Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 275 Xuan Qingxing

Chapter 275 Xuan Qingxing

Wu Tian looked at the entire Tianhuanxing. After this time, there are no more loose immortals here, and this place belongs to the real cultivation world. Otherwise, these sects exist to plunder resources for loose immortals. In order to overcome the catastrophe, they will Let the disciples collect materials and compete for ore veins, so that the competition will continue. How many people can practice with peace of mind?

Although I know that even if the Sanxian is gone, the competition will continue, but let them develop things in the cultivation world. After all, the Sanxian does not belong here. Looking at the sky, there is a sudden idea that all All the loose immortals gathered together to set up a loose immortal world, so that those who failed to cross the catastrophe would automatically fly into the loose immortal world as if they were cultivators.

But this idea can only be thought of in the heart.Huachi Ghost Venerable is so powerful.It's just opening up a space for thousands of miles to laugh out loud.I guess I can make a one-meter-sized snicker now.Still thinking about making a world.Oddly though.After this thought popped up, I couldn't suppress it.

The surging blood seemed to be boiling for it.Wu Tian thought to himself that he should wait for the opportunity to talk about it.He disappeared in a flash.Appeared directly in the main hall of Tianyan Sect.It's still so orderly here.The practice that should be practiced.The competition of the competition.A lot of discussions with each other about experiences.There are also masters who teach disciples.

With Wu Tian's consciousness, everyone received Wu Tian's message "I'm out of customs".

Soon the quiet hall welcomed many people.Almost all of them are old friends of Wu Tian.Everyone looked at Wu Tian becoming more and more ordinary and natural.It feels as if it has been cultivated to the extreme.It also seemed a little mysterious.No breath escaped.If in the street.Definitely just an ordinary person.

Ye Jian couldn't help asking, "You won't be going through the Five Tribulations soon, are you?"

Wu Tian laughed and scolded, "You want me to die like that?"

Ye Jian quickly said, "Of course not, I feel that you are becoming more and more mysterious." Seeing this murderous look, he quickly explained wisely.

"Big brother has been in seclusion for a hundred years, just like the grandfather before. If it weren't for so many people here to accompany Qingqing, Qingqing really doesn't know what to do?" Qingqing hurried over, holding Wu Tian's arm and said.

Hong Ling and Murong Xifei, who were still laughing just now, immediately changed their expressions, and there was a strangeness around them. Ye Jian wanted to say something, but he immediately shut his mouth and looked at the sky honestly.Wu Tian didn't understand, so he asked, "Hehe! It's my brother's fault, but this time I won't be retreating, so Qingqing won't be lonely in the future."

Qingqing looked at Wu Tian many years.Qingqing finally looked much better.Cultivation has also improved a lot.Everyone in Tianyanzong also knew that Wu Tian brought it back.Everywhere is looked after.The current Qingqing has the ability to faintly break through the in and out orifices.

Wu Tian really wanted to help Qingqing improve her realm, but she mentioned it once back then, but was rejected. She said that she wanted to comprehend each realm of cultivation, and Wu Tian would not force her to do so. Murong Xifei immediately stepped forward , took Wu Tian’s other straight arm and asked, “Brother! When are we going to Finnish Star? My father is still waiting?” Murong Xifei said in a clear voice.

When everyone heard that Murong Xifei wanted to take Wu Tian to meet her father, they were all shocked, especially Hong Ling, whose eyes were full of fire, and Ye Jian also admired Wu Tian, ​​"Good guy, it will be done in 300 years." .

Wu Tian knew the surrounding atmosphere as soon as he saw it.Everyone misunderstood and quickly wanted everything.But Murong Xifei gave him a chance.He said again, "My father is about to cross the catastrophe. If he doesn't go, he will have no chance. Alas, my father is so pitiful. Let's go."He wrinkled his little nose sadly.

Wu Tian pulled out his arms from the arms of the two women without a trace and said, "I don't care about these two days, I will go later."

