Chapter 282
Fortunately, the power at this time was not great, and the seven-color fairy armor suddenly burst into seven-color light, blocking the fierce attack alone, but Wu Tian was also knocked back ten thousand meters.

I was shocked.There are ten thunders.Wu Tian began to recover.I ate two Three Tribulation Pills.Sitting cross-legged in the stars.

Seeing that Wu Tian was able to pass through the fifteenth sky thunder, Mu Lao was also full of surprises, but after fifteenth, it would not be so easy to cross, Mu Lao thought in his heart, if you can cross the dazzling sky fire again, you will be able to fight with Sanchi Shui Tianlei, then I will give you mulberry wood, and the fortune is up to you.

Beibei probably understood Mu Lao's thoughts and hurriedly asked, "Grandpa! Did you give him mulberry wood like last time?"

"He has that opportunity, I will make him successful, if there is no such opportunity, he is also a person of good fortune, why give it to him?" Mu Lao said with a smile.

"But you also said that back then, you still gave it to the elder brother," Beibei said with her lips pouted.

"Back then I had high hopes for him. After all, at that time there were very few Five Tribulations Loose Immortals. Although I was a little disappointed later, this time this one is indeed extraordinary."

"What's unusual?" Beibei asked curiously.

"It's useless to tell you. In short, I can feel that he seems to be able to change the current status quo. Those of us who are the last step have stayed in this class for too long. We seem to have almost forgotten to practice after a long time. Then What is the God Realm like? Is it the ultimate of 'Tao'?" Mu Lao said to himself after a few words.

Beibei is still puzzled, but she still looks at Wu Tian excitedly, wondering if Wu Tian can successfully cross the tribulation, after all, the Five Tribulations Sanxian is very powerful, and being able to witness the birth of a Five Tribulations Sanxian is relatively not boring thing.

All the bosses looked at the screens around them.He knows what's behind.Many things will appear in the legend.No one survives the six kalpas.Many people survived the Five Tribulations.

Wu Tian saw that Jieyun had changed.Fire started to blaze around.Puzzled.After all, he had never seen Jieyun in this form before.

Soon Jieyun was a sea of ​​flames, the surrounding sky fire spurted in all directions, the temperature was so high that it was scary, Wu Tiandao didn't feel it, looking at Jieyun with black and white eyes, the sky fire gradually disappeared in his eyes, and the center turned out to be the dazzling sky fire.

Maybe others will be scared when they see Xuanji Tianhuo, but Wu Tian is really not worried. You can't hide from these things that appear in the catastrophe. The legendary five attributes, right now, I only have Xuanji Tianhuo and Sanchishui, what should I do next, when I think of Cunjin's perverted attributes, my heart trembles, that thing will not appear.

Soon the Tianhuo Jieyun gathered. This time the Tianlei was not big, and it was still very small. The Xuanji Tianhuo Tianlei blasted at Wu Tian, ​​and Wu Tian withdrew all his defenses. Except for the ghost world, other big bosses did not like this move. It's full of horror.

Mu Laoman didn't understand, he didn't look like Wu Tian who gave up easily, he was trapped here for hundreds of years, even if he didn't have Xianyuan, he still practiced in closed doors, he could see Wu Tian's tenacity. For Xuanji Tianhuo, although it is a bit perverted, but you have an artifact in your hand, at least you can resist a serious injury. If you count it as a defense, you will probably be destroyed in an instant.

The dazzling sky fire directly fell on Wu Tian's body.Nothing unexpected happened.Wu Tian enjoyed this feeling very much.In the eyes of others, it is extremely frightening.In Wu Tian's place, he is like a happy elf.

The Xuanji Heavenly Fire in his body quickly absorbed the Xuanji Heavenly Fire in this Heavenly Tribulation, which made Wu Tian happy for a while. Didn't expect to cross the Tribulation like this?

Seeing Wu Tian's body glow with dazzling fire.Only those big guys know.It turned out that Wu Tian actually refined Xuanji Skyfire.It can't be said that he is very lucky.

The No. 16 sky thunder was so easily passed, if someone else tried their best to resist the Xuanji sky fire.

After the No.16 sky thunder passed, the calamity cloud like a sea of ​​fire slowly recovered, the previous dark cloud rolled endlessly, and then began to change slowly, with the sound of bubbles coming out.

The center of Jieyun began to change slowly, colorless water appeared in it, and finally Jieyun turned into a vast ocean, and Wu Tian felt his heart churning as he looked at the weak water all over the sky.It's over.

One thought that there was a weak out.Then you don't need to think about it to know that the sky thunder is three feet of water.I have the ability to get through.Then how will Duantu, Sangmu, and Cunjin live in the future?Especially that inch of gold.Assimilate everything.Not so easy to deal with.

The big guys looked at Wu Tian again, wondering what this guy used to cross the three-foot water. This is at the same level as the Xuanji Skyfire. If you have the Xuanji Skyfire, you are lucky, so what about the three-foot water?

Wu Tian looked at Jieyun helplessly.I wondered how Qian Lingzhi got over it.So perverted.That guy is also very lucky.

With the supplement of Xuanji Tianhuo, his immortal energy has also increased a lot. Wu Tian is very happy. The three feet of water can also restore him a lot, and then he will be able to resist the other three attributes.So now Xianyuan is very important to me, and it is also a factor in whether I can survive the five catastrophes.

Sure enough, it didn't take long. No.17 thunder came down.There is no accident that the three-foot water is like a drop of water.Blast to Wu Tian.Still like that, Wu Tian watched the three feet of water fall without any defense.

