Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 523 Shocking Discovery

Chapter 523 Shocking Discovery
How did this weapon god appear here?Could it be that all of this was arranged by the god of weapons?Shocked in my heart, the god of weapons has controlled the god of thunder?
In this way, what exactly is the God of Qi planning?What is the purpose of sealing the three world seeds here and hiding them in the sea of ​​death?What does it all matter?
with doubts.Wu Tian continued to dive.There is the source at this moment.Not afraid at all.And I still look forward to greater discoveries.I don't know if Qishen escaped.Still went down.own world space.Thousands of miles before.

If Qishen hadn't escaped so fast, he would have fallen just now.

Don't dare to consume too much.Move forward slowly.Finally, ten years later, it landed on a rocky land.I don't know if it is the bottom of the sea of ​​death.The fog here is too thick.The divine sense of less than [-] meters.Let Wu Tianke move forward cautiously.

Just as they landed, a strong breath guided Wu Tian. That wave didn't seem like a call, but just a sense of waiting to meet in the dark, which shocked Wu Tian. He didn't know why, thinking about going forward.

Don’t dare to be too fast, and after ten days, I found the place of induction. A huge castle appeared in front of me. This is not the territory of any clan. That faint sadness, unwillingness.

Even more surprising.The gray fog actually came from the castle.Spill the law in all directions.This undoubtedly shocked Wu Tian.Slowly flew up.Check out the castle.

It's just a castle that looks like a castle, with a gate in front of it, and there are no doors or windows left, and the only way to get in is the gate.

But the gray mist overflowed from the stone walls of the castle.Which is weird.Wu Tian didn't dare to mess around.There must be something hidden in it.

Standing not far away, one could feel the mighty power of the Tao. The surrounding space vibrated constantly. Wu Tian gritted his teeth and walked forward. He had already come here. It would be a pity if he didn't go in and have a look.

Hands rest on the gate.Just at the moment when I wanted to push.A feeling of heart palpitations suddenly rose.Let Wu Tian stop his hands.

push?do not push?

The feeling just now is definitely not a hallucination, but what else can make my heart palpitate?The secret induction is also in this castle, and you can only know it when you push it away.

Free up world space.The source is mobilized.Wu Tian gritted his teeth suddenly.Pushed open the door.

A powerful oppression struck.Forcibly making Wu Tian prepare well has no effect at all.A mouthful of blood spurted out.

But it's not just that.A purple divine thunder blasted out.There was a blood hole in Wu Tian's chest in an instant.Fight to close the door.Turn around and fly upwards.

Just a moment ago.The body almost collapsed.The terrifying oppression almost shattered his soul.The source is also useless.Although in just a moment.The purple qi in the divine core exploded.But I absolutely cannot resist the oppression just now.

He was seriously injured in such an instant.Let Wu Tian palpitations.Did not dare to continue exploring.I'm afraid that's where the bottom is.Fly upwards desperately.Come and explore later.

Be careful when going down.When it came up, it was galloping.A blood hole in the chest.Shen Yuan couldn't recover.Can only stop the blood flow.But that terrifying blood hole could not be recovered.Fortunately, the divine sense is still there.Fly all the way up.

Five years later.Wu Tian rushed out of the sea of ​​death.Chuan Haosu was released immediately.He quickly flew towards Chen Xuan.Mo Hao was also released.I saw a blood hole in Wu Tian's chest.Just shocked.Wu Tian's defense is clear to him.Even the Yutian level can't break his body at all.

"Brother? Have you fought against the ancient god?"

"I'm afraid it's more powerful than the ancient gods. I didn't see anything, but a divine thunder blasted into my chest," Wu Tian said depressingly.After Shen Yuan flooded the blood hole, he wanted to restore the blood hole.

"Shen Lei? Have you met the mastermind behind the scenes?" Mo Hao asked hastily.

"No, this divine thunder is emitted completely automatically. If it is controlled by someone, I'm afraid I'm dead," Wu Tian said, and then said again, "I met the Qishen below, but he was beaten away by me."

"Qi Shen? Why is my brother already able to control the origin of the lower realm?" Mo Hao said.

"That's right, I got the Rain God's World Seed, but the Rain God has already fallen, and the magic spell just sealed his left back breath," Wu Tian explained.

"What does all this have to do with Qi Shen?" Mo Hao asked.

"I don't know either. Let's go to Brother Chenxuan. I need to recover from my injuries. This blood hole shows signs of spreading," Wu Tian said suddenly in horror.

"What?" Mo Hao exclaimed.Look carefully at Wu Tian's blood hole.Surrounding them were all purple divine thunders.Wu Tian couldn't even melt away.Its strength needs no explanation.

Mo Hao had no choice.He himself was also injured.Wu Tian controlled Chuan Haosu to fly towards Chenxuan City.Out of the sea of ​​death.But the gray fog area still didn't fly out.

What surprised Wu Tian was.The area where the fog spreads is too large.This is only a few decades.The gray mist has spread to the former boundary of Qianwumen.How not to surprise Wu Tian.

Wu Tian's speed was very fast, and soon he was out of the gray fog area. Looking at the gray fog behind him, Wu Tian said lightly, "I'm afraid the God Realm will last for a hundred million years."

Looking outside, Mo Hao saw that the energy of the heavens and the earth was getting less and less, and Mo Hao also found that many sacred mountains had cracks, and there were cracks of a hundred meters in size on the ground, and said, "Yes, I wonder if the God Realm can wait until then "

Although the blood hole in his chest expanded slowly, Wu Tian had no way to recover, so he would die one day. Although Shenyuan was useless, he still kept trying to recover.

It took twenty years to fly to Chenxuan City, and the rest of the journey was completely driven by Mo Hao. Wu Tian could no longer use his divine essence indiscriminately, and his face turned pale.

