Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 518 Battle Spirit

Chapter 518 Battle Spirit
With that Zhan clan man exclaimed.The coffin below exploded suddenly.There was a loud bang.The entire war city trembled again.

Wu Tian and Mo Hao looked at the man with the shining golden light. At this moment, all the magic spells seemed to be desperately pressing on the man.

Suddenly the man opened his eyes and roared, "I've been trapped for so many years, do you still want to continue?" An extremely powerful fighting spirit erupted, and all the magic spells, like a kite with a broken string, all split apart , dissipated between heaven and earth.


The man raised his head to the sky and roared furiously, his aura exploded to the extreme, Wu Tian was shocked to find that this man was even more powerful than the peak masters in the late Yutian period.

"Ancient God?" Mo Hao exclaimed.

The terrifying coercion spread out and filled the whole world, which indicated that he would be resurrected because he avoided all the gray fog around him. Wu Tianshen went to find out that there were dense crowds of people below him, all kneeling down, looking respectfully at the sky. man.

When Wu Tian and Mo Hao couldn't stand the soaring aura.As if stuck.Quickly backed away.

A mighty man in divine armor appeared in front of Wu Tian, ​​and after roaring, he ignored Wu Tian and Mo Hao, and looked at the Zhan clan below and said humanely.

"How long have you been sleeping with me?" The voice of vicissitudes.With a strong fighting spirit.

"Billions of billions" is the neat answer below.All the aura echoed the man's aura.

"The god of war was defeated by the god of swords, and after being punished by heaven, he was resurrected again. The whole god world will surely tremble for my war clan," the god of war roared.

"It's really the God of War!" Mo Hao exclaimed, although he had thought so for a long time, but now that it was confirmed, he was still horrified.

"Defeated by the Sword God? Being punished by God? No, when the Zhan Clan perished, Thor God had already killed him, how can he be punished?" Wu Tian muttered in confusion.

"Who are you two?" God of War turned his head, looked at Wu Tian and Mo Hao and asked.

A fierce momentum pressed Wu Tian and Mo Hao directly, and all the Zhan clan members treasured them.

Wu Tian didn't pay much attention to hundreds of thousands of masters of transforming gods, but Wu Tian didn't dare to underestimate the God of War who even surpassed the masters of Yutian.

"Are you the God of War? The God of War that fell in the chaotic era?" Wu Tian asked.

"Heaven and Earth are the same," God of War said arrogantly.

"You were punished by heaven for what you said just now? Don't you know that Thunder God has fallen before you? How come heaven's punishment?" Wu Tian asked with doubts in his heart.

"Haven't answered the king's words, who are you two, and why are you in my battle city?" God of War shouted again.

"I am from the Mo'er tribe, this person ascended from the lower realm," Mo Hao said.

"The Moers? The lower realm? A new race?" God of War asked doubtfully.

"I can't tell him clearly. The Zhan Clan declined in the Chaotic Age. How does he know what he is talking about now?" Wu Tian said through a voice transmission, then looked at the God of War and asked, "The powerful Zhan Clan was also the overlord in the Chaotic Era. It is not there, but why was it buried in the sea of ​​death?"

"Sea of ​​death? Hmph, back then I was seriously injured by the sword god. When I returned to the clan, the punishment of heaven came. In the end, I was also sealed. If it wasn't punishment of heaven, who could seal me?" The god of war roared angrily.

"That's not right, the fall of Thunder God, I'm afraid it's already known to all. When he falls, no one can control the punishment of heaven. How can there be such a thing as punishment of heaven? I'm afraid it was framed by others," Wu Tiandao said.

"Thunder God has fallen? The law of heaven is not fair, he deserves to die, how can I be wrong about the thunder coming from the sky?" God of War said coldly.

"Then you see what this is?" Wu Tian stretched out his hand.A divine thunder appeared in his hand.

"Is it you? Was it you who shot me more than me back then?" God of War suddenly shouted angrily, rising violently to the sky.

"God of War, I think you should calm down, can't you see my realm? I have only cultivated myself for tens of millions of years, how could I be born in the same era as you?" Wu Tian said coldly.

How could God of War not know, but when he saw the god of thunder in Wu Tian's hand, he naturally couldn't sense it wrong, and shouted angrily, "The god of thunder is in the hands of the god of thunder, who in the world can handle it? Could it be that you are the reincarnation of the god of thunder?"

"No, I'm not anyone's reincarnation," Wu Tian said firmly.

"But why can you control Shenlei? It was the punishment of heaven that made my Zhan clan fall," said the God of War.

With the fall of the god of thunder, the punishment of heaven is impossible, and he has only recently ascended, so who else controlled the god of thunder in that chaotic era?Thinking of this, Wu Tian's whole body was dripping with cold sweat, Mo Hao noticed the change in Wu Tian, ​​and hurriedly asked. "what happened?"

"There are hidden masters in this God Realm," Wu Tian said helplessly.

Looking at the God of War, he asked, "Senior is the God of War. In the era of chaos, he was also a master of masters. I don't know if you have ever heard of the masters of the gods who control the god thunder?"

God of War narrowed his eyes, and said lightly, "You mean?"

"That's right, I suspect that the Zhan clan was framed by someone. I don't know if it's a spell or someone has also mastered the divine thunder. In short, it's definitely not a punishment from heaven," Wu Tian affirmed.

"Thunder God fell, who can control the god of thunder? In that era, no one could control it at all," God of War said coldly.

