Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 112 Tavern Information 2

Chapter 112 Tavern Information II

Seeing Wu Tian shaking his head, Bing was taken aback, this is almost a human being, everyone knows it, why don’t you know, could it be that you are stupid in cultivation, and secretly despise Wu Tiandao” More than a hundred years ago, I heard that two immortals in the cultivation world , Competing, what about the wonderful fight that destroyed many cultivation planets? I heard that the places they fought were not suitable for cultivation, and the last immortal actually blew himself up."

Wu Tian was startled, the Immortal blew himself up, that was so fierce, a self-detonation in the late stage of fusion almost made Wu Tian unable to get up, but that time will always be remembered in his mind, so the Immortal blew himself up.Just thinking about it is terrifying.

B took a sip of wine and continued, "The fairy's self-destruction was too powerful, and he directly opened the sealed passage. The place where the passage was located is next to the zombie tribe in the south. The Evil Zombie King was a catastrophe and scattered demons back then. I saw someone open the passage , and quickly led a lot of men to the cultivation world. Who didn't know about this back then? And many races wanted a piece of the pie. They all rushed to the cultivation world."

Wu Tian was stunned. He knew that his master also participated in the battle a hundred years ago. The cultivation world heard that there were countless casualties, and Qingqing's family was also attacked. Qingqing seemed to have said that he was the Evil Zombie King Wu Tian was secretly horrified by the attack, one calamity of scattered demons, that is equivalent to one calamity of loose immortals, loose immortals are almost invincible in the cultivation world, and the biggest enemy is God.

Bing continued, "One of the two fighting immortals is dead, and the other is not much better. He was almost useless, but that person has some skills. He used a magic weapon to blast the Brahma."

Everyone was stunned, angry again and again, their news was well-informed, Brahma is the enemy of the demon world, naturally they also know the consequences of attacking Brahma.All secretly angry with Brahma

Sure enough, C continued, "After the Brahma was opened, a few people came out and rescued the immortal. The immortal used something to make the masters of the Brahma help them clean up the demon cultivators who ran out from our demon cultivation world." , "Everyone's cold air is direct, as if they are about to kill Brahma.

C "Hey, after all, there are fewer people running over us, and the passage was blocked by the Brahma masters. Those people never came back. They must have been strangled by the masters of the cultivation world and Brahma."

Everyone sighed, if they were going to disperse more demons, maybe they would be able to occupy the realm of comprehension?Wu Tian hates the cold, if you all pass, how will we live?Thinking evilly.

C changed the topic when he said this, "Have you heard that Master Osabel has crossed the catastrophe?"

A and B nodded, their eyes showed regret.Wu Tian was taken aback?Osabel?Could it be the Three Tribulations Scatterer that Ossalin mentioned?Seeing everyone's faces, God knows that the most powerful person who cultivated the demon world failed to cross the tribulation.

Bing said, "Master Osabel is also a generation of geniuses. Although he failed to cross the tribulation, he is still worthy of respect. Not every scatterer can reach the three-tribulation scatterer. There is no single scatterer in the world of cultivators." Thousands, maybe eight hundred, but the Three Tribulations of Scattering Demons can be counted with one hand. Hey, another one has fallen. This Scattering Immortal really can't cultivate, no matter what, he will die in the end."

A and B nodded, they still knew this, and C continued, "But do you know which Lord Sanma has successfully crossed the catastrophe in the past 20 years?" C looked at A, B and Wu Tian mysteriously.

This time the three of them shook their heads together, B looked around, smiled slightly, and drank another sip of wine, Wu Tian really wanted to rush up and shoot you to death, pretending to be B.

Bing saw that everyone's hearts were almost mentioned, so he said, "Master Evil Zombie King!" Woke everyone up with a word?
Wu Tianfa asked, "Didn't that evil Zombie King go to the realm of comprehension? How can you know how to cross the tribulation successfully?"

Yes!Evil Zombie King, didn't he go to the cultivation world more than a hundred years ago?how do you knowEveryone looked at C suspiciously.

Bing didn't mind the eyes of everyone, but smiled and said, "Haha, you really don't walk around in the world of repairing demons. I have a friend who belongs to the zombie clan. He told me that the evil zombie king unexpectedly returned to the world of repairing demons 20 years ago."

Surprising?Especially Wu Tian, ​​20 years ago?Isn't that the time to cultivate the Demon Realm by yourself?Evil Zombie King is clearly in the realm of comprehension. Even if he is alive, he has no ability to open the channel. The channel needs a minimum of three robbings to open, and this guy said that he only survived the second robbing in 20 years. In other words, when he came back, he should be a lone immortal?
One calamity of Sanxian can't open the passages from all walks of life.this.what's the problem?And why did I appear in the world of cultivating demons?Wu Tian has always wanted to know this question.Would it be related to the Evil Zombie King that he came to cultivate the Demon World by himself, or was it just a coincidence?Be sure to be clear, I have to go back to the cultivation world, the master is about to ascend, and I have to see him, Wu Tian suddenly realized that he was so eager to go back, this place is not his own at all.Because I am a cultivator.

Wu Tian immediately said, "Then what else did your friend reveal? Let me know." Now I want to get more news, and everyone raised their ears, obviously wanting to know.

C looked at the crowd.He looked at Wu Tian again.Wei Wei shrugged and said, "My friend is only in the realm of conjugal magic. His status in the zombie clan is not too high. That's why he knows the news." Everyone was disappointed.Wu Tian also sighed.

Lima pulled to the side of Bing Road and said, "Wu Tian is here, dare to ask?"

"Guiguzi" immediately saluted, Wu Tian quickly took out a lot of fairy stones and stuffed them into Guiguzi.

Guiguzi was taken aback, brother Wu is this?But the subordinates were not slow, and immediately took it over and put it in the savings ring.

Wu Tian secretly despised, "Brother Gui, I would like to know some information about Lord Evil Zombie King, please ask your friend to inquire more, the benefits will naturally be indispensable."

When Guiguzi heard the benefits, he immediately agreed to ask, "Then how can I contact Brother Wu?" Wu Tian took out a battle talisman, which is a rumor talisman he made when he was bored, and it can communicate within a planet.

"Just use this notification, I will come right away," Wu Tian said.

Guiguzi took it over and put it away, and immediately cupped his hands and said, "See you later."

Wu Tian also returned the gift, and Mei Linsi was surprised, why did Wu Tian want to hate the news of Master Wang?Still so concerned?But this is Wu Tian's personal secret, so it's not easy to ask.

Wu Tian sat back, his brows were not untied this time, and the two drank the wine silently.

Wu Tian suddenly said to Mei Linsi, "I want to see the Sanxian from Mosi City, will you come with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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