Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 289 Retrograde Channel No. 1 Star

Chapter 289 Retrograde Channel No. [-] Star
Wu Tian looked at Tong Jiu, who was terrified, and said again, "Senior! It's not easy to cultivate, please let me go for the sake of He Sheng brothers and sisters, after all, I am also a master and apprentice to them."

"This is the only thing that makes me feel a little bit relieved. Although your purpose is not pure, and you haven't taught them how to cultivate, but since they can cultivate like this, you can't say that it doesn't work at all. There are two roads in front of you now. One is , I let you go, you fend for yourself, your catastrophe is coming, and second, I will give you a chance to reincarnate, but deprive you of your sanity."

I was stunned, reincarnated, this Wu Tian can already help people reincarnate?Deprivation of sanity is also considered a punishment, but if one can re-activate one's sanity in one's lifetime, then it must be a chance, without it, one will really fend for itself.

Even if he succeeds in crossing the catastrophe, he has no chance at all. Just thinking about the catastrophe makes people frightened. Now that he knows that Wu Tian will not hurt him, the panic in his heart slowly recedes.

"Thank you for your success, senior. Tongjiu is able to get such a chance. It is also due to He Sheng and He Yue's contribution. Please donate these two fairy artifacts to them." Tongjiu took out a fairy ring and a fairy sword.

Wu Tian nodded slightly, and the two celestial artifacts flew into his hands, the reincarnation wheel suddenly enlarged, and flew towards Tong Jiu's head, Tong Jiu was immediately horrified, "Senior, this is it?"

"This name is Samsara Wheel, Heaven and Earth Treasure Falling Wheel is only a name known to most people. When you enter Samsara, you enter Samsara Wheel. If you succeed in reincarnation, you must devote yourself to the Tao in the next life, and you must not get lost and forget to return." Wu Tian shouted.

Tong Jiu saluted sincerely. Wu Tian was not punishing him, but on the contrary, he was saving him. He plotted against Wu Tian before, and felt extremely ashamed, "Senior, Tong Jiu can only repay him in the next life."

Wu Tian yelled, "When will I wait if I haven't entered reincarnation?"

Tong Jiu saluted Wu Tian again.Turn around and throw yourself into the reincarnation wheel.A black dot disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.Wu Tian took back the reincarnation wheel.Turn around and disappear here.

The reappearance has already come before He Sheng and He Yue's phantom formation. Seeing that the two are still comprehending, with a wave of his hand, the two artifacts entered their bodies. During the whole process, neither of them felt the slightest bit. Wu Tian strengthened his strength again. After breaking the defense of the formation, he got up and left.

Standing on the top of Jizhan Mountain and looking at the two people who saved him back then, I sighed again in my heart, let me help you again, Wu Tian disappeared on the top of Jizhan Mountain.

The entire Promise Star shook.Some people say that there is a super master.Captured all the loose immortals on the entire Wuji star.Some say they were all killed.Those sects that were originally backed by Sanxian.Suddenly became very docile.Many sects disappeared overnight.Because the Sanxian master in the door disappeared.They had to go.

Enemy revenge is very scary.Think about what you and others have done over the years.Completely rely on Sanxian.Backstage is gone now.Naturally dare not presumptuous.Hastily disappeared from everyone's sight.

Wu Tian appeared outside the Promise Star.I thought in my heart that what I did was not sure if it was right or wrong.How many loose immortals are there in this comprehension world?It is impossible to help them all reincarnate.Still see one reincarnation one by one.

Sanxian itself cannot be in the cultivation world.They are too capable.Not suitable for the world of self-cultivation.without them.Maybe the current comprehension world is not what it is now.Who can decide everything?Or plan for yourself.

Take out the compass.Check out the location of the retrograde channel.Immediate interstellar nothingness appears nearby.Spatial vibrations have begun to appear ahead.Impossible to teleport in.Unless extreme.But the extreme change is in the universe.The range is too small.Not suitable for use.Or use the planetary teleportation array.