"I don't know about this, but since they sealed you up and didn't kill you, they must have taken a fancy to something in you," Wu Tian analyzed, while looking at God of War coldly.

God of War looked at Wu Tian coldly and said indifferently, "I'm afraid it was because of that thing that you shot just now."

"That's right, because I have a whole world," Wu Tian said in surprise.

God of War looked at Wu Tian in surprise, and said, "Are you Jie Zun?"

"That's right," Wu Tian answered simply.

"Haha, God help me too, as long as I get your world, my world will be complete, and then I can create a place that belongs to my Zhan Clan," the God of War laughed.

"It's ridiculous, the god of thunder has fallen, the rules of the gods have changed, and the gods will not last long, what kind of world do you expect to be able to open?" Wu Tian sneered.

"No wonder the aura of the God Realm is disappearing constantly," War God said, then looked at the Zhan Clan below and said, "Even if the God Realm disappears and turns into nothingness, our Zhan Clan is still at the peak."

"Senior is talented, and he can understand the world without the five elements. Although it is not complete, it is very useful to me. I can continue the inheritance of the gods. I hope that senior can help me," Wu Tian clasped his fists.

"Hmph. You disturb my Zhan Clan. I don't blame you. You still want to take my world?" God of War snorted coldly.

"It's not about seizing, I hope that seniors can fulfill it. If I have enough time, maybe I can break through the boundary of transforming gods and enter the realm of Yutian. Maybe there is a glimmer of hope to continue the inheritance. Don't you have the heart to watch these Zhan clansmen assimilate into nothingness?" Wu God said.

"I will wait for my king to live and die together" came the neat voice below.

"How? Who in my war clan is afraid of death?" God of War said proudly.

"You have so many loyal clansmen, don't you think about them? Just think about yourself, you are not worthy of being a God of War," Wu Tian said loudly.

"Bold" roared everyone in the Zhan clan below.

God of War turned around slowly, looked at Wu Tian coldly and said, "You want to get the world so much?"

"Extremely, the existence of the God Realm is probably less than [-] million years old, so I must not let go of any chance to advance," Wu Tian said.

"In that case, let's take a gamble and see whether God will let you win or not," God of War said coldly.

"How to gamble?" Wu Tian stepped forward.

"I felt the sword energy on you, a frightening sword energy. I was defeated by the sword god back then, but today I feel the extreme sword on you. I will compare you to you!" Your sword intent is stronger, or my fighting intent is stronger," said the God of War.

It may be a competition that has lasted for billions of years. With the powerful fighting spirit of the God of War, I am afraid that few people can give birth to the idea of ​​fighting in front of him, but Wu Tian really wants to get that incomplete world space. The world will be more healthy, maybe it is possible to break through Huashen and enter Yutian.

"Okay," Wu Tian replied.

"Brother, don't be reckless. The God of War is extremely powerful. You are far from his realm. If you arouse a good fighting spirit, you will be in danger of falling," Mo Hao said.

"I want to get that world space too much. If I win by chance, my strength will definitely increase greatly, and I may inherit the fighting spirit of the God of War," Wu Tian said firmly.

"It's too dangerous. If you make a mistake, we can just sit back and wait for our deaths," Mo Hao said.

"Trust me..." Wu Tian looked back at Mo Hao with a smile, and stepped forward.

"Just you, a god-man in the late stage of transformation, dare to take on my war spirit, let you see how thick the sky is!" God of War sneered.

"Haha, many masters have died in my hands, I don't mind having your name as God of War," Wu Tian also sneered.

"Bold," the man in the God Realm next to him scolded.

God of War waved his hand and said, "That's right, few people dared to speak to me like that back then. For me, God of War, I am not afraid of any challenge"

"In this way, I will learn from the master's tricks," Wu Tian said solemnly.

Everyone around retreated, the God of War's fighting spirit was not easy, even Mo Hao, who was a master at the early days of Yutian, would not dare to say that he dared to accept the fighting spirit of the God of War in front of the God of War, let alone Wu Tian, ​​who was only in the late stage of transforming gods.

Mo Hao was worried for Wu Tian, ​​but Wu Tian insisted on this, and he couldn't stop him, so he stepped aside and looked at the aura raised by the two of them.

Like a tornado.It's totally an idea.There is no Shenyuan.There is no divine sense.There is only complete thought.thoughts.

Let the mind agitate like a hurricane. It has to be said that Wu Tian is already very powerful. In the gray world, Wu Tian's body of colorful light and the golden body of the God of War are in stark contrast.

"Let's start!" God of War shouted.

Wu Tian looked up to the sky with a long cry, and raised a sharp sword soaring into the sky. This is Wu Tian's strongest move, the Heart Sword.

Heart sword out.The entire surrounding space turned into chaos.An extremely powerful sword energy soared into the sky.The invisible heart sword.This time, a bright colorful light burst out unexpectedly.

God of War roared.A fierce fighting spirit rose up.Wu Tian was suppressed.The rising sword intent.He was also suppressed by God of War.

"In front of my God of War, you can't show your fighting spirit," the God of War roared.

Wu Tian was directly pressed down from the sky.The God of War has a strong fighting spirit.The heart sword above Wu Tian's head can only be released.Can't attack at all.

It's not that he can't attack, but it's a kind of fighting spirit that can't rise up, as if just a little fighting spirit was born, it was absorbed, how can Wu Tianxin Sword, who has no fighting spirit, be sent out.

"That's how I was suppressed by the Sword God back then, and then I lost. Can you break free today? Or die?" the God of War murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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