Chapter 324
"This time entering the city, you must not fight or compete, and you must not fly at will, do you understand?" shouted the gatekeeper with Tianxian strength.

Wu Tian nodded.Entered the Tianji Star Heavenly Court.Walking through the kilometer corridor, you can see that there are fairy mountains inside.Countless immortals shuttle among them.It is not very different from Tiankuixing.At this time, we look like immortals in the immortal stage.Thinking of the fairy flying next to him.There were no strange glances here.

When he arrived, he casually took a rest at a corner, and then listened to the topics that the immortals were talking about, which made Wu Tian depressed. There were a lot of news about himself, and it was so outrageous that it made people crazy.

"Have you heard? Wu Tian turned into a Qinglong, and fell in love with Qinglong on Qinglong Mountain"

"Did you know? Wu Tian was at the end of his last battle, and he didn't make it through, alas. The Sanxian of the Five Tribulations was forced to die alive"

"You don't know, do you? Wu Tian failed to cross the tribulation on Qinglong and died."

Wu Tian listened to these gossips depressedly, suddenly a skinny immortal walked up to Wu Tian, ​​and said to the human next to him, "Your brother doesn't know, in fact, Wu Tian has already come to Tianji Star Heavenly Court."

If Wu Tian didn't see that this guy has the power of an Earth Immortal, he would definitely be talking nonsense, and he might be so scared that he would immediately turn around and run away. There are many similar topics, and Wu Tian just listened with a wry smile. Suddenly, Wu Tian discovered another topic.

"San Xiuluo Tianshangxian Chitian invited three friends of Luotianshangxian, Naotiankui Tianting, Huang Li didn't dare to greet each other, he lost all face, and finally the fairy came forward, and the matter just came to an end. At the same time, Chitian rushed to Qinglong However, they were pushed out by a force and could not enter. Chi Tian's three friends were divided into three directions and stationed near Qinglong Mountain. They have waited for fifty years, and there is no news yet."

Hearing this, Wu Tian secretly wondered why this Chi Tian had the same name as the ancestor of the Tianyan Sect, and also went to Qinglong Mountain?Feeling puzzled, he turned around and asked, "My dear friend, who is Chi Tian?"

The celestial being next to him looked at Wu Tiandao, "Senior Chi Tian is a genius of his generation, and he is also a legendary figure in the celestial world. He ascended for [-] years and cultivated to become a celestial immortal. Even the Nine Lives Sword Zhiqun would not dare to say that it is sure to beat Chitian."

Wu Tian was pleasantly surprised and asked immediately, "Is this Chi Tian coming from the Tianyan Sect in the cultivation world?"

Immortal Dao that day, "I don't know about that, but his nickname is: Chi Tian, ​​the Sword of Heaven."

ah!Isn't it the first master of Tianyanzong?He actually stood up for me.Think here.Wu Tian almost burst into tears.If it is not the last to accept.I'm afraid I will cry.Finally someone cared about me.Still a god of heaven.

Originally, I wanted to ask Jinyincao and Tonglan, but after hearing the news, I still wanted to meet my master right away, and asked him to send someone to look for the master, so I asked, "Then Chi Tian went to Qinglong Mountain, did he ever leave? "

"I also want to know about this, but it seems to be here for the last 50 years, but it will take a hundred years from here to Qinglong Mountain. Whether he will leave in these hundred years, only God knows," said the immortal.

"I don't know where Chi Tian is stationed?" Wu Tian asked, if he went to Qinglong Mountain and didn't find the Patriarch, then he could go to the Patriarch's lair and meet the Patriarch.

"Why does this immortal friend care so much about Chi Tian's movements?" A golden immortal master looked at Wu Tian and said.

Wu Tian clasped his fists indiscriminately and said, "Senior joked, but I just admire this kind of genius. I really want to know him, but they may not want to know me."

All the immortals around laughed.It also eased the atmosphere.Wu Tian's heart was dripping with cold sweat.There are too many spies in the fairy world on this matter.Accidentally.Just be missed.

That day, the immortal reached the "Tianyan Xinjian Chitian, in Jingyang Mountain"

Wu Tian remembered it in his heart.In order not to draw attention.Fly inside.After shaking around a few times.Then there is the secret star.Just about to fly away.One hundred years is too long.I currently only have 300 years.

Saw others flying to the right.Immediately scolded himself a fool.I can start from Tianji Star Heavenly Court.Teleport to Tiankuixing Heavenly Court.From Tiankuixing Tianting to Qinglong Mountain.Only hundreds of millions of miles.It won't be long.Think here.Wu Tian flew to the right.

I saw a sky-reaching boulder, [-] meters in size, with [-] star angles on it. It seems that it is teleporting [-] heavenly courts. There are several immortals waiting to be teleported beside the boulder. This teleportation also requires payment. People can't afford teleportation, because teleportation requires a third-grade fairy weapon.

The last time Tiankui Star Heavenly Court fought, Wu Tian angrily collected more than [-] celestial artifacts. Although many of them were not of high rank, there were still a lot of third-grade celestial artifacts. Handing over the third-grade fairy sword, standing on the star corner of Tiankui Xing Tianting, the brilliance shone, and Wu Tian disappeared in place.

The reappearance has already come to Tiankuixing Heavenly Court.Look at the tall city wall.Wu Tian burst into murderous aura.I can't wait to rush in and take everyone inside.Almost hung up last time.Unfortunately, there is no such strength yet.Finally, it flew towards the green dragon.

The last time I rushed all the way, I missed those fairy cards, but now it seems that there are fifty fairy cards. In order not to avoid people's attention, I took turns to meet and pass, and there were also spirit beast attacks, but Wu Tian just passed by. , Ignore it, they can't catch up with themselves, and those who force it are all slapped away.Guarantee him to stay there obediently and not dare to attack.

