Chapter 481 Dharma God
make these.Wu Tian looked at the world where he finally appeared.

The world contains everything.The five elements construct the world, the yin prepares for reincarnation, and life is endless. At this moment, Wu Tian's realm unexpectedly pulsates faintly, his eyes naturally turn golden, and his eyes that can see through everything change again.

Restore the black and white eyes, change again, restore the original ordinary eyes, as if they can no longer see anything in front of them clearly, and seem to be able to see everything clearly.

Wu Tian lightly raised his hand, and drove the tiny world into the molten liquid. In an instant, the surroundings were assimilated, the world was constantly changing, and the surrounding fire was transformed into various attributes. Wu Tian sat cross-legged on the world, looking for someone possible emergencies.

Time passed.In this way, Wu Tian controlled the world and melted into the lava.Suddenly Wu Tian disappeared in place.appear in the world.The world sinks.Keep sinking.Came to the range of [-] meters of lava.

The whole world suddenly turned into a water attribute, and Wu Tian completely converted the surrounding attributes into anti-reaction, so that low-temperature ice cubes appeared around the frighteningly high temperature, and the two extreme attributes collided with each other continuously at the bottom of the magma.

A large number of bubbles were generated, Mo Hao noticed the changes in Wu Tian from above, and watched a large amount of white mist rise from below.There were bursts of glow.

As if he understood something, Mo Hao stepped out of Chuanhaosu, flipped his hand and took out a talisman. The talisman was smashed into the lava, and the surroundings were suddenly icy and snowy, but it recovered in an instant. In desperation, Mo Hao knew that he I can't switch attributes, and doing so has no effect, so I continue to watch Wu Tian perform.

All the lava at the bottom was converted into ice cubes by Wu Tian, ​​and Wu Tian quickly came to the sky and shouted "start".A [-]-meter-sized iceberg appeared, surrounded by white mist, and a rainbow appeared in an instant.

A miracle happened. The rainbow appeared in the sky. The rainbow seemed to appear regularly. As the rainbow became bigger and bigger, a dark ladder appeared in the sky, but it was not very clear.

Mo Hao Dao "It's not enough, my brother needs to work harder"

"I see. No wonder others can't find Drifting Sea. It is almost impossible for others to create the opposite attribute here, even Yutian. This place is full of extreme fire attributes. If you want to assimilate them, you must Possess the two attributes of water and fire," Wu Tian said.

Flying down again, ignoring the consumption of divine essence, and fully instigating the divine essence, an iceberg with a size of [-] meters came out again. This was already Wu Tian's limit. The two extreme attributes collided continuously here, and the rainbow appeared again.

The stairs in the sky are becoming more and more obvious.When the iceberg is about to be consumed.Finally materialized.Wu Tian and Mo Hao quickly dodge.Step up the ladder.Just stepped on.The surrounding scenery changes.A huge palace appeared in the sky.

Surrounded by floating sacred mountains, the huge palace is wrapped in large and small sizes. The palace is ancient and vicissitudes. From the aura that emerges from that, it can be seen that endless vicissitudes have been recorded on it by eternal time.

When a golden light came, neither Wu Tian nor Mo Hao resisted. The boundless power made them unable to resist at all. In an instant, Wu Tian and Mo Hao appeared at the gate of the palace.

A young girl came out, looked at Wu Tian and Mo Hao indifferently, and said, "My lord, please come with me."

Wu Tian and Mo Hao saluted respectfully.Follow the girl into the palace.Even the naughty Mo Hao.It is also very respectful here.There are many exotic flowers and animals on the way.Not to mention aura.The surrounding is quiet.But not silence.

Walking on the way, you can feel a piece of peace and tranquility, and a feeling of wanting nothing is born leisurely, and there is also a mysterious Taoist meaning here, which is unpredictable.

Passing through the front, I finally came to the hall. Several ancient chairs were neatly arranged here. On the first seat sat a woman. She was so beautiful that I could no longer describe her, as if thinking of beauty was a kind of blasphemy.

, the hazy eyes are unreal, and the neat hair is casually floating on the seat, showing the natural color.

White gauze skirt, a white gauze ribbon, wrapped around the arm, jade fingers are slender and slender, the whole person is sitting on the chair, with a feeling of being close to the Tao, seeing that he is beside him, but it seems to be in another dimension.

How could Wu Tian and Mo Hao dare to be negligent, they clasped their fists together, "Junior Wu Tian, ​​Mo Hao, pay homage to senior Dharma God".

"Well, don't be too polite," Dharma God said lightly.

Listening to the hazy voice, Wu Tian and Mo Hao felt a wave of soul shock in their minds, as if their souls were about to leave their bodies, and they were secretly frightened.

Fashen looked at Wu Tian and Mo Hao, smiled at the corner of his mouth, looked at Wu Tian and said, "Wu Tian? Are you finally here?"

Hearing this sentence, Wu Tian was not surprised at all. Thinking that Sword God and Fa God communicated with each other, he said straightforwardly, "This junior, please come here this time and ask senior to save someone."

"I already know it, let's release it," Fashen said softly.

When Wu Tian released Ruoyun, the beauty of Ruoyun in the ice coffin did not change a bit. Fortunately, Wu Tian dripped a stream of blood into it at the end, otherwise Ruoyun didn't seem to know what he looked like at this moment.

"Alas." Fa Shen sighed and walked down slowly, Wu Tian's heart tightened, and he said quickly, "Senior?"

Fashen didn't speak, and walked slowly to Ruoyun, looked at Ruoyun faintly, shook his head, and said, "There is only the last trace of breath left, and it is difficult to save her."

Wu Tian was very anxious when he heard this, "Senior is an ancient god, can there be no way?" At this moment, he was emotional and spoke a little loudly.

