Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 336 The Strange Cultivator

Chapter 336 The Strange Cultivator

The soul stands in Xingyu.Glaring around.Those big guys can't see the soul.However, there is a feeling of being peeped.The fluctuations of the gods turned around.Let them not be alarmed.

Then the soul disappeared, and the yin-yang map returned to Wu Tian's body. Wu Tian didn't have any immortal energy at this time, and he had gone through the tribulation and spent all his immortal energy. He took a slight breath, and sat cross-legged in the star universe, feeling very strange After entering the body of the soul, it seems to have lost control of the outside world. The consciousness can't be detected at all. It can only control the attack of the soul. I don't know anything else. Even if the soul attacks, I don't know. I can only order him to attack. It's strange. , and very weird.

Looking at the Jieyun that was slowly dissipating, Wu Tian roared joyfully, finally succeeded in crossing the robbery, will he be the first Six Tribulations Loose Immortal?Thinking of this, Wu Tian wondered, if he was the first Loose Immortal of the Six Tribulations, then who determined the level of the Loose Immortal?

What about the realm corresponding to Sanxian?It seems that I am not the first Six Tribulations Loose Immortal.It doesn't mean that it didn't exist before.There must be something mysterious about what happened in ancient times.It's just that all walks of life don't allow Sanxian to exceed five kalpas.

Wu Tian also thought of Sanxian's sorrow, wondering if he could survive the legendary Nine Tribulations, or how powerful the Nine Tribulations are, what will happen after the Nine Tribulations?Now I know that there are 81 thunders in the Nine Tribulations, but after the Nine Tribulations, will I be going through the Tribulation, or how many thunders will I have after the Nine Tribulations?

These are still unknown, now that the urgent need has been solved, I can’t be happy in my heart, waiting for Jin Yun to come and reply quickly, no matter how many kalpas without Xianyuan, I will sit cross-legged in Xingyu, and once again realize that Nianzhi, only Xianyuan Only when you come here can you practice. Am I the first Sanxian who possesses the strength of a heavenly immortal with the skills of an immortal king?
Although unknown.But Wu Tian is still very happy to have this Nianzhi.At the same level, he will be invincible.This time it was truly invincible.Now face the group.Already 100% sure to kill him.But Qian Lingzhi has also cultivated the strength of a fairy.

Now that I saw him, I wouldn't be afraid to run away. It would be mysterious to kill him and get back my magic weapon. When I was in the late stage of the Six Tribulations and Loose Immortals, I would definitely go there and try it. The power of combining the Lie Yan Banner would definitely increase a lot.If you have a chance, you can force Lexus's half-grade artifact.

Thinking in my heart.Jin Yun also came.Having Jin Zun's body is different.The horror of the increased rate of absorption.The body also noticed changes.The tendons expand again.on the original basis.It expanded tenfold again.Look at the meridians as wide as the ocean.Wu Tian was full of emotion in his heart.I remember that when I ate an oolong fruit before, I was dilated and hurt to death.

Now it is the sea to eat oolong fruit.It is also estimated that the energy cannot be filled.Not to mention whether it works or not.The body is absorbing the energy scattered by the golden cloud.Those active cells are absorbing crazily.Wu Tian's whole body glowed with colorful light again.Go straight to the gold dollar.Just like gods and Buddhas.Sitting cross-legged on Xingyu.

Those bosses all knew that Wu Tiandu had succeeded in the tribulation.Resentfully withdrew his consciousness.So what happened in the end.The relationship between them is kept in mind.As for Wu Tian, ​​it has become a variable existence.

Wu Tian didn't know this.While absorbing.Start using mindfulness.Divine Sense and Immortal Yuan quickly spread around.Then take control.So keep practicing.In the end it was manageable.But to reach the heartbeat.It is to keep practicing.Well now there is time again.And this is a must for fighting.So Wu Tian is also very attentive.As for when that golden cloud will disappear, I don't know.In short, the immortal essence in the body is full.

When Wu Tian fully mastered Nianzhi, he opened his eyes and realized that three years had passed, his body was full of immortal energy, Wu Tian stood up, there was a burst of crackling, bones and muscles sounded, and the breath in his body slowly disappeared. The whole person looks a little unreal, as if illusory, and the windless and automatic hair makes people look at the whole person with an immortal stick.Holy.

At this time, it is no less than the physical strength of a top immortal weapon.Let Wu Tian feel.If you cross from Heavenly Tribulation to Nine Tribulations.I am afraid that it can crush ordinary artifacts with only one hand.One thought here.Wu Tian was very excited.

It takes a little effort.Completely restrain your breath.Flip over and take out the compass.check.It was discovered that this place turned out to be an unknown area.It's almost dark here.Fortunately, there are two red dots in the distance.

Mu Lao marked his compass as yes, and Wu Tian already knew that the red dots represent dangerous areas. However, there are several red dots in front of him, two of which are so close together, and there is also a red dot next to the earth. God array, alas.It's a pity that it was broken by myself. Thinking about it now, it's unbelievable.

This area is too far from that Earth.A bit too far.This is going to Jupiter.How about the collection of wood and old materials.How long will it take to run?Why did Jiyuanshield send himself here this time?Although strange.But also helpless.I thought to myself just be careful of the red dot in front of me.

