Chapter 521 Fengshen
Wu Tian was even more excited, looked at Fengshen and said, "I know the reason".

"What?" Mo Hao asked.

"It turns out that Fengshen also has an incomplete world space, it can be said to be an incomplete world seed," Wu Tian said excitedly.

"God of War also has them, so who trapped them here? Could it be that they want to get their world seeds?" Mo Hao said.

"What are you talking about?" the Guardian of the Wind Clan asked, seeing how excited Wu Tian and Mo Hao were.

"Go and revive Senior Fengshen, I have something to discuss," Wu Tian hurriedly said.

The Guardian of WindClan is also eager for a savior at this moment.No nonsense.Fly over directly.The curse is gone.

Wu Tian thought to himself.There's no way the person who sealed them was Thor.Thor doesn't need their world seeds.Then it would be impossible to blow up.However, they are all punished by God.That is to say, there is another guy in the God Realm who understands the thunder of the gods.

It is impossible for the divine thunder to be the same master, Wu Tian and the mysterious person, one of them will perish, but Wu Tian has already comprehended the divine thunder of Yutian, and the purple divine thunder is not far away, but that person has already been able to control the divine punishment, and he must comprehend it. Wu Tian couldn't meet Zishenlei now, otherwise he would be in danger of falling.

Thinking of this, Wu Tian became more determined to strengthen his own strength. He had to find a way to obtain the Fengshen's world seed. Wu Tian became more determined when he saw the Fengshen who was getting stronger and stronger.

Seeing Wu Tian's eyes like this, Mo Hao didn't know where he was, shook his head, and said via voice transmission, "Brother, be careful, fighting with Fengshen is not fighting with God of War, just in case"

"It's okay," Wu Tian said firmly.

A vast and powerful coercion spread out.Wu Tian and Mo Hao retreated three steps in a row.Just stopped.Fengshen's white hair fluttered in the strong wind.Suddenly Fengshen opened his eyes.


There was a long howl.A ripple rippled around quickly.Wherever you go.The sacred mountains were all turned into powder.Fengshen went straight to the Nine Heavens.Intimidating.

"My Fengshen is resurrected!" Fengshen roared to the sky.It seems that he is extremely dissatisfied with the sky.

When I was young, I just flew back, looked at those clansmen who were lying flat, waved one hand, a ripple spread out, all those spells disappeared, powerful auras rose up one by one, hundreds of thousands of masters were completely revived, and Wu Tianhe was strengthened Mo Hao.

Fengshen looked at Wu Tian and Mo Hao, and asked, "Who are you?"

The WindClan guardian stepped forward.Quickly explain the whole thing.

"The master of divine thunder?" Fengshen looked at Wu Tian coldly and asked.

"Senior, that day's punishment was not the cause of Thunder God. Thunder God fell long before you. Why did God's punishment come from? This junior believes that there must be something inside it," Wu Tian said.

"Okay, I see, you can go," Fengshen said lightly.

Fengshen didn't ask too many questions, which made Wu Tian startled, and then he was a little annoyed. After all, he waited for someone to save your family, so why don't you say thank you?
"Is it true that we have worked so hard to come here and saved the family of the seniors, is this the attitude of the seniors?" Wu Tian said coldly.

"Hmph, trespassing on my Feng Clan hasn't accused you yet, do you still want a reward?" Fengshen sneered.

"Senior has such an attitude, but he has lost his demeanor," Wu Tian said again.

"Oh, then I have to thank you?" Fengshen narrowed his eyes and said.

"I want to bet on something with senior, as for Xie, there is no need." Wu Tian looked at Feng Shen and said.

"Gambling? Something?" Fengshen was puzzled.

"That's right, I want the World Seed from Senior," Wu Tian said.

In a word.Fengshen's aura burst out suddenly.As if to tear everything apart.Wu Tian suddenly turned pale.Mo Hao was dismissed.

"Just because you want to get my world seed?" Fengshen said coldly.

"Yes. I need the world seed of my predecessors. Because I also have the world space. And I have gathered the five elements. I have opened a world. This time the God Realm has changed. It will soon become nothingness. I need strength to continue the inheritance .Otherwise everything is empty talk," Wu Tian said without any weakness.

"Let me accomplish you?" Fengshen said coldly.

"There is no choice," Wu Tian said firmly.

"Is this why you saved my family?" Fengshen asked again.

"Not ruled out," Wu Tian asked realistically.

"Then how do you want to bet?" Fengshen said while standing with his hands behind his back.

"I want to compare my speed with senior," Wu Tian said lightly.

Hearing this, the people around were all curious. The speed of this Fengshen is estimated to be comparable to that of the ancient gods and Tianzun. , Using the Feng Clan to threaten Fengshen, it really couldn't seal Fengshen back then.

Hearing that someone wants to compare speed with me today, I also became curious, looked at Wu Tian strangely, and said, "What ability do you have to compare speed with me? How do you compare?"

Wu Tian said lightly, "Senior will know in a while whether you have the ability or not. Our match is within a space of [-] meters. As long as I can catch the senior, I will win."

As soon as he heard the words, Mo Hao's face suddenly became strange, because Wu Tian's world space was expanded by a maximum of [-] meters. Once expanded, everything in the world would be controlled by Wu Tian. not drop.

"One hundred thousand meters? You can't catch me even ten meters," Fengshen said disdainfully again.

"I have a secret method, I can catch senior, senior can dare to bet" Wu Tian said with a faint smile.

