Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 259 Destroying Heaven and Earth Like a God

Chapter 259 Destroying Heaven and Earth Like a God
Majestic momentum.The fierce coercion.The people around pushed away again.Including demons.There were only two people in the field who remained unmoved.Lord Meigui and Yama.At this moment, Yan Luo Wang narrowed his eyes and stared at Wu Tian's formation.His face is serious.The same is true for Mr. Meigui.Even he had to stretch out his defensive cover to resist the fierce coercion.

For the battle against a Four Tribulations Loose Immortal who stretched out his defensive cover, in a sense, he has already lost, after all, the difference between the two is too great.

The sound of dragon chants came from the big formation of nine heavens and ten earths, and the big formation that was originally glowing with golden light was instantly dyed blood red. Haitian and others knew that the divine sword had appeared, but they didn't know what kind of attack this time was, and they were secretly startled. Sure enough, the guy still has backhands. I don't know how powerful this time is. Every time the backhands are stronger than the other, this time even he and others are intimidated by the imposing coercion.

The space around thousands of miles suddenly turned into chaos.Countless black holes formed in the chaos.Everything in front of the Devourer.Long Yin became more and more intense.Suddenly nine heavens and ten earths spread out.

Roar a dragon roar.The entire city of Huachi trembled.All the stagnant water in Wuliang Cliff was shaken away.A vacuum appeared.A blue dragon with the size of a kilometer appeared in front of everyone.This time it's not like the golden light turned into it before.This time it was the real green dragon body.Covered in blue dragon scales.Pan this cold light.Ten meters of antlers golden double said.Surprisingly, Qinglong has black and white eyes.Presumably, he and Wu Tian have merged.

Black and white eyes looked at Mr. Meigui.Without any emotion is like a beast.Keep an eye on your prey.The surrounding atmosphere is oppressive.No one in the surrounding area dared to say a word.Countless Taoists looked at this place.It was eerily quiet.

Humph. , Mr. Meigui snorted coldly, breaking the oppressive atmosphere, the jade hand moved slightly, and a huge palm once again appeared in the sky, this time it was more than ten times bigger than before, obviously it was going to kill the green dragon with one blow .

Qinglong's black and white eyes looked at the pressing giant palm.The eyes of chaos popped out.A chaotic area with a size of [-] meters.All attacks are sucked in.But this time, after all, it was the ghost king who made the move.Is it that easy?The giant palm was hindered by the chaotic area.A lot of power dissipated.However, it still hit the chaotic area powerfully.Thinking of taking pictures from the leader.

Roar.A dragon roar.Huge dragon tail.Lightning strikes.Meet the giant palm.

boom.The giant palm dissipated, Qinglong was shaken back a little, but it didn't seem to be hurt, and he still looked at the ghost world coldly.All this happened so fast that many people around didn't react. Wu Tian blocked Ghost Realm's attack, which shocked the audience. Could it be that this guy has been promoted to the level of Ghost King?There is a big difference between a ghost king and a ghost, can Wu Tian still resist? ?
Mr. Meigui's face was gloomy and terrifying.Although it wasn't his best shot twice.But it's not something that ordinary people can stop.This guy Wu Tian resisted two blows.It was as if he had slapped himself twice in front of countless people.

The anger in my heart is hard to stop.Yu moved his hand.A small banner appeared.The surrounding space vibrated as soon as the banner appeared.The small streamer flickered with black light.Three feet in size.King Yan Luo was displeased when he saw Mr. Meigui took out the banner.I wanted to talk but didn't say it in the end.

"Don't tell me you, Master Mei, need to use a magic weapon to deal with a small Four Tribulations Sanxian?" A hoarse voice sounded.Guitian suddenly appeared in the field.As soon as Ghost Sky came out, the surroundings suddenly became lively again.

Many people present naturally knew that Guitian was already in the realm of a ghost king, a new ghost king in the ghost world, and he was also a ghost-calculating celestial master with unfathomable strength. King Yama saw Guitian coming here, and faced Guitian Slightly smiled and said, "It's been so many years since last time, I didn't expect Master Guitian to finally advance to the realm of Ghost Lord, and I haven't had time to congratulate you yet."

"Hehe Lord Yama, you are being polite. It's just a matter of prosperity." Gui Tian's tone was much more kind to King Yama of the same rank.But still hoarse.

"Sister, Wu Tian is saved, Master Guitian is here." Xiang Yun said happily, Cai Ling frowned and did not speak, her face was not good.

"Could it be that you, Lord Guitian, still want to take action for this kid?" Mei Guijun said with a grim expression.

"As I said last time, I only protect him once. Since I made a move last time, I won't make a move this time. Besides, didn't Lord Yama not make a move either? I just want to remind you to think twice before acting," Guitian said.

"What do you mean? Could it be that someone needs to save this kid?" Mr. Mei Gui asked doubtfully.

"Hehe~ Heavenly secrets must not be revealed, you must know that everything is in the heaven and earth," Guitian said, then retreated to the side of King Yama, and nodded slightly to King Yama. Afterwards, the black mist was entangled, making it difficult to see the details.

Meiguijie looked at Guitian, then looked at Yan Luowang and said, "It is helpless to do something in this Huachi City, and I hope Lord Yan Luowang will not blame you."

"Hehe~ light and easy." After finishing speaking, he imitated like a ghost.It was surrounded by black mist.Mr. Mei Gui frowned.It seems like there is something wrong with it.But I calmed down for a while and didn't find anything wrong.Holding the small flag, Qinglong watched Wu Tian change coldly.This time the artifact Lieyan Banner shot.Wu Tian must die.

There was no big movement.He threw out the flame banner smoothly.Lie Yanfan quickly spun around.The coercion dissipated.Ghost Lord's shot is another magic weapon.How dare Wu Tian dare to resist.Hurry up to stop it.Open the dragon's mouth.A mouthful of dazzling fire was spewed out.Quickly wrapped Lieyan Banner.

However, the black mist wrapped around the Lieyan banner, the Dazzling Heavenly Fire that struck did not shake at all, as if it had reached its peak, a black light flashed out from the Lieyan banner, the Xuanji Tianhuo was instantly extinguished, and the black light continued to shine on Qinglong's body.

Roar.There was a terrible roar.Qinglong's body split open instantly.The huge green dragon dissipated in the blink of an eye.Wu Tian's body emerged.Jiulong Gai also returned to the Chaos Cauldron.The Hundred Demon Sword also returned to the body.There was blood in the mouth.The whole back was bloody.Fell into stagnant water.Float on stagnant water.In an instant, the surrounding area was blood red.At this time Wu Tian was on the verge of death.

After struggling to eat a Four Tribulations Pill, he looked helplessly at Mei Guijun in the sky. He was very surprised that Wu Tian was not killed this time, but he was probably dying at this time. Wu Tian, ​​relaxed in his heart, flew over slowly, looked at Wu Tian and said, "You can already be proud. I shot three times and killed you for the third time. It can also be said that there is no such ghost in this ghost world. You I have accepted the artifact, and I have avenged Zhitian, after all, he is my subordinate."

Yu Biyu reached out to Wu Tian to give him the final blow.A palm with only three meters of laughter slapped Wu Tian.Wu Tian just took the elixir now.Xian Yuan has not yet been inspired.Can't dodge at all.He stared helplessly at the palms facing him.

There was a sudden movement of the body.The reincarnation wheel slowly floated out.Seven bells rang this crisp sound.The quiet surroundings instantly reminded of the sound of bells.

Dingling Dingling.It reverberated throughout Huachi City, and even the entire ghost world.

(End of this chapter)

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