Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 251 One Person Fights Eight Ghosts

Chapter 251
The entire Tianzhu Mountain trembled.Remnant Array calls itself Space.All the stars are falling.Crazy bombarded Wu Tian.Weak water pours out like spring water.His complexion changed.The protective cover is propped up.The golden light energy burst out from the hands.The fairy sword shot out from the mouth.The target is directed at the eye of the formation.

Everyone on the top of the mountain was taken aback?How did this guy find the eye so quickly?At this moment, there is no need to think too much, because Wu Tian has successfully broken out of the formation, and a sword hit the top of the mountain. Although everyone was hidden in it, but if the fairy sword did not walk away, the mountain collapsed and still disappeared, so they had to fly out quickly.

"It's not easy, Wu Tian! It seems that you still have a lot of backhands!" Hai Tian stared at Wu Tian coldly.

"It's not easy for you. There are so many ghost masters. They even caught a little guy in the realm of the big ghost king to threaten me in the ghost stage. It really makes me face." Wu Tian is not afraid of Haitian.Black and white eyes stared directly at Haitian.

At this time, a black mist appeared in the sky.Overshadowing the sky, "Haha!! Wu Tian, ​​let me see how you escape this time. Go up~" Haitian finished speaking with Zhitian.The two of Chong Lou joined forces to attack and kill Wu Tian in a triangle.No one else arranged the Forbidden Void Formation in five directions.

How dare Wu Tian stand in the face of three people with a higher realm than himself.Extreme change wants to get out of the way.Suddenly found that the surrounding space seemed out of control.Unable to change extremely.Secret channel is not good!These people used secret methods.It was too late to escape now.

The fierce attack of Haitian and the three was about to come, Wu Tian's chaotic eyes were all chaotic in front of him, he blocked Zhitian, and he was the only one behind the three of them. building.

Is it child's play to be attacked by demons?Zhitian's attack was eliminated by Chaos, but there were still many attacks that burst out of Chaos. The powerful attack directly hit Wu Tian. The Haitian Ghost Sword was also top-quality. , the three attacked, only Chonglou was resisted, it wasn't that Chonglou was the worst, on the contrary, it was still the most powerful, it's just that Xuanji Tianhuo was too domineering.

Wu Tian was hit by two attacks, spitting blood and bursting out of the way, how could the three of them make Wu Tian breathe?Another reshoot came, Wu Tianguiying flew thousands of miles away, quickly dodged, looked at the five masters with formations, and thought in his heart that he had to get rid of them first, so as to have a chance, so that he would not be defeated by these at all. master.

Killing Eye shot at the first Heaven-Suppressing Ghost. With two powerful attacks, the surrounding space collapsed.

The figure of Zhentian ghost disappeared in front of his eyes, Wu Tian was startled, "Haha. Don't think wrongly about Wu Tian, ​​the forbidden void is [-]%, five people are one, and anyone who is attacked can be teleported to other places and dodge each other , You have no chance at all, you should die, you will die today." Haitian's arrogant voice appeared behind him.

Killing Eye shot back at Haitian, since there is nothing to do with them, then kill you, two golden lights appeared in front of Haitian in the blink of an eye, Haitian Ghost Sword blocked the Killing Eye's attack, but his body was also shaken back, which made Wu Tian With a little chance to breathe, I quickly judged in my mind, it seems that they are determined to get rid of themselves today, so I will give you some fierceness.

Seeing Zhitian and Chonglou attacking, Xuanji Skyfire with his left hand went up to Zhitian, and a water sword with his right hand shot at Chonglou. Jitianhuo and the negative magic weapon are also used at the same time, a small black bowl-shaped magic weapon, and the thick black mist continuously consumes the power of Xuanjitianhuo.

Chonglou saw the water sword attacking.There was a sense of uneasiness in my heart.But take a closer look.Nothing special was found.The water sword wrapped in golden light energy is hardly reminiscent of three feet of water.It is estimated that it is impossible to think that there are two extreme attributes in a person's body.

As soon as the ghost yuan moved, the black mist quickly greeted it, and its own protective shield was fully opened, and the ghost armor was already on its body. After all, Wu Tian had a terrifying artifact and the dazzling skyfire, but how could this small defense be able to resist the level of the dazzling skyfire? Three feet of water?
Three feet of water directly penetrated the black mist.Shoot towards the protective shield of the heavy building.Chong Lou was shocked.But now the distance is too close.It was too late to block again.Three feet of water hit the ghost armor.

Ah~ With a terrible roar, the heavy building fell backwards. On the way, the ghost armor was shattered, a black mist billowed on the chest, and the blood in the mouth continued. He looked at Wu Tian in horror and shouted, "How could it be three feet of water? Three feet of water can and Dazzling sky and fire in one body?" Even if 1 people don't understand, the injury is a fact, the three feet of water directly melted into the chest, if it wasn't discovered, and the ghost armor was broken cruelly, the injury may be more than that now.

The whole process took only a short time, Haitian just rushed forward when he heard the roar of the Chonglou, he was also shocked, this guy still has three feet of water?Wu Tian quickly turned the three feet of water in his hand and shot at Zhitian.

Zhi Tian had heard the terrible roar of the heavy building, and now seeing Wu Tian attacking, he dared to resist and backed away quickly, Hai Tian also dodged back, Wu Tian stood alone in the sky, feeling as if he would never meet his opponent, Looking at the five figures, Xuanji Tianhuo and Sanchishui shot out at the same time, no matter how you change, it's okay to have a full attack.But the price is very high, and the immortal yuan is consumed quickly.

After eating three Three Tribulation Pills in a row, they reluctantly provided the immortal yuan. All five of them were watching the entire Wutian battle, and they were also horrified. Seeing the attack at this time, they knew that they could not escape, and the five quickly separated. Each repelled Wu Tian's attack by means, and the Forbidden Void dissipated automatically when the five separated, and Wu Tian disappeared in place.

Haitian was furious, how could this Wu Tian have so many good things, needless to say, everyone knows what the three-foot water is, it is the first water under the divine water, and it was refined by this kid, Wu Tian disappeared a few days ago People suddenly became nervous, this guy's magic weapon has not yet been used, it is better to be careful, suddenly a feeling of shock rises, the space behind him vibrates violently, and when he looks back, he is instantly horrified, and it is too late to shout out just now.

A blood-red ten-meter shock appeared behind Zhitian. This guy had just avoided the three-foot water attack, but he hadn't sensed it yet. Chonglou was seriously injured, but this guy's strength may be the highest here, and it seems that he can't solve it all at once. , or pick an easy start.

Zhi Tian felt mad, the call of the god of death was so strong, since he entered the ghost, he hadn't felt this feeling yet, just after he solved the three-foot water attack, he saw Wu Tian disappear, and he didn't need to think at this time to know who was there I was behind me, the feeling was so strong, my hands moved together, a powerful magic formula blasted behind me with all my strength, I turned around and saw a blood-red ten-meter sword facing me, it was difficult for people to do so at such a short distance effective resistance
It exploded in the eyes of everyone's horror.

(End of this chapter)

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