Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 255 Cai Ling and Mo Qiuyu

Chapter 255 Cai Ling and Mo Qiuyu
Wu Tian and Mo Qiuyu looked in the direction of the dungeon.Two auras flew over quickly.Similarly, Haitian and the others were also looking in that direction.That momentum is obviously a master of the ghost period.The arrival of the two demons at this time can be said to turn the whole situation around.Both sides are taking care of each other at this time.

The distance is very close, and finally you can feel the aura of the two auras. Wu Tian's face instantly beamed, while Hai Tian and the others suddenly became gloomy.

"Xiangyun and Cailing. They finally came. They were saved this time," Wu Tian said.His face was no longer tense.At this time, everyone has consumed a lot.With the addition of two peak ghosts, it can be said that Wu Tian is now safe.

At this moment, only Mo Qiuyu showed anger, and Wu Tian was secretly depressed, waiting for trouble, this trouble caused by Ling Zhi, and he will suffer if he bears his name.

Not for a while.The two appeared in the sight of everyone.Xiangyun immediately saw Wu Tian.He and Cai Ling flew over directly.Haven't spoken yet.I heard a cold snort.Look in the blink of an eye.Immediately shocked.He looked at Cai Ling behind him.

Sure enough, Cai Ling looked at Mo Qiuyu with an unfriendly expression, and the two looked at each other, with the intention of striking immediately, Xiang Yun just took a step forward and stopped between the two of them, looking at Wu Tiandao, "Why are you being overtaken here? My sister and I have been following them, we knew that these guys were going to chase you, are you okay now?"

"Hmph! How can something happen if I'm here? It's not like you can't protect even one person, and you almost killed Wu Tian by someone's hand." Mo Qiuyu said coldly.

Xiangyun was slightly embarrassed. The last time Wu Tian was attacked by a heavy building, he gave him the green pill to cross the catastrophe. He almost died. Wu Tian is also full of black lines, you protect?I almost died too, if it wasn't for the last trick, I'm afraid I'd be lying down now.

"Haha, everyone cares about me very much. Wu Tian thanked the three seniors here, but let's force our enemies to sit down and talk slowly." Wu Tian said with a smile.I secretly despise them from the bottom of my heart.

Both Cai Leng and Mo Qiuyu snorted coldly, Wu Tian scratched his head in embarrassment.

Three powerful auras rose instantly, pressing towards Haitian and the others. Haitian said with a gloomy expression, "Hmph! If I knew it earlier, I would plan to get rid of these two people first,"

"It's all over now. We failed this time. Let's go. There is no use here anymore," Chonglou said.

"Yeah! It's not so easy to kill Wu Tian now, we'll look for opportunities next time, just pay attention to their whereabouts, I don't believe they will be together forever," Huahun said.

"Hmph! I'm really not reconciled," Haitian said, and the few people quickly disappeared into the sky.

Wu Tian felt relieved when he saw a few people disappearing. He didn't realize that this time he was here to save the Sea God and Ghost when they left. When he saw the destroyed Tianzhu Mountain, his face paled immediately. Mo Qiuyu seemed to know that Wu Tian was thinking about it. What is ordinary, "Your friend was already rescued when you were fighting. He was sealed by Haitian and was still hidden at the foot of the mountain, but he is not here now. I am afraid that he will be affected by the battle, otherwise It won't be that late."

Wu Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly thanked them, and the few of them flew towards the dungeon without saying anything.On the way, he found the sea god and ghost and went back.

"My Yuling Xiaoshe doesn't welcome people I don't like." Just arrived next to Mo Qiuyu's small house.Mo Qiuyu spoke up.

"Hmph~ I don't like going into places I don't like either," Cai Ling said, looking at Wu Tian and saying, "Wu Tian~ come with me, I'll take you wherever you want to go"

Wu Tian looked at the two in embarrassment, Xiang Yun also helped Cai Ling and said, "That's right, I don't like certain places either. Wu Tian is leaving, aren't you going to travel? We will take you around the ghost world."

"It's so loud that Wu Tian is my grandson. I won't let you go if I say so." Then he stepped forward and grabbed Wu Tian.Go to the hut.Just about to enter the formation.Xiangyun pulled Wu Tian past him. "Wu Tian, ​​don't you want to travel with us? Let's go now." After speaking, he pulled Wu Tian out.

"Hmph~ what a courage!" Mo Qiuyu's momentum slowly rose.Xiangyun also snorted coldly, "Don't think that we are afraid of you in the middle stage of your ghost." After speaking, his momentum also rose.Cai Ling also began to encourage Gui Yuan.Both of them pulled Wu Tian hard.Wu Tian is in the middle.Suppressed by the momentum of the two sides.The sea god and ghost were even more unbearable.Under the aura of demons.How could he, a little big ghost king, resist.He was directly intimidated by the momentum.fainted.

Wu Tian felt angry when he saw it, "Enough is enough! You guys are going to be finished!"

The two seemed to feel that this was a bit too much.They all let go of their hands with a cold snort.Wu Tian said, "We are not enemies. Why should you be so embarrassing. Besides, my master doesn't want to see you like this."This time it was the three of them who snorted coldly.

"Now that we're all here, let's all let go of the past. Now our enemies are Haitian and the others. At this time, we are likely to be broken up by them one by one. Come on, let's all go in." After Wu Tian finished speaking, he pulled Cailing and Xiangyun Xiangyu Ling Xiaoshe walked in the formation.During the period, he directly used Xianyuan to wake up the sea god and ghost.

Seeing Wu Tian directly pulling the two of them in.Mo Qiuyu was also helpless.Never kill his "master" lover in front of the "disciple and grandson".He snorted coldly.So he followed.

Soon several people sat in the small house, Mo Qiuyu couldn't bear to talk to Cai Ling, so she didn't look at Cai Ling and said to Wu Tian, ​​"You haven't told me about the battle inside this time, what magical powers did you use?" make them back away"

Wu Tian is very capable.Xiangyun and Cailing knew about it.Hearing Mo Qiuyu's question, he turned his ears to hear what happened.Wu Tian was naturally unwilling to play his hole cards.Briefly said.Still, a lot of things popped up.For example, three feet of water.Push everything onto the three-foot water.

As soon as Xiangyun and Cailing heard that Wu Tian had actually killed Zhitian, Wu Tian, ​​who had the power of ghosts and ghosts in his heart, killed Zhitian who was in the realm of ghosts and demons, oh my god! !Has the world changed?

Mo Qiuyu was also horrified. He had already looked down upon Wu Tian last time, but now he realized that he had underestimated him, not to mention that he had killed Zhitian in the realm of ghosts and demons with his strength of a scattered immortal.It is almost impossible for him to fuse Xuanji Tianhuo and Sanchishui into one body, but Wu Tian in front of him proves what is possible.These two things are almost the best among the best in this cultivation world, not to mention knowing each other, very few people have never seen these two things, and stared at Wu Tian in a daze.

This guy went through the fourth tribulation shortly after the third tribulation, and killed ghosts, as if he had a secret, which people couldn't see through. Xiang Yun looked at Wu Tian carefully, Wu Tian turned around and stared at Xiang Yun and said, "Look at me." what?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiang Yun blushed for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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