Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 497 Two Masters of Yutian Late Stage

Chapter 497 Two Masters of Yutian Late Stage
Wu Tian sat in Chuanhaosu, looking at the divine thunder between his fingers. At this moment, the divine thunder is a little purple, but only a little, but when the divine thunder comes out, the space is extremely oppressive. In the powerful space of the divine realm, the divine thunder Next, evil cracks also appeared.

This is the divine thunder above the Five Elements Divine Thunder and the Weeping Thunder. Seeing this divine thunder, all the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth will automatically disperse, which surprised Wu Tian. Heaven-level divine thunder?

The periphery of the divine thunder in the hand is purple.The interior is all white.It's called Yutian Shenlei.This is Wu Tian's comprehension for 300 million years.The super supernatural power that has just been realized.

After the Qingyuan Clan flew over.Come all the way.No one is stopping us.Take a look outside Wu Tian.All are surprised.Killing God Wu Tian.It has become notorious.walk there.Basically everyone knows.

The last time was at the early stage of Huashen.Slaughtered Yutian master.Even more masters in the mid-term of Yutian.Let many people look at Wu Tian calmly.I don't know if it is Wu Tian's limit.Few people dared to stop Wu Tian.

In case Wu Tian had some unique tricks and Yu Tian fell into it in the later stage, it would be a waste of money. After flying for 300 million years, Wu Tian's divine essence has recovered, and the powerful divine essence is all flowing in his body, allowing Wu Tian to fight Yutian At the beginning, there was also a lot of confidence.

Seventy percent of the spiritual sense has been restored.This [-]% can allow Wu Tian to release the world three times.That is.Use it cleverly.You can kill God.

At this moment, when he comprehends Yutian Shenlei, the master of Yutian's early stage, the mysterious veil has been lifted. Except for the energy of heaven and earth, Yutian is also more powerful than the later stage of Huashen. With so many supernatural powers, Wu Tian has confidence Fight against the masters of Yutian.

The distance has been traveled a lot, more than a million years have passed, although Wu Tian's Taoist heart is not broken, but Wu Tian feels that he is not afraid of fighting Yutian, and everything will be done when he sees the Taoist God and releases his Taoist heart.

"Stop coming. The Longquan family is in front of you. Please bypass if you pass by. Please show your jade card when you visit." A voice sounded.

Wu Tian scattered the Heavenly God Thunder in his hands, came out of Chuanhaosu, and clasped his fists at the man, "I'm a casual cultivator. I have important business to go to the south this time. Is it possible to bypass the central area of ​​the nobility?"

"Hmph, no, my Longquan family can't let any outsiders fly by, you'd better leave quickly," the man in the early stage of transformation shouted.

Wu Tian frowned.That's still so much to carry.first encountered.Did not speak.thought about it.This Longquan tribe remembers what brother Mo Hao once said.It is not far from the Nine Heavens Mountain.There are probably only one or two races ahead.

It was originally estimated to be tens of millions of years, but later many races did not attack Wu Tian, ​​which shortened the time. If we detour here, I am afraid that we will not be able to pass without a million, which is really hateful.

"But there is something important, please be accommodating," Wu Tian clasped his fists again and said.

"You are so rude, if you don't leave, I will make you look good," the man snapped again.

Wu Tian squinted his eyes, let go of his divine sense, scanned the surroundings, and found that there were more than 20 masters in the middle stage of transformation here, and there was a master in the late stage of transformation in front of him. He dared to be so arrogant, so it turned out that he had some strength.

"I'm just going on my way, and I don't want to disturb you, but why don't you let me go?" Wu Tian looked at the man coldly, and said with aura.

The man at the early stage of transforming into a god stepped back in surprise, pointing at Wu Tiandao, "Presumptuous, this is our place in Longquan, why don't you ask you to back away?"

"Land of Longquan? Hmph, I don't want to open the killing ring. Seeing that you are not easy to practice, retreat quickly," Wu Tian shouted.

