Chapter 294 Leave
What?Five Tribulations Loose Immortals?Sanjian looked disbelieving.Wu Tian was helpless.Shot Xianyuan to cover here.Suspended, the momentum suddenly exploded.The majestic coercion.Directly let the three swords retreat to the corner.

"Do you believe it?" Wu Tian said lightly.

Sanjian nodded hastily, his eyes had already protruded, and there was another Loose Immortal of the Five Tribulations in the cultivation world. He had never seen his demeanor when he was in Lingzhi, but now he saw a Loose Immortal of the Five Tribulations who was just like him back then.

"Then I said that I can kill you instantly? Do you still believe it? I only help you because you and I are both loose immortals. If you really don't want to be reincarnated, that's fine too," Wu Tian said with back his momentum.

Sanjian hurriedly apologized, "It's all juniors who are suspicious, seniors, please don't blame me." Now I finally believe that Wu Tian is not harmful to me. After all, the five robbers and the three robbers are absolutely instant kills. No wonder it took no effort to grab the crescent moon before. , although I don't know whether Wu Tian is the early or late stage of the Five Tribulations Sanxian, but regardless of the early stage or the late stage, killing those people can almost be said to be instant kill.

Going to the back, the disparity in strength is too great, too big to be surpassed.Wu Tian said, "There are many people here, let's go outside and talk."

This time Sanjian followed Wu Tian obediently.Wu Tian quickly flew towards the sky with the three swords.Encountered a big formation on the way.They pass through without a trace.Finally came to the outer mountain guard array.As long as there are fluctuations in this large formation.The fairy trail must be found.I had no choice but to control the fluctuation to a minimum.

In the horrified eyes of the Three Swords, Wu Tian's hands glowed with dazzling fire, and he stretched out his hand and pressed it into the mountain guard formation, pulling the Three Swords to "go", and the two disappeared in place.

Xu Wei, who sat cross-legged and recovered his immortal energy, suddenly opened his eyes, looked in the direction Wu Tianfei was leaving, got up and flew out, and just arrived outside, his subordinates came down to report, "My lord, Luo Tianshang Xianzhi group has arrived"

Zhiqun came to the outskirts of Jupiter, waiting for Wu Tian to appear, but he thought that this guy would not be able to survive the terrible five-fold heavenly tribulation. Not long after, Immortal Guangyuan came here and told some things about Wu Tian. The guy was very puzzled that he didn't die in the world of cultivating demons, and he was even more surprised when he heard that Guangyuan Xianjun said that Wu Tian might survive the fifth heavenly tribulation.

In the end, the two waited outside for a long time but did not find Wu Tian coming out.Immortal Guangyuan calculated slightly.It is said that Wu Tian may go to the retrograde passage.The two rushed over quickly.When I first arrived at Planet One, I naturally had to come to Fairyland to ask about the situation.After all, there is the most information here.It can be said that every world has it.

Guangyuan, who was about to enter the great formation of the fairy trail, suddenly stopped and looked at the south suspiciously. The arrival of the two people alarmed the people below, and one person flew up, "Where are you two?"

"Luo Tian's online Zhiqun is here, quickly call Xu Wei to welcome him"

When the man heard it, he was immediately surprised and flew down.

"My lord? What happened just now?" Zhiqun asked.

"Nothing!" Guangyuan said.But doubts remained in his eyes.

"Okay, here it is," Wu Tian said, taking out the reincarnation wheel, a feeling of soul shock appeared instantly, Sanjian looked at the reincarnation wheel in surprise and said, "It turned out to be the heavenly treasure descending wheel?"

Wu Tian also knew.This retrograde area has the most news.Especially for high-end existences like Three Swords.Knowing this cycle of reincarnation is not surprising.

"Since you know, I don't need to explain too much," Wu Tian said.

"I just don't understand, the senior said that all my immortal artifacts can be reincarnated together, it seems that this heaven and earth treasure descending wheel is not possible," San Jian asked.