You can see the retrograde passage after passing through three planets, and you are faintly looking forward to seeing the retrograde passage for the first time, flying to a planet below, and Wu Tiancai found it strange that there are not only cultivators here, but also people who can see it. People who cultivate demons and Buddhas, as well as those human beings who take the form of monsters and beasts.

In the world of comprehension, such people would basically be punished.But here it is discovered that they all live on the same planet.Wu Tian stayed for a few days.There are constant battles in the middle.This is also where news gathers.Maybe a lot of news spread from here to the world of comprehension.

During the few days Wu Tian was here.All soaked in the tavern.Although there are constant battles here.But Wu Tian is not in danger when he is here.On the fifth day.Wu Tian was surprised to find a fairy.This is the first time seeing a fairy appearing in the realm of comprehension.

Wu Tian knew from what he had learned these days that these three planets were to provide a resting place for the closed world battlefield, and behind the several forces were immortal masters or demon masters.

Friction happens every day. Wu Tian watched the immortal come to the tavern, and glanced casually. Wu Tian had completely hidden himself a long time ago, only revealing a distracted middle-stage cultivation base outside.

Therefore, the immortal who only had the strength of a celestial being just glanced at Wu Tian coldly, continued to glance at the others without stopping for a moment, and then said coldly, "Who insulted me just now? Why am I afraid to speak when I come here?"

"Noisy! Are all people in the fairy world so arrogant? Hmph!" A charming and enchanting girl came out, with sapphire-like dreamy eyes, yellowish hair, upturned nose and small mouth, ruddy and slightly white skin, and a short figure. About 1.7 meters long, dressed in colorful mist and green strips, looking coldly at the immortal in front of him.

"Blue Fox, it's you again, hum! You haven't understood what happened last time, do you want to compete again?" The fairy shouted coldly, his face full of gloomyness.

"Hmph! When was my blue fox afraid of Xu Wen? You people from the fairy world come and fight as many times as you want." Suddenly, a ball of demon energy appeared in his hand.The majestic demonic aura burst out suddenly.He pointed to Xu Wen.

The realms of the two are similar, Xu Wen backed away sideways, not daring to resist, but the attack was shot at Wu Tian so undeadly, many people in the tavern looked at Wu Tian, ​​Wu Tian himself was in the realm of clone, why Is it possible to escape this onslaught?
Wu Tian also secretly smiled wryly.What kind of bad luck is this.This can also be shot.Reluctantly, he had to pretend to be terrified.Then want to hide.But it's an expression that can't be hidden.Secretly waiting for the attack to come.He fell down on his own head.

"Idiot! Don't flash!" A figure suddenly shot over, pulled Wu Tian past him, and threw it away.


The table was instantly torn apart, Wu Tian was still not far away, smiling wryly in his heart, he himself will be thrown one day, he is still a fairy, with big black eyes glowing with golden light, wearing pink fairy armor, protecting his vitals, everything else is exposed On the outside, it is extremely smooth, and the skin is as delicate as a baby's
"Idiot watching? Look at me again and I gouged out your eyes. Hmph!" said the fairy.

Wu Tian was depressed.Still a small chili.I have nothing to do here.It's all their business.Hurry up and thank Shan Cai.Over there, Xu Wen and Lan Hu fought together.The inside was beaten into a mess in an instant.In the end, the two fought to the sky.

"Thank you Fairy for saving me." Wu Tian bowed slightly.

Maybe Wu Tian looked at her twice just now, but the fairy didn't look at Wu Tian, ​​and snorted coldly, "Your sect, why haven't I seen you on this star. Or did you travel here?"

Wu Tian naturally knows what the No. [-] star is. There are three planets here, namely the No. [-] star, the No. [-] star, and the No. [-] star.It is full of people from all walks of life, and it can be said that this place is completely a proving ground for masters.

You can see many fit masters here, and you can also see loose immortals, but loose immortals have no place here. I heard that there are masters with golden immortal strength sitting here, but Wu Tian will not be in any danger when he is here.