How could Murong Xifei, the ghost spirit, allow Wu Tianduo to say hurry up and grab Wu Tian's arm, Wu Tian Qingqing automatically took his arm when he heard it. "Although it's not too far from here, it's better to go in advance. I haven't been back for a hundred years, so let's go now." Murong Xifei shook Wu Tian's arm and said.

Both Wu Tian and Ye Jian shuddered, Wu Tian had no choice but to agree to her request, Murong Xifei was overjoyed when Wu Tian agreed, and Hong Ling immediately said, "I'm going out for a trip recently, so my junior brother will take me with me." Let me go together," hurried over.

Ye Jian didn't say anything, but just took a few steps forward. Although his eyes were looking at the sky and his mouth was curled up, the meaning was obvious. At this time, Murong Xifei and Hong Ling were about to enter the middle stage of fusion. Ye Jian, a lazy guy, is still like that. There is no movement in the early stage of the fusion. Although the state is getting slower and slower after that, this guy is obviously better than Hongling and Murong Xifei. He just doesn't work hard.

Seeing the four of them, Wu Tian was helpless, and seeing Mo Zisu, Han Lingfeng and Cheng Ruoshui also wanted to get involved, and immediately said, "Okay, it's not too far anyway, just the five of us, you practice hard", and later One sentence was said to his apprentice. The three of them were obviously disappointed, but they nodded. After all, it was the master who spoke.

Wu Tian said, "But when I leave, I have to do one more thing, which is to put a clone here, so that if other Sanxians come to Tianhuanxing, I will be able to suppress them."

Sect Master Fang Li asked, "Our Tianyan Sect also has records on the avatar, but it says that the avatar cannot be far away from the main body, and the energy will dissipate as soon as it disperses."

"Don't worry, the suzerain, I have my own way." When everyone came to the back mountain, Wu Tian separated a spirit shadow, and he had directly obtained Chen Shan's fairy sword before, and it happened to be used by the spirit shadow at this time, so he took out an oolong fruit When he came out, the first one was immediately full of aura and golden light. Wu Tian took the oolong fruit and implanted it into the shadow avatar, wrapped it with immortal yuan, released a trace of spiritual consciousness into it, and slowly hid it in the back mountain.

Turning around, he said to Fang Li, "Unless it is absolutely necessary, you must not call my avatar, you know? Without me by his side, he is very weak. If two Sanjie Sanxians come to attack, I am afraid they will not be able to resist for three hours, but if there is no such You don't have to worry about your strength, "

"Okay, let's go." After speaking, Wu Tian took the four of them, said goodbye to everyone, left Tianhuanxing, appeared in Xingyu, Murong Xifei was in front of him, Wu Tian took out the compass, compared it and found It turns out that being on the planet Gula is not too far away for me.

The protective shield of Xianyuan protected the four of them, Qingqing and Murong Xifei hugged Wu Tian alone, Hongling was annoyed that she didn't get the first chance, and secretly despised the two of them, while Ye Jian was full of envy.

A strong beam of light burst out directly from the interstellar void.Everyone disappeared in place.

This is a pale cyan planet named: Xuanqing Star.After entering it, I found that this place is also a sacred place for cultivation, which may be less compared to Tianhuan Star, but other than that, Sky Blue Star is no more than that. The environment here is very good, with many trees, not as rare as on Earth.

Murong Xifei said earlier that her family is a family, but it can produce a second robbery loose immortal, this family is also very powerful, after Murong Xifei led the way, Wu Tian and five people came to bring here, it turned out to be in Xuantian City, and Wu Tian's spiritual sense discovered that there are actually two Loose Immortals here, both of them are Loose Immortals of the Second Tribulation. It seems that this city is no worse than other hilltops. There is plenty of spiritual energy here, and there is a large array of protection in the city.

