Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 459 Leaving Happy City

Chapter 459 Leaving Happy City

Wu Tian smiled wryly, can you say it?This thing is too involved, and it is inevitable that people will have a peeping heart, and then said, "I got a treasure, but it just so happens that the person needs it, and then chased me. Last time, I happened to let me escape, and now he is chasing me again." "

Mo Hao was puzzled, what could make Master Yutian hunt down and kill him?Said, "This treasure may be of great importance, you should hide it well. Since that Fang Shi intends to obtain this treasure and hunt you down, it seems that reconciliation is unlikely. I don't know if my brother has heard of it. A kind of talisman, I can turn a person out, and this person looks exactly like me, and all the breaths are the same"

Wu Tian was surprised, "There are such treasures?"

"We Moer people are the race that made this talisman," Mo Hao said proudly, took out two talismans, and explained, "I tell you, as long as you paste these two talismans, you can make your original The breath changes, even Yutian masters can't find it."

"So amazing?" Wu Tian looked curiously at the two seemingly ordinary talismans.

Mo Hao rolled his eyes at Wu Tian, ​​and said, "Of course, why don't you give it a try."Throwing one to Wu Tian casually, Wu Tian asked, "How to use it? Where is it posted?"

"Just stick it on your chest," Mo Hao said.

Both of them had a talisman on their chests.Immediately, the aura of the two of them completely disappeared.Wu Tian felt that the person beside him was not Mo Hao's breath at all.It was a completely strange breath.That cheerful and peaceful Mohao breath.It turned into a cold and bloodthirsty breath.

Wu Tian was overjoyed, "So we can definitely hide the truth, and we can leave Xiaoyao City safely."

"However, if the two of us disappear out of thin air, and two strange auras suddenly appear, others will suspect it, so we need to make two talismans and stick them on the clone, so that people don't know that we have already left the body." Mo Hao smiled.

"It's a good way to get rid of the golden cicada's shell, so the old man will quickly take out the talisman," Wu Tian said.

"I didn't expect to use this talisman, I don't have any reserves on me," Mo Hao said with a wry smile.

"What should I do?" Wu Tian frowned.

"Can't we do it without reserves? Haha, luckily I have the materials," Mo Hao laughed.

Wu Tian rolled his eyes at Mo Hao, "Brother, please finish speaking in one breath later, don't you mean to make my heart beat?"

"Haha, it doesn't matter that you are being hunted down by Yutian masters, why are you nervous! Can my brother refine talismans?" Mo Hao asked with a big laugh.

Wu Tian raised his head proudly, "Of course," thinking in his heart, how could he practice once in the Demon Cultivation Realm back then.

Mo Hao was stunned, and said, "I can't see it, you kid still have a few hands, let me refine it once and let my brother have a look", took out a few pieces of materials, and handed them to Wu Tian.

Wu Tian took the material and looked at it, and suddenly became depressed, as if he hadn't had enough contact with the talisman and the like. Seeing Mo Hao's curious eyes, Wu Tian rushed the duck to the shelf, inspired by the divine essence, and began to follow the techniques learned in the world of cultivating demons, Continuously refine the runes.

Mo Hao stared blankly at Wu Tian refining the talisman. Wu Tian didn't know what he was feeling at the moment. After the talisman was successfully refined and Wu Tian entered the formation, a golden talisman appeared in his hand. Looking at the very powerful talisman at this moment, Wu Tian looked at Mo Hao proudly and said, "How is it?"

Mo Hao took the talisman in a daze, and said sadly, "What a good material I have, I told you to waste it"

The corner of Wu Tian's mouth twitched, and now he thought of the scene when he commented on Ji Chuyao's divine pill, and also thought of Ji Chuyao's mood at that time, Wu Tian blushed.

"If you don't know it, you don't know it, why are you wasting my materials?" Mo Hao said to Wu Tian heartbroken.

Wu Tian
"No, why are you still taking my materials? Do you know how precious the materials I give you are?" Mo Hao asked.

"Isn't it impossible, is this not refined successfully?" Wu Tian's voice became smaller and smaller.

"Oh. Let me show you what a real talisman is." Mo Hao said imposingly.Take out materials at hand.All ingredients are mixed together.Shenyuan package.Suddenly the gods expanded.Form a [-]-meter-sized ball.Mo Hao flew into the ball.Constantly arrange formations.

Wu Tian's eyes glowed with golden light, and he looked inside. After the bursts of sadness were arranged, various materials flew out from Mo Hao's hands, hidden in every corner of the formation, and then the divine essence was arranged again, and then the materials were bred with the formation method .

This is the first time Wu Tian has seen such a refining talisman.Use formations to refine runes.

Time passed by in a hurry, and a year later, Mo Hao suddenly opened his eyes, countless golden lights glowed from the entire formation, and at the same time, Mo Hao withdrew from the sphere, shouting "knot".

The ball shrinks.Eventually a little came up.Then petals radiate from that point.The petals wrap around each other.Ultimately, a War Rune was formed.A rune that looks ordinary.

Mo Hao exhaled, and said, "See clearly? This is the real rune, the rune that can kill gods, not your rune that can only kill immortals."

Wu Tian smiled depressedly and said, "This is the talisman that makes the avatar look the same as the main body?"

"You'll know if you try it," Mo Hao said proudly.

