Chapter 136 Fire City
This is a concentration of craters.When Wu Tian and the others came here, they saw three large craters erupting into the sky, and the city of fire was located in the middle of the three volcanoes.The triangular-shaped tripod was halfway up the mountain, and there were strong formation fluctuations at every corner of the city wall. Cha Mulin explained that it was the fireworks erupted from the defensive volcano.

Wu Tian sighed, if it was on the earth, where would people dare to live after a volcanic eruption, they would have run far away.

The three of them flew to the fire city, it was very lively here, not as hostile to outsiders as in the water city, Wu Tian didn't understand why this happened, Cha Mulin explained, it was because there was a scatter demon in the water city.Wu Tianming understood, the three of them were walking on the street, Wu Tian asked, "The next stop is Tucheng, should we go now or take a day off?"

Just as Cha Mulin was about to answer, a demon-dispelling expert nearby said to Mei Linsi, "Little girl, you look beautiful, don't you?"

Wu Tian was taken aback by the master who dared to molest the big devil.Has the world changed?It's crazy, I guess anyone here can crush this girl, I'm looking for death
"Crack." Merlins slapped her with a palm.The demon was shot away.People around look at it.It turned out that it was a master demon who was about to rush up, and the demon division period was immediately obliterated.

The master who was knocked away immediately got up and yelled, "Bitch! How dare you hit me? Do you know who I am?" Then he looked at the masters who were around and said, "Why don't you go up there?" help me catch her"

A master of dispelling demons said, "She is a master of demons!"

Mei Linsi's fierce aura instantly overwhelmed her.The few people who were frightened could not stand still.The beaten devil-splitting master looked at Mei Linsi with a gloomy face and said. "You wait!" Take this person and run away quickly.

Wu Tian didn't know until now that there is basically no difference between the cultivation world and the secular world.It's just that the ability in the cultivation world is greater. According to Wu Tian's thinking, a cultivator should be pure-hearted and inaction, and focus on cultivating the mind in order to achieve perfection.But what Wu Tian sees now is the smoky cultivation world.

Could it be that these people have all practiced Taoism and gone to the beasts?There are also cultivators molesting beautiful women? ?Wu Tian said, "Do you want me to kill him?"

Meilinsi turned her head and gave Wu Tiandao a hard look, "Didn't speak until now? Humph" and strode forward.

Cha Mulin patted Wu Tian on the shoulder and said, "I also think it's superfluous for you to talk now." Hehe followed the last time with a straight smile.

The corners of Wu Tian's eyes twitched, I just sighed a moment ago.The dejected ones followed.

Cha Mulin said, "Let's just rest here for the night. We'll go there tomorrow. It's not good to go too fast." Cha Mulin looked around.

The three came to the tavern, eating and drinking, Wu Tian tried his best to ask Meilinsi to forgive her.Meilinsi was happy in her heart, but her expression was neither cold nor indifferent, Wu Tian secretly scolded that kid for causing trouble for him.

At this time, a few big demons and the master of the demon division stage who were beaten just now came out of the door.

The man came in, looked left and right, pointed at Wu Tian's table and said, "That bitch is there."

Those big demons looked over, Wu Tian learned how to behave this time, and immediately walked out and looked at the distracted man and said, "Damn you, if you dare to moleste my junior sister, your father won't even know you if I don't beat you up." , my surname is not Wu, and I rushed up after speaking."

The big demons saw that Wu Tian was only at the initial level of the big demon, and immediately went up to meet them. In order to show more performance in front of Mei Linsi, Wu Tian didn't explain to those people. Is the big man Jie Sanmo here?What is Wu Tian afraid of? Fuck it.

Wu Tian is a celestial armor, he doesn't even need a celestial sword, he just came up with his fists, a few big demons wanted magic weapons, but at this time, the place in the tavern was small, and there seemed to be some masters here, as soon as they fought, they were imprisoned next to them No matter how hard he broke through, he couldn't get out. At this time, the strength of Wu Tian's body was revealed.One person singled out several great demon masters, anyway, here are all enemies, how to turn around and how to fight, those great demon masters are depressed to death, Wu Tian is very slippery, the space is imprisoned, they can only teach Wu Tian with very vulgar kung fu , fortunately, he also has the Great Demon Realm, although his body is not as strong as Wu Tian's, but it's not too bad.

But the master of the magic point was depressed.Wu Tian slapped him in the face every time.The direct hit made him extremely painful.It is said that his physical strength is already very good in this realm.But Wu Tian is fiercer than him.Wu Tian was so fast that he shuttled back and forth a few times and beat the distracted master into a pig's head.It drew laughter from all around.Wu Tian retreated quickly.At this time, the surrounding restrictions also dissipated.

The big demons were very angry and wanted to use magic weapons. A cold snort made them stop their fire. Cha Mulin looked at them indifferently. Gone in disgrace.

Wu Tian clapped his hands, said a few words of apology to the surroundings, then returned to the table, and immediately looked at Mei Linsi courteously.

Meilinsi gave Wu Tian a light glance, Wu Tian knew that Meilinsi was not angry anymore, and immediately drank happily, causing Cha Mulin to shake his head.

Wu Tiancai didn't care what Cha Mulin did.Tease Mei Linsi from time to time until she blushes, Mei Linsi is very annoyed.

Wu Tian asked, "The next stop is Tucheng, what are we going to do?"

Cha Mulin took a sip of wine and said, "When we arrive at Tucheng, we just need to cross Tucheng and set up a big formation on their back mountain. After that, we will wait for the treasure to be unearthed, but I will send you to the front of the formation before that." The location may be very close to Evil Zombie, but don’t be afraid, I will help you hide your aura, as long as you see us forming a big formation together, you can just collect the soil in the middle.”

"Then how do I escape after I collected the soil?" Wu Tian and Meilinsi were most concerned about this issue. Wu Tian knew about Cha Mulin's plan, so naturally he refused to risk his life.

"You don't have to worry, you just need to stay in the eyes of the formation. If the evil is gone, he will not be our opponent. At that time, the three of us will join forces to kill him. As long as he dies, you will be safe. The treasure first Don't worry, in our big formation, anyone who gets the treasure will be killed by us," Cha Mulin laughed.

Wu Tian had a lot of chills, but those were all scattered demons, not big demons?Can you kill casually?But Wu Tian also knows that when they reach their level of storage, it will be the same as Wu Tian's current state. It is not difficult for Wu Tian to kill one or two big demons now, but the premise is not to be too perverted. , Wu Tian is really not confident?After all, it was absolutely no fluke, which made Wu Tian very afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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