Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 243 Charming Ghost

Chapter 243 Charming Ghost

Wu Tian was horrified when he heard the word Guijun.At this time, the ghost called to go away.How dare to stay.In an instant, the extremely changed and retreated thousands of miles.As soon as three powerful attacks appeared.First of all, a white hood confines the space with a radius of ten thousand li.sea ​​and sky.Zhi Tian and Zhong Lou appeared in front of them.

Wu Tian looked back and saw a charming woman with fiery red hair and a plump figure. Her protruding fingers showed her abilities. It was the first time she saw Guijun, and she was inevitably a little nervous. At this time, Xiangyun and Cailing were already terrified. But when he saw Mr. Mei Gui, he respectfully called out "My lord!"

Mr. Meigui ignored Xiangyun and Cailing.He just looked at Gui Tian coldly and said, "No wonder you can break through my imprisonment. It turns out that you are also a ghost. I am being rude."One word is amazing.It turns out that Guitian has already reached the realm of Guijun.Chonglou looked at Guitian in surprise.There were some scruples before.Now it's scary.The ghost king is worried.It's no different from Grim Reaper.If there were Haitian's words of comfort just now.Then at this time he lost all backstage.

Hai Tian originally thought that Wu Tian would die when the ghost king came out, but now that a ghost king suddenly appeared, it seemed very difficult to kill Wu Tian. Mr. Mei has been restrained, and Wu Tian has the teleportation method. It's hard to catch, and besides, he already has the Excalibur, which may be able to break through his own defense. Haitian also regretted it this time, really regretted it.

Wu Tian was also stunned. No wonder he was imprisoned before he had time to react when he saw Gui Tian last time. The strength of Gui Jun is unpredictable.

Guitian's hoarse voice sounded, "Master Mei, long time no see! I didn't expect to meet Master Mei here." Turning his head to look at Wu Tian, ​​he continued, "I don't know where Wu Tian offended Lord Mei, and Lord Mei will take action himself. .”

Guitian's words were already presumptuous, but Lord Mei was not angry, because Guitian was already at the same level as her, as soon as he could look at Guitian with the eyes of a superior, "I won't offend you at that time, but at this time, Duan is presumptuous." , dare to hurt my subordinates, naturally he doesn't take me seriously. Why does the Lord Ghost want to give him the lead?"

"Haha, it is best not to be an enemy of Wu Tian, ​​otherwise you will regret it, and I will not fight with you at this time, I just keep him alive at this time." After finishing speaking, the figure appeared next to the white cover, gently As soon as he stretched out his hand, the white cover was shattered, and he shouted, "Wu Tian! Let's go sooner rather than later."

Wu Tian understood it, and disappeared from everyone's sight for several consecutive extreme changes. He felt that he still had his spiritual consciousness locked on him, and immediately moved out of the big interstellar space.

Wu Tian can't control the following things, and he has no ability to control them. Those who are there are stronger than himself. The place where he appeared this time is a sea area. The Chaos Cauldron is invisible, and the shadow is invisible. At the bottom of the sea, as soon as there was a wave on the arm, Wu Tian was taken aback?Immediately afterwards, I was overjoyed that the little Caidie had finally evolved.

Observation with consciousness.It is obvious that there are many masters in the seabed.Immediately find a large shell.hidden in it.Looking at the golden arm.Slowly, a golden light shot up to the sky.Wu Tian was shocked.The Chaos Cauldron was released to cover this golden light.

The little colorful butterfly who was not much different from last time appeared in front of Wu Tian.This time, the little guy's body turned out to be similar to Wu Tian's with colorful lights.It seems that he is not the only one benefiting.Little Caidie has also benefited quite a lot.The little guy flew onto his shoulders.There was a slight vibration in the surrounding space.

Looking at the little guy with black and white eyes, she was shocked, Little Caidie actually has the strength of a Sanxian, oh my god!It's so shocking. It seems that the little guy can handle the Xiaoluomen by himself in the future. Maybe it's because I haven't seen Wu Tian for a long time. After a while, it was her arms again, it seemed that these places belonged to her.

Wu Tian also nodded her little head dotingly. The little guy seemed to enjoy Wu Tian's pampering very much. Now that the golden light has dissipated, I don't know if the little guy has acquired any powerful skills, but this is not the realm of self-cultivation. Many masters are here, but the ghost world is a place where mortals and practitioners are together, it is very big, even the interstellar teleportation is only a ten thousandth of it.

We also need to find Huachi Temple. Since we came to the ghost world, we will travel here first, increase our knowledge, take the little guy, and fly out. Because it is well hidden, many experts have not found Wu Tian, ​​but Wu Tian flew all the way. Come to find a lot of masters, there are hundreds of people in the sky ghost realm, there are many mountains, concave rocks, and many Jedi, there are many masters hidden in it, it seems that they are all casual cultivators.

Although Wu Tian is stronger than them now, he doesn't want to provoke these people in front of him. If the bosses from behind are recruited, it won't be worth it.When I came to a big rock, I was about to look around again with my spiritual sense, suddenly.

"Who is standing on this Ghost King?" Angrily shouted, Wu Tian froze?Looked around, and then roared, "What are you looking at? Under your feet," Wu Tian immediately flew up, and saw the 'big rock' slowly turning into black mist, a man with the appearance of a turtle holding a steel fork Appearing in front of Wu Tian, ​​"Who the hell are you? How dare you insult me, Sea God Ghost"

Poseidon ghost?I think you are just a turtle!He secretly despised the roll of his eyes.Immediately stood up straight, "I'm a troublemaker! You little ghost king realm. You don't salute me when you see me." After finishing speaking, he released the momentum of the Four Tribulations and Loose Immortals.Only put a little bit, it is already a ghostly momentum.

The sea god ghost was shocked immediately, and hastily saluted, "I don't know that Mr. Troublemaker did this, and I offended you just now, please don't blame me!"

"En! Whether you behave or not, there is a guide in front of me, so just be a little brother and follow me." Wu Tianniu coaxed.

Disobedient, Sea God and Ghost didn't dare to resist just because of their arrogance, and immediately said again, "It's a blessing to be appreciated by Mr. Troublemaker, so I should agree!"

"Haha!! Not bad, not bad, very promising, tell me how it is distributed in this sea area?" Wu Tian came to the side of Sea God Ghost, and patted his turtle shell.

"The domain name of this sea is Huachihai, which belongs to Huachi Temple, and is in charge of Huachi Ghost Venerable. There are three major forces in the domain, namely Qiuji Mountain, which is in charge of the Sky Supporting Ghost, Wuya Cave, which is in charge of the Landing Ghost, and Zhonggui, which is in charge of the Xingqiao Ghost. Island. The three major powers all have cities and treasures, and we are in Wuya Cave, which is controlled by Landing Ghost. All these casual cultivators outside the territory are under his control," Sea God Ghost replied honestly.

"What realm are these people?" Wu Tian asked the key point.

"I heard that the three of them are all in the ghost realm, but we don't know who is in the early stage and who is in the late stage. They haven't made a move for many years," Sea God replied.

Ha ha! !It turns out that in the realm of ghosts and ghosts, then I am not afraid, and I am happy in my heart, "Take me to visit the boundless city of ghosts." Wu Tian said.

Sea God Ghost looked distressed, "We don't have many elixirs to open the way, and even the city gates have advanced?"

"Oh? There is such a saying?" Wu Tian asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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