Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 471 Fang Lingye

Chapter 471
"Daddy, I have finally reached the Supreme Realm," Xiao Caidie said happily.

"Well, but our Caidie is finally here as an expert," Wu Tian patted Xiao Caidie's head in relief.

Like an elf, the little butterfly flapped its wings, put its hands on its small waist, and said with a big sister's head, "Of course, we will become gods like Daddy in a short time."

"Your daughter?" Mo Hao finally woke up from his stupefaction, and asked, pointing at Little Caidie.

Wu Tian said proudly, "Yeah, hehe." He completely forgot that he wanted to get rid of Little Caidie when he was on Sky Blue Star.

"It's so cute. I haven't seen this spirit beast for many years, and it's actually a dual-line spirit beast. It's not bad." Mo Hao praised, and didn't mention the relationship between Xiao Caidie and Wu Tian. He knew it after thinking about it.

Wu Tian looked at Little Caidie, and suddenly a divine ring appeared in his hand. With a spark of divine fire, he began to refine the divine ring. In the end, the divine ring kept shrinking and only Xiao Caidie could wear it. Wu Tian stopped and said "This is a reward from your father, so you have to work hard and practice hard."

Wu Tian no longer objected to the little guy calling him daddy.Little Caidie lives in her body.There is a feeling of flesh and blood connection with it.

There were little colorful butterflies on the way, so there was a lot of laughter, so Wu Tian was really happy. After another hundred years of walking, troubles finally started to appear.

"Stop." A loud shout.It sounded in front of Wu Tian and Mo Hao.

A man in the early stage of transformation, his body is covered with scales, and there is also a piece of scales on the tip of his nose, his eyes are purple, looking at the two of them coldly.

"Eating squirrels?" Mo Hao asked in surprise.

"The front has been turned into a forbidden area, the two should change their course," Chi Tianshu said coldly.

Suddenly, Little Caidie said, "There is a treasure ahead,"

Hearing Xiao Caidie's words, the three of them were surprised at the same time. Cheating Tianshu looked at Xiao Caidie on Wu Tian's shoulder and asked doubtfully, "Spiritual beast?"

Apparently, Little Caidie was a spirit beast that knew there was a treasure here, so the two said again, "Don't get involved, this is our spirit beast's business, I don't want to cause trouble, I hope the two of you will divert."

Wu Tian knew that there was a treasure, and he didn't want to delay the trip, so he said lightly, "We are not interested in your treasure, how far do we have to go?"

"Go to the right, and you can get rid of it after a few hundred thousand years," said the two of them coldly.

Wu Tian frowned, one hundred thousand years?It would take a hundred thousand years just to take a detour, wouldn't it be a waste of my travel time, and said lightly, "I won't fight for that treasure, and I'm not interested. I'm saying that the two of us are not of high level. In front of all the masters, I'm afraid I can If you can't take advantage of it, why don't you just let me wait, a hundred thousand years is too long."

"A hundred thousand years will last? Could it be that you are looking for trouble on purpose?" The squirrel-eating momentum slowly rose.

This change attracted the attention of the divine beast in front, and several divine thoughts came to him immediately. Wu Tian lowered his brows again and looked at Mo Hao, who looked at Wu Tian helplessly.

"Everyone, I don't want to cause misunderstandings, but I have something urgent, please do me a favor." Wu Tianshenyuan encouraged and screamed in all directions.

"You wait to leave quickly, so as not to suffer from that innocent disaster." A voice came from the front.

"Ah, so I can only be offended," Wu Tian sighed helplessly.

Little Caidie quickly hid in Wu Tian's arms.Step forward.Wu Tian eats the squirrel with one paw facing forward.

The squirrel was furious.But at this moment, Mo Hao is in the middle stage of transformation.Although Wu Tian is only at the same level as him.But two against him one.He still has no chance of winning.Immediately withdrew and burst back.However, Mo Hao had already come behind him.

A talisman was held between two fingers.One hand and one finger.The squirrel growled.Turned into Nawanmi body.But it was stuck by the talisman.In an instant, he returned to his original shape again.Still the same man.Wu Tian has already caught it.

The whole process was completed in an instant. Wu Tian grabbed the squirrel by the neck and took out the Eighteen Exquisite Pagodas. He went in without saying a word. Simply ignore them.

Immediately, three powerful auras rushed over, all of which were in the mid-stage of the transformation of the gods. At the same time, two auras of the early stage of the transformation of the gods also flew from the two sides.

Mo Hao said without blushing, "I will deal with the two beasts at the early stage of transformation, and I will leave the three beasts at the middle stage to you."

Wu Tian disdainfully said, "How can you say that you are also in the mid-stage of Huashen, how dare you let me deal with the masters of the mid-stage of Huashen"

"Who told you to be so perverted? If we switch, I'll be happy to deal with the middle stage of the transformation of the gods." Mo Hao said with a blank look at Wu Tian.

Wu Tian had nothing to do with Mo Hao.I saw three people shooting.I had no choice but to welcome him up.The soaring momentum broke through the surrounding clouds.Standing in the sky.Wait for them to fly.

However, such a match between the two makes those beasts puzzled?How to deal with the early stage of transformation of gods against the middle stage of transformation of gods?But in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, it is against the early stage of the transformation of the gods?In this way, do you want to solve the beasts in the early stage of transformation first, and then help?Aren't you afraid that this boy in the early stage of transformation will die first?
Although puzzled.But still kill Wu Tian.The same is eating squirrels.These divine beasts did not reveal their bodies when they flew.The proud three of them killed an early-stage god-man.Naturally.

Three sharp claws grabbed at Wu Tian, ​​Wu Tian slapped the void, and three invisible sharp swords formed, and the surrounding area instantly burst into the sky with cold air, pushing with one hand, and the three sharp swords flew away at the same time.

