Chapter 504
"But the God of Fa once said that the God of Tao is in the Cangqiong Mountain above the Nine Heavens Mountain," Wu Tian stepped forward and said.

"Haha, that's right, above Nine Heavens Mountain, there is a mountain called Cangqiong Mountain. As for whether there is a Dao God, I am afraid that only the Dao God knows," said the old man.

"Then what is the explanation of my brother's Taoism?" Mo Hao asked.

"He didn't have the Dao mind to be confused, so how can he solve it?" The old man stepped forward again, looked directly at Wu Tian, ​​and said, "What is the Dao you are after? Is it the ruthless heaven? Or the sentient way? This time you just need to understand If you understand it, you don’t need to look for the Dao God, and the Dao Heart can be solved by itself.” The old man said affirmatively.

"Senior asked in the tavern before, and I have realized something over the years. I just listened to what the senior said, but now I can answer the senior. I practiced the ruthless way before, but I was confused by the way of sentient beings, so I just said Can't stop thinking?" Wu Tian said lightly.

"It seems that you have gained something in the past hundred years. You have been seeking the Tao with all your heart, for the ruthless way, and for the salvation of others. , everything is 'balanced', comprehend balance, you are not far from the road "The figure of the old man is completely blurred, making people unable to see clearly what he is thinking.

"Balance? Balance?" Wu Tian said lightly, thinking in his heart, and his Dao heart was beating violently at this moment. Your Dao heart, which was unable to make any progress, finally made a slight progress, but just this small progress made Wu Tian Be happy.

It turned out that it wasn't that I didn't have a heart for Dao, but that I didn't have the opportunity. As for the word "balance", although I haven't understood it yet, but now I see a bright future.The entire Nine Heavens City is full of reality, and what Xiaoya does is so natural. Why should my own way be divided into sentient and ruthless?All 'Tao' is my enlightenment.

"Thank you senior for your guidance," Wu Tiancheng saluted heartily.

"Brother, is this enlightenment?" Fuzzy said in surprise.

Wu Tian nodded and said, "Cultivating the Tao with all one's heart may not be able to understand the 'Tao'. Of course, if you don't practice the Tao, you will not be able to understand the Tao. From now on, I will understand all the 'Tao'."

Mo Hao carefully felt what Wu Tian said, and secretly felt his Dao heart beating accordingly.

"Excuse me, senior," Wu Tian saluted.

"Hehe, go, go, you still have a long way to go," the old man said calmly standing at the door.

"Little girl, uncle really left this time," Wu Tian said looking at the little girl.

"Uncle still has a lot of things to do, go, Xiaoya will miss you" Xiaoya nodded obediently.

Wu Tian and Mo Hao bid farewell to the old man and the little girl, and walked outside. After the two left, the little girl looked at the old man and said, "Grandpa, are you good or bad?"

Wu Tian and Mo Hao didn't stay in Jiutian City for too long, so they left Jiutian City. I don't know if Wu Tianwu understood his way, his hair gradually returned to black, and his image changed a lot. Chuan Haosu went directly to Tianwang City direction to fly.

Not long after flying, Wu Tian suddenly said, "Do you think that old man is a Taoist?"

Mo Hao's eyelids twitched, and he said, "How is it possible? How can the Daoist see it casually?"

Wu Tian was puzzled and said, "Fa Shen once said that only Dao Shen can untie my Dao Xin, and it will not affect the way forward."

"Brother is confused. Did senior unlock your Dao heart? It was you who realized it yourself. How can you say that it was unlocked by God?" Mo Hao said directly.

"But it was also the senior who pointed out, just now?"

"Since Wutong cares about him so much, none of us have gone up to Jiutian Mountain, and no one has been able to go up to now, you should wait until the next time you come to Jiutian Mountain and ask for proof," Mo Hao said.Immediately began to drink, this wine is to get drunk with the good wine in it.

Wu Tian looked at the front and said helplessly, "I'm afraid I won't be able to go up to Jiutian Mountain for the rest of my life. The God of Thunder has fallen, and there is no punishment from heaven. I'm just a Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal. How can I go up?"

"There will always be a solution, brother, don't worry," Mo Hao said indifferently.

Wu Tian looked at the front and remained silent for a long time.

"The visitors stop, the Taoist family is in front of them, please bypass them if you pass by, and show your jade card when you visit." A shout rang out.

This is also the first ancient protoss that I have encountered since I left Jiutian City and flew for thousands of years. Wu Tian was able to pass through Haosu, clasped his fists and said, "I will be cultivating next time, and I want to go to the north. Please help me."

The man in the early stage of God Transformation looked at Wu Tian, ​​and suddenly asked with his hands clasped together, "Is it Senior Killing God?"

Wu Tian was stunned, and said awkwardly, "What killing god? But the outside world is false, and it is Wu Tian who is here"

The man was shocked, and immediately bowed and said, "The elder ordered that Senior Killing God come here and let him go all the way. If Senior Killing God visits, he should be welcome."

"Thank you so much, but I have something important to do. Say hello to senior Xundao for me. For this kindness, I, Wu Tian, ​​will come to thank you in the future," Wu Tian said.

"Senior, please," the man gets out of the way.

Wu Tian nodded, and then shot straight through Haosu. The man was still looking at the north with admiration. After a while, a golden light flew over and asked, "Who was that that passed by just now?"

The man excitedly said, "I saw Senior Killing God, my God, I really saw him"

The later man immediately envied and complained, "It's good luck, why didn't Senior Killing God leave from me, you are not kind, why didn't you let me know?"

