Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 144 He Qingge: Do you think I will be afraid of you?

Chapter 144 He Qingge
He Qingge took out his mobile phone and clicked on the received recording. When he heard every sentence in it, his whole body was shaking non-stop, his breathing was short of breath, and his face was hideous and terrifying.

With a strong wave, the phone flew out, hit the wall, and almost shattered when it fell to the ground.

Bending over, it took a long time before he gritted his teeth and spit out a few words!
"Qiao Ran, you want to take Yun Shen away, wait for your next life!"

"I won't let you go, if I don't kill you, I won't be called He Qingge in this life!!"

"Let you be clean for a few days, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

As he said that, he stumbled upstairs, took out another mobile phone from the bedroom, found a private number, and dialed it.

"Follow me a person. The staff at the Predestined bar is called Selle, and her Chinese name is Qiao Ran. Her friend had an accident a few days ago. You can find out when you inquire at the bar!"

"When will you start tracking? You still have to ask me? I paid you to do things, please bring your own heads!"

After hanging up the phone, leaning against the wall, her heart fluctuated a few times, she grasped the flowing curly hair with both hands.

Thinking, she was negligent after all. When she met Qiao Ran two days ago, she sent someone to encourage Qiao Ran's roommate to cause a commotion.

She thought that Qiao Ran would be flustered for a few days and would not have time to take care of her. She took this opportunity to come up with a countermeasure to find a balance between Gu Siling and Fu Yunshen as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Ran had already hooked up with Fu Yunshen, and what Fu Yunshen said to Qiao Ran was more like a knife on her heart.

In particular, after Qiao Ran finished saying that sentence, the audio stopped abruptly, and the cropping was just right!
She didn't even dare to think about it!
Now, there is a rift between her and Gu Siling, Fu Yunshen, no matter what she is, she must be held tightly!
Thinking of this, she suddenly thought of another thing. After Qiao Ran's friend had an accident, she sent someone to investigate secretly, but she couldn't find any news.

Even if it is a small person, it should be talked about by people with long tongues, but they didn't, it was silent.

How could this matter be handled so neatly if there were no powerful people behind Qiao Ran to back it up!
She didn't pay much attention to it at first, but now that she thinks about it, it's all suspicious, and she was also negligent, and didn't send anyone to follow Qiao Ran.

As a result, now, Qiao Ran has to be re-investigated!
But what upset her was far more than that, there was also Gu Siling, and now she was determined to let her make a choice!
Two days ago, she went to the company to look for him several times, but was blocked from the door.

She was wronged, so she called Gu Siling and asked him to ask someone to let him go, but she didn't want Gu Siling to ask her back!
"Qing Ge, if you came here a few more times in the past, would the company's security still stop you?"

"Since I let you look down on me so much and can't be your backer, why do you come to me?"

That's right, she was strongly aware of Gu Siling's transformation, but she couldn't see him!
There is no villa, during the day, she also has to accept advertisements!
Although she relied on Gu Siling and Fu Yunshen to get where she is today.But in her thinking, it is still deeply rooted to make a lot of money.

Money can turn ghosts around, with money, she can do anything!
Thus, missed opportunities to explain again and again.

In her heart, there is actually an element of anger, Gu Siling has always held her in his hands, and when she sees her gloomy, he will also coax her!
Now that she is so humble, but still can't see him, can't she be angry?
(End of this chapter)

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