Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 310 Encountering a Spirit Beast

Chapter 310 Encountering a Spirit Beast

Wu Tian's momentum has risen to the Three Tribulations of Loose Immortals and has not risen any further.At the moment he doesn't want to draw attention to himself.Looking directly at the eyes shot by the bloodthirsty wolf.

The bloodthirsty wolf's huge tongue added a huge kiss, "I hope what you said is true, otherwise I, Kabit Demon King, will definitely not let you go. This magic bead can't trap me for a long time, hum!"

Bai Yang nodded hastily, "As long as you kill the Sanxian in front of you, I will fulfill my promise immediately, and this place is not far from the retrograde passage, and you will be able to return to the demon world soon."

"Oh roar." With a roar, the bloodthirsty wolf controlled Yaoyun to slowly return to the cage, and its body was also changing. The huge wolf body turned into a wolf head with a human body, and its blood-red eyes locked on Wu Tian like lightning. The body, the whole body hair stands on end, forming a piece of armor like steel needles.

"Humans! Do it yourself, or my great Kabite demon king, it's better you do it yourself, otherwise I will use the most cruel way to tear your body and torture your soul." Kabite looked down at Wu Heaven.

"Haha! If I were a fairy, would you still want to take out my fairy baby! Arrogant" Wu Tian looked at Kabit with a sneer.

Kabite's face suddenly became grim.He opened his wolf mouth and shouted, "Looking for death!" The body disappeared in place.He is not teleporting at this time.But the speed is so fast that it disappears in place in the blink of an eye.Although this speed is very fast.But Wu Tian was still able to catch his traces.

On the upper left, Kabite grabbed Wu Tian's head fiercely with his sharp claws.Wu Tian didn't move.When the claws are about to approach the head.Turn around suddenly.Killeye shot at the captured arm.


"Oh hoo"

Kabite backed away immediately, distanced himself from Wu Tian, ​​looked at Wu Tian angrily, his entire arm had disappeared, and blood shot out like a pillar.Kabit's body shook, and he released the demon element to wrap his arm. After a while, the wound stopped, "Human! You made the Kabit demon king very angry, and then wait to be torn apart."

After speaking, the body disappeared again.But Baiyang and Liu Tang saw that Wu Tian could actually hurt Jinxian's mid-term strength demon wolf.I was really frightened.Wu Tian killed the bloodthirsty mad wolf.Then the two must be his pursuit.

"Are you sure he is really the Three Tribulations Loose Immortal?" Liu Tang said.

"It should be! Aren't the Loose Immortals who came up in the past all Sanjie Loose Immortals? Although there are also Four Tribulations, they never waste time communicating with us. They all rush to Tiankui Star Heaven to collect materials, which one is not in a hurry , " Bai Yang said.

"But until now, he is still at ease in the battle, and the demon king has not done anything to him. Is he the Sanjie Sanxian? Can the Sanjie Sanxian fight against the Jinxian's demon king?" Liu Tang said in disbelief.

Bai Yang also thought about it carefully, and found that Wu Tian was very calm during the whole process, without any fear at all, even if he released the demon king himself, he would not frown, "I was tricked by him, this guy is definitely not a Sanjie Sanxian. What you said, the Four Tribulations Loose Immortals"

"What!~ We came to kill Sijie Sanxian, didn't we intend to seek death?" Liu Tang said angrily.

"I just discovered that now I can only hope that the demon king can kill Wu Tian," Bai Yang said helplessly.

Liu Tang looked at Baiyang angrily, and then watched the battle over there. At this time, he could only count on the strength of the demon king, Kabite.

Capitet disappeared in place.Shuttle back and forth around Wu Tian.Constant harassment.This guy is ridiculously fast.It is at least twice as fast as the average Jinxian master.Wu Tian's two eye-killings failed to hit this guy.

Kabite's wolf mouth can spit out monsters to attack, Wu Tian greeted him with eyes, and the two kept killing each other, Wu Tian didn't want to spend any time with this guy, so he sneered "Kabite is over!" The figure disappeared in place .

