Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 266 The Sun Begins to Move

Chapter 266 The Sun Begins to Move
It was only when I approached that I realized that there were three loose immortals here. Looking at the formation, I am afraid that the picture is not small. I took a closer look, one three-robbed loose immortal, and two second-robbed loose immortals. I was secretly shocked. There have been more Loose Immortals in the Three Tribulations of the World?Can you see the Three Tribulations Loose Immortals next to this earth?
I don't know what they are doing, so I have to hide beside them first. The sun is a red fireball. No wonder the temperature can be transmitted to the earth. The sky fire is quite powerful in this world.

"Anode, is the fire-poison formation ready?" asked Su Shan, the immortal of the Three Tribulations.

"Uncle Master is going to heal soon, the fire is too strong this day, we have been setting up here for a long time," Yang Yang said.

"Uncle, do you think we can really blast the sky fireball?" Another Erjie Sanxian Yikun said.

"Of course, after I found out that there was a sky fire ball here, I knew there must be something in it. Haha, after we blast it away, I will use the Jingbao bottle to collect some of it, and you will be hopeful after the two crossings." Su Shan said.

"Master, I found that there is a mortal planet over there. It seems that a fireball is needed to support the temperature there. Let's blast him away." Yi Kun hesitated and said.

"It's okay! The fire and poison formation can only be half blasted away. Besides, we only collect a little of the treasure. After we leave, the fireball will still gather slowly this day, but it's just that the temperature has not been as high as it is now in a million years." Su Shan doesn't care about Tao.

"Uncle Master, if there is no current temperature in millions of years, I am afraid that there may be no one on that mortal planet," said Yang Yang.

"Why do you care so much, think about how you can survive the catastrophe, if you can't, do you think our sect can survive on our own planet?" Su Shan shouted.

Yangyang and Yikun looked at each other without saying a word, Yangyang moved his hands "jitter"

"Hey," Yi Kun shouted.

The entire fire-poison array shone with golden light.Yangyang and Yikun stand on both sides of the formation.Su Shan stood in the battle.Move your hands.A fairy sword shot out from within.Quickly melted into the fire poison array.

"Gong" three people shouted.

The celestial sword was wrapped in the fire-poison formation and slammed into the sun.

Countless sky fires were spurted out, the sun shook for a while, and a large star body was shot away. Wu Tian, ​​who was not far away, immediately became angry when he saw this. Seeing that the fire and poison array is about to be sacrificed again, he immediately yelled

Wu Tian's anger went straight to the fire-poison formation.Hit out with one palm.The poison formation collapsed.

"Bold! Who are you?"
Wu Tian ignored Yang Yang, seeing those sky fires that were attacked and scattered outside, if they were not gathered as soon as possible, they would dissipate soon, and the Lieyan banner appeared in his hand, because it was Huachi Ghost Respect for those who accept Mei Guijun, naturally there is no need to forcibly refine it, the immortal essence can be refined directly, as soon as the fierce flame banner comes out, it is brushed smoothly, and a white light is brushed out. superior.

Because of the array attack.So the range is relatively large.Wu Tian swiped several times in a row and finally restored the sun again.

"Boy, are you looking for death? We have worked hard for a long time to arrange the formation to achieve today's effect, and you have recovered the sky fire ball." Seeing Wu Tian recovering the sky fire ball Yikun is also very angry.

Wu Tian turned his head coldly, looked at the three of them, and said to Su Shan, the Sanjie Sanxian, "I didn't expect that you so-called cultivators would do things beyond conscience, disregarding the life and death of mortals on the mortal planet. The one who deserves to be killed.”

"Haha is still a man of justice. If you want to be a man of justice, you have to have that strength." Su Shan finally spoke. His realm is not enough. Presumably there should be a magic weapon to hide the realm. Even if he hides the most, he will be just like himself. There have not been a few of the Four Tribulations and Loose Immortals so far. He doesn't think this is the one in front of him.

"Whether you have that strength or not, you will know later, this kind of action of yours has caused today's fate," Wu Tian sneered.

"Haha, no one has said that to me for a long time, the old man wants to see what strength you have," Su Shan aroused a majestic momentum, "You two go up" Su Shan said to Yang Yang and Yi Kun.

Yiyang suddenly turned into a beam of light and rushed towards Wu Tian, ​​and a fairy sword opened his mouth to shoot at him, and his figure also turned into a beam of light and followed.

Wu Tian sneered.I don’t even give it when I look at the reincarnation of the anode.Kill eyes directly.The two beams shot towards the anode extremely fast.

Yang Yang's defense was broken directly, two horrible blood holes appeared in his body with a scream, his head exploded, Wu Tian killed Yang Yang as soon as he made a move, turned his head and saw the fairy sword that was shot, Lightning reached out to catch the fairy sword, and killed Eyes struck again, Yi Kun let out a scream and followed Yang Yang.

Su Shan was surprised.Even if you deal with the peak of the Second Tribulation Loose Immortal, you still need to spend a little bit of means.Unexpectedly, Wu Tian killed it easily.In a panic, he immediately wanted to run away.As soon as he turned around, he stopped suddenly.Wu Tian was standing behind him at some point.

Looking back again, Wu Tian was still looking at him with a sneer while holding the fairy sword in his hand.Turning his head to look, there were two Wu Tians, terrified by the "separation technique".Knowing that he is not Wu Tian's opponent, he hastily fled towards Ling in one direction, but before he could fly, he saw another Wu Tian in that direction. In an instant, five Wu Tian divided into five directions and trapped Su Shan in the middle.

