Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 495 Absolute spike

Chapter 495 Absolute spike
Since there are no masters, I don't have to be afraid, and said, "Get out of the way quickly, or you will definitely make me look good."

"The boy is looking for death." The old man in the late stage of the transformation of the gods was furious, and shot out a divine sword with his hands. A master in the world is like a fairy in the lower realm, who can basically go there.

Facing these divine swords, Wu Tian just sneered, "If you want to die, don't blame me."

Shout out "shoot".

Those masters who had just controlled the Excalibur and were about to bombard Wu Tian.Suddenly found that Excalibur was out of control.Suddenly the Excalibur shot at them.

Before hundreds of people understood what happened, they were killed by his divine sword. The old man in the late stage of transformation was seriously injured by his divine sword, and exclaimed, "Are you Wu Tian?"

Wu Tian narrowed his eyes.Suddenly hundreds of invisible swords appeared in the sky.Blast to the remaining masters.

There was a lot of screams.Roaring continued.But how can they fight against Wu Tian who has the divine sense of a master of Yutian?All were killed.

As a result, the Tiemu clan was completely enraged, and the news of Wu Tian's appearance in the sea of ​​chaos also spread. The master of the early stage of transformation.

Even the gods and men of the Daocheng realm of the Tiemu clan formed a god formation and killed Wu Tian.

Just solved these people master.Wu Tian was about to leave just now.Immediately, a dense group of people rushed over.The territory here is relatively small.So it didn't take much time for those masters to rush.

Divine Sense glanced at the people who came, and there were no masters of Yutian, Wu Tian sneered softly, "Since you all want to die, I will fulfill you."

Standing quietly in the sky.Wait for them to come over.

After waiting for a while, all the masters of the Tiemu clan surrounded Wu Tian. A mighty man, slightly fat and murderous, glared at Wu Tian angrily, and said, "Well, you Wu Tian, ​​you actually killed so many people from my clan? You have a lot of treasure, and you dare to cause trouble like this, I will kill you today to seize the treasure."

"I'm just passing by here. Your tribe is rude. Hmph. You're the only ones who want Depot. It's ridiculous." Wu Tian sneered.

"Go up," Temu roared.

The five great gods form a formation.All blasted towards Wu Tian.God and man in formation.Wu Tian contacted for the first time.Fear its mighty power.The invisible sword slammed into a formation with all its strength.

The others around were not idle either.I know that Wu Tian is not just what he looks like on the attack.Artifact.Supernatural powers.All are bombarded.

Wu Tian's divine essence has only recovered forty percent.So many attacks can be resisted there.The invisible sword slammed into a formation.In an instant, there was a loud noise.Teaming up is powerful.Sure enough.Tens of thousands of invisible swords shot away.It was also blocked by the formation of thousands of Daocheng masters and Huashen masters.

Formation actually has such great power.Wu Tian was startled.The attack from all over the sky has come.Fly back away immediately.

At this moment, Wu Tian felt that more masters were rushing here, all three directions, and there was no Yutian master, Wu Tian relaxed and wrote, looking at Temu and said angrily, "Are there any of you?"

Turn your hands and take out the Eighteen Exquisite Pagodas.He shouted, "I'm not here to cause trouble. I just want to go to the south. Anyone who stops me will die." The ancient beasts of the late stage of Wuqianhuashen were released.The surrounding coercion spread immediately.

It also shocked Tiemu, who would have thought that a person in the early stage of transformation would have five thousand beasts in the late stage of transformation?

Wu Tian pointed at the Ironwood Clan and shouted "Kill". In an instant, the blood mist billowed. The difference itself is too big.

Wu Tian made a shocking move.Immediately, many breaths stopped to visit.Look around.Wu Tian sneered.Fei rushed to Ironwood.

Tiemu dared to stay there at the moment.There are so many late stage divine beasts.Just one or two.It can also make him feel bad.

The whole body agitates the gods.Mo Da supernatural power blasted a way out.Fly away.want to escape.

Wu Tian shouted loudly.The invisible swords all blasted towards him.More than a hundred sharp swords shot directly at Tiemu's body.


All the smoke and gunpowder dispersed, and the Ironwood Clan was all killed, only a few beasts were injured, and they were seriously injured by self-explosion, and the seriously injured beasts were taken back. Wu Tian just released these late-stage gods and flew southward, in this place where there are no powerful masters , Wu Tian didn't want to waste time.

Fly all the way south.mighty.Through the Ironwood clan.The remaining ones have not become gods.Wu Tian didn't attack them.The next Protoss.Did not dare to stop Wu Tian.

Fly forward.There are more and more master breaths.But Wu Tian didn't care at all.Yu Tian is not out.No one can stop you here.

There is only a ten-year journey between each clan.Wu Tianfei has been like this for three years.The Dreadful has come to the heart of this sea of ​​chaos.

However, the problem finally came.Not without masters here.It just didn't show up.There are many races here.A master of the late stage of transformation.Finally as many as tens of thousands.There are more in the middle and early stages of the transformation of the gods.

There are so many formations, Wu Tian's small number of people is obviously not enough, and a voice came from somewhere in it, "Wu Tian, ​​hand over the treasure and let you go."

"Haha. Just relying on you? I'm afraid it's not enough." Wu Tian sneered.Take out the Eighteen Exquisite Pagoda again.One hundred thousand beasts were released.