Kabite's blood-red eyes froze.This guy is faster than himself.There was no trace of him caught.Wu Tianji appeared behind Kabite.Lightning shot.Grab Capitol's neck with one hand.Killing Eye shot at Kabit's lower body.


Carbito groaned.Wu Tian looked at Carbito with a sneer and said, "It seems that I tore your body apart." Finished.In Capitol's horrified eyes.It crushed his head directly.The sky fire burned the guy's body.

Turning around, he looked at the two celestial beings who had already been terrified, "Is there any other tricks that Immortal Bai Yang and Immortal Liu Tang have, just use them!" Wu Tian clapped his hands and said.

The corners of Liu Tang's mouth trembled, what kind of Four Tribulations Loose Immortal is this? Four Tribulations Loose Immortals can so easily kill the mid-stage Demon King with the strength of the Golden Immortal mid-stage?This guy is clearly the Five Tribulations Loose Immortal.God, the two of us in the late stage of the Celestial Immortal, want to fight the existence of Luo Tian, ​​​​the first-level existence of the Celestial Immortal, it is hard to think of any explanation if it is not courting death.

Liu Tang hurriedly left Baiyang's side and shouted, "You bastard, you dragged me even if you wanted to die," and at the same time turned to face Wu Tian, ​​"Senior, I don't know if it's the senior, but I offended you just now, please don't blame the senior."

Bai Yang stared blankly at Liu Tang.Wu Tian also looked at him with contempt.The eyes of Samsara opened.Shouted "Reincarnation!" Suddenly a black dot shot out.Liu Tang has not yet reacted.It was reincarnated.Wu Tian turned his hand and grabbed it.His fairy ring was taken away.

Looking at Baiyang again, Baiyang was dripping with cold sweat, Wu Tian taunted, "Friend Baiyang, don't you just want to put me to death? Now there is still a chance."

Bai Yang gritted his teeth, looked at Wu Tian viciously, rushed forward and shot at Wu Tian, ​​his body fluctuated.Wu Tian narrowed his eyes, "Even if you blew yourself up, you have no chance," Killing Eyes shot out, but Bai Yang's body just broke, a golden light shot out from the top of Bai Yang's head, flying to the distant sky, Wu Tian smiled coldly, it turned out that the blew up was fake, It is true that the fairy baby escaped, and this guy is ruthless enough, but today you took the initiative to fall, can you teleport me as soon as possible?

Just think so.The figure disappeared again.Appeared in front of Jin Guang's escape.Grab the flying golden light with one hand.The golden light scattered.Sure enough, it was Bai Yang's fairy baby.

"You you you. Can you teleport in the battle place?" Bai Yang's fairy baby was faster than the bloodthirsty mad wolf.Already advanced teleportation.Naturally, he would not think that Wu Tian could catch up.But Wu Tian still appeared in front of him.Then Wu Tian must have teleported over.There was still fighting there just now.The space is still fluctuating violently.It is impossible to teleport normally.

"Don't you think it's a bit late for you to discover this?" He snatched the fairy ring and magic bead from Baiyang Yuanying's hand.Flip over and take out the measuring ruler. "You just go in and wait obediently."Forcibly put Baiyang Xianying into the measuring ruler.

Flipping the hand to crush the magic bead, a black mist shot out, the bloodthirsty wolf's soul floated out, let out a terrified roar, wanted to turn around and run away, Wu Tian also shot him into the measuring scale, " Let the two of you stay inside well."

Check Bai Yang's fairy ring.Found some alchemy materials.There is no such thing as the Yanshou Lingxu Pill.Fortunately, there are still five materials for the Nine Rank Xuanhuang Pill.and some other accessories.All in the bag.On the road again.This time, there should be no one to stop it.According to Xianpan introduction.Ahead is Xuanfeng Cave.The most powerful ones are only a few late-stage immortals.