"No, this person is very good at swordsmanship, don't underestimate him, let's go all out," shouted the squirrel in the middle.

The three of them exploded at the same time.Agitate Shenyuan.At the same time, it blasted towards the invisible sword.


There were three loud bangs, and all three were shaken back. Wu Tian didn't give them a chance to breathe and think, and shot out the invisible sharp sword again. At the same time, he pointed to the sky with one hand, and shouted "Nian Lei Dong"

Tongtian Sandao Nianlei shot out, and as soon as the divine thunder came out, the coercion radiated, and the three squirrels were all horrified. They didn't expect to see the divine thunder, they didn't dare to meet them, and they pulled away, but the invisible sword had already struck, making them They had to fight.


The three divine beasts were all blasted into the sacred mountain below. At this moment, they finally understood why the two of them made such an arrangement. It turned out that the protection of the early stage of the transformation of the gods was stronger than that of the mid-stage of the transformation of the gods.

Before the three of them could fight back, Wu Tian zoomed in on the Eighteen Exquisite Pagodas and shouted "Stop!"

In an instant, the light shot down, and the three squirrels were terrified. In an instant, two of them were taken into the Eighteenth Exquisite Pagoda, and the only one was struggling to fight. "

The squirrel-eating mouse finally couldn't resist, Wu Tian's divine sense and soul had already reached the late stage of transformation, and he shouted a soul attack, but he couldn't resist, but the moment he was handed in, he shouted loudly." Wait for Hugh Be rampant, here, you cannot escape."

Wu Tian looked at the Eighteenth Exquisite Tower with a sneer.Turn around and look.Mo Hao has already solved a squirrel-eating squirrel.The other didn't look right.About to fly away.Wu Tian sacrificed the Eighteen Linglong Pagoda again.Put your head on him.

But he was taken in in an instant, and the other one was already unconscious, with a talisman stuck on his forehead, Wu Tian asked, "The talisman is really good, as long as it is hit, I am afraid that it will also be hit in the later stage of transformation."

"There's a brother with great skills," Mo Hao said, but he still looked at the talisman proudly.

Wu Tian smiled and tore open the talisman. The beast woke up immediately. Wu Tian pinched its neck with one hand and shouted, "What treasure is there in front? Are you eating the squirrels and setting up defense?"

I wasn't interested in that treasure at first.However, the masters of eating squirrels all came to defend.It seems that this treasure is not small.

"Great God, don't kill me. It's not easy to practice, so please keep your hand." This is the squirrel-eating squirrel begging for mercy in the early stage of transformation.

"If you don't want to die, just say it," Mo Hao shouted.

"I said, I said, thousands of years ago, not far ahead, the sun was soaring into the sky, and it was discovered by the patrolling people of our clan. When the experts of our clan explored it, it turned out that Qianfang Lingye was born. This treasure is very popular in our clan. In order to pay attention, I am specially ordered to guard the Quartet"

"What? Soul treasure thousand squares liquid?" Mo Hao exclaimed.

Wu Tian looked at Mo Hao, and Mo Hao is the Tao.” According to legend, in the late stage of transformation of the gods, when attacking Yutian, he will establish a connection with the energy of heaven and earth, but at the same time he will also be attacked, not the body, but the soul. Only when the energy establishes a connection can they drive them. If the soul is a little weak, they will be bombarded by the energy of heaven and earth. This is also the reason why there are so few Yutian masters. Many late-stage masters of the gods dare not attack the Yutian position."

It turned out to be to replenish the energy of the soul. His own soul is already powerful, and it may be of limited use to him. Seeing Mo Hao's excited look, Wu Tianming understood, and took the squirrel away, released the little butterfly and said, "Do you know where the treasure is?" land?"

"The induction is not clear, I only know a general direction," Xiao Caidie said.

"I didn't want to watch it at first, but now I'm interested again. Why don't we go and have a look? It would be great if we could grab it," Wu Tian said.

"Haha, my brother's idea is very suitable for me," Mo Hao said happily.

The two led the direction guided by the little colorful butterfly and sneaked over. Just after they finished, several groups of masters whizzed past their heads. No need to think about it, they knew that the movement here must be known to them, and sent masters over. As a mid-term master of Huashen, this squirrel-eating family is also quite powerful.

Avoiding those soaring auras, the two quickly shuttled through the woods. Although they were not far ahead, they walked for more than half a year before they gradually felt a different kind of aura.

This aura fluctuates.Just feel it.It can make your own soul feel strengthened.It really is the treasure of the soul.At this moment, Little Caidie has been able to determine the exact position.

The power of Little Caidie also surprised Mo Hao, he secretly sighed, it really is a family, they are all so perverted.

Wu Tian didn't dare to release his divine sense to investigate.Many vague auras around are extremely powerful.The eyes gradually turned golden.See through all illusions.The sacred mountain of trees in front of him disappeared in his eyes.Many energy bodies appeared in Wu Tian's eyes.There are different directions.

And there is a huge waterfall ahead.A vast expanse of water.The entire waterfall is covered with eating squirrels.A lot of energy is frighteningly strong.It should be a super strong man in the late stage of transformation.Haven't found Yutian master yet.

As for the treasure that has not yet been discovered, I am afraid that it has not yet been born and is still being conceived.

Wu Tian suddenly asked, "Brother, is there any master who controls the sky in this rat-eating clan?"

"The Sky-eating Mouse clan probably doesn't have masters who control the sky. They are relatively inferior in the ranks of divine beasts. It would be nice to have a few late-stage deities," Mo Hao said.

"In this way, I don't worry about safety anymore. The treasure has not yet been born. Let's explore it first. I don't know if there are other masters coming to snatch it." Wu Tian said...

(End of this chapter)

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