"Are you the only one in formation?" Wu Tian taunted again, and shouted, "Let's form together."

Although there is no battle array arranged.Fortunately, here are all masters.Immediately nearly [-] large formations formed.The two sides confronted each other.

Those of the Sea of ​​Chaos.He didn't expect Wu Tian to have such a family background.Suddenly the whole scene fell silent.

Wu Tian looked down on all directions, and his aura exploded. Yutian's aura was not weak, which made everyone very frightened, and Wu Tian shouted "Get out of the way".

Everyone in front looked at each other, no one retreated, a momentum rose up, and a powerful coercion spread all over the surroundings.

Wu Tian was shocked, master of Yutian?
"Boy, hand over the treasure, or you will die here today, don't think that these beasts can stop me," said a man in red armor.

Wu Tian sneered, "Is the Yutian master so great? According to the ancient rules, you are not allowed to shoot at me." Turn your hands and take out two chaotic eighth-rank and sixth-rank pills, swallow them, and the divine essence quickly recovers.

"Haha. Ancient rules? You are not from the ancient gods." The man in the red armor pressed towards Wu Tian step by step.

Although Wu Tian was worried in his heart, but he had the feeling of being in complete control of everything in that world so much that he wanted to fight a master of Yutian, just like he was in the world of immortals, Wu Tianfei rushed up.

"Come to sign up, dare to fight with me," Wu Tian shouted, and at the same time issued an order, all the beasts below were killed in all directions.

Wu Tian looked at the man in red armor calmly.Under Wu Tian's order.The sound of killing was loud all around.There was a roar.Various energy attacks continue to bombard.

The attack of the crowd.All avoided the two of them.A large area was left open for Wu Tian to compete with the man in red armor.

Seeing Wu Tian's actions, the red-armored man felt a little strange, he stopped [-] meters away from Wu Tian and said indifferently, "Do you think you can fight Yutian masters just because you can kill the late-stage God Transformation?"

"I don't think so, but I also don't think Yutian masters are very powerful. You can use the energy of heaven and earth, and the others are only a little bit better than the late stage of transformation." Wu Tian said disdainfully.

"Really? I'm a red dragon, and I'll let you see what a real master of the sky is." The red dragon flew up, grabbed the void, and the energy of the world swirled, covering the sky and covering the earth, pressing towards Wu Tian.

Wu Tian knew that his world space wouldn't last long, so he must hit it with one blow, so he took out the Nine Heavens God Stone and said, "Don't you want a treasure? Come on."

The Nine Heavens Divine Stone was opened, the super divine core burst into golden light, and the majestic coercion dissipated, immediately turning the entire surrounding space into chaos. Wu Tian held up the divine core and shouted at the red dragon, "Come and grab it."

The red dragon looked at the super divine core in surprise, and said, "Do you think I can't get it like this? Tell you the gap between Yutian and the late stage of Huashen." Wu Tianfei came.

However, at this moment, two powerful auras rose from Wu Tian's left and right sides, his pupils shrank, and Wu Tian was startled. It turns out that there are still masters of Yutian hiding in the dark. If he hadn't created a super god core himself, I'm afraid they wouldn't come out. Well, sit back and reap the benefits.

Now that they have all come out, let's solve it at once. There are three Yutian masters in total. This distance is for Yutian masters, but in the blink of an eye, the three of them are already close to Wu Tian, ​​and the three palms are grasping the super god core.

Wu Tian sneered, with a movement of his divine sense, the ripples in the world spread out, and everything within a hundred-meter range was under Wu Tian's control.

The three of them are right in front of them.Wu Tian has a feeling.As if to die.will die.The three of them didn't know that they were already in Wu Tian's world space.

Three big hands grabbed the Nine Heavens Divine Stone in Wu Tian's hand, and all three of them smiled, as if they were already under control, Wu Tian also smiled, and said faintly "still"

The three of them stopped still, and everything in the size of [-] meters was forbidden, as if time had also stood still here. The eyes of the three who were originally smiling were full of panic and confusion.

"Is this the so-called Yutian master?" Wu Tian looked at the red dragon with a sneer.He also looked at the two people around him.The three of them couldn't speak.

Wu Tian knew that time was running out, and his divine sense was consumed quickly, so he made a move immediately, and all the energy of the world in the world was discharged, and the three of them were horrified, and the golden light of the super divine core shone on them.

Silent panic, all the fighting around stopped, including the beasts released by Wu Tian, ​​they all looked at Wu Tian and the three masters of the sky in horror.

One breath of effort.The three Yutian masters all turned into blood.The soul was also shaken away by the pressure of the super god core.Three shining divine cores floated around Wu Tian.

Turn over and take away the divine core.Take back the world.Take back the Nine Heavens God Stone.The whole process does not exceed three breaths.Another [-]% of Wu Tian's divine sense was consumed.

Although he was a little tired, he was still in good condition. He turned around and looked at the quiet scene around him, and shouted "Kill me".

The beasts all exploded.Crazy kill those gods.There is no one around Wu Tian.All gods.All fought and retreated.My heart is full of panic.Instantly killed three Yutian masters.It's just unbelievable.

No wonder they are so arrogant, they are afraid in their hearts, there are still moods blocking Wu Tian's way, the whole sea of ​​chaos is in chaos, these masters who have not died in the era of great chaos, this time they all smell the smell of death, and they all get rid of their opponents , running away crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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