Mu Lao's eyes shrank for a moment, and suddenly opened wide. Except for the ghost world, other bigwigs from all walks of life were shocked when they saw Wu Tian's defenselessness, and many exclaimed, "No way! Could it be that this kid has refined three feet of water?" ?”

Soon the answer will be revealed.Three feet of water appeared on the surface of Wu Tian's body.Those thunders that fell three feet of water.It also melted into Wu Tian's body.Didn't hurt a point.It also made Wu Tian a success.

"Good boy, it seems that I can't help you if I don't help you. I just passed the fire and water calamity. I will help you after the wooden calamity," Mu Lao praised.

"Grandpa, how do you know that he doesn't have broken soil, mulberry wood, and inch gold?" Beibei asked.

"He is only a loose immortal of the Four Tribulations, and his cultivation age is only a thousand years old. If he can't see your body, it proves that he has never been to the demon world. How can he come to Sangmu? If he hasn't been to the demon world, how can he come to Duantu? If he hasn't been to the Buddhist world, how can he come here? Gold?" Old Mu said.

"He has surpassed the Three Tribulations Loose Immortal, and if he can go through the retrograde passage, maybe he has been to these realms?" Beibei objected.

"Your vision is strong, or is my vision strong? Before he came to me, he was only at the peak of the Four Tribulations Sanxian. I have seen him now, and his cultivation time is only 300 years. Although I don't understand why he broke the tradition of Sanxian blocking , but I'm sure he hasn't been to these worlds, I'm afraid he hasn't even been to the fairy world"

"He has never been to the fairy world, so why does he have Xuanji Tianhuo? This is something that only immortal emperors have?" Beibei asked.

"The world is so vast, and there are countless opportunities, who can tell clearly?" Mu Lao sighed.

"You also know that there are countless opportunities?" Beibei scornfully said.

"You..." Mu Lao choked immediately.

The three-foot water brought a lot of energy, the immortal essence was replenished a lot, the seven-color fairy armor appeared outside the body, the eight dragons also appeared on the soles of the feet, and the fierce flame banner appeared in the hand. After this defense, those big guys They all breathed a sigh of relief. If Wu Tian didn't deploy defenses here, they would probably go crazy. One person can get the two legendary treasures. It cannot but be said that he is very powerful.

The Immortal Emperor is also frowning at this time, the more powerful Wu Tian is, the less likely he is to seek refuge in the Immortal Realm, what has this guy gained from the Dou Tian Shen Formation?

Dou Tian Shen Zhen also went in.Beasts all over the world at that time.Fortunately, I have great supernatural powers.Only then can I get through.Only later did I learn about the attributes of the Doutian Divine Formation.It turned out that people from what realm entered.A monster of some realm appeared.But the premise is that the person who arranges the Doutian Divine Formation must be strong.

If you only have the strength of the Xianjun, then the Supreme Immortal Emperor enters, and the monsters of the Xianjun level appear highest in the Doutian God Formation, and there is no danger to them. It is a monster of the same level as Xianjun.

I think it must have been a god who arranged the Doutian array back then, but the magic circle arranged by a god was broken by Wu Tian. He was just a cultivator at that time. I heard that he was still a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage Woolen cloth.Immortal Emperor thought about this, and opened his mouth.

"Fourth brother, go down to the realm and find Wu Tian, ​​and you can ask about the specific situation in the Doutian God Formation," said the Immortal Emperor majestically.

Guangyuan stood up, "Don't worry, big brother, I will go down to the lower realm to ask after Wu Tiantian's tribulation is over, but he is at Mulao's right now."

"You wait until he's out Jupiter is asking"

At this time, Jieyun changed again, the three-foot water was broken, Wu Tian was not destroyed, Jieyun began to appear as real land, a thick and heavy breath rushed towards him, and a clod of soil the size of a million meters appeared on top of Wu Tian's head, The pressure is still quite high.

As if releasing the world, the robbery cloud is shrinking, and the land is thickening, as if he also knows that Wu Tian has nothing to resist this time, and vows to kill Wu Tian, ​​it seems that this time is extraordinary Wu Tian has no choice but to have chaos in his body It began to move slowly, although the immortal yuan was consumed, but there was no other way, the broken soil was coming, I don't know how powerful the broken soil is, the size of a grain is ten thousand catties, I think it will not be too small this time.

Leaders from all walks of life are watching how Wu Tian resists this broken soil.Especially the two worlds of immortals and ghosts.After all, they had the most contact with Wu Tian.

After the Duantu Tribulation Cloud was brewed, a thick coercion radiated, and thunder and lightning flashed around Duantu, or the thick cloud and soil split open, and Duantu, which was a kilometer in size, appeared in Wu Tian's sight.

Just appeared.Wu Tian cursed in his heart.It's unreasonable to break such a large area of ​​soil.Also how many catties.Don't wait for him to come down.Lie Yanfan shot.Brushed twice in a row.Xianyuan is consumed heavily.The two white lights really opened up a small piece of broken soil.Kill Eye shot.The broken soil that fell was consumed a little again.Killed eyes dozens of times in a row.Chaos eyes opened twice.Eight dragons.Eight dragons rise up.What finally appeared above Wu Tian's 500 meters.The broken soil is still [-] meters in size.And it's accelerating down.

Wu Tian had no choice but to sacrifice the Hundred Demons Sword. The Xingyu above his head was in chaos. The ten-meter-sized blood-red Hundred Demons Sword appeared in the Xingyu. Artifact.

Xianyuan lost wildly, Baimojian groaned, dragged out a line of blood, and greeted Duantu with strong coercion.

When the two powerhouses met, the surroundings suddenly became chaotic, boom.

(End of this chapter)

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