Many immortals like to arrange the formations very big. What makes Wu Tian depressed is that it is impossible to hide and fly over, so he has no choice but to fly to Xuanfeng Cave. With his current strength, he is not afraid of these people , You can also forcibly pass through, these fairy formations can only hurt you to a limited extent, but this time I came to find the master, and investigate some things by the way, I don't want to make more trouble here, and eventually attract some people's attention.

Wu Tian was careful, which undoubtedly caused great trouble for those who were looking for him. Zhiqun teleported to the Immortal Realm, and immediately dispersed his consciousness, but he didn't find Wu Tian. The retrograde passage can go out in all directions, and it is impossible to go out in any direction. Xianshan location, but I didn't find Wu Tian when I first appeared, so Wu Tian didn't teleport to the fairy world, otherwise it would be impossible to disappear in the blink of an eye.

The same is true for Guangyuan in the demon world.In the end, the two were the Demon Realm and the Buddha Realm respectively.But there was no trace of Wu Tian either.Even the ghost world still doesn't exist.After a while.Even if you find the right place for him to teleport next time.There was no one to be found either.I had no choice but to give up.Back to fairyland.Prepare to send more people to look for Wu Tian.

And Wu Tian's strength is not revealed in the fairy world now.It is difficult for others to find that the person standing in front of them is a Five Tribulations Sanxian.Those who knew were also killed by Wu Tian.

Wu Tian looked at the Xuanfeng Cave below.down.There is an introduction in Xianpan.This place is in charge of the old man Xuanfeng.There are also many immortals practicing here.Divine consciousness observed it.A total of 140 seven immortals.Divided into different realms.The lowest earth immortal.The highest Celestial Late Stage.Unlike Baixian Mountain, there is only one Baiyang Tianxian later stage.There are three late-stage angels here.

"Under Wu Tian, ​​I'm here to pay a visit to Xuanfeng Immortal Friend"

A plain voice came from the cave ahead, "Is there something important, Wu Tianyou?"

"It's nothing important, I'm just passing by here, please Xuanfeng Xianyou to activate the formation, so I can go over," Wu Tian said.

A golden light shot out from the cave, Wu Tian stretched out his hand to grab it, it turned out to be a magic talisman, "You hold this talisman, you can get through safely".

Wu Tian bowed slightly, "Thank you Xuanfeng Xianyou, if there is something important to do, I will definitely chatter about it today, so don't let it go"

Wu Tian turned around and flew out.Encounter formation.Release the talisman.The formations are all dispersed automatically.For the formations arranged by these angels.Wu Tian was not very interested.All the way through Xuanfeng Cave.Looking at the distant sea.On the road again.

This fairy world end is extremely cumbersome.Seven fairy cards were passed along the way.They all went to visit one or two.To turn around and leave.Today, as long as you cross this unnamed mountain, you will arrive at Xiaobie Temple.And this Xiaobie Temple.But there are masters in the early stage of Jinxian.The more forward the more masters.In a city in the ghost world.Just met thousands of celestial masters.There are hundreds of masters with the strength of Jinxian.Then the fairy world is much stronger than the ghost world.

There are also many fairies here.Naturally, there are not a few high-level ones.Maybe there are not many peak powerhouses.After all, it has reached that level.It cannot be surpassed by a large number of people.What is needed is an epiphany.

Just flew to the nameless mountain.A sharp sky thunder blasted over.Wu Tian turned around.With a wave.Get rid of that attack.The consciousness is just about to be checked.Eagle-shaped birds have been flying into the sky.Wu Tian was taken aback. "Spirit Beast Vajra Eagle".The feathers of this spirit beast can release sky thunder.Sharp claws can break second-grade immortal artifacts.The mouth can absorb sky fire.It can be regarded as a relatively powerful type of attacking spirit beast.

The Vajra Eagle in front of me has the strength of the late Celestial Immortal, the Vajra Eagle flapped its wings, and dozens of thunders blasted towards Wu Tian
(End of this chapter)

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