Chapter 303
That gigantic soul is ten meters high, and its majestic coercion is like a nine-day god, like an angry god who despises the heaven and the earth. The world simply cannot bear the coercion of the soul.

My heart was shocked.Let's make such a thing out of this soul-dispersing formula.How to use it?The spirit with his own face seemed to have a mind of his own.The huge soul palm was lifted.The Demon Slayer Whip shot out from his body.

Wu Tian stood up involuntarily, and stepped back a few steps to look at his spirit in horror. The angry spirit held the physical whip and waved it slightly, as if to prove that he could control the whip.

After understanding this meaning, Wu Tian released the Chaos Cauldron to cover himself, "You have thoughts? What the hell are you?" He looked at the spirit in surprise.

Shenhun didn't speak.Still staring ahead.But occasionally I look at myself.Let Wu Tian feel that this guy has thoughts.The entity's demon-slaying whip suddenly began to blur.In the end, it turned out to be like a soul.Turned into a phantom.Stretched to five meters in size.

Ten meters in size spirit.Controlling the five-meter-sized Demon Slaying Whip.Wu Tian swallowed.What's the matter.Not long after the Demon Slayer Whip disappeared.A mysterious character shot out from Shenhun's mind.In the end, the spirit disappeared.

But Wu Tian seemed to have seen something unbelievable, he stood in a daze in the mental world, and after a long while, the corners of his mouth drooled, and he laughed, his eyes narrowed uncomfortably, and his mouth almost cracked on his ears up.

It turned out that the soul turned out to be the soul that he had consummated just now.The entity's soul goes through nine transformations.He can even fight.And can ignore physical attacks.Only the soul attack works on him.Only now do I know why the Demon Slaughter Whip can become the most precious treasure in the Demon Realm.

Demon control, he can control demons!However, it is very ineffective against the Earth Zombie Emperor in his own hands, but in the hands of the soul, it will undergo a shocking change. This is an artifact that combines soul and material attacks. When used by the soul, it has a locking effect, and no one else can escape.It was the abnormal effect of the cross-boundary attack that kept Wu Tian's mouth closed, but it also needed strong strength to provide it.

The divine soul used to be his own soul, and now he has the induction, and he was terrified when he didn't have the induction before. Fortunately, there are no other people here, otherwise he would not be killed by a joke. That shocking aura, the supreme aura, is sure to scare a group of people to death.

You don't have to do it casually in the future.Pretending to be a tiger can also scare a group of pigs to death.You'll be amazed the next time the Earth Zombie Emperor sees you.

Suppress the excitement in my heart.Do the math.Not yet 30 years.This training is relatively fast.The key is that there is nothing to feel.Otherwise, I'm afraid it will last for a hundred years.I don't know if the Soul Scattering Art is aimed at loose immortals.

I always think in my heart that the Soul Scattering Art is prepared for the Sanxian. What the Sanxian needs, the Sanhun Jue is not complete one by one. If the body is weak, the body will be strong, and the consciousness will be strong. Come out with a more perverted soul, does it mean that when Wu Yitian gave it to himself, he knew that I would be a Sanxian in the future?
impossible.The road I will walk in the future will be my own.He needs to know.Why don't you know that I got so many artifacts later.With the Chaos Cauldron, there is no need for the Huaying of the Shocking Nine variant.But he still has.I guess I thought too much.Still come to practice.Three swords gave him the method of spiritual cultivation.This stuff will be good for you in the future.Now the aura of the soul has reached the supreme level.If one's own consciousness is also strong to that extent.I'm afraid there is no need to be afraid of the first-order Luo Tianshangxian.It is not impossible to challenge the strong at the level of Xianjun.

Take out that piece of jade slip, this is the cultivation method of the Buddhist world. Entering the jade slip with curiosity, the Dazang Heart Sutra, the power of refining spiritual consciousness, a burst of information flows into the mind, a burst of shock, this Dazang Heart Sutra It's actually similar to the third level of cultivating God in the Scattering Soul Art. It is necessary to regroup the consciousness. At this time, it is naturally impossible for Wu Tian to regroup the consciousness, but it doesn't matter. You can still practice without reuniting the consciousness. The mental method in the middle and upper part of the jade slips circulates the celestial essence to nourish the spiritual consciousness, and at the same time, it also has the relationship of strengthening the soul.

It turns out that the Buddhist world majors in consciousness and soul. It seems that you should be careful when you meet them in the future. This consciousness and soul are extremely strange, and they are not as easy to recover as the body. Wu Tian doesn’t know how to repair the injury of the soul. Fortunately, he has The soul defense artifact, and I was also surprised by my luck in my heart.

Remember to run your mind.Out of the mind world.Just found out.On the trees that turned out by themselves.There are two figures.Then when I came here before, the two demons checked by my spiritual sense.

That Heavenly Demon and Demon King dared to sit on their heads to practice.Estimate the spiritual energy absorbed by oneself.It caught the attention of two people.The vitality of mulberry wood itself has the ability to restore vitality.The aura is extremely powerful.The two found such a good place on their own land.Naturally, the old nest was moved here.

The corner of the mouth smiled slightly.The mulberry sticks out directly from the inside.In the horrified eyes of the two.Wrap them directly into rice dumplings.The two struggled in horror.Especially the master of the realm of the devil.I can't even struggle in horror.

