Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 108 Gu Han Small Theater

Chapter 108 Gu Han Small Theater (3400)

A pink girl was transferred from Gu Han's class and became his front desk.

In the first class, the little girl sitting at the front desk turned around from time to time, hesitating to speak!
Until the end of get out of class, the last second when the teacher walked out of the classroom, the little girl blatantly lay down on her stomach.

With a quirky appearance and a ruffian voice, "Hey~ what's your name?"

Gu Han stared at the beautiful and cute little girl for a few seconds, his tone was very similar to the tone that mommy sometimes talks to daddy.

Thinking about it, the little guy's eyes were dark, his lips were pursed, and his voice was moist.

"My father calls me little boy, my mother calls me little guy, Da Da calls me little cutie! Well~you can call me little Hanhan!"

The little girl rolled her big black grape-like eyes, pretending to realize suddenly.

"Oh~ so your last name is Xiao~ what a coincidence, my name is Xiaofufu, if you like me, you will become happier~"

With a long tail tune, the typical baby voice is very nice.

The little girl Gu Han was listening, her ears were almost drunk, and her cheeks were so hot after being teased by the little girl's words.

After staring at the little girl's pretty face for several seconds, she still couldn't help but speak.

"The last sentence, do you often say that to people?"

The little girl was sure and replied, "No, you are the first!!"

Mainly, a temporary name~

Gu Han pursed his lips, his face was faintly arrogant, and his voice was rare and domineering.

"Then I can only call you by your name from now on!!"

"Hmm~" The girl supported her chin with her small hand, and tapped her chin with her slender index finger every now and then.

"Look at your performance~"

So, every day, no matter the weather, the little girl Gu Han handed over a big piece of Dove chocolate to the little girlfriend in front of her!
The money to buy chocolates is naturally obtained from Mommy's cuteness!
Dad never gave him pocket money, saying that he was greedy for snacks and didn't eat well, hum~ really depressed!
A man has no money in his pocket, so shameless!!!
Gu Han's little friend called "Little Happiness" for most of the semester, and one day, the truth finally came out.

I was reported to the class teacher by the "little fat man" who likes little happiness in the class, and then my father was called!
This incident was also an accident. Usually it was Mommy who came here. I don’t know what happened today, but it was Dad who came here!
The little fat man is also in the office. When the teacher said, he followed the teacher's tail and said that he bought Dove chocolates for girls every day!
Gu Han couldn't help but have a headache, his father will definitely ask him where the money came from soon!
Maybe, you have to face the wall when you get home!
I wish mommy was home!
Usually he listens to his father, dad listens to mommy, and mommy listens to him!
With Mommy, he is fearless!
But, with Mommy not around, he still doesn't have the guts to jump up and down in front of Dad~
However, the fact is that the worries of little girl Gu Han are superfluous!
After returning home, Dad immediately drove him into the study room. He thought he was going to be beaten, and he was covering his little butt.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came in, Dad quickly closed the door of the study room and locked it.

When he turned around, his face was serious again, unlike the expression when he closed the door just now.

Holding him by the collar, he lifted him to the desk, sat on the armchair like a gentleman, and then pointed his fingers at him.

This action, Dad didn't do it before, probably learned from Mommy.

Because a few times, he saw Mommy hooking fingers to Dad, and then Mommy kissed Dad on the face!
However, he kept pretending that he didn't see it, because every time Mommy kissed Dad, he would be kissed by Dad for a long time.

If they found out, Mommy would be embarrassed, and Dad would definitely beat his little ass to the ground!
Hmph~ Dad just doesn't look like dad anymore!
I spanked his butt a few times in front of mommy, and he was in pain and lost face, so he hugged mommy and cried hard!
Once, after being whipped by his father at night, he cried for a long time in Mummy's arms, and then he fell asleep before Mummy left his small bedroom.

However, when he woke up the next day and had breakfast, he realized that Mommy seemed to be ignoring Dad!
Dad took a good look at his face, he hesitated to speak, and finally went to work without talking to Mommy.

Since then, for two or three days, Mommy slept in his small bedroom!
He likes it, he can brazenly hug Mommy, and he can even kiss Mommy.

However, such a "good day" did not pass for a few days. One afternoon, Dad went to the hospital to pick up Mommy from get off work, and then, they made up!
This was within his expectation, so his reaction was very normal, but another thing was completely unexpected.

He thought that if Mommy tried hard, Dad would never spank his ass in the future!
And then!!
Since then, every time he caused trouble, his father locked him in the study and punished him secretly, and he was not allowed to cry, and he was not allowed to tell Mommy!
Talk about man talk!
Hmph~ It's so grandiose, it's just because he looks young and bullies him!
Thinking that he doesn't know, avenging his personal revenge, and occupying Mommy, he can't see Mommy always playing with him!
An old vinegar jar, the king of East Asian vinegar~

When he grows up, he will take a piece of proper fresh meat, and then take away the old vinegar's money, and take Mommy and Xiao Xingfu away~

Let this spanking bastard regret it!
Little friend Gu Han's two little hands are sticking to the seam of his trousers, his back is straight, and his standard military posture is also requested by his father!
A fierce battle between heaven and man was going on in my mind, and I saw several red grandpa Mao appeared in front of my eyes!
That’s right, it’s the glowing red Grandpa Mao~
Immediately, his eyes widened, staring fixedly at Qian Qian, who was close at hand, almost cross-eyed~
A piece of red Maoye can buy many Dove chocolates!
Then these few photos, do you have Dove chocolates for several months?

Qian Qian dangled in front of his eyes, his eyes were really tired, but he still didn't want to blink, once he blinked, Qian Qian would definitely disappear!
Just as I was thinking, laughter suddenly came from above my head, as well as my father's cello-like voice.