This time a year later.Finally, I saw Qinglong Mountain in front of me.I was very excited.Patriarch and the other three Luo Tianshangxian are nearby.But this neighborhood is not small.Say big or not.This has to be found.But it's a little troublesome.

After being exhausted last time, his spiritual consciousness was even stronger this time, and he already had the level of Luo Tianshangxian's late stage.Unleashing his consciousness, he flew all the way around Qinglong Mountain.

Three days later, thousands of miles away on the right side of Qinglong Mountain, I met a man, sitting cross-legged by the Qinglong River, looking like he was fishing, holding a bamboo pole, and the fairy silk was in the river. Wu Tian secretly wondered, is this fairy world Or ordinary fish?Even fishes are spirit beasts, who is out of their minds and eats fishhooks?stepped forward and asked.

"Immortal friends are very polite, what can this Qinglong River catch?" Wu Tian asked.

"Catch what can be caught naturally," said the vigorous middle-aged man. His eyebrows are like swords, his eyes are like lightning, his voice is like coaxing, and his body is like pine. It is close to nature, I am afraid it is not far from the ultimate 'Tao'.

Wu Tian saluted and asked again respectfully, "Senior is here to catch something that can be caught. I wonder if there is anything that can be caught in this Qinglong River?"

"Never," said the man.

"Why is senior still sitting cross-legged here," Wu Tian asked.

"There is nothing that can be caught in this Qinglong River, but what I catch is not in the Qinglong River, I can catch everything in the world," the man said profoundly.

Wu Tian took a closer look at the Qinglong River, opened his black and white eyes, and the river disappeared. The silk thread actually penetrated the space, and he didn't know where it was stretching. One of the great supernatural powers, Qinglong Patriarch.

Hurry up and salute, is there anyone in front of you?It was empty, as if the whole process was like a dream, a sound transmission sounded "Lianyun Cave" in my heart

This Lianyun Cave is Qinglong Mountain, a fairy mountain not far away, and he wanted to introduce me to it. Wu Tian had this understanding, and saluted to Qinglong Mountain. Wu Tian was grateful in his heart, and decided to "report" in the future, turned around and flew towards the Lianyun Cave.

The man appeared at the back of Qinglong Mountain before, which was the place where the huge green dragon was lying down, but at this time, the huge green dragon was not there and only this man was there. After a while, there was a wave of space, and an old man appeared here.

The man turned his head, "Why are you here?"

The old man laughed, "Why did you help him just now?" If Wu Tian did it again, he would exclaim, "Isn't this Mu Lao?

The man's face was calm, "I'm not helping him, I'm helping myself"

"Haha! It seems that you have seen it too?" the old man asked.

"I haven't seen it, but since you have already bet, I might as well follow," the man said playfully.

"Well, I was extremely disappointed when I bet on Lexus back then. I'm afraid I won't be disappointed this time," the old man said looking into the distance.

"Do Lexus? Even if he has talent, he's still useless. When he reaches Xianjun, it's his limit," the man said.

"Hehe!~! I'm afraid the Immortal Emperor has already paid attention to Wu Tian, ​​and he may make a move at any time. Then the Immortal Emperor will be handed over to you to restrain him. We all hope for him." After finishing speaking, the old man disappeared into the Immortal Realm.The man raised his head and looked towards the center of the fairy world, frowning slightly, and then the figure disappeared, but a huge green dragon appeared below, the green dragon closed its eyes, as if in a deep sleep.

Wu Tianli stood outside the large formation of Lianyun Cave, which is not small even in the fairy mountain of Yundong Cave. There are four masters of golden immortals inside, and it was pointed out in the fairy plate that Wu Tian Gongli said, "I am in Wutian, passing by here, and I am here to pay my respects." "

"Wu Tian? Please come in and talk." A man's voice sounded, and the big formation rippled. Wu Tian walked into the big formation, countless caves of various sizes in the fairy mountain.A mid-term immortal master flew over. "Our lord is entertaining distinguished guests. We can't welcome them in person, but we still hope to forgive our sins. I don't know what's important for you Wu Tianxian?"

It turned out that it was not the Golden Immortal of Lianyun Cave, so he hurriedly said, "Has there ever been four masters here in Lianyun Cave? Are your lords here to receive them?"

"The four are indeed right, but the lower level is too low, and we have not found out whether they are masters, and our adults are also receiving them," said the master of the middle stage of the earth.

It seems correct, it is the Patriarch and the others, and hurriedly saluted and said, "I am here this time to find those four people, can you introduce them?"

"This is not good, but I can pass on a message to you, if you don't see them, just watch them," said the middle-stage immortal master.

"It's okay, just trouble the fairy friend, just say, I will meet Wu Tian of Tianyanzong"

The mid-stage immortal master clasped his fists and entered the formation again. When he was young, the mid-stage immortal master flew here, "Friend Wu Tianxian, our lord welcomes you."

"Trouble" Wu Tian Gongli followed the middle-stage immortal master into the Lianyun Cave. Among the largest immortal mountains, a cave is extremely spacious. There are many immortals sitting in it, and four golden immortal masters sit on the left. Sitting on the right side, there are four masters who can't see the realm clearly. Presumably, Na Luotian is above the middle stage of the immortal.

I don't know who is the patriarch, and the four Luotian gods also looked at Wu Tian. Wu Tian took a closer look at the man on the first seat. Looking at myself, the familiar feeling is still visible in my heart, a burst of enlightenment, I walked up to the ground, and knelt down on the ground, "Disciple Wu Tian, ​​pay homage to the patriarch".

(End of this chapter)

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