Mo Hao on the side immediately said, "My brother, don't be presumptuous. The senior just said that there are some difficulties, but he didn't say that he couldn't be saved."

Wu Tian immediately understood, apologized quickly, Dharma God smiled and shook his head, and said again, "This woman has lost her soul a long time ago, do you know?"

"What?" Wu Tian exclaimed, he didn't notice it, and then looked at Fashen.

Dharma God said, "She lacked a soul a long time ago, and she was injured this time. Although she was imprisoned by a spell to retain a trace of breath, but the demon revived her, and she had to find her soul."

"But, but I don't know that he lacks a soul, and her family didn't say anything."Wu Tian looked at Fashen in distress, he couldn't be running back by himself.

"It's normal if you don't know, even she doesn't know," Fashen said.

"I still hope that the younger generation is rude. Is there something I don't know about my lack of soul?" Wu Tian said.

"Of course, if I make a move and smack your soul, would you know?" Dharma God said lightly.

Wu Tian was startled, and immediately said, "Could it be that she offended someone before and was taken away by someone?"

Fashen chuckled and said nothing, Wu Tian looked anxiously, not knowing what Fashen was thinking.Fashen said, "Her soul is in the lower realm."

"The lower realm? This? What the hell is going on?" Wu Tian was puzzled, and there was a sense of fear in the dark.

"Oh. I didn't know it at first, but I realized it when I saw this woman." Fashen turned around and looked at the distant sky and said.

Wu Tian lay in Ruoyun's ice coffin, with two lines of tears pouring out, and said tremblingly, "The lower realm that the predecessors said, but Ruoyun's other soul has grown up? And she is Mei Linsi?"

"God's will, I can't guess, I will take back her soul from the lower world to save her, you don't have to be too sad," the God of Dharma said sadly.

It turns out that Meilinsi has never been reborn after reincarnation.Even if you lose your memory, you will not be reborn.Because she can't be reborn.Her body is in the God Realm.How to reincarnate?the same woman.Die twice for yourself.

Wu Tian felt guilty all of a sudden. He wondered if it was God's will. The two of them were also entangled in the God Realm. Could it be that someone really arranged everything?

Wu Tian stood up suddenly, pointing at the sky and roaring, "I don't want what you are arranging, my Wu Tian's way, walk by myself,"

Facing Wu Tian's roar.The sky didn't change.Fashen just shook his head and sighed.Mo Hao was puzzled.

After drinking loudly, he turned around and knelt in front of the Dharma God and said, "Please help me, senior, to save her. This kindness will never be forgotten."

Seeing Wu Tianxia kneeling, the God of Fa was shocked, and quickly raised his hand to help Wu Tian, ​​and said coquettishly, "Wu Tian don't want to do this, I promised to save her and I will do it naturally. You can't kneel to anyone, you know!"

"Wu Tian just begged Fashen to save her now. I have a lot to say, and I want to talk to Ruoyun," Wu Tian said in pain.

"It's really not possible now, but next time you come, I will definitely return you a complete Ruoyun," Fashen nodded.

"Didn't senior save him now?" Wu Tian accused.

"Brother, since senior agreed, why are you so persistent," Mo Hao said again.He was afraid that Wu Tian would get emotional and annoy the ancient god. If the ancient god thought about it, the two of them would probably be wiped out. There was no luck.

Wu Tian came next to Ruoyun again, looking at her face lightly, those beautiful eyes seemed to open at any moment.Turning around and looking at Fashen, "The junior is rude, please don't blame the senior."

Fashen didn't speak, sighed, sat down on the first seat again, raised his hand to put away Ruoyun's ice coffin, and said, "Don't worry, don't worry."

Wu Tian nodded, and after feeling better, he said, "Because of Ruoyun's relationship, the younger generation has no Daoist heart, so I kindly ask the senior for advice."This time, the main purpose of coming here is to save Ruoyun, and the second is to ask the ancient gods to give pointers.It's good to untie the Dao heart.

Fashen looked into the distance and said slowly, "I can give you pointers, but after I give you pointers, you will have a long way to go. The highest you can achieve is the position of ancient god, but you cannot be destroyed. Only one person can guide you, so that your realm can be infinite and eternal."

Mo Hao interjected, "Could it be Tianzun?", it is almost impossible to find Tianzun.

Fashen nodded politely to Mo Hao, which made the latter horrified, but Fashen was Dao "not Tianzun, several Tianzun had their own affairs, and Wu Tian couldn't understand Tianzun's advice, only Taoshen gave advice, Wu Tian can do this."

"Taoist?" Wu Tian was puzzled.

"That's right, the realm of the Dao God is not lower than Tianzun, but he appeared a few years later and has not caught up with the position of Tianzun. Only after his guidance can you relieve your Dao heart," Fashen said lightly.

Wu Tian understood in an instant.It seems that I only have one chance to ask questions again.At this moment, I really want to ask where the Valkyrie is.Everything about me seems to have some connection with that guy.It has been from the beginning.sigh.Valkyrie finally met.not now.

Now that his heart is clear, his eyes are also clear, he slowly raised his head, saluted, and said, "I would like to ask the senior to give me some advice, where is the Taoist?"

"Tao God Cangqiong, in Cangqiong Mountain in the south, you will naturally be able to see it when you go," Fashen said with a smile.

"Cang Qiong Mountain?" Wu Tian asked doubtfully.Then he looked at Mo Hao.Mo Hao shook his head.

Wu Tian looked at Fashen again, and asked, "Senior, where is Cangqiong Mountain in the south?"

"That's up to you to find it yourself," Fashen said, and then his figure began to blur.

(End of this chapter)

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