"Little money fan~ Don't tell others when you go out, you are my seed, it's a shame!"

Gu Han came back to his senses, he was unhappy, in front of Qian Qian, he didn't dare to show it on his face, his thin lips pursed, his words were all flattering, and his eyes were still on Grandpa Mao!
"I was born to Mommy, so I must be from Dad~ Mommy likes Dad so much, so I like it too!"

Saying that, I feel so immoral~
Gu Siling raised his eyebrows, and there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth. He also knew that the little guy was usually under strict control. He didn't give him pocket money, and he didn't allow others to give it.

Therefore, in the eyes of the little guy, a few hundred dollars is undoubtedly a small treasury. Holding it in his hand, he feels that he has become a little rich man.

Gu Siling took the little guy's little hand, put the money into Hanhan's hand, and was indeed looking into the little guy's eyes, negotiating.

"You can give me the money. From now on, you are not allowed to pester my wife at night, do you hear me!!"

Gu Han: "."

Sure enough, there will be no pies in the sky!
He really wanted Mommy to sleep with him, but he also wanted money, and Mommy usually didn't dare to give him more, for fear that Dad would find out.

After hesitating, it doesn't matter, Dad threw another bomb over.

"If you don't agree, not only will your mommy not secretly give you pocket money, but I will also help that little fat man abduct your little girlfriend!"

Gu Han: "."

Am I your son?

Why is there such a mean dad?
But what did Dad just say? Mommy secretly gave him money?
Did dad already know?
If he doesn't agree, Mommy won't give her any money in the future, so wouldn't he have no money to buy Dove chocolates for Little Happiness?
After thinking about it, I just nodded!
Sigh~ Why do men embarrass men, but it's all to occupy their own wives!!
Gu Han didn't expect that with this nod, not only did he get Grandpa Mao, but his father also said that the money from Mommy can be taken as usual.

Of course he knew, otherwise, wouldn't this deal between men be a leak?
In addition, the father also said that he can reimburse the full amount of the little girlfriend's chocolate!
After staying with Dad for so long, still can't figure out what Dad is thinking?
I must be thinking, help him catch up with her girlfriend, so he won't pester Mommy~

Although he is neither rich nor rich, his girlfriend's chocolates are not allowed to be bought by others!
Several years later, little friend Gu Han finally reconciled with Little Happiness!
When he mentioned the past, he couldn't help laughing, the corners of his mouth were full of smiles, he fell in love with Xiaofu, and he really became happier and happier!
Little Happiness joked that when Gu Han introduced himself as cute, Gu Han had an innocent expression on his unparalleled face.

"I said that at the time, it's not trying to be cute, it's obviously flirting with girls, okay~"

Little Happiness pouted her red lips, and raised her delicate chin slightly, feeling that Gu Han's methods of teasing girls were really low.

"What do you call flirting? You're not as good as me!!"

When Gu Han was told this by his wife, he couldn't hold back. He was indeed very low, but he still didn't want to admit it.

"But, yours is not necessarily brilliant, where is it going?"

"Why is it so smart that you can't go anywhere? It's obvious that you are too stupid, okay? With your surname and my name, isn't it smart?"

Gu Han: "."

Little Hanhan, Little Happiness, seems to be the same!!
But, how old were they at that time, Xiao Xingfu's mind was really extremely smart!
However, in this way, does it mean that he failed to flirt with a girl, and was flirted instead?
My wife is so smart, she really felt pressured, but fortunately she has already married and returned home!
Dove chocolate, that's a joke too!
Once, Xiao Xingfu went to the bathroom after class, and the little fat man came over, holding a large piece of chocolate in his hand, which was exactly the same as the one Gu Han gave Xiao Xingfu.

The little fat man said that Gu Han gave Little Happiness the chocolates, and Little Happiness gave it to him every day.

As he spoke, he took out a lot of money from his pocket.The little fat man spoke with gusto and logic.

Gu Han didn't believe it at first, but he thought that Xiao Xingfu had never eaten the chocolate he gave him in front of him, and, recently, he had indeed gotten closer to the little fat man.

Thinking about it, she became a little restless, took Xiao Xingfu's schoolbag, and the usual chocolate grid, and there was nothing there.

Anger suddenly surged in my heart, Gu Han, who has always been well-behaved, hit someone for the first time.

It was only later that I realized that the little happiness was not given to the little fat man, but he was reluctant to eat it, and treasured it all!
On the day she became an adult, she took him to her house, and he was stunned to see the cabinet full of chocolates stored at a constant temperature!
He has seen girls who collect jewelry, bags, and high-heeled shoes, but he has never seen one who collects chocolates!
Chocolate is easy to melt, and it takes a lot of effort to keep it intact here!
But, this girl who fell in love with each other at first sight, she did it!
In this way, witness the years they have gone through together!
Therefore, for the rest of his life, the next life, he knew that this girl would belong to him!
Later, thinking of these things about Dove's chocolate, he sighed with a smile and complained to Xiao Xingfu.

"Did you know? The first time my father gave me money was because of this Dove chocolate!"

Little Happiness tilted his head, his voice turned, and he let out an oh, showing that he was very interested.

Qiao Ran came out of the kitchen and just walked to the door, when she heard what Gu Han said, she stopped and couldn't help asking, "When did your father give you money to buy chocolate?"

Gu Han: "."

Hurry up and shut up, mom hasn't known about this yet? !
 Mr. Gu made a lot of soy sauce!
  I don’t know if the babies read every sentence carefully, these 3400 words contain a lot of information!
  Mr. Gu dotes on Qiao Ran very much, he is very domineering and black-bellied, I don't know if the babies can empathize~
  Although everyone doesn't like bubbling, I wrote it and sent it to everyone~

  Have a nice weekend~

(End of this chapter)

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