Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 501 Nine Sky City

Chapter 501 Nine Heavens City

"I said, are you going into the city like this?" Mo Hao looked at Wu Tiandao.

"Why can't I enter the city like this?" Wu Tian said in a daze. The two talked a lot on the way, and they also understood what each other was doing. Mo Hao was amazed at what Wu Tian did, and even more amazed at the world space. I went in once, and it was completely controlled.

"Who are you now? You are Wu Tian, ​​can you enter the city like this? Are you not afraid of frightening others?" Mo Hao joked.

"It's my first time. I found out. So you are also very humorous." Wu Tian gave Mo Hao a white look.Walked into Nine Heavens City.

It is not much different from other cities.Maybe it's more vicissitudes here.There are people in charge of guarding the city here.According to Mo Hao.That Jiutian Mountain.Just behind the Nine Heavens City is the towering mountain.

The strange thing is that the Jiutian Mountain doesn't look very big, but it is very high. As for where it leads, not many people in the God Realm know, because there is no way to climb it.

"When you two enter Nine Heaven City, you must abide by the rules. Fighting is prohibited in the city. If you find out, you will be punished." A man in the early stage of transformation looked at Wu Tian and Mo Hao and said.

Mo Hao walked over, nodded, and then whispered into the ear of the guy in the early stage of transformation, "This white-haired guy is a killer"

The man who was still very proud at the beginning of the transformation of the gods, immediately looked at Wu Tiandao respectfully as if he had encountered an ancient god, "Welcome to the Nine Heavens City"

Wu Tian glanced at Mo Hao helplessly.He smiled at the man.Immediately walked to the city.Mo Hao also followed.

The other three early-stage masters guarding the city looked at their companions as if they were monsters, and one of them asked, "What's wrong with you? When did our Nine Heavens City guards treat people so respectfully?"

The nodding and bowing man at the early stage of transformation saw Wu Tian and Mo Hao had already entered the city, and just now let out a sigh of relief, when he heard the person next to him ask, he sneered and said, "Fortunately, it's me, if you were all too scared to speak, wouldn't you?" , "

"Tch, we are not afraid of Yutian masters, let alone a guy in the early stage of transformation, I think that man with a scruffy beard should be Yutian masters."

The man who just spoke.Disdainful. "You missed the point. What is Yutian? The peak of Yutian in the late stage. He has killed them all. Think about who."Then excitedly looked in the direction of the city.

There was silence at the gate of the city.

"Is this the Nine Heavens City? A city related to the Taoist God?" Wu Tian said lightly.Ahead is a bustling city, where you can't see any connection with God, an ordinary city appears in Wu Tian's eyes.

Flowers and plants.Everyone is planting.They also eat.right.God is also eating.There are a lot of little kids with each other.Climbing.But they are all gods who have reached the realm of Dao.Wu Tian saw a natural breath.

"Yes, this is the Nine Heavens City, we will rest here for a while and go to the Nine Heavens Mountain," Mo Hao said.

"If it wasn't for sure that this is the God Realm, I thought I'd gone to the wrong place. This is clearly an ordinary city on Earth, but it's just an ancient city," Wu Tian said lightly.

"Maybe it's closer to the Tao this way." Mo Hao shrugged.

"Where did you say that?" Wu Tian looked at Mo Hao and asked suddenly.

"Tao is everywhere." Suddenly an old man came over and said, the vicissitudes of life have carved countless wrinkles on his face, and his gray hair is as good as Wu Tianyou.A khaki green shirt, holding a wooden staff.

Wu Tian looked around, but couldn't see the realm clearly, but when the old man came, Wu Tian didn't feel any danger, and he didn't think he would be in any danger to Wu Tian.

"A good saying is everywhere, everything here seems to return to the original, so you can see it," Wu Tian said with a smile.

"Haha. Where did you two come from?" asked the old man.

"The world is home. It is everywhere." Mo Hao said suddenly.

The old man was startled, then nodded, and smiled, "I'm afraid it's the first time for you two to come to Nine Heavens City. Why don't you let the old man be your guide and show you the scenery?"

"Haha, that's great. First, I'm going to the tavern. I haven't had a good drink these days." Mo Hao laughed.

"Miao Ye" the old man laughed.

"Then I'll be the host, and I'll treat you two to a drink," Wu Tian said.

"If you want to say that in the Jiutiancheng restaurant, only 'Qiu Yizui' is the most unique, why not?" asked the old man.

"It's a good one to get drunk. Just go there," Wu Tian said with a smile.

"You two come with me." The old man smiled and pointed to the front.Wu Tian and Mo Hao followed the old man forward.

I don't know if there is an atmosphere here that makes them like this, all the people should restrain their breath, try to be like ordinary people, hawking on the street, bargaining in shops, discussing with each other, Wu Tian suddenly found that he really Come to the mortal world.

The old man looked at Wu Tian and suddenly asked, "Look at these people, they are already gods, but they still want to be ordinary people, are you tired?"

Wu Tian was puzzled, turned his head to look around, and said with a smile, "Ordinary people have their troubles, and gods also have their troubles. Who can truly be free from troubles?"

"Yes, it can be classified into two words, pursuit. They are pursuing. Some people are greedy, pursuing better or higher realms. Some people are famous and slaughtered thousands of people overnight. Some people are powerful and dominate one side," the old man said. Said lightly.

"But in the end, it's all just passing by." Wu Tian walked silently.

The old man stopped and asked, "If it's all passing by, why are you cultivating? Why are you against the sky? Why did you come here?"