Passing behind Wu Tian basically has a green light all the way.No one dared to block the way.The prestige of killing gods.It also gradually spread in the God Realm.In particular, he shot and killed two Yutian late-stage peak masters.He and Seal are two masters in the later stage of Yutian.Even more chilling.

In the later period of Yutian, which was immortal for billions of years, it finally fell, and this God Realm, which had been calm for a long time, began to appear turbulent.

The changes in the rules of the God Realm made many Yutian masters anxiously looking for a way out, and a message came from nowhere that they could survive this catastrophe by achieving the position of Yutian.The gods are so crazy.

Big city might be better.But the periphery is like hell.A god-man with a low realm.I dare not go out at all.

Wu Tian and Mo Hao's Chuanhaosu also gradually left the territory of the ancient gods and flew towards the direction of Tianwang City. They have gone through a total of more than 300 million years.And because of the reason for killing the gods, no one stopped too much, and it was safe and sound in the middle.

After coming out of Nine Heavens City, Wu Tian's confusion has been resolved, and his realm has been rising all the way, catching up with Mo Hao at the early stage of Yutian. At this moment, he has already transformed into a late stage, but it is just the realm of the Soul Scattering Art. As for Wu Tian himself, he is still the Nine Tribulations Sanxian, not in The God Realm crosses the catastrophe and becomes a Godless forever.

"Ahead is the Heavenly King City, the city I met when I ascended for the first time," Wu Tian said.

"My brother has ascended for 1000 million years, right?" Mo Hao asked lightly.

"Yeah, 1000 million years," Wu Tian said, looking ahead.

"At 1000 million years, I have achieved the peak of the late stage of Huashen. My brother's talent is not comparable to others. When I was 1000 million years old, I was only in the early stage of Daocheng," Mo Hao said with a smile.

"My elder brother also knows my experience. If I can change it, I would rather not be this loose fairy, and I will not be able to become a god now." Wu Tian said with a wry smile.

Mo Hao laughed loudly, "No one else thinks about you, I didn't expect that the Valkyrie was still imprisoned for a period of time, what an anecdote!"

"Cut, that old guy is not a good guy. He tricked me into following him and cultivating like this. If we find him, we must question him," Wu Tiantian said angrily.

Mo Hao didn't dare to answer such words, avoided the angry Wu Tian, ​​and went to drink by himself.

Chuanhaosu's speed is constantly increasing.The speed at this moment is hardly weaker than Yutian's mid-stage masters.Because of Wu Tian's advancement.Divine Sense and Divine Yuan expanded the absence of other external forces.Wu Tian can guarantee that he is in the hands of masters in the early stage of Yutian.leave calmly.

Now it's not like before, I can only run for my life, "Huh, something's wrong?" Wu Tian said lightly.

"Huh? Did you go the wrong way?" Mo Hao said as he put down his drink.

"No, how come there is such a large prohibition guard in the Heavenly King City? It didn't exist before?" Wu Tian said.

"What's so strange about this, there are experts here, what's wrong with strengthening the defense?" Mo Hao said indifferently.

"I've been here a few times, and I don't have any great masters. Look at the defense, even the early days of Yutian can't break in." Wu Tian and Mo Hao said, looking at the Tianwang City in front of them.

Suddenly, dozens of figures came out from the south gate of the city. Wu Tian and Mo Hao quickly landed in the nearby sacred mountain, and after hiding, they just looked over. Seeing it, both of them were shocked.

Wu Tian and Mo Hao looked at each other, Wu Tian exclaimed, "Item Soul?"

"Why is there a weapon soul here?" Mo Hao asked doubtfully.

"We didn't see the battle between the God of Artifacts and the God of Swords. Presumably, the two of them didn't come to a conclusion. Otherwise, the intervention of the ancient demons scared the God of Artifacts away, causing them to shift positions and come to the In this peripheral area, with his strength, even a soul of the Transformation God level can occupy this small city," Wu Tian said.

"Didn't you say that there are still two friends in the Heavenly King City? If the God of Artifacts occupies this place, your friend might be " Mo Hao said flatly.

"This weapon god is hidden for hundreds of millions of years, why? Why is it born this time?" Wu Tian asked puzzled.

"Didn't you say last time that he might figure out how to attack the ancient god position, or dominate one side?" Mo Hao said.

"Probably not, the plan has not been out for so many years, and I have trained myself to be that weird, I should have obtained something. This weapon soul was created by him. It is very difficult to kill the weapon soul. It is almost impossible to kill them at the same level. Last time That Fangshi made a knife, although the bull god didn't block it, but even if his body was destroyed, he can recover quickly, he should be doing some kind of experiment," Wu Tian affirmed.

"Some kind of experiment?" Mo Hao was puzzled.

"That's right, the rules of the God Realm have changed. According to him, a peak master in the late Yutian period, he should have known it before, and he pretended to be a puzzle to lure people in. He should be doing some kind of experiment," Wu Tian explained.

"Should we go into the city to see now, firstly to find out about your friends and their news, and secondly, to solve the puzzle arranged by Qishen," Mo Hao said.

"Qi Shen is not an easy guy. Let's be careful. We have to go to the city according to the last method. We need to secretly occupy two tool souls," Wu Tian said.

"Those ten god-level artifact souls that came out just now should be patrolling, and they only need to kill two," Mo Hao said.

"Walk and follow," Wu Tian said.

The two followed cautiously.It was exactly as Mo Hao said.These ten weapon souls.a squad.Patrol in the forest around the south city gate.

Wu Tian looked at the ten bull-headed souls and said, "I'm causing some trouble, you kill two of them."

Mo Hao, a master at the early stage of Yutian, has the feeling of being promoted to the middle stage of Yutian. It is nothing to deal with two artifact souls of the transformation god level. It was discovered."

(End of this chapter)

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