Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 475 Super Divine Beast Evil Eye

Chapter 475 Super Divine Beast Evil Eye
Mo Hao looked at the surrounding space in amazement, the dark space that had been dark for over a million years since they came here, but at this moment, light appeared, no different from the God Realm, eternal light appeared.This undoubtedly shocked countless existences here.

Wu Tian completely opened his eyes.The surrounding space is also completely like other places in the God Realm.became brighter.under bright light.Those dark trees.There has been a change.Slowly change came one after another.

Eternal darkness has finally withdrawn from this stretch of time.People can't understand these changes.And Wu Tian got up at this moment.

"Oh, why is my head still up?" Wu Tian said to himself.

Mo Hao said in a surprised voice, "Old man, are you all right?"

"It's okay if you can't die, oops, my head hurts," Wu Tian said, then looked around and said, "Where is this?"

"I don't know either," Mo Hao said.

Wu Tian was taken aback, "You don't know, why did you bring me here?"

"Where did I bring you here? It was clearly you who brought me here. As soon as you released me, you saw a burst of white light, and then we appeared here. I wanted to check on your situation, but I am not as good as you. I can't even break through your body's own defenses. I was afraid that there might be something here, so I didn't go out to check, and waited for you to wake up." Mo Hao said depressingly.

"So that's the case, but I don't remember how I got here," Wu Tian said helplessly.

Shaking his head, he said, "How long have I been in a coma?"

"More than a million years," Mo Hao said.

Wu Tianpan sat down.Close your eyes and figure it out.Suddenly opened his eyes.sigh.It has been a full 200 ​​million years since I ascended to the God Realm. 200 million achievements in the early stage of Huashen.It can be said that there are not many people in the God Realm.Dating back to ancient times.Not many.

My biggest gain this time is the soul. I don't know how strong it is, but it seems that I have released the heart sword. I don't feel much at the moment. The heart sword has already transformed, and it no longer changes with my soul.

What is the level of the soul, what is the level of the heart sword, since the sea of ​​extreme ice, this is the biggest gain, and it is necessary to find the god of law, but it cannot be delayed here.

"Let's go, let's see where this is. I feel that we haven't left the east. Maybe we still have a chance this time." Wu Tian stood up and said.

"Brother, you better control your soul power, I can't get close to you at all." Mo Hao said depressedly, thinking that he is a super master in the late stage of the transformation of the gods, and he is not even qualified to approach the early stage of the transformation of the gods. Is he depressed?

"Huh?" Wu Tian was taken aback, then sat down cross-legged again, and said, "Then wait for me for a while."

Spiritual thoughts visited his mind and found a family of souls that had turned into water patterns. He experienced it quietly and slowly practiced for ten years. After ten years, Wu Tian completely suppressed the soul fluctuations. At this moment Return to that ordinary appearance again.

Mo Hao hadn't practiced for ten years, and he kept watching Wu Tian's changes. Seeing Wu Tian become like this with his own eyes, Mo Hao kept shaking his head, the gap, this is the gap, it exists inherently, it cannot be overcome, and it is depressed endlessly.

Wu Tian slowly opened his eyes, calmed down a bit, and then said, "It's all right now."

Mo Hao nodded silently, and said after a long time, "Brother, are you still in the early stage of transformation?"

Wu Tian smiled, looked at Tianji and said, "Of course, my heart is not open, and the realm will not be able to improve, alas"

"I see, you just haven't had the opportunity yet, let's go," Mo Hao shrugged.

Withdrew from these formations, Wu Tian and Mo Hao flew into the sky, surrounded by space, so that Wu Tian no longer knew where the east was. Looking ahead, the trees there were lush and leafy, Wu Tian said, "Fly in this direction." Fly and see"

Mo Hao nodded.The two left here quickly.Fly forward.Not long after the two flew away.Here finally attracted a search of divine sense.

As if he had discovered something, the divine sense stayed here for a long time before slowly receding.

Wu Tian and Mo Hao flew for a while, and felt that the environment here was good, so they kept nodding their heads. Only Mo Hao knew the original appearance of this place, and he could count it in terms of desolation, but he didn't understand the changes. He always thought that it had something to do with Wu Tian, ​​and wanted to It is possible that there is a magic formation here, and it is just a change in the formation in the eyes.

After careful exploration for more than a year, no other existence was found, which relieved Mo Hao's nervousness a little, and Wu Tian did the same. However, just as the two of them relaxed, God opposed them.

A ray of light shot at the two of them.Very abrupt.There was no sign of it.Shot from the woods below.Wu Tian and Mo Hao were shocked.Both fly apart.Dodge that attack.

But haven't had time to check yet.Hundreds of golden lights shot from below.The power of light is not under a full blow in the late stage of transformation.Too much and too fast.Mo Hao turned his hand and released the defensive talisman.

The rune rises against the storm.Like a giant shield.Block more golden light.But the golden light kept shooting.The talisman only blocked it for a moment before it was smashed to pieces.

Seeing this gap, Wu Tian went to investigate and found a thousand-meter-sized caterpillar-like mythical beast, but the whole body of this mythical beast was full of eyes, and the erected [-]-meter-high body opened countless large and small eyes. shot from those eyes.

There is one of the biggest eyes on top of that head.About ten meters in size.The huge pupils are terrifying.It made Wu Tian's scalp tingle for a while.Full of disgust.

