Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 131 Uncle 5 was washed away by the water in the toilet

Chapter 131 Uncle Xiao Wu Was Washed Away by the Toilet Water

"Auntie knows the way. If Auntie takes you there, you won't be able to miss Uncle Xiaowu!"

"Okay, thank you, Auntie!" The voice was crisp and pleasing!
Walking to the door of the bathroom, Gu Han stretched his head and looked inside, then turned his head and said to He Qingge, "Auntie, wait for me at the door, I'll go in and urge Uncle Xiao Wu!"

After Gu Han finished speaking, he slipped into the bathroom, hid in a corner, and sent a voice message to his father to inform him!

"Dad, come to the second floor quickly. Mummy just met a handsome, tall, and cool uncle. They had a great chat~ If you don't come, you won't have a wife anymore!"

Seeing that the voice had been completely uttered, he walked slowly outside, and when he reached the door, he looked dejected again.

Complain to He Qingge, "Auntie, I think Uncle Xiao Wu must have been washed away by the water in the toilet!"

He Qingge: "..."

Flushed away by the water in the toilet, what is Shen Qingjue?She's too embarrassed to get to the bottom of it!

You said, this little guy, at such a young age, why is his mouth so poisonous!
Kneeling down, he couldn't help teasing the little guy, "You say that about your Uncle Fifth, does he know?"

Unexpectedly, the little guy was not afraid, and said with certainty, "Hmph~ He left me alone, why don't you let me say it!"

"It's hard to go out with me for a stroll, and the time is wasted on going to the toilet. If you want me to say, this is lazy cows, lazy horses, and a lot of shit!"

He Qingge: "..."

Immediately, she felt that if she wanted to say a few more words, maybe the little guy would give her a shocking comment in front of her!
Gu Siling lined up. Seeing that it would be his turn to pay soon, Qiao Ran and the little guy hadn't come down yet. He looked at the second floor several times, but they still couldn't see him, so he had to wait.

After a while, it was his turn, so he had no choice but to ask the people behind to pay first. After giving up several times in a row, he was naturally a little impatient!
How much fruit does this woman want to buy!The little kid will follow him no matter what, do you have any experience as a mommy?
Children, especially boys, are so used to it since they were young, and they must be full of bad habits when they grow up!

However, when he took out his mobile phone and was about to call Qiao Ran, he saw a WeChat message, sent by a brat!
Don't call if you have something to do, send a voice!If you meet him when he is busy, by the time he knows, the day lily will be cold!
Even though I thought so, I quickly turned on the voice, the voice was a bit low, and I couldn't hear it clearly due to the noisy surroundings, so I pressed the earpiece mode!
Well, when Gu Siling heard what the little guy said, his face turned green with anger!

It was conceivable that the little guy's voice was heard in the long line.

Especially that sentence, if you don't come, you won't have a wife anymore!
At the back of the line, some people who only heard their voices but didn't see them even stretched their heads to look at his place!
And that, the saleswoman he was standing there just now, staring at him obsessively, after hearing the voice, the expression on her face suddenly looked like she had eaten a fly!
So, the tyrant boss got angry, pushed the cart, and walked towards the second floor with the low temperature of several hundred degrees below zero while walking!

When he went up to the second floor, he even had the illusion that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him at the back of his head!
In the past, others stared at him with expressions of admiration or admiration, but why was it like this, for the first time in history, he was ashamed at grandma's house!

 Uncle Xiaowu was washed away by the water in the toilet, haha, he laughed so unkindly~~

  What time do you think about the first watch and the second watch, babies?
(End of this chapter)

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