Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 103 Dad Worried About Disturbing You, So He Has Been Sitting Here

Chapter 103 Dad Worried About Disturbing You, So He Has Been Sitting Here

Gu Siling watched as Gu Han's small mouth landed on Qiao Ran's face one after another.
At first, I thought it was nothing, but after more times, my eyes fell on Qiao Ran's face.

Qiao Ran was sleeping on her side, but her face was slightly upward, her ears were next to his arm, her rosy mouth was slightly parted, and she was indescribably sexy.

Looking at it from his angle, the fundus of his eyes became deeper and deeper, his throat moved, and his eyes moved away.

However, Gu Han seemed to be having fun, kissing endlessly, more and more frequently.

Gu Siling was even more irritable in his heart, and inexplicable emotions were growing in his heart~

Looking at the little guy's actions, he felt more and more glaring.

For the last time, as soon as the little guy lowered his head, he felt his forehead was lifted by something.

Looking up, it turned out to be Dad's hand, which was so big and strong that he couldn't struggle.

Looking up, he saw his father's eyes that were about to spit fire, his small body flinched, and he stepped back resentfully, swallowing his saliva.

"Dad, that~ I'll go and play for a while!"

As he said that, he quickly slipped out of bed, squatted on the ground, put on his shoes, and ran away clutching his buttocks.

Dad's eyes were so scary just now, he doesn't want to be spanked!
In case Ran Ran sees it, stop being a human being!
Qiao Ran slept until she woke up naturally, she has always been like this, as long as she gets enough sleep, she will wake up quickly no matter what time of day it is.

Qiao Ran opened her eyes and stared fixedly for a while before realizing something was wrong.

In her hand, it seems to be holding an arm? The veins are bulging, as if it belongs to a man!
His thoughts froze for a few seconds, and he blinked several times before he was sure of the answer in his heart. He raised his head in panic, and saw Gu Siling's handsome and stern face facing him!
The eyes that were as deep as the deep sea locked her tightly, and a chill could not help but appear on her back, turned over and sat up, and called Mr. Gu in panic.

Gu Siling's arm was like a hot potato, and Qiao Ran threw it away.

Seeing this, Gu Siling couldn't help frowning, and was about to take back his hand, only to realize that it was really numb, as if thousands of ants were crawling when he moved.

Seeing Gu Siling's expressionless face, Qiao Ran felt uneasy for a moment, and looked out the window, only to realize that the sun had already set in the west, and there was even a thin twilight.

When she came back to her senses, it should be around 12:30 when she fell asleep. At this moment, it should be six or seven o'clock!

Qiao Ran pursed her lips and looked away, and saw the little guy rushing over at some point, holding her hand, acting like a baby.

"Ran Ran, you're awake, didn't you sleep well last night? You can have dinner now!"

Speaking of dinner, Qiao Ran suddenly remembered that she hadn't taken the little guy to lunch yet. The little guy said he would wait for his father, but she fell asleep before he came.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel guilty, and asked softly, "Have you eaten yet? Hanhan!"

The little guy nodded, "I've already eaten, and I ate it with my nursing sister at noon!"

Qiao Ran thinks about it too, the children of the aristocratic family, no matter what, cannot be starved.

After a moment of relief, I heard the little guy say again, "But, Dad hasn't eaten yet, you've been holding Dad's arm, and Dad is worried about disturbing you, so you've been sitting here."

As he spoke, he raised his small face and looked at Gu Siling, blinking his eyes, "Really, Dad?"

However, it was obvious that Gu Siling didn't appreciate it, and his tone was indifferent, and he even tapped Gu Han's forehead.

"You talk too much!"

 Mr. Gu's possessiveness is so strong~ He doesn't even allow his son to kiss his mother, so disgusting~haha~
(End of this chapter)

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