"Of course I have a solution for this. Don't tell me I can still lie to you. You should know in your heart that reincarnation is more familiar than these immortal artifacts."

Sanjian nodded, took out a jade slip, pondered for a while, and then gave it to Wu Tiandao, "This is the cultivation method of spiritual consciousness, which I got from the Buddhist sect by chance."

Wu Tian was surprised, it turned out to be the mind method of the Buddhist sect. It seems that the Buddhist sect is very good at cultivating the soul of the spiritual consciousness. Last time, in the realm of the Yuanchen Golden Buddha Arhat, the spiritual consciousness could discover the spiritual power hidden by the chaotic cauldron and the shadow. Knowledge, it cannot but be said that their mentality is very unique.

This time I got their mental method, thinking that it will be of great help to improve my spiritual consciousness in the future, so I suppressed the ecstasy in my heart. "Give me your fairy artifact. When you reincarnate, I will help you take it with you."

Now he couldn't help but be puzzled by the three swords. He immediately took out three fairy swords and a fairy ring and handed them to Wu Tian. Wu Tian released the reincarnation wheel and said to the three swords, "I have a chance to see you in the next life, go!"

Three Swords bowed deeply to Wu Tian, ​​his figure shot into the wheel of reincarnation, and a black dot shot out, Wu Tian's immortal yuan wrapped four celestial artifacts, shot into the black dot, and then the black dot shot into the sky.Wu Tian withdrew the reincarnation wheel, a little impatiently wanting to check out the method of improving the consciousness, but it was not the time yet, so he suppressed the excitement in his heart, looked at the direction of the fairy trail, forget it, let's go, so as not to go back Hot trouble.

Wu Tian didn't know that this troublesome decision saved his life.Turn around and fly to the ghost world teleportation array.

"Who?" a master of the Great Ghost King realm asked immediately when he saw Wu Tian shooting.

"I'm going to Wu Tian. I want to use the teleportation array to go to the second star," Wu Tian said in a bow.

When the man heard Wu Tian, ​​he immediately showed surprise, "But Wu Tian who broke into my ghost world back then?"

Wu Tian was taken aback, the news spread so fast, he nodded, and the man immediately turned around and said, "Please go ahead".

Wu Tian frowned, nodded slightly, and in the teleportation array, the light disappeared in a flash.

As soon as Wu Tian left, the big ghost Wang Jiu in the back showed an envious look, and another person walked out behind him, also in the realm of the big ghost king, and asked the person next to him, "Is he the Wu Tian mentioned by Lord Guizun?", the first person nodded.

Wu Tian appeared at the teleportation front of the ghost world on the second planet.The two big ghost kings in charge of the teleportation array saw it.The one who appeared in the teleportation array turned out to be a fairy.Suddenly surprised.I thought that No. [-] star ghost sect was attacked by the fairy world.

Immediately, he released his aura and pressed towards Wu Tian. Wu Tian was stunned, and then he realized that the two had misunderstood. He just hurriedly said, "I'm going to Wu Tian, ​​and I want to use the noble sect's teleportation array to go to the third star."

The two heard "Wu Tian".After a sudden pause, he quickly withdrew his momentum, and the person on the left asked, "But Wu Tian who broke into my ghost world back then?"

Wu Tian nodded again helplessly, and the two bowed their heads and said "Please go ahead".

Wu Tian thought about it for a while, maybe those supreme bosses had ordered it, after all, he saved Yingzun, so he must have taken care of all aspects, smiled slightly, and teleported to planet No. [-] again.

Same as Planet Two.Wu Tian explained again.He walked out calmly.No wonder they are so careful.After all, it's too messy here.There are people from all walks of life.If you are not careful, you will die.

Wu Tian flies to the sky, ordinary people here don’t fly around, if you meet those kind of troublemakers, you will definitely be troubled by them when you fly into the sky, but Wu Tian doesn’t care, he is not afraid of his identity now, as long as he flies out of the planet , just fly to the teleportation array.