The great interstellar teleport moves forward. More than 30 large interstellar teleports down.Wu Tian was also struggling a bit.Hurry up and sit cross-legged on a planet to restore the immortal essence.This is a planet with a black surface.Wu Tian is in the recovery process.Spiritual consciousness probes into the interior of the planet.This place is already very close to the red dot threat area.Another big interstellar teleportation is coming.

If you don't check, you don't know, but when you find out, Wu Tian is shocked, there is that fairy energy here, how come so much fairy energy from the cultivation calamity?The interior of this planet is full of fairy spirits, and the whole is a miniature version of the fairy world.

Curious in my heart, my consciousness turned for a long time, and I found that there were signs of life here. During the recovery period, I saw cultivators flying past the consciousness after a while. The period of distraction is around, but what flows in their bodies is the immortal essence.

How can this not surprise Wu Tian.It is almost impossible for a cultivator to have immortal energy in his body.When recovered.Wu Tian couldn't wait to fly down.appeared in this planet.rolling mountains.Incomparably beautiful.Blossoming white clouds floated around it.It made people feel calm and peaceful.

Just as Wu Tian was appreciating, a few distracted guys similar to cultivators flew by, Wu Tian hurriedly moved over and appeared in the sky to block the two of them, a man and a woman.The male has delicate features, while the female has a pretty face.Dao is also a man and a woman.

"Who are you waiting for? Why are you blocking my way? Get out of here quickly, or you will suffer such unreasonable disasters." The man shouted, wearing an ancient Taoist robe, the cuffs flapping in the wind.

"You two are polite. I'm going to Wu Tian. I'm traveling here. I don't know the situation here. Can you introduce me?" Wu Tian bowed.

The woman frowned and said to the man beside her, "Brother Tao, I'm afraid this thief is lying, so how can he pass through the Myriad Beasts Array casually? There will be no one here who has traveled so far."

Brother Tao hurriedly stopped the woman's voice transmission, and quickly said in a low voice, "Sister Ji, don't talk nonsense, I can't see through the strength of this thief, just be careful, just don't be the senior of the Beast Sect." Brother Na Tao bowed to Wu Tian and said, "This is the ancient temple star, which belongs to the Ebao star field. I want to come to the senior to travel here and learn a little about it on the way. We still have important things to do, so please let the senior let me go back."

Wu Tian noticed the conversation between the two of them, and wondered in his heart what kind of beast formation?Could it be one of the red-dotted areas? If you think about it, you have to be careful. This red-dotted area will be introduced as the Ebao Starfield. There is no record of this ancient temple star.And the surrounding area was even darker, thinking that Mr. Mu had never been here before, Wu Tian was a little curious about it.

That old man never came.Just take a look for yourself.These weird cultivators.At this time, if you ask them why the immortal essence is flowing in your body.I'm afraid the two will turn their heads immediately.Wu Tian also understood.

"Thank you two for the information, take it easy" Wu Tian smiled and stepped out of the way. It is a semi-immortal weapon.If there is something weird, follow up and have a look.

Wu Tian hid his figure.Quickly follow those two.Although they are fast.But it's not in Wu Tian's eyes yet.

The two flew a certain distance, and seeing that Wu Tian didn't follow, the woman said, "Brother Tao, was that thief scary just now? If it wasn't for something important, I would definitely argue with him."

"Sister Ji, don't act recklessly, that person just now, if I guessed right, already has the strength of a fairy, I can't wait to deal with it," Brother Tao said.

Wu Tian behind him was also surprised, this guy didn't overdo his cultivation, but his eyes were so vicious, the woman snorted coldly when she heard what brother Tao said, "Immortals are nothing special, even if the immortal Luo Tian came here , but also restrained three points, besides, I don't think he has the cultivation base of Luotian Shangxian."

Hearing this, Wu Tian was even more shocked. What kind of place is this, which can even make even Luo Tian Shangxian in the peak fear three points?
The man said uncertainly, "That guy's aura is nothing, if he didn't stand in the sky, he wouldn't be able to see any cultivation base at all, he looks like an ordinary person, even if I am a senior of the Sword Sect, I'm afraid it's not as good as it is."

Hear here.The woman was even more surprised.After that, neither of them spoke.Fly quickly in one direction.About an hour or so.across a sea.Come to Yixian Mountain.The sword energy is everywhere here.Apparently there was that big formation protecting the mountain.Moreover, Xiao Zha's air continued to shoot out.It seems that this mountain guard formation is extremely sharp.

After the two came here.The pinching method disappeared in place.Obviously entered the big formation.To understand the situation here, you have to go in and explore.Black and white eyes opened.Those big bursts of eyes are all in the eyes.

Spiritual consciousness quickly checked the formation.It turned out that it was laid by a formation master.Already has the level of a master of the formation.But in the end there is still a line.Wu Tian didn't take long to research out the formulas of the big formation.Quietly played.Melted in.

Inside is a city.There are still mortals here.There is also a big formation in that city.Interlocking.There is a fairy mountain behind this city.Soaring into the sky.There are many strange cultivators who step on flying swords.Constantly shuttle among them.

I wanted to go directly to the fairy mountain, but the passage to the fairy mountain is actually in the city, and the only way to get in from the outside is to break through, and there are a lot of people here, too many formations, and it won't be able to break through for a while, so it's better Going in from the city, it's better to be safe, after all, there are existences that even the gods of Luotian have to worry about, so it's okay to be careful.

Many pedestrians also shuttled through the gate of the city, and Wu Tian appeared not far away, walking towards the city with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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