Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 484 The Great Elder

Chapter 484 The Great Elder

"Huh? Who is this? Why did you come to the Shijing Pavilion?" The fourth elder stroked his beard and squinted at Wu Tiandao.

"Fourth Elder, this is my younger brother, Wu Tian, ​​I want to take him to read some ancient documents. He doesn't know anything about this, so please agree with the Fourth Elder," Mo Hao said with a smile.His eyes blinked at the fourth elder.

"Wu Tian?" The Fourth Elder muttered, looked up at Wu Tian, ​​stroked his beard, Wu Tian looked at the Fourth Elder with a smile, and saluted, "Junior Wu Tian, ​​see Senior."

The Fourth Elder turned his head, looked at the gatekeeper, and said, "Let them in." Then he said to Mo Hao, "Come and lie down with me, girl Lin, take Wu Tian up."

Mo Lin said obediently, "Oh".Helplessly glanced at Mo Hao.

Mo Hao said to Wu Tian, ​​"Brother, go up and have a look. Those ancient documents may be of some help to you. Don't let them enter the inner layer. If you don't understand anything, just ask my sister. She is very good at it."

Wu Tian nodded, clasped his fists at the Fourth Elder with a smile, and was led by Mo Lin into the attic. Although it was in the attic, there were a lot of god formations to restrict it, making people dare not mess around.

After Wu Tian and Mo Lin entered the attic, the Fourth Elder immediately said to Mo Hao, "Come with me".Mo Hao didn't laugh either, but nodded lightly.

Mo Hao followed the Fourth Elder all the way to a cave in silence, and then the Fourth Elder stretched out his hand, his fingertips were beating, and he continued to play spells. Ripples appeared in the space around the cave, and a black hole appeared in front of him.

The Fourth Elder threw himself into it, followed by Mo Hao, and the two appeared in a land full of spiritual energy and exotic flowers and plants. An old man was sitting among the flowers, and Mo Hao, who was a bit mischievous in front of the Fourth Elder, was at this moment. It is very respectful.

"Brother, this kid is here," the fourth elder saluted.

"Mo Hao pays homage to the Great Elder" Mo Hao bowed and saluted.

When he was young, the Great Elder slowly opened his eyes, he had a childish face, he was dressed in Taoist robes, and he was sitting cross-legged among the flowers, his white hair was scattered among the flowers, his white brows twitched, and he asked, "It's a good chance to go out this time, Already in the late stage of transformation"

"Yeah, I didn't know that promotion was so simple, it was all done by someone I knew," Mo Hao said proudly.

"One person?" the Great Elder said calmly, his body slowly turned around, and he looked at Mo Hao with his deep eyes.

"Yes. This person is absolutely extraordinary. Mo Hao hereby begs. I, the Moer tribe, will follow him in the future." Mo Hao also sat cross-legged.Said.

The Fourth Elder sat cross-legged beside the First Elder, and said indifferently, "An extraordinary person? Follow him?"

"That's right, this person is Wu Tian, ​​the successor of Shenlei, and possesses supernatural powers. He has opened a new realm in the lower realm, and is expected to hit the throne of heaven. He has been in contact with the three ancient gods this time. Go find the legendary Taoist God," Mo Hao said calmly.

"Oh?" The Great Elder opened his eyes and looked at Mo Hao in surprise.

"I met Wu Tian by chance on the way, and after that, I gradually gained Wu Tian's trust, and only then did I know these secrets. Now the person who has ascended from the outside, the person with the heavy treasure is Wu Tian, ​​the super god core, Just on Wu Tian, ​​"

Seeing the four elders, their eyes moved obviously, Mo Hao immediately said again, "But we must not touch Wu Tian, ​​the ancient beasts know this secret, but they didn't touch Wu Tian, ​​but chose to assist with all their strength"

"Have you ever been to the territory of ancient beasts? How did you get there underground?" The elder said calmly without asking any other questions.

"Wu Tian and I entered Xiaoyao City, and there was a master Yutian chasing him. We had to get rid of that master, and finally entered the Qiqingdusha formation. Then we found that the god of weapons was not dead, and created a lot of souls."

"We've all heard about this, and others," said the fourth elder.

It's been so long, and it's not surprising that they knew it, and then said again, "We came to the territory of the divine beast eating squirrels, and unexpectedly found Qianfang spiritual liquid."

"Did you get the Thousand Fang Spiritual Liquid?" asked the Great Elder.

"That's right," Mo Hao nodded with a smile.

The First Elder and the Fourth Elder glanced at each other and nodded at the same time. The Fourth Elder said, "This opportunity is not small, but how did you get to the ancient beast territory?"

"It's strange to say that Wu Tian actually devoured the sky-eating soul shadow, and then we landed on a stone and were teleported underground. That's how we met the ancient divine beast." Mo Hao also said doubtfully.

"What? Wu Tian devoured Chitian Soul Shadow?" the Great Elder exclaimed.

"Yeah, so far Wu Tian has been in a coma for a million years, and then he recovered. At this moment, Wu Tian's soul is no longer under Yu Tian, ​​and it seems that his divine essence is also extremely strong. Don't underestimate him at the moment. Ten of me are not his one-hit opponents," Mo Hao said in surprise.

"So powerful?" the fourth elder doubted.

"Sitting in a world, with extraordinary strength, and with that great treasure, he would be a man of heaven's attention. He who defied the sky would die. Wu Tian can only be friends with him, not enemy," said the Great Elder, closing his eyes slowly again.

"I also mean the same thing, so I said, I, the Mo'er tribe, should pursue it. Now the rules of the God Realm have changed. Wu Tian may inherit the God Realm. At that time, there will be another Thunder God, who will control the punishment of heaven, and no one can beat him." Mo Hao said.