Sure enough, there are troublemakers everywhere.The three heavenly demons saw Wu Tian flying over their heads without fear.Immediately roared angrily.Fei Chong misses Wu Tian.Many people below know those three people more.Immediately startled.Secretly worried about that kid in the sky.After all, it is very troublesome to be entangled by them.The three of them belonged to the Gulas clan of the Demon Realm.

In the process of everyone worrying about Wu Tian.Wu Tian frowned.turn around.Shout out three times to kill the eye.

Three balls of blood mist exploded in the sky, and everyone below was shocked. They instantly killed the three heavenly demons. When someone exclaimed "Wu Tian", everyone suddenly realized that it was Wu Tian, ​​the Sanxian of the Four Tribulations.It shocked Wu Tian's strength even more.

Wu Tian didn't turn his head back, and flew to the sky. When he came out from the No. [-] planet, he saw a fiery red nebula. This nebula seemed to connect the entire universe, and it was like a burning fire, giving people a heavy and oppressive feeling. Feel.

The Seven-Colored Fairy Armor appeared on his body and flew over quickly. Wu Tian flew into the endless fiery red nebula in the blink of an eye. He didn't know until he entered that there was still coercion here, but it had little effect on him, so he secretly estimated, It is enough for the Three Tribulations Loose Immortals to come here, no wonder it is said that only the minimum requirements of the Three Tribulations Loose Immortals can pass through the retrograde passage smoothly!That's what it means.

Ignore those coercions.The consciousness dispersed and continued to fly forward.After flying about [-] meters.There is a huge tearing force here.It also requires strong strength to pass.If some Second Tribulation Loose Immortals could resist those coercion before.So it's all about strength here.There is no powerful Three Tribulations Loose Immortal strength.It is impossible to pass.However, accidents cannot be ruled out.After all, everything exists in the universe.

These tearing forces are of no use to him.Even if you disperse all your defenses.They can't do anything about themselves.After flying [-] meters away again.There was a lightning strike here.when you fly from here.In the nebula, thunder continued to bombard the sky.Thunder power is pretty good these days.It's just a little small.Continue to ignore and fly forward.

After passing through the sky thunder area, this time I finally flew out of the fiery red nebula, and what appeared in front of me was a stone platform with a size of [-] meters, which was suspended quietly in the star universe. It's weird.

Wu Tian checked his surroundings with his spiritual sense, and found nothing else, so he flew towards the stone platform. There are countless strange patterns on the stone platform, interspersed with each other, and there are countless small five-pointed star arrays engraved in it.

A stone, ten meters in size, was suspended next to the stone platform, with the words 'retrograde passage' impressively written on it.There is a vicissitudes of life here.As if there were countless secrets hidden here, Wu Tian looked at the huge retrograde passage.

There are many pictures on it, some depicting monsters, some depicting fairy swords, there are also demon-like shadows, and there are even strange races. After comparing them, I suddenly understood in my heart that these are the corresponding worlds.

It can be transmitted from here to all walks of life. Thinking of this, Wu Tian saw several strange gestures next to each picture, which must be the movement gestures. He learned it by himself and memorized all the several gestures here in his heart. Wanting to run the Immortal Realm gesture, he paused suddenly, looked at the Demon Cultivation Realm, he is now fully capable of helping the Dark Night Clan, why not go and help them?

The death of Mei Linsi seemed to happen yesterday, so Wu Tian couldn't help but sigh in his heart, alas.There is still a soul of Tesses who has not let go. This time, I happened to finish these two things. I will look at those enemies in an instant to see if they have crossed the catastrophe and died. If there is no hum

Move your hands.The Xiumajie gesture was made.White light flashed.Wu Tian disappeared on the stone platform.

As soon as Wu Tian disappeared, two golden lights flew over

(End of this chapter)

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