Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 287 Returning to the Promise Star

Chapter 287 Returning to the Promise Star

When Wu Tian came out of the passage.Looking at the surrounding stars.Quickly took out the compass and checked it out.Don't appear in a distant or strange star field, it will be troublesome.At first glance, it turned out that he appeared on the edge of the Bagoda star field.

The front is the Bagoda starfield.Take a quick look at the compass.Only then did I realize that the Promise Star was originally in the center of the Bago Star Field.And the legendary Battle of Sealing Realm is at the other end of the Bagorda Starfield.The retrograde passage is there too.It seems that I may be able to take a look at the legendary sealed battlefield.

The interstellar void appears in the infinite star.He Sheng came before.There is no one here where He Yue lives.I don't know if they were implicated in what happened back then.Consciousness expansion.The entire central area is completely covered by his own spiritual consciousness.

I don't know if I don't look at it, I was shocked when I saw it, He Sheng and He Yue at this time were actually on the site of Qingyunmen back then, and now it is not called Qingyunmen, but Tianmen.At the same time, He Sheng and He Yue were also discovered.

After nearly a thousand years of cultivation, He Sheng has reached the early stage of body integration. He is very talented. Many people have not been out of the body or distracted for thousands of years. Even more beautiful.

And He Sheng is the current head of Tianmen. From their conversation, it can be seen that this kid seems to be doing well, and Wu Tian disappeared in place with a smile.

"Please inform me, I'm looking for He Sheng, and I will say that my old friend Wu Tian is visiting." Wu Tian came to the Tianmen headquarters and said to the Tianmen disciples in the Nascent Soul Stage.

The man looked at Wu Tian and found that Wu Tian was no more than a 'mortal'.So he said, "If you want to come to apprentice, you don't need to make connections. The head of the sect doesn't accept apprentices now. You can worship the elders below,"

"I'm not here to apprentice, I'm here to find He Sheng, just tell him that Wu Tian is back," Wu Tian said again.

"The head is not something anyone can see if they want to. Besides, the head is busy right now. You'd better wait until next time," said the Tianmen disciple in the Nascent Soul stage.

Wu Tian saw his strange expression, and instantly understood what he meant. Not to mention that Wu Tian really didn't have any magic weapon that he could use at this time. , It was placed in the master's gate a long time ago, and now it is a fairy weapon, it is impossible to send the fairy weapon to him to run errands.

Seeing Wu Tian standing there, the Nascent Soul Qi Tianmen disciple didn't speak or retreat, thinking that he didn't understand, so he snorted coldly, turned around and ignored Wu Tian.

Wu Tian sighed again.The ethos of cultivators is very low now.How many people are pursuing the way of heaven?In desperation, he had no choice but to walk to the side of the road and pick up a stone.Wrapped in cents.Directly tempered into a three-foot flying sword.

Slightly glanced at it, felt that it was still on the ordinary three-foot flying sword, shook his head helplessly, the Tianmen disciple in Yuanying stage had been looking at Wu Tian from the corner of his eye, when he saw Wu Tian picking up the stone casually, the stone finally disappeared and appeared in the In his hand was a three-foot high-quality flying sword with a cold light, and he felt a thump in his heart, master!

When Wu Tian came to the man, he immediately became extremely respectful. Wu Tian casually threw the three-foot stone sword to him and asked, "Please inform me."

"Yes, yes, yes, wait a moment, senior," and quickly ran to the inner hall, Wu Tian just shook his head helplessly, human nature is ugly, when they feel that they no longer have other pursuits, they will pursue personal interests, few people can Abandon everything and concentrate on practicing the way of heaven.

Not long after, a group of people rushed out, and the leader was He Sheng. When he saw Wu Tian, ​​he knelt down immediately, "Brother! Is it really you? I finally saw you after all these years."

Wu Tian lightly raised the armrest, He Sheng couldn't kneel down, everyone around was surprised, after all, He Sheng was already a master of the fusion stage.

"I've had things to do these years. It's you. You're doing well now. You're still the leader of the school. There's a long way to go. You have to take care of them. Don't be obsessed with the mundane world."

"Brother! Don't talk about it yet. Let's talk inside. Yue'er misses you very much too." He Sheng immediately and respectfully led Wu Tian to the inner hall.However, when the disciple of the Nascent Soul Stage who took the bribe heard He Sheng call Wu Tian big brother.I was terrified in my heart.I feel that the top grade stone sword in my hand is so hot.

He Sheng brought Wu Tian to the inner hall.So he hurriedly ordered someone to invite He Yue.

Wu Tian was curious about how He Sheng opened the sect. It is said that after so many years, even if the talent is well cultivated to the fusion stage, he still has no energy to manage the sect. Besides, there are not many people in the center of the Promise Star who can compete for it. The aura here is not bad. Without the support of a powerful Sanxian, it can be said that as long as a Sanxian comes, a sect of comprehension can be wiped out.

"These years, how did you live after I left? Why did you open the sect?" Wu Tian asked.

"Ah." He Sheng sighed, and said again, "Ever since my eldest brother and a few Sanxians went to fight outside the star, they haven't returned again. My sister and I were about to hide when a senior Sanxian came to us. It turns out He learned about the battle between the elder brother and their ancestors from the remnants of the Qingyun sect. If their ancestors didn't come back, they might have been killed by the elder brother, and the elder brother didn't come back, we all thought to ourselves."