"I said, you can't escape today." Wu Tianfei came over and said coldly.

"Senior, please spare me! I didn't know that senior was here to protect me. I hope that those who don't know will not be guilty when I get greedy for a while," Su Shan explained hastily.

"Don't base your greed on destroying the lives of mortals. Especially if you already know that you will destroy the mortal star," Wu Tian finished.Killeye shot again.Su Shan was shocked.A fairy shield appeared in his hand to resist Wu Tian's killing eyes.

boom.The fairy shield opened fiercely.Su Shan was shaken back a thousand meters.Su Shan thought about it.Turn around and run away.A feeling of shock hit Rao's heart.Take a closer look. The "treasure" Xuanji fire shot at him.

what.In just two breaths, Sanxian Sanxian Su Shan was engulfed and incinerated by the Xuanji Heavenly Fire, and was annihilated in ashes.

Wu Tian took a look at the earth, secretly thinking that since the opening of the Doutian God Formation, there have been constant troubles here, and he doesn't know whether he has attracted advanced civilization or the direction of destruction for the earth.

Wu Tian saw several people setting up a fire and poison array to bombard the sun, and wondered what the sun was thinking.The black and white eyes moved up to look at the sun, the sky fire gradually disappeared in the eyes, a familiar feeling surged in his heart, Wu Tian was startled, and saw that the center of the sun turned out to be the dazzling sky fire, no wonder

This Xuanji Tianhuo is a good thing, if it is not for my own possession, I might be tempted.But if it endangers the mortal planet, even Shenhuo can't touch it, but it seems that Shenhuo doesn't dare to touch it.

There is nothing going on here.This time, I can return to Tianhuanxing with peace of mind.

Nioyi appeared directly on the sky blue star, originally wanted to go directly to the sky fantasy star, but there are still a few friends here, so let's take a look first.I don't know when I will be able to come here next time, but with a move of consciousness, the corner of my mouth smiles.

This is a small yard. Lu Yan sat on a chair and shouted to the two little girls below, "I know how to play all day long, but I don't know how to practice hard. Do you think that I am so easy to practice in the Nascent Soul stage? Today's If you can’t finish your homework, you won’t be allowed to eat.”

"It's not right to educate children like this." Wu Tian appeared in the yard with a smile.

Lu Yan exclaimed, and hurriedly protected the two little girls behind her, "Who are you, dare to trespass on Mojiazhuang?"

"Hehe! You've grown up, you can't even recognize your brother?" Wu Tian looked at Lu Yan with a smile.

Lu Yan looked familiar but didn't remember it for a moment. Looking at the familiar face and familiar voice, she immediately knew who was coming. "Brother? Why is it you?"

"Hehe, it seems that I haven't forgotten it. I didn't expect to see you in a hundred years, but you are already married." Wu Tian looked at the two little girls and said.

Lu Yan's face turned red and said, "How's brother doing these years? Why haven't you come to see Yan'er for almost 200 years?"

"The fairy road is misty, I can't help myself," Wu Tian said with emotion, he didn't expect that he was already over 300 years old, alas

"Come, come, call uncle." Lu Yan said to the two little girls.

Wu Tian looked at Lu Yan with a smile full of deep meaning, and the latter said with a slightly embarrassed face, "Don't you have a lot of treasures, brother?"

Wu Tian also vaguely knew the fate of a small family like Lu Yan.There are no resources to comprehend.No connections.In the end, only merged into the big family.Marriage is one of their methods.But seeing that Lu Yan didn't suffer any grievances.My heart is also relaxed.

Seeing the two pink cuties, he took out two leaves, wrapped them in immortal yuan and put them into their bodies, and said to Lu Yan, "They don't need to say it now, but when their lives are in danger, they can It will be automatically protected, and no one in the cultivation world will be able to hurt the two of them, "

Lu Yan knew that Wu Tian had a lot of magic weapons, and she was overjoyed in her heart and immediately thanked her. Wu Tian felt a lot of feelings when he saw the two children. Time was running out, and he seemed tired when he looked at the sky. Brother, let's be godfather"

"Who do our Xiaoyu and Xiaoxue want to worship as their godfather?" A young man walked in, with a slender figure, a well-proportioned appearance, and a peaceful expression.Wu Tian looked at it and nodded slightly.

"Brother Jin, let me introduce you. This is the brother I often mention to you, Wu Tian," Lu Yan said.

"Oh! Could it be that Wu Tian who fought in Yaotian City a hundred years ago?" He bowed to Wu Tian with a smile.

Lu Yan said proudly, "Well, my brother is amazing." The two little guys ran over quickly when they saw their father approaching, each holding a leg, and Xiao Yu said, "Daddy, today mother wants us to refine two low-grade realities." before you can eat 55555555"

Mo Jin hugged the two little girls in one hand and said, "Haha, you." He gave Lu Yan a slight look, and said again, "Yan'er just said that Xiaoyu and Xiaoxue wanted to worship Brother Wu Tian as their godfather, and I agree. , so happy today, you two don’t need to practice today, haha,” Mo Jin said.

Wu Tian nodded to Mo Jin. This man is free and easy, and he is kind all over. He doesn't look like a bad person. It's okay for Lu Yan to marry him.

After that, Xiaoyu and Xiaoxue worshiped Wu Tian as their godfather, and Wu Tian happily gave the two little guys two pills of one calamity again.After that, he left Lu Yan's house not long after that, came to the sky again, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and disappeared in place.

(End of this chapter)

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