Murong Xifei led Wu Tian and the others to her door quickly. "I'll come back. Cousin? Cousin. Uncle. Uncle? Are you all there?" She started calling before she even entered.It seems that this matter is in a good mood.

The two out-of-body disciples recognized Murong Xifei as soon as they arrived at the door, and cheered happily, "The lady is back, the lady is back." Just as they hurriedly opened the door, everyone inside heard what the two of them said, and all came out .

"Haha~ Xi Fei is back, why did you stay for so long this time?" A young man stepped out, combining the strength of the late stage.

"Uncle. I have something to do so I didn't come back in time." Murong Xifei came to Murong Zhan coquettishly.

"I see. You probably sneaked out to play. You little naughty ghost. You are so serious on the surface. I don't know how many ghosts are in your heart." Wu Tian deeply sympathized with this sentence.When I met Murong Xifei for the first time.He was also slightly deceived by his appearance. "Let uncle see if he has worked hard recently," said Wan raised his hand and shot a burst of energy.Shoot towards Murong Xifei.

Murong Xifei quickly flew away, but she didn't try to stop her, but said, "I'm lazy, I'm working hard, and I'm almost in the middle of the fusion!"

Murong Zhan saw that Murong Xifei did not block his attack at all.Every time she came back, she tried her best to show how hard she worked.He also tried his best to deal with it by himself.Surprisingly, there was no obstruction this time.The attack shot directly at Wu Tian who was behind him.Murong Zhan was shocked.Hurry up and make a move to turn it into an attack.

Wu Tian looked at the incoming energy attack, and dismissed the attack with a wave of his hand indifferently. Murong Zhan raised his brows. He was in the late stage of fusion. walked up. "I don't know who is the senior? Come to my Murong Mansion, I hope you will forgive me for being rude just now."

Wu Tian chuckled and was about to speak, when Murong Xifei came over and said, "Uncle, there is no need to apologize to him, he is my friend, and his name is Wu Tian!"

It was fine if Murong Xifei didn't say anything, but when he mentioned Wu Tian, ​​Murong Zhan suddenly became horrified and exclaimed, "But Wu Tian of Tianyan Sect?"

Wu Tian smiled and nodded, Murong Zhan hurriedly pulled away Murong Xifei who was in the way and said, "Senior, please, I knew that when I came here, I would welcome my elder brother in person." After speaking, he shouted to the people next to him. "Aren't you going to ask the patriarch to come over soon?"

Murong Zhan gave Murong Xifei a slight glare and said, "Ignorant child, don't say anything about such a big thing in advance." After all, Wu Tian is on the Tianhuan Star, and his actions are too terrifying. Brahma Sect was destroyed a hundred years ago. At this time, it can be said that Tianyanzong has the final say on the current Tianhuanxing, and it can also be said that Wu Tian has the final say. Since he can destroy Brahma Sect in front of the two Sanxians, it means that he has already killed With the strength of two Loose Immortals of Three Tribulations, his own family is no more than one Loose Immortal of Second Tribulations, how dare he be rude.

Murong Xifei muttered to the little mouth and said, "Uncle, you are making such a fuss, Wu Tian is my friend who doesn't care."

Wu Tian also said, "I'll just call you uncle just like Xifei, it's really okay, Xifei and I are good friends, and I came here because I have something to do."

All the pores of Murong Zhan's body stretched out when Wu Tian called him uncle.Xin Dao earned.At this time, everyone in the Murong House knew that the naughty Murong Xifei had returned.They all came to the hall.

"Oh, cousin. You are getting more and more beautiful." Murong Xifei saw a beautiful woman come out.Hastily jumped over.

"Ah~ It's really Xi Fei who is back. How can I be more beautiful than you, the number one beauty of Tianhuanxing? By the way, that Wu Tian you said you liked last time? He seems to have returned to Tianhuanxing. The news spread It's so hot, you're still in the mood to come back," Murong Qian said.

(End of this chapter)

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