"Super animal evil eyes?" Mo Hao exclaimed.

"Super Divine Beast Evil Eye," Wu Tian was startled, and asked repeatedly.

Mo Hao nodded and said, "I didn't expect to see this legendary beast. This super beast is much stronger than the beasts we see now. They appeared before our ancient gods appeared. It can be said that they are similar to Tianzun and Gu The gods and beasts who were in the same era as the gods were called super beasts. There were no weak beasts in that era, and the worst ones were stronger than the most powerful newborn beasts. It can be imagined."

"Is this evil eye one of them?" Wu Tian asked.

Mo Hao nodded, "I've only seen this in the literature of my clan, otherwise I wouldn't know the existence of this ancient beast."

Wu Tian took out the flame flag, brushed out the glow of the sky, scattered the golden light, and asked, "Is this evil eye powerful? I see him in the middle stage of transformation, let's kill him together."

"Let's find a way to escape. According to the literature, if Xieyan's largest eye shoots out an attack, it can leapfrog and kill the opponent. It is a super existence," Mo Hao said in horror.

If this evil eye launches that attack at him.He thought he couldn't resist.

"Kill the opponent by leapfrogging? So powerful," Wu Tian was startled, more and more Xieyan opened his eyes at this moment, as if he couldn't kill two people, he looked very irritable.

Wu Tian swiped with one hand.A divine thunder descended from the Nine Heavens.Hit Xieyan directly.However, Xieyan Beibei suddenly opened countless eyes.The rays of light scattered the divine thunder.

Under the horror.Wu Tian shot out an invisible sharp sword.Fingers are fully extended.Countless sharp swords formed around.The sword qi soaring into the sky made the surroundings radiate with cold air.The sword shot out coercion.As if to destroy everything.Wu Tian felt the change.I am determined.The invisible sword quickly revolved around Xieyan.The evil eyes were full of vigilance.All the eyes in that body opened.The body is raised again.

A body nearly 500 meters high.Ten meters thick.The round ones are full of eyes.Cyan pupils.Red eyeballs.It looked terrible.

With Wu Tian's outstretched five fingers, he grabbed it suddenly, and all the invisible sharp swords spinning around shot at Xieyan.


A sky-shattering explosion.All the surrounding trees were blown away.Thousands of miles turned into flat ground.

The huge evil eye kept rolling on the ground, Mo Hao looked at Wu Tian in surprise, and asked, "Your invisible sword before, doesn't seem to be so powerful?"

Wu Tian also looked at his hand in astonishment. Not only did he display such a powerful attack this time, but he also felt no consumption.

The huge evil eye rolled violently for a while.A super beast is a super beast.Even under such a blow from Wu Tian.Not dead yet.But already seriously injured.Huge eyes looked at the two of them.After a while of body shaking.Shot the strongest blow.

Both Wu Tian and Mo Hao felt the pressure. Wu Tian put his two fingers together, Shenlei appeared on his fingertips, and pointed at the destructive light, Mo Hao didn't stand by and took out a golden talisman, Shen Yuan As soon as he moved, a mouthful of blood sprayed on the talisman.

The talisman burst out with golden light, and a strong aura emanated, causing Wu Tian to look sideways. Mo Hao held the talisman between his fingers, and his eyes flashed with golden light, hitting Xieyan.

The golden light shot by the evil eye was stopped by Wu Tian.Shen Yuan kept agitating frantically.And the talisman played by Mo Hao.Boom on Xieyan.

There was another explosion that soared into the sky.After a puff of smoke.Xieyan was already lying on the ground.Although not dead.But under the attack of two masters.Not far from death.

Wu Tian and Mo Hao flew down, looking at the evil eyes of the huge body, Wu Tian said, "This is an ancient beast, it should be considered an extinct one. Isn't it a pity for us to kill him like this?"

"Are you trying to take him away again?" Mo Hao stared blankly at Wu Tian, ​​and continued, "It makes me uncomfortable to watch."

"I also look uncomfortable, but this guy is amazing." Wu Tiandao, there is another sentence, in my heart, after taking it away, whoever opposes me in the future, I will let out a burst of beatings. This is an ancient level beast. It's such a pity to kill like this.

He took out the Eighteenth Exquisite Pagoda with his hands, and took this guy away. In the future, he will set up the Heaven Fighting Array by himself. This thing can also be used as a small boss to appear on the stage.

After accepting this evil eye.Wu Tian and Mo Hao left here quickly.Afraid of attracting more powerful beasts.

Mo Hao saw something unusual in it, and said, "This ancient super beast evil eye has long since disappeared from the sight of everyone in the God Realm. Fortunately, what we met was only one of the God Transformation level, and it would be terrifying if it was of the Yutian level." up."

"Why did it appear here," Wu Tian asked.

"I'm also thinking, it's even more strange where is this place? Why do ancient beasts appear? They should have disappeared long ago, but they appeared in front of us. It seems that it is necessary to check here," Mo Hao said.

"I'm afraid it's not just the evil eye, maybe we will see many ancient beasts one after another?" Wu Tian said.

"I don't want to meet them. They are too powerful. There are many powerful methods that we have never seen before. If you can avoid them, just avoid them," Mo Hao said.

"Then let's take a detour, I found a beast approaching us ahead," Wu Tian said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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