Wu Tian was taken aback.Mo Hao's eyes froze.I thought to myself that the old man is not easy.

"My cultivation is for enlightenment, and it is also for enlightenment, so I come here to understand the Tao even more," Wu Tian said firmly.

"Greed, is still a greedy word," the old man said lightly.

"Where did you say that?" Mo Hao was puzzled.

"Haha, let's go to the bar and chat while drinking." The old man laughed, Wu Tian looked at the back of the old man, followed silently, and Mo Hao quickly followed.

"Isn't it good to get drunk?" Mo Hao looked at the old man puzzled.

The old man smacked his lips and said, "How can you taste this kind of good wine? Try sealing the spirit?"

Wu Tian and Mo Hao immediately sealed Shenyuan.Take another sip of the wine.Suddenly, a burning sun-like feeling hit my heart.

"Oh! Good wine" Wu Tian praised, the feeling can be described as fascinating, and he quickly took a sip.

"I really didn't expect that God Realm still has such good wine. I drank it for nothing before." Mo Hao praised, and Wu Tian deeply felt the same way.

The old man laughed loudly. The entire tavern didn't have any special facilities, let alone boxes. Many people gathered together to drink, and naturally it was very lively.

Wu Tian and the three of them had just had a drink, and the topic of conversation around them became somewhat open. Mo Hao looked at Wu Tian strangely, while Wu Tian immersed himself in tasting the wine.

"Hey, I heard that, after hundreds of millions of years, finally there is a peak god in the late stage of Yutian, who has fallen, "

"I heard it a long time ago, the last palm of the Mingyue Clan can be said to be equivalent to the majesty of an ancient god,"

"I heard that Killing God has come to our Nine Heavens City. This guy is very powerful. I heard that since his ascension, he has been able to kill Yutian peak masters in less than a million years. Do you think he will become the fifth ancient god? "

"It seems that the news of my brother is still a bit blocked, but there is a world to kill the gods. It is clear that a new world has been opened in the lower realm, and the achievements will definitely surpass the ancient gods, and the gods are no problem."

"Since his ascension, he has comprehended the divine thunder. Do you think this is a coincidence? The divine thunder is not something ordinary people can comprehend."

"I heard that the world of gods has undergone major changes, and everything seems to be related to being able to kill gods."

"The inquires are all accurate." Mo Hao looked at Wu Tian and said with a smile.

"Hehe..." Wu Tian didn't speak, and glanced at the old man.

The old man smiled and said, "This god-killer doesn't make himself famous, but others do it for him."

"It's just a false name," Wu Tian said lightly.Then he looked at the old man and asked, "I don't know what the elder said about greed. Why? I seek the truth with all my heart. Is it greed? Is there anyone in the world who is not greedy?"

"Yes, if there is no one who is not greedy, how can there be a greedy one? And what you are greedy for is Tao, and you are greedy for Tao," the old man said affirmatively after taking a sip of wine.

"When I cultivate, I am cultivating the Tao, why is it also greed?" Mo Hao asked.

"Cultivating the Tao is not greedy, but I see greed in you two." The old man smiled.

"I'm so focused on cultivating the Tao, how can I be greedy?" Wu Tian didn't understand.

"You are devoted to cultivating the Tao, but why can't you enter the Tao?" the old man asked back.

Wu Tian was stunned, then sighed, and said, "When I saved people and committed killing thoughts, although I didn't kill the enemy, but my Taoist heart was damaged at that moment, but I didn't enter it for many years. This is why I came here to Jiutian City." s reason"

"So that's the case, I'm afraid it's because of your love?" asked the old man.

"Where does this start? I came from the lower world, and I have been concentrating on cultivating the Tao, and I have never asked for love," Wu Tian said.He really thought of Meilinsi and Ruoyun in his heart.

"Since you are not ashamed, why do you want to save people and commit murder?" asked the old man.

"Don't I want to save others when I see them dying in front of me?" Wu Tian asked.

"There are so many people in the world, how many people can you save? The so-called wholeheartedly devoted to the Tao, what's the use of you cultivating the Tao?" The old man looked at Wu Tian with his eyes shot out.

Wu Tian fell silent.Mo Hao also fell silent.

Wu Tian drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp.Affection?ruthless.How can I practice Taoism?What is my cultivation?Even at the peak.Even if I win the world.No one is fighting.What's the point?Wu Tian raised his head to the sky and roared angrily.

Running out of the tavern from the window, Mo Hao was shocked, and just about to get up to chase after him, the old man stopped Mo Hao, and said flatly, "This is his time, let's continue drinking."The surroundings also looked at it strangely.

Wu Tian ran out of the tavern and came to the street. He didn't use his divine energy or mind to scan his surroundings. He just ran on the street like an ordinary person.

This Nine Heavens City is very big, Wu Tian stopped at the corner of a street, staring blankly at the passing pedestrians, sitting there quietly like a stone man.

Time flies by, the Nine Heavens City is also strange, there are spring, summer, autumn and winter, Wu Tian feels the changes here, but it is a hundred years, and the vicissitudes of the years seem to be in these hundred years.

Suddenly a snowball slammed over and hit Wu Tian's face, Wu Tian didn't move, his eyes looked, a little girl whose face was frozen red ran over, "Uncle, I'm sorry, little girl, it wasn't intentional"

"It's okay," Wu Tian said lightly.

"Uncle, why is your hair the same color as this snow?" Xiaoya asked curiously.

As the breeze blew, Wu Tian looked at his white hair, sighed, and said, "Uncle doesn't know why it turned white."

(End of this chapter)

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