Get off Chuanhaosu.Wu Tian wrapped himself with Shenyuan.Make it impossible for outsiders to find out.Followed Mo Hao into the city.

Mo Hao hurriedly asked, "Where is Senior Chen Xuan?"

"As long as you show off your momentum, you will naturally attract Senior Chen Xuan," Wu Tian said.The blood hole, which was originally the size of a fist, is now the size of a bowl, which is extremely frightening.

Hearing this, Mo Hao burst out with a frightening sky-defending aura, and all the figures around him were alarmed, and quickly flew back, but in an instant, a divine sense locked onto Mo Hao.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared beside Wu Tian and Mo Hao, and disappeared in place with a raised hand, making everyone puzzled.

"What's going on?" Chen Xuan looked at Wu Tian and Mo Hao and asked, both of them were injured at the moment.

Wu Tian said weakly, "Let's go to the ancient gods and find friends, then go explore the sea of ​​death."

"Sea of ​​Death?" Chen Xuan's face darkened, and he continued to say, "The Zhan and Feng Clan have both returned from the Sea of ​​Death. Could it be related to you? And why the gray mist of the Sea of ​​Death came out of the Sea of ​​Death, Diffusion on both sides?"

"The Zhan Clan and the Wind Clan were sealed under the Sea of ​​Death. We did release them. There is also a Protoss, the Rain Clan, but the Rain God and the entire Rain Clan have fallen. This gray fog came from a strange The place overflowed, and my body was also injured there," Wu Tian said.

Chen Xuan looked at the blood hole in Wu Tian's chest, raised his hand to stir the divine essence, and the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth also moved accordingly. Mo Hao immediately said, "It's useless, even the energy of the heaven and earth can't heal it."

Chen Xuan frowned and said, "In the whole world, there may be only one person who can save you. Unfortunately, I don't know where that person is."

"Who?" Wu Tian asked with a pale face.

"Dharma God" Chen Xuan helplessly spat out the word "Dharma God".

Wu Tian and Mo Hao looked at each other and smiled at each other. Chen Xuan was puzzled, Wu Tian said, "We know the Fashen is there," and then his face became bitter, and he said, "But hurry now, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait."

However, after dozens of years of effort, the blood hole in Wu Tian's chest has spread to such a size. If it took tens of millions, hundreds of millions of years, he would probably have died on the road. Last time he had the help of the Lion King, otherwise, how could he have arrived so quickly? Land of the Far East.

"Where is Dharma God?" Chen Xuan asked hastily.

"Land of the Far East," Wu Tian said.

Chen Xuan frowned, thought for a while, and said, "Brother Baizai, maybe wait?"

Wu Tianming understood that he was afraid that Chen Xuan would take him there himself, looked down at the blood hole, gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know, but it should be able to last for a hundred years."

"In this way, I will take you there personally. Even if I am in the late stage of Yutian, it will take a hundred years," Chen Xuan said.

"Thank you, big brother," Wu Tian clasped his fists and said.

"Wait here for a while, I'll go and explain, this sea of ​​death has changed, and I'm also evacuating those gods and men in Chenxuan." Chen Xuan disappeared after finishing speaking.

Mo Hao looked at the pale Wu Tian and said, "Maybe my brother can hold on?"

"There shouldn't be a problem. Now it's the body that is resisting the damage. Fortunately, I'm physically strong," Wu Tian said with a wry smile.

"Brother, don't worry about anything. If something happens, the God Realm will be over," Mo Hao said.

"I feel that even if I die, the God Realm will not be able to play. The black hand behind the scenes controls so many. If it is the God of Qi, then the God of Qi must have a way to save the God Realm when the God Realm turns into nothingness. He secretly controls After so many years, I don't believe it's just a vain," Wu Tian said.

"But we don't want to be controlled by the God of Qi. If the God of Qi controls everything, I am afraid that Tianzun will not be in his eyes, and we have repeatedly sabotaged his plan. Of course, the God of Qi will kill us, and those who do not obey his orders will be killed. , this is no longer the God Realm, it is a hegemonic world, and the lower realms are not at peace," Mo Hao said.

"It's fine if Wu Tian is fine." Chen Xuan appeared and said, and said again, "Let's go on the road, there is no delay at this time."

Chuan Haosu shot with a frighteningly fast speed, which allowed Wu Tian and Mo Hao to appreciate Yutian's speed. Although it was not as fast as Fengshen, it was at least at Yutian's speed. After about an hour, he shot into the gray mist , leaving Wu Tian and Mo Hao speechless.

Mo Hao sat cross-legged and recovered.The same is true for Wu Tian.Shenyuan is constantly being consumed.Although the body is also recovering.But the speed of recovery is not as fast as consumption.

After this time.Wu Tian found out.Shenlei is still extremely powerful.That Purple God Thunder is not even afraid of Yuanyuan.Give up other attention.Quiet on the perception of the divine thunder.

I don't know how long I've been here.Chen Xuan who passed through Haosu suddenly exhaled a powerful aura.Woke up Wu Tian and Mo Hao.

"Sword God?" Chen Xuan said lightly.

Wu Tian and Mo Hao were surprised.A bright sword light shot over.Chen Xuan snorted coldly.Take back Chuanhaosu.Raise your hand to shoot out the energy of heaven and earth.The sword light was scattered.

A cold figure stood in front of him, it was the Sword God.

Wu Tian and Mo Hao retreated quickly.Wu Tian is not suitable for fighting at this moment.

"Haha, Chen Xuan, you can leave, but those two boys must stay behind." At some point behind him, a figure appeared, but it was a god of weapons.

"Qi Shen?" Chen Xuan said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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