Chapter 473
The power of the divine formation was incomparable, and the aura it exuded made Wu Tian and Mo Hao deter them. They turned around and saw that there were constant fluctuations inside and they were still fighting. Wu Tian and Mo Hao looked at each other, nodded to each other, and then looked up. Step forward.

Now that the way out has been blocked, let's go in and have a look, at worst, Wu Tian releases a super god core to kill him.

Just climbed over a mountain.Suddenly, he saw that there were still five masters of transforming gods fighting against a sky-high squirrel-eating squirrel.

Mo Hao exclaimed, "Eat Heavenly Soul Shadow?" Immediately turned around and said, "Let's break through that magic formation. Although Qianfang Spiritual Liquid is good, I'm afraid we both will die to enjoy it."

"What is Eat Sky Soul Shadow?" Wu Tian asked.

"This is the unique move of the sky-eating squirrel family in ancient times. Several sky-eating masters joined forces to form a formation and release their own unique skills, and a huge sky-eating mouse will appear. This sky-eating mouse can devour the masters of the sky soul, killing the opponent is but an instant"

"It's just that I didn't expect that the Sky-eating Mouse Clan doesn't have a sky-controlling master, and they can sacrifice this Sky-eating Soul Shadow. Let's get out of here quickly," Mo Hao urged eagerly.

Wu Tian looked.The huge sky-eating squirrel soul shadow.Glaring around.Golden eyes see.It turned out that fifteen masters in the late stage of transformation were controlling the sky-eating soul shadow.A divine beast of a foreign race was crushed by the shadow of the eating soul.

He released his big move in horror.But the big move passes through the shadow of eating the soul.It didn't have much effect on him.Chi Tianhunying let out a scream of soul.Open your mouth and take a breath.The body of the late-stage master of transformation suddenly softened.The body flew upside down.

Wu Tian found out that the person had already fallen at this moment, and another late-stage master of transformation had fallen. Now Wu Tian didn't dare to delay, and immediately ran to the door. Presumably, there was still a chance at the door.

"Where to go?" Among the last three eating squirrels in the late stage of transformation, the old man saw a middle stage of transformation and a godman in the early stage of transformation slipped in, and immediately rushed towards him.

The others just glanced casually, and when they saw the old man flying away, they turned their eyes away, and they didn't want to take Wu Tian and Mo Hao seriously, after all, their realm was too low.

The cave is full of brilliant sunlight.But the assassins Wu Tian and Mo Hao were anxious.See the old man flying over.Wu Tian didn't even think about it.The invisible sharp sword shot away.

"So you were the one who made the sneak attack?" The old man caught the invisible sharp sword with his divine sense, and immediately understood it, and then exclaimed again, "What is your relationship with the sword god?"

This invisible sharp sword is undoubtedly the name of the Sword God, but whoever is a master in the God Realm doesn't know the ancient god's trick?Especially this supreme swordsmanship.

"Me and his iron buddies, can you let us out?" Wu Tian said.

"Hmph. You are also worthy of being called a brother with the sword god? You want to die," the old man shouted.Shenyuan riots.He raised his palm and hit the invisible sword.

Wu Tian said to Mo Hao, "I'll block him, you break the formation quickly."Mo Hao nodded, quickly took out a few talismans, and typed out the magic formula. The talismans burst out with bright light, and suddenly shot towards the light at the mouth of the waterfall.


The huge explosion caused Wu Tian and Mo Hao to be recoiled, Wu Tian was shocked, "What's going on?"

"Since eating squirrels has such a powerful restriction? My talisman was exploding, but it didn't blow away." Mo Hao exclaimed.

"Haha. Boy, don't waste your energy in vain. Suicide." The sharp claws of the old man grabbed Mo Hao.

Wu Tian pointed with one hand, and a beam of Nian Lei burst out, and the light shot straight at the old man. When the sharp claws that had been grabbed, saw Nian Lei, he exclaimed, "God Thunder?"


Nian Lei exploded on the old man, and the old man withdrew. At this moment, his arm was trembling constantly, and many cracks appeared. He looked at Wu Tian in horror and said, "How can you control Shenlei?"

Whatever he thinks.Can't think of it either.Wu Tian didn't need to explain to him.Another burst of divine thunder blasted at the old man.

The old man backed away with a scream, and shouted inside, "A person who can control Shenlei has appeared in the God Realm, use the Sky-eating Soul Shadow to deal with him", obviously he is very afraid of Shenlei, and he is also very afraid.

I heard the old man exclaim.All eyes are on it.He looked at the old man suspiciously.He is a master in the late stage of transformation.He was actually sent back by two low-ranking students.

The old man immediately said, "The man in the early stage of becoming a god can control the lost god thunder"

There were several gasps, and a person beside him shouted, "Quick. Quick, kill this kid with the Sky-eating Soul Shadow."

Wu Tian looked at the light in his hand depressedly, and muttered, "Is this divine thunder so terrible?"

Mo Hao said, "You don't think it's scary, but others think it's scary, or at least they're also terrified. Find a way to deal with that sky-eating soul shadow, I'll get out of the way first."

"You." Mo Hao had already flown towards those wounded masters of late stage transformation.At this moment, there are only two masters of other races in the late stage of transformation.

The rest are all the squirrel-eating clan, and the Qianfang spirit liquid is also behind the sky-eating soul shadow. If you want to get it, you must kill the sky-eating soul shadow, and there is a late-stage god transformation of the squirrel-eating clan behind it Master, it seems that he is going to pick the thousand square spirit liquid.

The sky-shattering Sky-eating Soul Shadow slowly turned its head.Look at Wu Tian.Two rays of soul light shone on Wu Tian.Wu Tian was shocked for a while.Immediately flew away.

