Chapter 142
Qiao Ran paused when she packed up her things, and pursed her lips, "It should be, I already have Han Han, I want to be with him well!"

"Then have you considered Gu Siling? What do you think of him?"

Because Qiao Ran didn't tell Han Jing about her previous affairs in detail, let alone the names of the parties involved, Han Jing actually only knew about Gu Siling and Gu Han, but didn't know about her relationship with He Qingge or Fu Yunshen. entanglement.

The corners of Qiao Ran's mouth were slightly bent, and her tone was calm and breezy.

"Mr. Gu, he's pretty good, but it's impossible for me to like him!"

Han Jing put down the things in her hands, very puzzled, "Gu Siling is a well-known golden single man in S City, and he is the dream lover in the eyes of all women. Are you sure you don't want to think about it?"

"It can't be because of He Qingge, right? Ranran, think about it, those celebrity gossips are just rumors, and few of them are true!"

"Besides, you and him already have Hanhan, if we are together, it would be great for you and Hanhan!"

Han Jingyu was talking to Qiao Ran earnestly, almost at the end of her words. For the first time, she felt that her language was so lacking.

Qiao Ran put the things into the suitcase, zipped it up, and then got up, calm and calm!
"Quiet, I'm serious! This is not He Qingge's problem, it's me! Qi Dafei, Gu Siling is not my lover!"

Han Jing looked at Qiao Ran's calm expression when she said this, and said nothing more.

Qiao Ran has always been rational, and when she does things, she is even more rational than her. If this is the case, it will not be a sudden idea.

Han Jing liked the house Shen Qingjue bought very much, and ran around upstairs and downstairs.

With undisguised liking in her eyes, she pulled Qiao Ran and told her what and where she liked!
I completely forgot how I disdained and even looked down on Shen Qingjue's eyes in the hospital yesterday!
Qiao Ran smiled and said nothing, Han Jing's temperament is very small, she likes it if she likes it, and doesn't like it if she doesn't like it, and she doesn't specifically carry emotions.

However, it was quite a coincidence that Han Jing showed her the photos of her and Jiang Xin's wedding room, although it was only some parts, it was very similar to this one!
So, the first time she came in, she had a feeling that Han Jing would definitely like it here!
Han Jing is satisfied, of course it couldn't be better!
Qiao Ran's plan is to take the little guy out to play after the little guy calls her.

Yesterday, he talked about asking Shen Qingjue to take him out to play, so he must have been thinking about it for a long time.

However, it's past lunch time, and the little guy hasn't called her yet, so she doesn't know what's going on.

I called Gu Siling several times, but no one answered. The next time, it was Gu Siling's secretary who answered.

"Ms. Qiao, hello, Mr. Gu is in a meeting. May I ask what you need from Mr. Gu? I can take you to convey it!"

Qiao Ran recognized it, it was the woman who brought her clothes and mobile phone last time!
Qiao Ran pursed her lips, feeling a little uncomfortable for some reason.

"I'm not looking for Mr. Gu. I want to ask Gu Han. Yesterday he asked me to take him out to play, but his phone didn't work!"

The female secretary paused, looked towards the office chair, and answered after receiving her gaze.

"Hello Miss Qiao, the young master is going to kindergarten today, you can ask him out again this weekend!"

Qiao Ran: "Okay, thank you!"

Qiao Ran hung up the phone and looked at the phone, why did Han Han suddenly go to kindergarten?
(End of this chapter)

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