"The rules of the God Realm have indeed changed, but if Wu Tian wants to achieve the supreme realm, he must be tempered, and there will be more dangers in the future, and you, after pursuing it, will help me on behalf of the Moer family. Today, your achievements must be higher than mine, which is why I didn't stop you when you went out secretly this time," the Great Elder said flatly.

"Cough" Mo Hao coughed awkwardly.

The Great Elder continued, "In the future, our Mo'er family will stand beside Wu Tian, ​​and we will inevitably stand against many ancient gods. At that time, our Mo'er family will depend on you."

"Elder, it shouldn't be that serious, right?" Mo Hao said in surprise.

"Since you have chosen, don't regret it. Your current achievements have changed, so it's up to you in the future. Let's go and meet Wu Tian." The Great Elder stood up and said.

"Shall we go in person?" The Fourth Elder frowned.

"Hehe, fourth child, don't care about these things. Although Wu Tian in front of you is not enough for you to meet him, but if you want to see him in the future, you may not have one. Why take this opportunity to see him?" the elder said with a smile.

The three of them left the cave, thinking about going to the attic.

Wu Tian and Mo Lin came inside through the restriction. The light here was dim, but to the gods, there were no such so-called problems. It was very quiet inside, surrounded by many jade slips, and a faint feeling of sadness filled the surroundings.

Mo Lin looked at Wu Tian and asked, "Brother Wu Tian, ​​do you want to read those documents? The most powerful thing in our Mel tribe is the talisman, do you want to read it?"

Wu Tian smiled and said, "I don't need this, I just look at the deeds of the past."

"Oh, that's it, over there, you go and have a look, I also went to look at some documents," Mo Lin said.

Wu Tian couldn't wait for it, and said with a smile, "So, I'll go and see it."Immediately, he came to the direction Mo Lin pointed, and saw a jade slip, next to the jade slip was a record of ancient experience documents.

Wu Tian took it.God's mind explores.A stream of information appeared in my mind.Many of them were introduced by Mo Hao.Wu Tian took a look.recorded in this document.They are all described from the fall of Thor.ancient times.Many races contend for supremacy.some fighting.A lot of stagnant people.Randomly kill the same rank.Or low-ranking people.

The beginning of the age of chaos.In the end, the ancient gods made a move.Tianzun seals the world.These are all Mo Hao told himself.

After checking, there are several jade slips around, all of which started from the fall of Thunder God. Wu Tian lost interest after looking at it for a few times, then turned around a few times, and looked at the back of the attic, where there was a faint ripple. .

Wu Tian thought, is there all the information before Thor's fall?Out of curiosity, we came to the side, then turned our heads, looked at Mo Lin, and found that Mo Lin was concentrating on checking the jade slips, but didn't find ourselves.

My heart was moved.Look at this prohibition.The volatility is not too great.His eyes were golden.All the forbidden fluctuations appeared in Wu Tian's mind.Turn over and take out Xiao Yangshen's nail.This is a magic weapon to break the prohibition.Although it is not a magic weapon.However, there are fluctuations in this aspect.Can mask some fluctuations.

Analyzing the key points of this wave in his mind, the nail was shot out quietly. The wave moved suddenly and stopped instantly. Wu Tian disappeared in the blink of an eye and appeared inside, and then the wave returned to normal. The space here is relatively small. .

There are also many jade slips, most of which are narrations of divine talismans, which may be the mentality of the Moer family. Wu Tian didn't read it. After all, it is the mentality of the Moore family.

Fortunately, there are instructions on the side.Wu Tian soon found a jade slip.Ancient secrets.

Wu Tian quickly took the jade slip.Spiritual thoughts penetrated directly into it.

Chaotic period.Thunder God holds the world.Open the God Realm.Heaven and earth descended.Practicing for everyone.The five elements of heaven and earth.respectively.In charge of heaven, earth and five elements.Tianzun opened the boundary.Each holds a realm.The same period.Derived from many masters.

Hundreds of ethnic groups come out together.Each holds a piece of territory.The God Realm is constantly fighting.In the end, four peerless geniuses appeared.Hold the ancient god position.Shock one side.Overwhelm the gods.No one dared to resist.

Since the birth of gods in ancient times, many rules have gradually appeared in the chaos. Many masters against the sky were dissatisfied with these rules, but they all died under the punishment of heaven. Thunder God was majestic, and no one dared to violate it, but soon the world of gods changed.

The appearance of the sea of ​​death divided the entire God Realm. Among the ancient gods, many gods disappeared overnight, which was suspected to be related to the changes in the world.

The sea of ​​death appeared.Thunder appeared in the sky.The Purple God Thunder destroys the world.People in the God Realm panicked.Many races fled to the Nether.Soon the secret came out.Thor has fallen.The entire God Realm was shocked.

Tracing back the cause of its fall, a mystery appeared, which may be related to.

"Well, you Wu Tian, ​​how dare you trespass on my forbidden area?" A voice sounded angrily.

Wu Tian was surprised.The divine sense withdrew from the jade slip.I saw Mo Hao.Mo Lin and the Fourth Elder.Another old man appeared at the door.

Wu Tian stared blankly at the few people, looked at the jade slips in his hand, and groaned in his heart, and immediately explained, "Senior, don't be angry, the nobleman's mind, I'm not the only one who didn't read it, I'm just curious about this ancient secret."

"My family's forbidden area. You just trespassed. Today I will deal with you kid," the fourth elder shouted angrily.Raising his hand, a wave of heaven and earth energy rushed towards Wu Tian.

Wu Tian was shocked.An invisible sword shot out.Drive the surrounding space.In an instant, the sky and the earth surged.Numerous cracks appeared in the surrounding space.

Just when the two energies collided with each other, the old man suddenly made a move and shouted "Okay".

(End of this chapter)

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