Unexpectedly, what Wu Tian said made the man furious, and with a long howl, ten figures flew towards him in a moment, ten mid-spirit transformation stage, Wu Tian didn't care at all.

At this moment, a person flew in front of him, it turned out to be the man in the late stage of transformation, wearing a silver-white armor, which was quite extraordinary, as soon as the man came, he immediately stopped everyone.Looking at Wu Tian indifferently, he said, "Wu Tian, ​​God of Killing?"

The man said.The people around him took a step back.He looked at Wu Tian in surprise.

Wu Tian was expressionless, but he paid attention to the tone of the guy in the late stage of transformation, and said lightly, "I'm just a casual cultivator, what killing god? Can you accommodate me and let me go?"

"Yes" said the man in the late stage of God Transformation, Wu Tian was stunned, and the man in the late stage of Transformation God continued, "You have to bypass the central area before you can."

Wu Tian smiled, "It should be so, thank you very much"

The late-stage man who transformed into a god spoke.What else dare to say?Wu Tian and the man flew forward together.

The two of them were passing through Haoshu, and neither of them spoke. Wu Tian always paid attention to the man, and always felt that there was something wrong with this guy. The man sat cross-legged beside him, closing his eyes and saying nothing.

Do you want to intercept me?Whether he was in Wu Tian's eyes or not, he closed his eyes and remained silent, and quietly recovered his spiritual sense, which was almost [-]% recovered.

Decades flew by.The territory of Longquan is really not small.Finally, the central area is still fast.

The man in the late stage of transformation opened his eyes, and Wu Tian also opened them at the same time. The two looked at each other, and the man said, "Shall we go out?"

Wu Tian didn't speak, took back Chuan Haosu, and then said, "I'll send Xie all the way, I'll bypass here now."

"No need. We adults have been waiting for you for a long time," the man said flatly.Immediately crushed the talisman in his hand.

Wu Tian frowned, and in an instant, two powerful divine thoughts locked on him. Wu Tian was startled, and the two sky masters turned their heads and glared at you, "You?"

"Haha, our adults can tell you that as long as you come to Longquan, you will die," the man in the late stage of transformation laughed.

"I will kill you first." Wu Tian shouted angrily.The invisible sword shot away.

The energy of heaven and earth moved.Dispel Wu Tian's attack.Two men appeared next to the man in the late stage of transformation.

The strong coercion surprised Wu Tian, ​​and he thought of a state of fear, the peak master of Yu Tian's late stage?
"You go back first," one of the bearded men said to the late-stage man beside him.

The man in the late stage of transformation, lightly smiled at Wu Tian, ​​and then flew away. Wu Tian looked at all this coldly and said, "What about the two seniors?"

The bearded man took a step forward and said, "First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Longquan, and this is my younger brother, Long Zhan. Since the two of us have attained the Tao, we have been paying attention to the treasure on your body. Unfortunately, the opportunity has not come and we cannot break through the last step." , but this time you automatically sent me to your door. It seems that the heavens have seen that I have stayed in this realm for too long, and they are going to let me surpass the realm of Yutian."

"Enlightenment is mastery. Don't you think that you can enlightenment if you get the Tao?" Wu Tian said coldly.

"No, we don't think so, but it has been said in ancient times that if you get that treasure, you may control the world. This has to make people greedy," Longquan said with a smile.

"Oh? Then I have obtained this treasure for so many years, why didn't I control the world? Hmph, passed down from ancient times? It's purely fictional." Wu Tian sneered.

"It's not that you can't control the world, but that your realm is too low to control it," Longquan explained.

Wu Tian looked at the two masters of the late stage Yutian, how could he block it, would he miss the treasure?Feeling unwilling, "What? The two of you are trying to snatch it?"

"Haha, as long as you give this treasure to us, I will personally escort you to the south," Longquan said.

