Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 113 Dad, what do you mean, do you also want to marry Mommy?

Chapter 113 Dad, what do you mean, do you also want to marry Mommy
Hanhan in the car watched his mother get farther and farther away from him until she couldn't see her at all, then turned around and sat down in a well-behaved manner.

The expression on his face was so depressed that he stared at his father who was driving in front of him.

When speaking, the tone is very bad, it will hurt people!
"Father, it's no wonder you're too old to marry a wife. You have such a bad temper. What's the use of being handsome?"

"I managed to chase Mommy for you today, but you still yelled at Mommy~"

"Look, if no one wants your old bone in the future, don't say that I didn't help your son!"

"Mommy, on the other hand, is very good-looking and gentle. There must be many handsome uncles chasing her~"

"When my mommy gets married, I'll be her flower girl and leave you alone at home~ When the time comes, don't cry."

A person was chattering in the back seat, not forgetting to look at the mirror in front from time to time, his movements were casual.

It's nothing more than to see if my aggressive method works, and to see if my father is angry, so that he can accept it when he sees it!
However, Dad seems to have the same expression from the beginning to the end, except for the frown that seems to be tied in a knot, there is no other expression!
He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Based on his understanding of his father, this shouldn't be the result!
Very depressed, he lowered his head, pointed at his fingers, and reflected on himself, wondering if Dad had any other painful feet, so that he could step on them.

Gu Hanwu was lost in thought, his little feet landed in the air, and he sat on the car seat, unable to touch the ground, and moved from time to time.

What Gu Siling saw in the rearview mirror was Gu Han's expression, and he couldn't help laughing.

The little boy's frustrated expression is simply a classic!
Aren’t emoji packs popular now? If there is a little guy’s emoji pack, within three days, maybe the new generation of Internet celebrities!
That little expression of thinking hard, doesn't know what's going on in his little head.

In fact, he is also in a mess now. For some reason, just now Qiao Ran wanted to draw a line with him, and he was inexplicably upset.

He has always been the only one who draws a clear line of boundaries with other women. He has never said anything like this before, but he was wiped out first.

He didn't want to talk at first, but seeing the little guy racking his brains there, he couldn't help but bring up the topic.

As expected of father and son, when they hit each other, they picked the weakest places.

Jiang is old and spicy. When Gu Han hit his father, there was still grievance in his voice. Unlike Gu Siling, he was completely careless.

"You are young, and you think things are simple. There is nothing wrong with that! But, Dad has to tell you a reality."

"Your mommy is close to you now, it's nothing more than you are the only child."

"When she really gets married to that so-called handsome uncle of yours and has a baby again, your mommy will definitely not have time to accompany you any longer!"

"So, you have to think about it, whether to stand on Dad's side or on your so-called handsome uncle's side."

There was a sudden ding in Gu Han's head, and he suddenly realized, yes, if Mommy and Dad get married, he can also be a flower girl!
What was Dad saying just now, though, on his side?
Does dad mean that he also wants to marry mommy?
Gu Han covered his mouth and smiled, his calf jumped to the ground, and he lay down on the back of the sofa where his father was sitting.

"Dad, what do you mean, do you also want to marry Mommy?"

(End of this chapter)

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