Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 129 Didn't call him Mr. Fu, but you!

Chapter 129 Didn't call him Mr. Fu, but you!
Until he came to a corridor, Fu Yunshen's mind still flashed that gentle and bright smile when Qiao Ran pinched Gu Han's cheek just now!

He didn't expect that after so many things, this seemingly fragile girl still kept that innocent smile!

Every time she saw him, she would turn her face coldly, and when talking to him, she would always be tit for tat!
He thought that he would never see that smile in his midnight dream again in this life, but he didn't want to see it today.

Although, that smile was not directed at him!
However, does this also mean that even if the edges and corners are smoothed by life, she is still her!

That she who is sometimes well-behaved and sometimes rebellious!
That mentality is very fragile, she longs for attention and to be valued, but she always pretends to be strong and doesn't care!
If someone else gave her a ray of sunshine, she would hug her for the whole spring!

In fact, she has a child now, which is not a good thing!

The child is pure in nature, very similar to her hidden temperament, and it is easy to guide her to grow towards the sunny place.

He has always been worried that the misfortune of the family in the past, the disaster in prison, and his indifference will leave a shadow on her.

It will drive her to be cynical and go back to the old days when she led a bunch of punks, messing around and running amok!
Although, her group of little guys, four years ago, since she was imprisoned, he secretly disbanded everyone!
Threats and lures, S City will never find that group of people again!

But since he knew she was released from prison, he was always uneasy and worried about her all the time!
She works in a bar, which is also a place where it is easy to lead people into bad and corrupt!
And her refusal to accept his help also made him feel an unprecedented sense of powerlessness in his heart!

In fact, if someone asked him now, he would not regret it after agreeing to Qing Ge and sending Qiao Ran to prison five years ago!

The answer can be imagined, he regretted it very much, very regretful!

I didn't see her before, this feeling is very light, as long as I don't relax, I won't think about it.

Five years, to him, passed quickly!However, I saw her for the first time not long ago, and saw that white swan who was always aloof, lowered his posture and drank with others for a few thousand dollars!

That feeling of pain and regret was stronger than ever!
Qiao Ran was standing at the corner of the corridor, seeing Fu Yunshen lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking, with a gloomy expression, she had an inexplicable illusion!
At this moment, Fu Yunshen seemed very fragile and very sad!
She pursed her lips and looked aside, but she couldn't help but start to think wildly, her thoughts were wild!

Many memories of Fu Yunshen and her in the past floated through her mind. At that time, even though her family was not happy, the only sunshine was given to her by him!

The two were silent, and the air seemed to stop flowing!
Qiao Ran couldn't bear this oppressive feeling any more, she swallowed in her throat, trying to make her voice as normal as possible when she spoke!
"Hurry up and say what you want to say, Hanhan is still waiting for me!"

Fu Yunshen naturally recognized the change in Qiao Ran's voice!

He didn't call him Mr. Fu, he said, you!
Even so, it made Fu Yunshen's mood brighter a lot, as if a ray of spring breeze had blown, his whole heart was softened!
There were smiles on the brows and corners of the eyes, and even a little bit of joy, as she looked up at Qiao Ran!
(End of this chapter)

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