Santers and Oka teamed up to deal with the Scarlet Blood Demon Lord, after all, he was the fiercest here.This time it was Meilinsi's turn to have no opponents, but Meilinsi kept staring at Wu Tian, ​​and when she saw Caesar and Gala attacking Wu Tian, ​​she got an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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