"Secret method? Hmph, why don't you dare, what if I win?" Fengshen asked with a cold snort.

"I will give my world to seniors and make seniors successful," Wu Tian said.

"Okay, I want to see how great your secret technique is," Fengshen said with a smile.

"Seniors, you should know that secret methods are generally very powerful. If you lose later, don't say that the younger generation is cheating," Wu Tian reminded again.

"You are a god-man in the late stage of transformation, even if you cheat, what can you do to me?" Fengshen was even more disdainful.

Wu Tian and Mo Hao looked at each other, Mo Hao shook his head, it's all about the damn face, poor Fengshen.

"Let's set a time, it's impossible for a lifetime," Fengshen said.

"Ten breaths," Wu Tian said lightly.

"Boy, you are too arrogant." Fengshen was furious, no matter how he is also a super expert at the peak of Yutian, Wu Tian actually wanted to catch him within ten breaths, no doubt he slapped Fengshen fiercely.

"To bet or not to bet" Wu Tian took a step forward, bursting out with momentum.

"Hmph, if I win, I will seal you until the God Realm turns into nothingness," Fengshen said angrily.

"Okay, let's start," Wu Tian said lightly.

All the people around retreated [-] meters, and Wu Tian and Fengshen were asked to compete in the middle. Fengshen looked at Wu Tian coldly, and his figure disappeared suddenly. Wu Tianshen moved [-] meters, but he didn't find Fengshen was there, haha I think that within the entire [-] meters, everything is like a wind god.

Secretly marveling at Fengshen's speed, it really is unparalleled in the world.

But Wu Tian didn't think he would lose.A ripple emanated from the body.Covering [-] meters in an instant.Fengshen's figure also appeared.He looked at Wu Tian in horror.That hand was still pointing at Wu Tian.full of incomprehension.

"Senior, I won," Wu Tian said with a faint smile.

"You..." Fengshen blushed furiously, why didn't he think that the secret technique in the later stage of Huashen could hold him in place, that breath was very familiar, and he asked immediately, "Has your world evolved to this point?"

"That's right, I need senior's world seed to complete my own world," Wu Tian said.

Fengshen seemed to have aged suddenly, and his white hair showed more vicissitudes. He sighed and said, "I am born in the same era as Tianzun, and I have realized the world. I could enjoy the position of Tianzun, but the world can only be perfected by the five elements, but we If you go off the beaten track, don't enter the Five Elements, and can't achieve the position of Heavenly Venerable, if that's the case, what's the use of him, "

Flipping his hands condensed a golden light.Hit Wu Tian.

The golden light directly melted into Wu Tian's body. Suddenly, there was a crackling sound all over Wu Tian's body, and then the colorful light burst out, and a ripple spread out, covering the entire surrounding million miles. The change of the world this time was completely unexpected. To Wu Tian's expectation.

Consumption is smaller.Waves of speed information appeared in Wu Tian's mind.That is Fengshen's strong point.The metamorphosis of the world.What surprised Wu Tian even more.Open world space.He actually felt the original fluctuation of the lower realm space.Wu Tiandu, the origin of the seven realms, feels the Tao even more.But the strange thing is that I can't move.

The world needs to change again.Only in this way.Maybe he can break through the barrier of the gods.Mobilize the source of the lower realm.If so.Then the entire God Realm.Only the ancient gods and Tianzun are more powerful than him.other people.No one is their own opponent.

Thinking of this, Wu Tian became excited. The transformation of time undoubtedly greatly increased his strength, and he quickly saluted Fengshen, "Thank you, senior, for your success."

"I didn't expect that you are already so powerful. Are you in the late stage of transformation? You already have the possibility of hitting the position of heaven, if the gods are not destroyed," Fengshen said lightly.

"Senior, don't worry, I, Wu Tian, ​​will definitely inherit the inheritance of the God Realm," Wu Tian said with a smile.

"The Lord of the God Realm in the next world? Then I, Fengshen, will pay respects again," said Fengshen, clasping his fists.

"Don't dare, the senior laughed." Wu Tian hurriedly returned the courtesy.

"Okay, it's time for my Wind Clan to be born," Fengshen said while looking at Shangfang. The powerful hurricane made all the surrounding gray fog and water recede, and a powerful Protoss was born.

I don't know if it's because the ancient masters of Yutian are so powerful, but this Fengshen also stepped on the ground directly, causing the entire sacred mountain to fly upwards. Such a method made Wu Tian and Mo Hao who were far outside speechless.

"Tell me, do your great elders have such means?" Wu Tian looked at Mo Hao and asked.

"Probably not," Mo Hao said.

"These people are above the current Yutian masters and below the ancient gods," Wu Tian said.

"Do you want to continue outside?" Mo Hao asked.

"Of course, I still need a change in the world space. In this case, my world may undergo a greater transformation, and I may be able to control the origin of the lower realm," Wu Tian said in shock.

"Being able to control the origin of the lower realm" Mo Hao was horrified. If he could control the origin of the lower realm, it can be said that Wu Tian would be the No. 1 under the ancient gods and celestial beings.But if Qishen researches something, then maybe.

"Didn't you say that in ancient times, the God of Rain disappeared in that chaotic era? I think the God of Rain must have comprehended the world. Without the five elements, he also has an incomplete world seed. I have a hunch that he will get the world seed." , I can establish contact with the lower realm, and I won’t be afraid of others when I say it.” Wu Tian said excitedly.

"I hope you can succeed, brother, let's go down," Mo Hao also said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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