"During my travels, I don't understand a lot of things, so please don't blame the fairy." Wu Tian replied.

The fairy frowned, not being called a junior in front of her was extremely rude, but she asked again, "Since you have come here for a tour, I think you should go to the Xianzong Gate to report and have a chance to work for the Immortal Emperor."

Wu Tian froze, serving the Immortal Emperor?This guy is probably going to attack me in a thousand years. If I am reincarnated, it is possible to serve him, but it is impossible for me to be reincarnated, so I am doomed to fight against him.

"I am devoted to the Tao. I only pursue the supreme Dao. I appreciate the fairy's kindness," Wu Tian said.Gong Li again, "Then I won't bother the fairy anymore."After finishing his speech, he walked out.

Then he snorted coldly now.However, no action was taken.After all, I am a cultivator.Then flew into the sky.Fly to the place where Xu Wen and Blue Fox fought.It looks like a two-on-one is possible.

After understanding these days, Wu Tian knows the realm of the demon world, the total number is fully understood, and Wu Tian is also systematically let Wu Tian know the realm distribution of all walks of life:

Immortal World: Foundation Establishment, Revolving Illumination, Bigu, Consecration, Fusion, Golden Elixir, Nascent Soul, Leaving Body, Distraction, Fusion, Transcending Tribulation, Mahayana, Earth Immortal, Celestial Immortal, Golden Immortal, Luotian Supreme Immortal, Immortal Monarch, Immortal Emperor ;
Demon Realm: Becoming a demon, interfering with a demon, becoming a demon, joining a demon, dividing a demon, a great demon, a demon master, a heavenly demon, a demon king, a great demon king, a great demon god, and a demon king;
Demon Realm: Yuan Yao, Transformation, Forming, Quality Yuan, Transparency, Yuan Ji, Yao Cheng, Supreme Demon, Demon King, Great Demon King, Demon Monarch, Demon Emperor;
Ghost Realm: Entering ghosts, transforming ghosts, becoming ghosts, joining ghosts, spirit ghosts, ghost kings, big ghost kings, heavenly ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, ghost kings, and ghost kings;
Buddha Realm: Buddha's son, entering Buddha, becoming Buddha, Buddha's essence, Buddha's appearance, Buddha's Lord, Buddha, Heavenly Buddha, Arhat, Golden Buddha Arhat, Buddha Lord, Buddha statue.

The blue fox just now is the ultimate demon realm, but the demon clan is similar to the people in the demon world, and they all have some powerful skills. In order to balance their strength, the fairy world finally relies on external fairy weapons, and the gap between the two sides is not too big.

Wu Tian was not in the mood to pay attention to their battle.the most important is.The battle to seal the border is about to begin.Soon there will be a war in several realms.Maybe there is their vanguard here.

On this number one planet.There are five teleportation arrays.People from the five realms are in charge.Wu Tian is now a cultivator.It is to pass through the legend of the fairy world.Just arrived at the teleportation array.Found that many people are waiting for the legend.

Wu Tian had no choice but to queue up to wait for the legend, and many people rushed over from behind. The sound of battle bombardment was heard from time to time in the sky, which became more and more intense. fighting.

Dozens of immortals appeared again.There are also dozens of people in the demon world.The demon world also got involved.In helping the demon world stand in the fairy world.The fairy world retreated for a while.Wu Tian didn't find people from the Buddha Realm and the Ghost Realm participating in the battle.

Wu Tian knew in his heart that the ghost world would definitely participate in the battle this time, but he didn't know why the masters of the ghost world didn't see a few here. The Buddhist world is very mysterious, and Wu Tian only saw some low-level masters of the Buddhist world in front of him. Humans, as for masters, they haven't discovered their own spiritual consciousness. The cultivation in the Buddhist world is the aspect of spiritual consciousness and soul, and they are very good at hiding them. Maybe they are just watching at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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