"This is such a heaven-defying treasure. I'm afraid you two will not be blessed to enjoy it." Wu Tian sneered.

"Hmph, boy, hand over the treasure. Although you have killed Yutian masters before, although you don't know the method, I can tell you that the late Yutian masters are not comparable in the mid-term. Do you think you can escape with two late Yutian masters?" Go?" Long Zhan said at the moment.

"Oh, that's all, that's all, just as senior said, I will give the treasure to you two, and I ask you two to send me to Jiutian Mountain in the south," Wu Tian sighed.

Both Long Quan and Long Zhan showed smiles, Wu Tian flipped his hand and took out the Nine Heavens Divine Stone, causing Long Quan to exclaim, "Nine Heavens Divine Stone?"

Wu Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth, and with a movement of his divine sense, the seal opened, and the vast coercion and golden light shot out at the same time, and the surrounding space collapsed instantly. Longquan and Long Zhan quickly swept the energy of the world and wrapped their bodies, and the boundless coercion also made them take a step back .

He looked at the super god core with eyes flooded.Wu Tian said lightly, "Take it out".Hold high the super god core.

Long Zhan was about to step forward, Longquan suddenly said, "Throw it over".

"Haha. I didn't expect two super masters in the late stage of Yutian to be afraid of me, a god in the early stage of transformation." Wu Tian looked up to the sky and laughed.

Longquan was a little embarrassed.Long Zhan snorted coldly.Come rushing.The energy of heaven and earth is wrapped in the hands.In the blink of an eye, he came to Wu Tian's side.Reach out and grab the super god core.

Wu Tian shot out a ripple abruptly from his body, looked at Long Zhan lightly, and said with a smile, "You're done."

Long Zhan suddenly felt that the energy of heaven and earth wrapped in him was disappearing.Suddenly exclaimed.Just about to speak.But Wu Tian said "still".

Long Zhan opened his mouth.But he couldn't speak.The energy of heaven and earth is rapidly disappearing.The energy of heaven and earth on the outstretched arm disappeared first.

"Ah" the arm split open and blood gushed out.

After all, Long Zhan is a master in the late stage of Yutian. In Wu Tian's world where everything is still, he still struggled to resist. With a roar, he suddenly turned his head and said "Brother save me" full of panic.

The tornado was horrified.What kind of man is Wu Tian.Let the younger brother who is no lower than himself be full of panic.

The energy of heaven and earth makes a move, and Yutian's late stage attack is different from Yutian's middle stage. First of all, the speed is different, it is frighteningly fast. As soon as Long Zhan finished his exclamation, Longquan made a move, and the energy of heaven and earth blasted into the world space.

Wu Tian spat out a mouthful of blood.It was the first time to eat a palm of Yutian Late Stage.The body was seriously injured in an instant.Heart horrified.No wonder Yu Tian was almost invincible in the late stage.

Fearing serious injuries, Wu Tian pointed at Long Zhan with one hand, "Punish you, die"

A lavender divine thunder shot out from between the fingers, hitting directly between Long Zhan's eyebrows, the heaven and earth energy still enveloping Long Zhan couldn't resist the Heavenly Divine Thunder in Wu Tian's hand.

As soon as the lavender divine thunder came out, Long Zhan felt the panic in his heart and the breath of death. After struggling, "Open it for me"

The whole body's spirits shot out crazily.A giant shield of energy is formed around it.Powerful breath.Flood around.Yutianshen's thunder bombarded Shenyuan's shield.

He continued to shoot away without stopping, Long Zhan's whole body was frantically agitating his divine essence, Wu Tian had a tendency to be rushed away, he was shocked, if he was rushed away, the world space would not be able to cover him, and he would be in trouble , Two Yutian late stage, no matter how you play, you can play yourself to death.

Yu Tian was too strong in the later stage, in Wu Tian's still world space, he still made such a formation, and that Longquan made another move.

(End of this chapter)

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