If you want to break the Sky-eating Soul Shadow, you still need to kill the fifteen Sky-Eating Rat Clan late-stage masters who control the Sky-Eating Soul Shadow.

The direction of Wu Tianfei's flight made others see his intentions. The three masters of the late stage of transforming gods immediately launched a powerful attack. Sky Soul Shadow confronts.

"This kid is a bit strange, and I was terrified when I met him. The three of us joined forces to set him in one direction so that the ghost could deal with him," said the old man.

The other two nodded, and then the three of them came in three directions. Wu Tianshennian kept observing the situation inside. He didn't understand the intention of the three, so he shot in a rage, and shot away the three invisible swords. At the same time, Nianlei burst out .

Three beams of light from the sky brushed towards the three of them, and the three of them were very skilled. They blasted away the invisible sharp sword, but they were all scattered when they were hit by Nian Lei. Yindao "Hurry up and help. If I die, you will be next. Go and kill any one of the 15 people who control the formation."

Both of them looked at Wu Tian in horror. They didn't expect that someone could control Shenlei, but what Wu Tian said was reasonable, they couldn't escape at this moment, and the sky-eating soul shadow was especially powerful. If it doesn't break, death is only a matter of time up.

The two quickly rushed to the person who set up the formation, but just after rushing, the huge sky-eating soul suddenly turned its head, the speed was frighteningly fast, not as slow as before, and it opened its mouth to swallow a person. This change shocked the other One person screamed and flew backwards.

It's useless for Wu Tian to curse.But the three squirrels charged again.Wu Tian had no choice but to get out of the way here.Mo Hao watched from the sidelines.As if looking for an opportunity to start.

Wu Tian shot the invisible sharp sword again, turned around at the same time, raised his hands, and suddenly thundered in a large area, bombarding all the squirrels around him, including the squirrel and the fifteen masters.

The divine thunder all over the sky is very frightening.However, most of the people present are masters of the late stage of transformation.It seems strong.Can't kill them for a while.

They continued to fight against the divine thunder, Wu Tian turned around and rushed towards the 15 people again, but suddenly, the sky-eating soul shadow suddenly stretched out its head, and a huge shadow pressed towards Wu Tian.

Wu Tian was shocked.But the bombardment seemed useless to him.Only soul attack will do.In an instant, the divine sense formed a bright sword.Shoot at the soul eating sky.

Eat Sky Soul Shadow opened his mouth.In Wu Tian's horrified eyes.Swallowed the sword of divine sense.Nothing at all.

Wu Tian instantly understood that the Sky-eating Soul Shadow could devour this kind of attack, and felt powerless again. The Sky-Eating Soul Shadow devoured the sharp sword, but it didn't stop, and opened a giant kiss even faster, biting towards Wu Tian.

Wu Tian's soul trembled sharply, and a huge sense of powerlessness swept over Wu Tian's heart. Facing the sky-eating soul shadow who seemed like a natural enemy, Wu Tian found that any means seemed powerless and pale. .How can I deal with it myself?The divine thunder is ineffective against him, both the invisible sword and the spiritual sword are swallowed up, and I can't repel the guy with all kinds of attacks, what should I do?

Eat Sky Soul Shadow devoured Wu Tian in one gulp, and the whole process took an instant, leaving no chance for anyone to react.

Mo Hao in the distance looked at this huge change in horror, and said in a dazed voice, "A future Heavenly Venerable has just fallen like this? He is a Jiezun. If he hadn't wanted to obtain this Qianfang Spiritual Liquid, he would not have agreed with Wu Tianlai." Now, it's all me, it's me who killed Wu Tian."

Mo Hao let out a long and shrill cry, and in an instant, countless talismans flew out of his body, and the sky was hit hard by the talismans. Mo Hao's eyes were bloodshot, and he roared angrily, "Give back my brother's life!"


Countless talismans exploded, and the entire space exploded. Many talismans blasted towards the sky-eating soul figure, but the sky-eating soul figure did not dodge. The explosion of the talismans did not affect him at all.

Mo Hao has lost his soul at this moment, frantically attacking the sky-eating soul shadow, attacking with the energy of the gods, and the talisman keeps smashing at the sky-eating soul shadow, but everything is in vain.

Wu Tian was swallowed, and all the divine thunders in the sky disappeared. The three masters of the late stage of eating the mouse and transforming into gods escaped from the trap, all of them were injured. Seeing that Wu Tian was finally swallowed, they were more or less relieved.

The earth trembled again, the surrounding aura instantly reached its peak, a ray of light shot from the ground to the sky, and the colorful rays of light spread all over the surroundings, and a ray of colorful light shot out from the ground.

The late-stage master who had been eating the mouse, who had been standing by the side, rushed up quickly, but the seven-colored light, bursting out of the seven-colored glow, shocked the late-stage master who was eating the mouse, paused in the air, turned around and rushed towards Mo Hao Come.

This change shocked everyone, and the master of the late stage of transformation yelled, "Quickly stop Qianfang Lingye, this spirit is choosing a master."

The old man among the three eating squirrels outside yelled at the 15 people below, "Swallow this kid, let's see how Qianfang Lingye chooses the master"

A middle-aged man among the 15 people tremblingly exclaimed, "The ghost is out of control!"

All squirrels were horrified.This moment.Qianfang spiritual liquid shot into Mo Hao's body.

In an instant, the energy of heaven and earth fluctuated.This moment.Mo Hao advanced unprepared.The huge coercion spread out.Mo Hao's whole body was shrouded in colorful light.All the surrounding figures were shaken away.A powerful soul wave spread out.

All the aura gathered on Mo Hao's body, and a wave spread out. Mo Hao opened his eyes, and he scanned all directions in the late stage of transformation, with murderous aura overflowing.

(End of this chapter)

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