Wu Tianshenyuan moved.A ghost appeared.Immediately Wu Tian stuck the talisman on Lingying's an instant.The ghost no longer looks erratic.Instead, it looks exactly the same as Wu Tianyuan's aura.

At this moment, Wu Tian's spiritual thoughts, even when he inspected his own spirit, he didn't see that it was a clone, "The elder brother's family is really a god."

"It's a god." Mo Hao said angrily.Immediately refine again.He also refined a clone talisman for himself.Only in this way can the hearts of the two be relaxed.

"It's really unlucky this time, I didn't get the treasure, and I caused such trouble, I'd better get out of here as soon as possible," Wu Tian said.

"Well, let's let the avatar go out first, and then divert other people's attention, including Fang Shi, as long as we can divert Fang Shi away, then we will leave as soon as possible," Mo Hao said.

Immediately, Wu Tian and Mo Hao's avatars swaggered out of the practice field.Immediately in Happy City.Wander over and over.

Fang Shi, who was hidden in the dark, frowned secretly, puzzled by Wu Tian and his intentions, but fortunately, they are still within his 'sight' at the moment, so there is no need to worry too much, although this is Happy City, as long as he is not in the city They can't get hold of themselves even if they do it.

"Brother, you have to pay attention. At this moment, we are completely unfamiliar. The premise is that we can't make a move. Once we make a move, our aura will recover. Don't do it," Mo Hao warned.

"Don't worry, brother, let's go quickly," Wu Tian urged.

When the two appeared in trouble again.It has completely changed.Mo Hao had a cold face.Xiao Sha was also in his breath.Wu Tian's breath was gloomy and obscure.As if like a beast.Will attack others at any time.

There are all kinds of auras in the God Realm, and not too many people care about them. In this way, the two arrived at the gate of the city without any accidents. The happy Wu Tian sighed and left. , the two went in and quickly flew towards the east.

And the avatar was still carrying Fang Shi around in circles in Happy City.

"Haha, come, come, brother, drink, this time brother is really good," Wu Tian said with a big laugh, raising the wine jar.

The two returned to the usual way again, drinking and chatting, enjoying the world of gods, "I don't even look at who your elder brother is, haha," Mo Hao said proudly.

"By the way, big brother, at the auction last time, the Qiqingdusha formation that was mentioned was the ancient god formation. This time, it is so good to block our way?" Wu Tian asked.

"Most of the ancient god formations were set up by masters who controlled the sky. It is not something we can break through at this moment. Moreover, the Qiqing formation has been famous for a long time, and it is extremely evil. To pass, it really takes some tricks." Mo Hao He took a sip and said.

"How to get there? Brother, tell me?" Wu Tian asked.

"Just go around it." Mo Hao looked at Wu Tian like an idiot.

Wu Tian almost collapsed, and confirmed, "Can you go around?"

"Of course, this is the God Realm, not the Lower Realm. If you can go around it, why don't you fly more?" Mo Hao said flatly.

"How many years will be wasted?" Wu Tian asked quickly.

"It's only a hundred million years." Mo Hao said while drinking wine and lying on Chuan Haosu's chair.

"What billions of years?" Wu Tian has only been practicing for hundreds of thousands of years, but it would take hundreds of millions of years just to circumnavigate a magic circle, which is simply incomprehensible.

"It's so strange. If I pass by here, I will choose to bypass it. I don't want to try to break the formation, unless one day I reach the realm of the ancient gods, I will be broken with a single palm," Mo Hao said .

"Is this time too long?" Wu Tian asked depressedly.

"Why are you going to the place of extreme movement?" Mo Hao asked afterward.

"Oh. Save people," Wu Tian said helplessly.

"To save someone, you have to go to a place of extreme movement? There doesn't seem to be any powerful ancient gods there. Where is it? Drifting in the sea? I heard that it is very difficult to find, and it may not be possible to find it this time." Mo Hao said .

"To save a woman who was injured because of me, we have to save it, so let's go to the Qiqingdu Shazheng to have a look first," Wu Tian said firmly.

"What? Brother, are you alright, that is the ancient magic formation that even the masters of Yutian would shy away from?" Mo Hao hurriedly reminded.

"Since others can steal treasures from it, it means that someone has broken through. Since someone has broken through, why can't we try?" Wu Tian said.

"It also depends on the person. There may be several masters of Yutian. It's okay to go in, the two of us? You are still in the early stage of transforming gods, not the early stage of Yutian," Mo Hao said directly.

"I can't control that much. It's impossible for me to bypass it. I can't wait for a hundred million years." Wu Tian also said directly.

"I. I. Alas. Then you can't help it," Mo Hao said helplessly.

"Brother, if you don't dare, you can leave here, and I can go in alone," Wu Tian said.

"Good boy, who do you think I am, Mo Hao? Isn't it just a man with all emotions? It's not the legendary Heaven Fighting Formation. I have to go today." Mo Hao said with enthusiasm.

Wu Tian was taken aback, and asked, "Why don't you dare to enter the Dou Tian Shen Formation?"

"Of course, the Doutian Divine Formation is a very great ancient formation. The elders of our clan told us when we were young that among the three advanced formations in the world, one of them is the Doutian Divine Formation." Mo Hao nodded.

Wu Tian asked curiously, "Who are the other second teams?"

"Myriad Beast God Formation and Boundary Seal God Formation," Mo Hao said directly.

Wu Tian was very depressed, and muttered, "Is the three battles really so powerful?".

(End of this chapter)

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