Wu Tian smiled and manifested. As soon as the main body came out, mulberry vines wrapped around the two of them in both hands. When the two saw that the tree they had been sitting on for decades had turned into a tree demon, they immediately exclaimed.

"Brother, what should I do? I can't shake this rattan, this rattan is so weird" asked the demon master, looking at the master of the demon king realm beside him.

Wu Tian was amused.You, a demon, want to shake Sangmu away?Even the Great Demon King would not dare to say this.

"Who are you? Could it be that the demon world has sneaked into the demon world?" said the master of the demon king realm.Wu Tian was secretly i look like a monsterReally.No matter how you say it, I am also a talent.Move your hands.Sangmu all retreated.shrink into the body.The two immediately released the magic weapon.The magic vines came out.Quickly retreat to distance from Wu Tian.

A series of actions are completed in an instant.Wu Tian looked at these two guys with a smile. "I've been bothering you here for so long. I don't care about the crime of sitting on my head with you. And I'm not a monster." After speaking, he got up and flew outside.

"Wait and leave." The master of the heavenly demon realm actually released his racial skills on himself.All the trees below rolled towards themselves.After a moment of shock.Only then waved helplessly.The golden light shot down.All incoming attacks dissipated.The two of them were ignored.Moved out directly.

"Brother, what this guy exudes just now turned out to be Xianyuan. A monster body uses Xianyuan?"

The demon king swallowed and said, "It's still a loose fairy!" Both of them were terrified, and then the demon king said, "Fortunately, he didn't offend him just now, otherwise we may have confessed, we should be careful next time we make a move, don't Provoke this kind of existence, do you know?"

"En! I know." The demon master nodded with lingering fear, and then the two quickly disappeared into the forest.

Wu Tian once again stood on the tens of thousands of miles of cloud and soil, no longer as dignified as before, seeing that I won't kill you this time, thinking viciously in his heart, just about to make a move to meet the unearthed stiff emperor, he couldn't help but pause in his heart.

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.The old guy played a big game.Not to scare you to death.Huaying runs all the time.Quietly dive above the clouds.The vitality of mulberry wood in the body slowly manifested.The whole body turned into a big tree again.Crazy output of cents.A tree with a size of [-] meters grows on the cloud.The rhizomes all extend into the cloud soil.

Wu Tian inside smiled.Then it began to frantically absorb the energy in the cloud and soil.Divine consciousness has been observing the entire cloud and soil.

Maybe he didn't have the idea of ​​​​causing the earth stiff emperor before.But it changes with time.The above situation finally attracted the boss's idea.When the spiritual consciousness checked and found a big tree growing on the cloud soil of his own.Immediately angry.

The cloud and soil cracked, and the Soil Zombie rushed over angrily. When he checked his consciousness, he found that there were no other masters around. This tree suddenly appeared here and grew. It absorbed the energy in the cloud and soil, and quickly It's called a pervert. After observing this big tree with spiritual sense, there is no trace of evil spirit. He was furious in his heart. Someone must have planted this damn tree on his own territory. With a curse, a huge palm manifested Come out and grab the big tree, it is very likely that it will be crushed directly.

How could Wu Tian in the mulberry wood be as he intended.He let out his soul with a sinister smile.The soul gradually appeared behind him.Ten meters is equal to a [-]-meter tree.Still okay or negligible.Besides, the internal changes were not discovered by the soil stiff emperor.Come with a huge palm.The momentum keeps rising.

Soil Zombie Emperor's complexion became more and more dignified, and as the huge palm approached, Wu Tian's aura finally climbed to the peak. The mighty aura of a supreme terrified all the masters in the territory of the entire demon world, and many people came here and see what's going on.

When the huge palm was only ten meters away from the big tree that Wu Tian manifested, he dared not take a step forward. At this time, the Emperor Zombie trembled all over his body, and the great demon king shot at the supreme master, and wiped his own neck with a knife. Not much difference.

snort! .With a thunderous snort, the giant palm was shaken away, and Soil Zombie Emperor hurriedly saluted, "The Great Demon King of the Demon Realm, Tu Zhanhuang, I don't know which supreme being passed by here. I didn't know it just now, so please don't blame me."

The spirit stared directly at the earth zombie emperor, making the earth zombie emperor dare not move. The feeling of supreme lock cannot be shaken by the great demon god. Gradually, Wu Tian's spirit was revealed, holding a demon-slaying whip, with golden eyes, Wu Tian The outline, ten meters in size, and the intimidating aura made Tu Zhuanghuang retreat hundreds of steps in a row, looking at the spirit in horror.

Especially when he saw that virtual Slaughtering Demon Whip and that familiar face, he couldn't understand what it was in front of him?But when he saw this, he suppressed the fear in his heart, and said coldly, "Smelly boy, are you playing tricks?"

Shenhun snorted again, in fact, the voice was from Wu Tian, ​​but Tu Zhuanghuang was still nervous for a while, is this supreme aura an ordinary thing?He had no idea what he said, and he gritted his teeth again and said, "This is the Demon Realm, I'm afraid you are not the Supreme Demon Realm, aren't you afraid of attracting the attention of the Demon Lord? In the Demon Realm, the Demon Lord is invincible."

(End of this chapter)

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