Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 94 Hayes Valley

Chapter 94 Hayes Valley
Seeing Wu Tian flashing and rushing directly towards Jiala, the three gathered quickly and jointly killed Wu Tian, ​​but Wu Tian suddenly turned around when he was halfway through the flight, and flew towards the inner valley of the Alheis Mountains.The three of them were still stunned.It never occurred to Wu Tian that under that powerful aura, he would actually run away after the violent impact.

You can run away as long as you want, but the direction of Wu Tian's escape turned out to be Neigu, if people say that he ran in the wrong direction out of fright, then the three of them would never believe it.Obviously Wu Tian planned it, Mo Lao looked at Wu Tian with a gloomy face, Wu Tian's speed was too fast, even if the surrounding space oscillated and teleportation could not be used, Wu Tian's ghost shadow fans could not fly thousands of miles away. catch up.

"Chasing." Mo Lao said angrily.

Wu Tian flew all the way to the inside of the mountain range. There is a lot of space here. There is a basin in front of it, surrounded by trees. Wu Tian quickly rushed into the woods, but thinking they could find him, Wu Tian quickly rushed underground.Use the most commonly used Five Elements Jue in the field of self-cultivation, the Tu Jue.There is the Nine Dragon Cauldron to hide the aura, Wu Tian only needs to erase the aura, Wu Tian believes that the masters of the three late-stage demons will not be able to catch him.

Wu Tian turned left and right and stopped 300 meters below.At this time, there was no breath, Wu Tian took out the Nine Dragon Cauldron and sacrificed it on top of his head. Suddenly, the body of the dancing angel gradually faded. Pass.Wu Tian was startled.But that sense of consciousness didn't stop for a moment.Wu Tian relaxed, it seems that this Nine Dragon Cauldron is really extraordinary.

Wu Tian took down the Nine Dragon Cauldron and his body turned into a real entity.Wu Tian looked at the Nine Dragon Cauldron, but Wu Tian was not in a hurry to study it now, but began to wait.

After about half a day, Wu Tian thought that those three old guys would not have been waiting for him.The spiritual consciousness was released slightly, but there was no aura of those three old guys in the forest. Wu Tian searched for a long time but couldn't find it. Slowly, his spiritual consciousness explored the valley below and found dozens of patrolling Chiwei clansmen.However, seeing that their most powerful leader is only in the magic state, Wu Tian is naturally not afraid, but in order to avoid being discovered, he withdrew his consciousness and Wu Tian rushed out.

Slowly explore the direction of the upward valley.Since you have misunderstood that I am here to snatch the sea soul liquid, then you should really go and take a peek to see what that thing is.

Just as he was about to continue sneaking in, he was shocked to find that his arm was fluctuating. Wu Tian was startled, but he was in no hurry.this is so unexpected


Noisy voices erupted in an instant, Wu Tian immediately ran, and a voice sounded behind him, "Boy, you can really hide. I didn't find you after looking for you for a long time, and you came to the door by yourself."

Wu Tian turned his head and saw that it was Gala, one of the three who was chasing him.But how people say it is also the late stage of the Great Demon, which is equivalent to the master of the Mahayana stage in the cultivation world.These guys can fly up after 200 years in this world, and the big demons need to cross the catastrophe in the early to mid-term.Therefore, all the great demons in the Demon Cultivation Realm are powerful existences.

Jia La was very annoyed, it was because Wu Tian chose to attack in his direction, which made him feel that this guy might think he was easy to bully.Gala, who was originally narrow-minded, couldn't suppress her anger even more.Chasing this Wu Tian thinking about how to torture this guy to death.

Wu Tian saw that Jia La was chasing ferociously, and he accelerated again at a very fast speed. Sighing, he secretly wondered if that guy was crazy, chasing him so desperately?

The more you don't let me in, I want to go in, you don't let me snatch the sea soul liquid, today your uncle snatched it up, and found a place to hide it.Looking at the golden silkworm butterfly pattern on the arm, it became more and more clear, and quickly sacrificed the Nine Dragon Cauldron on the top of the head, the body gradually faded, and the breath on the arm was also hidden, Wu Tian waited and looked at the arm.

About three hours passed.Sunbursts of sunlight flashed on Wu Tian's arm, and an elf-like little human head emerged.Wu Tian was taken aback. This time it was not in the shape of a fleshy bug, but a cute child's head. Slowly, more and more white lights appeared in his arms, reaching a dazzling level. Wu Tian knew that the golden silkworm butterfly Transformed once.

After the white light passed, Wu Tian was dumbfounded. On his arm was a cute elf with turquoise wings, one by one. The whole body looked like a human being, about [-] centimeters in height, with white skin and green wings?How cute it is, looking at Wu Tian with big watery eyes, there seems to be a direct connection between himself and Golden Silkworm Die, but I can’t say for sure, suddenly Wu Tian feels like he is his own child, which makes Wu Tian burst into tears Depressed and speechless, isn't it this guy.

He stared fiercely at Jin Candie and said, "Don't think that I don't know you if you change your vest." Looking at Jin Candie's watery eyes, I won't be confused by you, hum. I can't stew you now, Lost you another day."

Golden Silkworm Die's watery eyes didn't seem to work on Wu Tian.Instantly change your image.A flying knife, Wu Tian opened his mouth next to his ear and bit and hummed softly.Come hard.

There was a tingling sensation from the ear bitten by the golden silkworm butterfly, just like being bitten by an ant.Wu Tian knew that he had nothing to do with this guy now, so he could only hold him down with his hand and said, "Don't make trouble, you will be my daughter from now on, you know, since you have become a little butterfly now, you will be my daughter in the future." Wu Caidie, "

After hearing that Wu Tian had named herself, the golden silkworm butterfly flew happily, flying around Wu Tian, ​​sitting on Wu Tian's shoulders for a while, lying on top of Wu Tian's head for a while, and burrowing into the ground for a while. In Wu Tian's hair, just here and there, he hugged Wu Tian back and forth, which made Wu Tian very happy.

After Wu Tian and Xiao Caidie had been arguing for a long time, they took back the Nine Dragon Cauldron. Wu Tian found that the little Cai Die had retracted back to his body in an instant. Wu Tian secretly looked at the Nine Dragon Cauldron strangely. Oh?When Laojun Yougu gave this Nine Dragon Cauldron to him, he said that neither he nor his master knew what type of magic weapon it was.Since even the Golden Silkworm Die Dou is afraid, it should not be too bad.

Just like this small tripod ten centimeters in size, Wu Tian slightly probed it with his spiritual sense, only to see a weak aura cut off his spiritual sense, and he could only use some of the formulas given to him by Old Master Yougu to open it up a little bit. Functions, such as hiding breath, as for refining medicine, Wu Tian hasn't tried it yet.The defense has never tried him out.I don't know if this thing is as powerful as a fairy weapon. It is a small black tripod with nine dragons entwined inside the tripod.Kowloon seems to cover the small tripod more like a lid.Wu Tian is now a little curious about the Nine Dragon Cauldron, as if it is necessary for him to reveal this secret.

(End of this chapter)

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