Looking at He Sheng's hesitant appearance, they knew that they must have thought to themselves that they had passed away together with the fourth elder of Qingyunmen, "If that's the case, then why are they still looking for you?"

He Sheng continued embarrassingly, "I don't quite understand, but at that time I just got the idea from my elder brother, and I also had the arrogance to break through the world, so I followed that Sanxian to this time, and soon established the Tianmen, and then we I was practicing at Tianmen, and then the Sanxian asked me to worship him as a teacher, because the elder brother taught me the exercises and was not a master, so I worshiped him. After so many years, the master and his old man's training, I have today's achievements. "

So it seems that only Sanxian can support a sect, but most of the sects supported by Sanxian have a purpose, that is to help them find materials, they need to cross the catastrophe, they don't have so many like myself For magic weapons, they all use formations to cross the catastrophe. They need formation materials, good refining materials, refining fairy weapons, and better panaceas.So Sanxian's millennium is basically spent like this.

If it wasn't for my good luck, maybe I am still slowly collecting materials in Tianyanzong now. Alas, they may stand in different angles and look at the problem in different directions. They are also a group of poor people. Looking at He Sheng, they asked, "Your master Not in Tianmen?"

Gang Ang's spiritual sense didn't find that Sanxian was here, He Sheng said, "Master, he went to Shouchuan, and I heard that what was exchanged, I don't know exactly."

Wu Tian nodded slightly, just at this moment Wu Tian felt He Yue was coming, looked at the door, He Sheng also stood up.

"Brother. Is Brother Wu Tian here? Really?" Before asking, Wu Tian looked at her with a smile.I blushed for no reason.

"Haha! Eldest brother may have traveled a lot these years, so I think he's waiting for my sister." He Sheng smiled wickedly, and then said, "You guys have a chat, I'll go and deal with the affairs of the sect, and come to accompany elder brother "

Wu Tian nodded. After all, He Yue has a cultivation base of out-of-body cultivation. After taking a few deep breaths, she returned to normal. She looked at Wu Tian with beautiful eyes, and asked faintly, "Where did the eldest brother go these years? I don't know to come and see the little one Sister?" There was a bit of resentment in the voice.

Wu Tian was helpless. "I have had a lot of things in these years. I am not a person on Wuji Star. After I defeated the four scattered immortals of Qingyunmen, I was injured and then cultivated for a period of time. Later, I will go to my own planet. These years of injuries I just came to see you."Wu Tian didn't want them to know too much.After all, they will ascend to the fairyland in the future.There is also a long way to go.There is no comparison between myself and them.

His own road is doomed to be bumpy.And it has already started.Now I can no longer replenish the elixir casually.So gradually waiting for a thousand years.Overcome the six heavenly tribulations.Now I have to start collecting materials myself.

Jieyun was not the only one he had to deal with.And those big bosses.The importance of formations has been highlighted.Helplessly looking at the sky.

Perhaps feeling Wu Tian's helplessness, He Yue walked over gently, seeing that Wu Tian didn't disturb Wu Tian's quiet thinking.

Not long after, He Sheng came back and ordered everyone to arrange for the spiritual fruit to come up. Wu Tian looked at He Sheng and asked, "Have you managed the sect like this all these years?"

He Sheng nodded helplessly, "It's very stressful to establish a sect in the center. It can be said that there are constant competitions. If there is no master, I would dare to be here. The master usually does not show up. I will handle everything. , but the master gave me elixir to replenish my realm, after all these years, I have finally reached the integration stage," He Sheng was vaguely proud.

Wu Tian said "stretch out your hand"

He Sheng didn't know why, but he could say that everything he had was given by his elder brother, so he didn't have any defense against Wu Tian, ​​so he stretched out his hand.

Wu Tian's spiritual sense checked his body along his veins, and he couldn't help but frown. He Sheng had only raised his true energy these years, but his realm hadn't kept up.

Wu Tian looked at He Yue again and said, "You also stretch out your hand." He Yue was taken aback, and all the blushing stretched out their hands. After Wu Tian checked, his brows frowned even tighter. When He Sheng saw Wu Tian frowning, he immediately asked .

"Your real essence is not pure, and your realm is very low, which doesn't match your current realm at all,"

"No wonder, sometimes when I run my true essence, I feel awkward. How can I improve my realm?" He Sheng asked.

Wu Tian sighed, "This realm is extremely mysterious, no one can say it, and no one can pass it on, but I can help you to purify your true essence. As for your realm, I will create an illusion array, and you can enter it to cultivate." , when you can come out, you should no longer have to worry about the realm."

He Sheng was overjoyed.This matter has become his heart disease.At his level, he already knows a lot of things.It is impossible to cross the catastrophe if the realm does not go up.Wu Tian shot.There is no problem in improving the purity of their true essence.

"You should explain the matter of the master, and I will take you to Jizhan Mountain to set up an formation," Wu Tian said.

He Sheng quickly asked an elder to handle some affairs of the master's school as an agent, and his two brothers and sisters came to this dilapidated town that no one lived in again. The feeling of pity for the same fate, now I seem to have changed, and I sighed slightly, maybe here is the best place to raise the realm for the two of us.

(End of this chapter)

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